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My Aunt Sent Me An NES Classic As A Surprise But...

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I'd like to preface this story as a fun-hearted "my gosh look what my aunt did" type story, and is not malicious in anyways. I'm not mad at her, it's just kinda funny...?

So I visited my Aunt and Uncle recently and noticed they had an NES Classic but it's still packed up in it's box and wasn't hooked up.

I hooked it up for them and played some games with my Aunt. I told her how these were my favourite games, etc. 

A little while later she says "I'm going to mail you something" so I'm like, "Okay, sounds good, thanks", as I don't want to be nosy....

I get a prepaid box (They're not thick) and reach inside.... it's the NES classic, controller, cords etc. somewhat haphazardly put in this large cardboard box. 

Awesome, I think, but where's the NES Classic box...??? My Aunt must have just grabbed the system and thought that would be it... not really knowing the box and packaging content are "important" to it's overall "value". It's not the Nintendo HDMI Cable either. 

I don't have the heart to even ask her about the box as I'm sure she would have recycled it immediately. The Nintendo HDMI Cable is probably still there, haha.

Haha, shit.... well.... at least I've got a sweet NES Classic now. 


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1 hour ago, 360collector said:

I dream about rows of crisp cardboard

We can always dream.

52 minutes ago, drxandy said:

Awe that's so nice of her, what a great aunt. Worth a shot asking about the box, maybe she couldn't find it in the rush to mail out but it's still around?

Yes it was very nice of her. It's okay, I don't want her to think she did anything wrong, because she didn't. 

I think the box was right with the system and in one of the bags she sent me... so I think its gone. No big deal, just kinda funny.

As Gloves said, we're the weird ones for thinking the cardboard is valuable, haha. 

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The correct answer here and only one is :THANKS

Openly or mentally whining about the cable and paper/cardboard end of it -- well that says a lot of something alright.


If you're that worked up, when you call and thank her, if you must, ask if she kept the box, maybe she didn't toss it yet.  The cable last I checked Nintendo sells those for a few dollars and their shipping rates are cheap.

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On 6/26/2022 at 11:38 PM, Br81zad said:

Years ago my aunt went to the store and told one of the workers she was there to buy a playboy for me... He told her she must be thinking of a "gameboy". I'll never forgive him for correcting her.

Haha, that's amazing. Classic Aunt Move. 


On 6/26/2022 at 11:18 PM, Dr. Morbis said:

Fixed that for you 😉

Haha, yeah... accurate. 


On 6/26/2022 at 11:55 PM, Tanooki said:

The correct answer here and only one is :THANKS

Openly or mentally whining about the cable and paper/cardboard end of it -- well that says a lot of something alright.


If you're that worked up, when you call and thank her, if you must, ask if she kept the box, maybe she didn't toss it yet.  The cable last I checked Nintendo sells those for a few dollars and their shipping rates are cheap.

Hey man... I said thanks, thank you very much. I was very happy with the gift, and explicitly told her so. 

So you're telling me I'm a terrible person because I was "whining" about the box/cable. Nah man... I wasn't whining, not sure if you read the post.

I thought it was kinda funny because my Aunt is a regular human being who doesn't care about that shit. Get it? 


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On 6/28/2022 at 11:06 PM, Tanooki said:

Yeah I get it, just didn't need to really be brought up, it was just normal behavior.  Hell of a little system to get too, more fun than it should be, and saves a small fortune too when it came out, and where the prices are now, even more so.

Geez dude, lay off the guy. I don’t think there was anything rude or ungrateful about how he reacted, or in his post. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/29/2022 at 10:03 AM, fox said:

Tell your aunt she rocks

Sure did!

Tell her all the time.  🙂

On 6/29/2022 at 10:40 AM, CodysGameRoom said:

I see the boxes for sale all the time on eBay 😉

Haha... this one will forever be naked. 

On 6/30/2022 at 1:47 PM, Sumez said:

If I had a NES Classic you could have my box for free. What on earth do you need it for?

Haha... good one Sumez, good one. 

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On 6/28/2022 at 9:06 PM, Tanooki said:

Yeah I get it, just didn't need to really be brought up, it was just normal behavior.  Hell of a little system to get too, more fun than it should be, and saves a small fortune too when it came out, and where the prices are now, even more so.

I dunno, if my aunt had sent it, and I knew she had the box and crap, I'd ask if she still happened to have it.  If she did, I'd just ask her to set it aside for me the next time I visited (no need to mail that too), and if not, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's not whining, it's simply asking about components that she might still have kicking around that she didn't realize might have value.

Of course, all my family members know that video games are my thing, so they wouldn't find it odd for me to ask that.  I don't know about the OP's situation, but to me it'd equate to being gifted a used movie without the case, and asking if they happened to have the case around.  Asking for the rest of the package is not a sign of ingratitude.

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4 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

I dunno, if my aunt had sent it, and I knew she had the box and crap, I'd ask if she still happened to have it.  If she did, I'd just ask her to set it aside for me the next time I visited (no need to mail that too), and if not, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's not whining, it's simply asking about components that she might still have kicking around that she didn't realize might have value.

Of course, all my family members know that video games are my thing, so they wouldn't find it odd for me to ask that.  I don't know about the OP's situation, but to me it'd equate to being gifted a used movie without the case, and asking if they happened to have the case around.  Asking for the rest of the package is not a sign of ingratitude.

Oh I know, we're good, I was more so considering the source on that one. 😉

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5 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

I dunno, if my aunt had sent it, and I knew she had the box and crap, I'd ask if she still happened to have it.  If she did, I'd just ask her to set it aside for me the next time I visited (no need to mail that too), and if not, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's not whining, it's simply asking about components that she might still have kicking around that she didn't realize might have value.

Of course, all my family members know that video games are my thing, so they wouldn't find it odd for me to ask that.  I don't know about the OP's situation, but to me it'd equate to being gifted a used movie without the case, and asking if they happened to have the case around.  Asking for the rest of the package is not a sign of ingratitude.

Oh yeah, no doubt normally I wouldn't mind asking. But.... the reason I said I didn't have the heart to ask her is because I know she's the type of person who recycles things right away (pulls boxes apart immediately, etc. because of their lack of space) so I knew if I asked it might make her feel bad thinking I wanted it. 

Anyways, maybe I could have typed that out before. 


25 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

Oh I know, we're good, I was more so considering the source on that one. 😉

The source being me? 

Anyways.... I wasn't ungrateful at all.

But you're right... it was total normal behaviour from my aunt. 

Like I said... I just thought it was a funny/ironic story for a forum like this because to a normal person boxes don't matter but to some they mean a bit too much. 🤗

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