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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Level 5 - snow.

Level 4 is the underwater level. Level 5 is snow. I didn't create the snowman and igloo seen here, but I did arrange the version of "Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow" in the background. I stole the snowflake shape from Wingdings. I also made a black outline for the hamburger because apparently people requested it. So I obliged, although I don't personally like it, but OK. So now I need to design 5 more levels and some ending screens. One for a non-perfect score (<1000) and one fo


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Features bonanza

Put in a few features in my Virtual Boy game. Yes, the dreaded auto-pausing feature makes an appearance in a homebrew game. I also put in the ipd/focus adjustment screen. And to make sure the auto-pause paused after 15 minutes. I played it for 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes later, it worked. My message came up on the screen. I also put in a battery low message. When the battery in the Virtual Boy gets low, a picture of a battery appears on screen next to the score. That was


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

level 3 finished

I changed how the game works. Instead of you needing to shoot 80 milkshakes to force the boss fight, you just need to pass 80 milkshakes. Everything else is about the same. When 20 pass, you get the faster ones, when 40 pass, you get the up and down milkshakes, when 60 pass, you get a random choosing. Starting on level 3 though, I made the boss milkshake move up and down. This makes it a little harder for you to shoot it. Also, you MUST shoot the boss milkshake 20 times to pass the level. I some


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Level 3 - the desert.

The desert, complete with cacti and Giza-like pyramids, is the backdrop for level 3. I guess I should mention that when the level changes, the music changes and the chance of the milkshakes shooting you increasing. So unless I decide to add in another type of enemy, the main part of the game is complete. All I have to do is keep thinking of different places for the hamburgers to be flying around. But I think I will change something: The boss. I think I'll add in him moving up and down in the lat


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Almost done with level 2

I put what I have on the website today. I started work on making some milkshakes be able to shoot onion rings. First I did it with every milkshake. Then when I had that done, I made it so only a few did it. The plan is the higher the level number, the higher percentage chance a milkshake will shoot onion rings. Leading up to the final level, where every milkshake will shoot at you. So I start level 2 with an about 1 in 8 chance. Then I found a bug about the onion ring going missing if you die in


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Sneak peek at level 2

I also made page 1 and 2 of the instruction booklet in case I get far enough to publish it. Here is what level 2 might look like. I need to add in some more code before I want to make it available though.


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Boss fight again

While I was checking the game to make sure it worked okay last night, I had some issue pop up once I got to the boss fight. The onion rings appeared before the giant milkshake came in from the right. I must have spent at least two hours trying to correct the dumb problem. After that it occurred to me that I had been putting in 'shakey' when I should have been putting in 'shakex'. A few tests later and everything worked out well. So NOW I can plan for level 2. After about an hour of uploadin


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Boss fight

Much of yesterday I put in the boss fight. I had to do some pretty bizarre and long things to the code to make it work, but it finally did. The boss is a giant milkshake that shoots onion rings at you. You need to shoot this monster milkshake 20 times in order to get to the next level. Once the 20th shot has been hit, you still need to dodge the onion rings though, you'll still lose a life if the burger gets hit with one. Then the milkshake will move right, and then the burger will go


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy


It's Tuesday (well, almost, it's 11:56p.m. here) so I thought I'd share my progress on the Hamburgers game on Virtual Boy. I tried a couple days ago to get that score to be black, but it just wouldn't work. So I had to do something else. I thought a black bar would be kind of ugly, but that's exactly what I had to do: As you can see, I made the background and foreground easier to distinguish by making the foreground high and mid colors and the background low and black. I also worked on


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Hamburgers on Virtual Boy

A year ago or so, I released this Game Gear game called "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland." I figured I needed to keep my C skills up, so I was looking for a project to do on the Virtual Boy. So I decided to make that game for it. Work started a couple of days ago. Testing the game out on a real Virtual Boy with my FlashBoy cartridge. I haven't touched my Virtual Boy for a long time now, glad to see it still working just fine. I got it for about $15 at a flea market. Guess what game was i


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Technically a game

After working for days and days I finally have a working version to show. I gave up on it, but then got some advice and it worked. I put music in it, but I don't know if it will be in there for long. Depends on how much feedback I get on the game part aspect, as I want it to stay at 2k and with the music in I have 35 bytes left. The version with music just has temporary music in on the title screen and if you're interested in seeing it it's in the AtariAge forums. It has music like MidSpace


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

A change of looks

I had a box planned for the game, but in order to fit it in, I needed to change the play field drawing code I had because it was too large and wouldn't support me having another sprite in there, even if it was just a missile. So yesterday was tons of work. Today was adding back the animation. I finally got this: It looks a little different. Gone is the green strip at the bottom. The two sprites are 2x bigger. The nosehair is now thinner, due to it being the ball instead of the play fie


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Moving the nosehair demon around (and try the game out)

For those who are interested in my Nosehair game project, I've created a website where you can learn and try out the game. It's perhaps the only website dedicated to nosehairs. I got the nosehair demon to move around after a few HOURS of work. Well, it didn't take that long to code it, but I began having display issues where the sprite shifted pixels vertically when it got to a certain X position. So most of the time was spent on trying to get that taken care of. And then when it finally worked,


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

The nosehair demon. (Atari 2600)

I put in the nosehair demon in the game and someone was kind enough to help me figure out a problem with the sound so now I can use both channels. Previously, I was only able to use channel 1 but now I can use channel 0 as well. Other than that, not much has been worked on for the game. I hope to work on it later today. I just woke up and had breakfast (it's almost 10 a.m. here.) I also made some artwork for the game. This happened when I got bored programming it. I like to draw pictur


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Nosehairs (Atari 2600)

So I've begun making a game for the Atari 2600 about nosehair trimming.  What I'm envisioning is a game where you dodge the nosehair demon, get powerups and periodically going over to the left side of the screen to trim the nosehair so it doesn't get so long that it ends the game. So sort of like Tapper, or, a more obscure reference, Dishaster for the 2600. Right now I have the nosehair growing, you can guide Mr. Scissors around the screen and can cut the nosehair, but that's about it so fa


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

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