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Frank the Fruit Fly 2 work



I was super bored today. It was a very very boring day today. I decided to tough out being bored for one more day and face the stupid time between my 12-hour sleep times. I sleep for at least 12 hours a night.

I went and worked on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 some more. It's my Game Boy game I work on and off on I started about a month ago. Today I added fade outs and fade ins to screens. It was a really hard time doing this, but I eventually managed to get some help with it and worked it out. So tomorrow during my non-sleep time, I will test it on my Game Boy Pocket to see how it looks on it. I'll attempt to semi-alphabetize my Game Boy collection, another thing I'll probably do tomorrow if I get real bored like I did today. I plan on going to sleep soon, so I'm not going to do anything else today, which is all well and good since it's almost 9 pm here. I'll go to sleep in about an hour.


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