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The Super Mario Bros. Movie


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But what int he hell is going on here? 

I was checking out showtimes, etc. likely going next week and I was deciding between 3D and "Regular".

First of all, duh, it's going to be 3D (since it's animated) but then I was looking at showtimes. Annoying #1 because it doesn't give me showtimes for next week, but #2... look at the length of each???

It says 3D is 1h 32m while the other is 1h 44m. WHAT THA FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUQ????

Am I going to miss 12 minutes of this movie if I see it in 3D? 


I guess this means I'll have to go twice because I want very much to get high as balls and go see this thing in 3D. But if I'm missing some movie then I guess I'll go back and see it at a regular time too.... maybe wait.... I guess I'll decide based on how much I like it. 🤔

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1 minute ago, AirVillain said:


But what int he hell is going on here? 

I was checking out showtimes, etc. likely going next week and I was deciding between 3D and "Regular".

First of all, duh, it's going to be 3D (since it's animated) but then I was looking at showtimes. Annoying #1 because it doesn't give me showtimes for next week, but #2... look at the length of each???

It says 3D is 1h 32m while the other is 1h 44m. WHAT THA FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUQ????

Am I going to miss 12 minutes of this movie if I see it in 3D? 


I guess this means I'll have to go twice because I want very much to get high as balls and go see this thing in 3D. But if I'm missing some movie then I guess I'll go back and see it at a regular time too.... maybe wait.... I guess I'll decide based on how much I like it. 🤔


The 3D part is when everything moves really fast because Toad XXXX XXX PIRANHA POWER MACHINE XXX XXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXX XX XXXXX, so it takes less time in the movie. 


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On 4/5/2023 at 3:42 PM, Sumez said:

And do you consider those good? 😛

Pikachu was strangely very well done, caught me by surprise.  Sonic, they're good, quite good, largely in the general story and the moments of the game characters, but I felt their choice of robotnik brought it down.  Jim Carrey hasn't been funny for a long time, and he played this warped version of robotnik, an evil parody of him doing some wacked out very non-robotnik like antics.  It was more like a bit of the Mask, Pet Detective, and his old In Living Color characters so it was a bit jarring, off, just not right.  It didn't go as far as drag the movie down, I could sit through and enjoy both, but it made me dislike the guy more and not want to walk out and go buy the disc.  While I felt Jack Black with his forcing his metal background was out of place, him as Koopa otherwise well fit the role making that the difference there.

@RH I get that you don't watch pokemon, I like the cartoon anime more than the games.  They do say their names or pieces over and over, at least to a persons ears.  To each other their language despite each saying their own name as the only supposed word have a full dialogue they all get.  It's rare strangeness when one can speak outright to people (meowth, team rocket) or through psychic powers (mewtwo, some legendary.)  But in the case of this Detective Pikachu, he doesn't actually speak, it's more of a psychic bond with the kid star of the movie...HE can understand him, but it's a rolling joke in the movie when he think's he's having a stroke or aneurysm because HE can hear Pikachu speak english and as he yells at others DON'T YOU HEAR THIS everyone else is just pi pi pika! and give him weird looks.  I found the whole moment hilarious as he was losing it.

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So.... can I put my review in here? I'll just put it behind spoilers I guess.

Non-spoiler mini review: The movie was great!





So yea. I went to see this last night with my fiancé and her nine year old daughter, who isn't a huge fan of the games but loves the Lego sets. All three of us were entertained and had smiles on our faces the whole time. 

The visuals, of course, were absolutely amazing. Totally awesome and a great job capturing the magic of the Mario games. 

The soundtrack, as well, was exceptional. Plenty of orchestral arrangements of classic Mario tunes, and all in the perfect placement. Very well done.

The voice acting, I didn't really pay attention to. I certainly wasn't thinking "hmm this isn't how this character should sound". Everything sounded natural and normal and I think all the complaints about the voice acting cast were waaaaay overblown. It's a non issue.

The actual story, was fine. It wasn't anything mind blowing. I actually liked that Luigi was the damsel in distress here, not Peach. It made sense to the story of this movie and it made Peach a strong character for little girls who might go see the film and become inspired. I also enjoyed the story progression. Getting to know the Bros, going to the Mushroom Kingdom, asking for help from the Kongs, the Rainbow Road sequence, and the finale. All were fun to watch. 

The characters were awesome. For example, the enemies. Seeing Dry Bones and Shy Guys get a spotlight was great, and they acted how you'd expect those characters to act. Of course Kamek was great as well as others. 

You can't really talk about this movie without talking about the references. Of course you have a million Mario things and sounds but there were plenty of other early Nintendo references as well. I'm going to list a few I saw here, so be warned. Obviously the Punch Out Pizzaria was amazing. I saw shops with references to Balloon Fight and Famicom Disk System. Mario played Kid Icarus for crying out loud, which is just awesome. He also had F-Zero, Kung Fu, and Baseball posters on his wall. I'm sure I missed something but I didn't see and Legend of Zelda references. 

I'm sooooort of the target audience for this movie (although not really, since I'm not a kid) but I enjoyed it. My fiancé a very casual gamer enjoyed it. Our 9 year old loved it and said it was one of her favorite movies and she liked it just as much as the Sonic movies (which she watches over and over). 

I highly enjoyed this movie. It's the Mario movie I've wanted ever since I became a fan of both Nintendo and movies. It's great. I really don't know what else you could ask for. I hope they make some sequels and it turns out to be a really fun series. If not, I'll still enjoy this one all the same. 


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16 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

So.... can I put my review in here? I'll just put it behind spoilers I guess.

Non-spoiler mini review: The movie was great!




  Reveal hidden contents

So yea. I went to see this last night with my fiancé and her nine year old daughter, who isn't a huge fan of the games but loves the Lego sets. All three of us were entertained and had smiles on our faces the whole time. 

The visuals, of course, were absolutely amazing. Totally awesome and a great job capturing the magic of the Mario games. 

The soundtrack, as well, was exceptional. Plenty of orchestral arrangements of classic Mario tunes, and all in the perfect placement. Very well done.

The voice acting, I didn't really pay attention to. I certainly wasn't thinking "hmm this isn't how this character should sound". Everything sounded natural and normal and I think all the complaints about the voice acting cast were waaaaay overblown. It's a non issue.

The actual story, was fine. It wasn't anything mind blowing. I actually liked that Luigi was the damsel in distress here, not Peach. It made sense to the story of this movie and it made Peach a strong character for little girls who might go see the film and become inspired. I also enjoyed the story progression. Getting to know the Bros, going to the Mushroom Kingdom, asking for help from the Kongs, the Rainbow Road sequence, and the finale. All were fun to watch. 

The characters were awesome. For example, the enemies. Seeing Dry Bones and Shy Guys get a spotlight was great, and they acted how you'd expect those characters to act. Of course Kamek was great as well as others. 

You can't really talk about this movie without talking about the references. Of course you have a million Mario things and sounds but there were plenty of other early Nintendo references as well. I'm going to list a few I saw here, so be warned. Obviously the Punch Out Pizzaria was amazing. I saw shops with references to Balloon Fight and Famicom Disk System. Mario played Kid Icarus for crying out loud, which is just awesome. He also had F-Zero, Kung Fu, and Baseball posters on his wall. I'm sure I missed something but I didn't see and Legend of Zelda references. 

I'm sooooort of the target audience for this movie (although not really, since I'm not a kid) but I enjoyed it. My fiancé a very casual gamer enjoyed it. Our 9 year old loved it and said it was one of her favorite movies and she liked it just as much as the Sonic movies (which she watches over and over). 

I highly enjoyed this movie. It's the Mario movie I've wanted ever since I became a fan of both Nintendo and movies. It's great. I really don't know what else you could ask for. I hope they make some sequels and it turns out to be a really fun series. If not, I'll still enjoy this one all the same. 


I was about to post in here, maybe someone could start a new topic for this game, but specific to post-viewing.  We're hoping to take the kids to see it tomorrow around 3:00PM.

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I 100% forgot that they were going to start selling Mario popcorn metal tins at the theaters on April 5th. I don't have high hopes of finding any popcorn tins around me, but if anyone can get one for me, I'll pay for it, shipping and I don't know, buy a tin for you? Does that sound reasonable? Lol



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15 hours ago, G-type said:

@North gave it a C+ 

We just saw it.  I give it a solid B, but it was quite fun.  When it’s available for streaming, I might want to casually watch through it again, pausing it to try and catch all of the Easter eggs.  Oh, and though we all expect there to be a lot, legit, there are a TON.  Almost every shot has something in it.  I spent more time looking for that stuff than paying attention to the plot.

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5 hours ago, RH said:

I spent more time looking for that stuff than paying attention to the plot.

Same here, everytime there was a slow pan or still frame I was looking around the edges and in the background. But I think all the musical cues were the best like World 1-2 or MK8 Selection Screen. But unless I'm mistaken, I never heard the SMB Underwater Theme.

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2 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Well, safe to say it was a success considering this is after a single weekend...


I bought a bit of NTDOY stock on Thursday just for kicks.  Between this and another Zelda in 2023 it's easy Nintendo is going to beat revenue numbers for the year.

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