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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog

Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 was the first computer I ever had. I was around 2 at the time. We had it until Dad sold it and got me and my sister an NES. Years later, a few years ago, I saw a Commodore 64 at a local video game shop. I bought it. I didn't do anything much with it. I tried programming it, but it was really hard to do if you're not used to it. Well, I found a Commodore 64 game in my mess of my room. So I thought I'd try programming it again. Eventually I got this on the screen. I deci


Gamegearguy in Commodore 64

password code fixed!

I finally got it so you can erase one letter at a time when entering passwords. I knew that code would work, but it wasn't working. I discovered that I had to put the variables I was using in bank 4 also in bank 0. This morning I added level 30. It may seem very difficult at first, but not when you're the one making the game and discovered the way to beat it. Going into designing level 30, I wanted to make a simple level design but have it be really hard to complete. I think I mad


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly uppity update - June 27, 2023

Here is the password screen now. The password screen has its own song. Since I figured if I couldn't subtract one letter (which I spent one day on and failed miserably at), I thought the next best thing would be an option to restart inputting the password. And, also, I put in an option so that if you selected PASSWORD on the title screen by accident, you could still start the game on level 1. Each level has its own password, a string of 8 a or b presses. Each level's password is d


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly uppity update

So I decided to cancel my Odyssey 2 doodle and instead work on the Game Boy game that inspired it. I decided instead of it saving your progress, to make it have passwords instead. Now it will be easier to publish when/if it gets finished because it doesn't need a battery. As a kid I wondered why every game didn't just save your progress because it was possible on some. Now I know why: To keep costs down. I tried to make the password minimal. It's 8 button presses on a special password scree


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

My latest Odyssey 2 project.

Here is a link to a YouTube video of my latest Odyssey 2 "doodle". My, that is quite large. Too bad there's no way to shrink that. Anyway, today's work was adding a level intro. The umpire needs to collect the umbrellas while avoiding the jet planes (which are not present in the video.) The next time I work on this, I will attempt to make a second enemy for level 2. I will try to make a maximum of 5 jet planes zooming around the screen randomly. An interesting thing happ


Gamegearguy in Odyssey 2

Fruit Fly Fun

I made a website for my fly swatting game. I'm renaming it "Fruit Fly Fun." Hopefully it's more fun swatting fruit flies than it is guiding them to melons. I want to work on the game, but I think it's finished. So what do I do? In other news, my Lynx came in the mail today. I already had two Lynx games from the last time I owned a Lynx: Shanghai and Zarlor Mercenary. It took a while to figure out that my AC adapter does not work, but the Lynx works. I have ordered a second ac adapter, this


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600


They look so simple in the sky. But I seem to have been having a ton of problems when programming them. First it was that 2k Atari 2600 game. Now it's my Intellivision game I started back working on called "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland." The problem was with scrolling. When it was lower to the ground it didn't flicker, but when I moved it up more it flickered a whole bunch. I don't know why. I kept on working trying to not make this happen. I spent about 5 hours today alone working on


Gamegearguy in Intellivision

Superhero Man

I decided I didn't want to work on Ugly Uppity Umpire any more, so I've temporarily shelved that project. And so with that, I decided to work once again on Ran-Over Possum Man. But I didn't like that really long name he had. So I changed his name. He's now Superhero Man. I wonder if that's too close to Superman. If need be, I can just change the name again to Hero Man. I left off at the beginning of level 3. There is still Stupidman on the NES, but I decided to work on the Game Boy game bec


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Dope on a rope

I tried again to get the sixth game in my Channel F Celery game working. I think I have it good now. Mr. Celery is hanging on a rope crossing the five piranha-filled gaps. As you can see, a piranha jumps out randomly out of one of the gaps. Your job is to guide the celery to the other side a whole bunch of times while not getting bit by a piranha. I found my Channel F multicart! This is basically what led me to continue work on this game. I originally tried to make a similar game,


Gamegearguy in Channel F

Ugly code

While I was working on the game and watching it grow, it became apparent that the way I had it set up was not going to be the most efficient way I could do things. So I got some help from the Discord Game Boy programming and with their help, I think I have things ready to go good. The only thing I'd need to do is change the SWITCH_ROM() code, adding some more instances to make it point to the newly added code correctly as I put in some more levels. I went through all 22 levels in the game s


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ugly uppity umpire again

With "Swat Those Flies" finished, I went back to the Ugly Uppity Umpire. I made a new level. But I still didn't like the title screen. So I decided to change it. It now looks like this: Now I'm happy with the title screen.


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Behind the clouds

I finally figured out how to make the bugs move behind the clouds. It should have been just a simple change for the CTRLPF register, but I changed it and then the scanline went crazy again. So I had to fix that too. And then I had to even out the clouds and make them uniform. That took about an hour or so. One thing, though, if the flies move behind the clouds, the fly swatter has to as well. There is no way around that. Say, changing the player1 fly swatter to a missile or something. It wo


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

flies (part 5)

I worked a little more and I got this: But as you can see, the fly sprite got bigger. Now I'm wondering if I should keep it like this wih the big sprites, or cloudless with the smaller sprites. I tried to put the two close clouds together to make one cloud, but a line was jagged so I kept it like this. What do you think?  


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

flies (part 4)

As an experiment, I wondered whether I could put some sort of clouds in this game. I worked and got one. Then I went to sleep. I woke up and discovered for some reason the scanline dipped to 261 when the fly was going towards the bananas at the bottom of the screen. So I fixed that. I even fixed a bug pertaining to the upper left corner cloud which was thicker than the other upper clouds. But I'm not going to keep these square clouds in because they're square. If I were to make them ro


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

flies! (part 3)

I thought it was possible given the simplicity of the idea. But it took a few days to do it: I now have a steady 262 scanlines (on Stella). I am going to quit programming for a few days because the heat wave is expected to begin tomorrow. And when it's hot, I call my room "the oven" because it's hot. I don't like being really angry and hot at the same time because it literally hurts. And I'm at a good stopping point now. I don't know what else I can do with the game. I have ~170 bytes


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

flies! (part 2)

How hard was this? At one point, I just decided to give up completely. My idea wasn't possible of having the bees move in a straight line. So then I thought, "Well, what if they moved in the same way as the files?" That was seven hours ago. And I worked for 7 hours and now I have this: Most of the seven hours was spent trying to make the scanline at an even 262. When it's all done, I will put it in my Atari 2600 and see how badly it jumps if at all. Bees stay on the screen for a


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600


I am making a new Atari 2600 game. Keeping in the old tradition, I have decided that if I can fit all my plans in, it will be a 2k game. If I can't then I will have to bump the size up to 4k. The original goal is to see if I can make an enjoyable game using just 2k. I was originally going to put this as part of "Going Bananas," but decided that it could stand on its own. Plus, I now have more room to work, whiddling away the 900 or so bytes I have left if I want to make it a 2k game. T


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

Going Bananas

So I got back to working on Going Bananas for the Atari 2600. I have an idea for the third and final game. My plan was to attempt to put in three simple games on one 4k Atari 2600 cartridge. The three games have one thing in common. Bananas. So my idea for the third game is you're guarding bananas from evil fruit flies that want to eat your bananas. This is all I have so far. Nothing moves yet and the button does nothing yet. And yet I spent all of last night working on this. So w


Gamegearguy in Atari 2600

level 17

Today I made level 17 of Ugly Uppity Umpire. Now I'm continuing to work on this and other things since it got cooler. But I am so bored. I guess I'll go through the Game Boy collection. I can't add to it because all the listings are either stuff I don't want or stuff that is too expensive on eBay. I don't know, life seems so hard at this point when all you are all the time are bored and sleepy.


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Seeing red: Goshzilla

I got bored, so I made a title screen for a Virtual Boy game. The trouble is, I don't know the goal of it is. I just made it because I was bored. If I were to make this a game, I would have to think of its premise. I was still bored so later I came back to it and added the pre-game screens (the warning, the VB screen test, and the set the pause for 15 minutes.) I added cloud motion. The clouds move from right to left over and over again. It is super hot in here. I don't know how I am going to ge


Gamegearguy in Virtual Boy

Have some fun with #61

Well... not quite yet. While trying to get a complete Quiz Wiz cartridge set, which I still haven't done, I amassed a whole bunch of apparently the obligatory cartridges #1. I thought about what I should do with them and I came up with an answer: Make a cartridge #61. This was about two years ago. Off and on, I had been working on creating new questions. I was going to call it "Lovely Trivia." Then it dawned on me that I really should try to make a themed one. So I'm shelving the Lovely Trivia c


Gamegearguy in Tiger Quiz Wiz

Ran-over possum man: level 2

I am working on level 2 of Ran-Over Possum Man, my game I'm making for Game Boy. You can grab the latest version and play it here. Stuff I did this morning? I put in a test museum for Ran-Over Possum Man. I designed a bunch of room types so they all link together. That is something I need to do when I design the final museum layout. The layout of a finished museum will be much bigger and include the room where the world's oldest raisin was. That is the room you need to go to before you can


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Ran-Over Possum Man

I decided to make Stupidman for the Game Boy instead of the NES. I decided that the name Stupidman was stupid, so I changed it. Basically, the game will be mostly the same, instead it will be on the Game Boy. This is a screenshot of level 1. Ran-over Possum Man must pass twenty cars to get to the next level. If he crashes into a car, the counter that counts down resets to 20. There's no score here this time, it's just a see if you can get to the end type of game. This is because there


Gamegearguy in Game Boy

Channel F: the F is for Food.

I got back to working on my Adventures of the Stalk of Celery game for the Channel F. I decided to attempt an idea I just finished for the Game Gear: I decided to try and put Yum! on the Channel F. It's a playable game now, but I'm wondering if I should add something to it. In this version, the good food are ripe cranberries (one is pictured), and the bad food are unripe ones (which are green.) I am wondering if I'm okay with Mr. Celery's eyes and teeth being light green or if I should


Gamegearguy in Channel F

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