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Decoupling the NES from the Famicom


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I'm siding with @fcgamer on this one. For me, specifically with the Famicom/NES, it makes sense to differentiate the regional subsets and not just think of it as one big glob of games. As has been pointed out, the library overlap isn't really as big as one might think. And the stuff that did overlap, in many cases, is different from one region to the next. Not just localization, but in many cases gameplay was altered, complete graphics overhauls or reskins, features taken out either due to hardware differences or otherwise. Obviously Disk System games can't be just be plugged into NES with an adapter, but neither can many Japanese carts that had special chips like Konami's VRC games.

In my opinion, there is just too many interesting differences in either side of the library to just simply ignore by lumping them all into one big pile.

But, of course, everyone is free to look at this any way they want. There is no right or wrong answer.

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2 hours ago, phart010 said:


This concept also extends to other businesses. For example, Toyota Supra and Lexus GS300 both use the 2JZ engine. So naturally both cars may have a bunch of interchangeable parts. But one is marketed as a sports car and one is marketed as a Luxury. So they’re not the same car. 

NES, Atari, Apple II, and C64 all use the same CPU

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@cj_robot there is right, Dave isn't off his rocker on this.

I refuse to acknowledge some of this nonsense I've seen in this thread, I see motorboating with the but but but sputtering.  But you can mod the nes, but you can hack this, but you can rewire that... so?  Did anyone mod their system, add this resistor, pull this cap, bridge this connection, cut the plastic and solder here and there to make their NES a Famicom in 1985?  1989? 1992?  NOOOOOO.  They were just not compatible as much as some people want to fantasize they are.  At the core sure the CPU and PPU are on point, there's no argument there.

But the capabilities, they dry up with overlap fairly quick.  The FC arrived as a cheap Japanese answer to the market of the era, it was an alt-home computer, ie FAMIly COMputer.  It was like what the US had with some radio shack stuff or the euros did with a speccy or some sort.  You had a cheap core 'computer' in a console format, it had the keyboard, the disk drive, the tape recorder for saving/creating too, and had basic programming languages to do/learn/develop with.  The games out in tandem, and as that sloughed off, games took over and the rest faded into obscurity, the FDS last since it clung on for a time when chips were more costly than disks and then some due to the readers in stores.

The games, far more did not leave Japan, and it wasn't just because it was a mountain of text or too screwy, there were hardware considerations, and just theme of all things.  Just as there were considerable NES stuff they didn't see either as both were more distinct alone than together as overlap.  There's that given of what I said, limitation of the NES the FC didn't have, expanded audio being a notable one for sure, and the mic people are battling over here too is another, which needs modding, modding people did this century, not the last one. Sure like me you could have a honeybee, but it won't run the games right without re-working the hardware.

I get wanting out of ease to cluster it all as one total system, but clearly, they're not.  Close sure, damn close, I'm talking gray area close or this argument wouldn't exist, but it is there and ignoring it is just weak.  Yes it's not as obvious as using a core console with a clear cut add-on that works on its own library like TG/Sega/Jag CD and 32X and FDS too, but there is more than enough there.  It's not just some lame re-pin like the AES - MVS was where it was clearly just arcade at home.  NES-FC falls between the add-on device and the re-do lockout shenanigans of SNK.

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

That's the thing though, they don't actually have a big overlap in the libraries. Many NES games are only available on Famicom Disk format, which is its own thing. About half of the NES library are shoddy exclusives, and when compared in sizes of the libraries, it's nothing.

It's sort of like how English and Danish share 60% vocabulary or something like that, though unless you know a couple other Germanic languages, your reading of Danish will be quite limited.

All joking aside I think I see where you're coming from.  I still think its a significant overlap put perhaps "big" is a bit of an overstatement.  The Famicom library really is a whole other world.  What drives me crazy is the lack of ability to play Famicom RPG's without being fluent in Japanese.  I've got a couple FC RPG carts that I've been gearing up to try and play through w/o being able to understand what anyone is saying, which I guess would be an achievement in and of itself, but much of the fun will not be present.  At this point I'd settle for a separate rote translation on paper or computer screen to just follow along with...

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Administrator · Posted

There are a million ways to look at all of these, and lots of different ways people like to categorize or view things in their mind.  So I'm open to however people want to view things, I just don't like hearing people tell others they are "wrong" for how they view it - sometimes we just have a different opinion, and that's ok.

Some of the discussions are just pure semantics, so I won't really get into all that.

Personally, of course I know they are technically different, but in terms of how I categorize consoles and libraries, I think of the main 'family of systems' as a particular release/console.  NES/FC, SNES/SFC, etc.  Obviously there are hardware and software differences between the various iterations of each system.  If someone wants to take those differences and claim it is enough to categorize, in their view, them as "different" consoles (whatever 'different' means in however they want to view it), that's fine if that's how you want to look at them.  If that helps you in some way, ok, view it however you'd like.

I shared the snippet from Nintendo - that, regardless of it being a simple company info page - there is at least SOME argument that the company itself views it as the same general system, just different iterations based on region.  Don't agree with Nintendo there? Ok, that's everyone's call.  I just think it at least supports one of the viewpoints, generally speaking.

Not everything has to be "I'm right and you're wrong."  "You're wrong and I'm right."  Sometimes it can just be, ok, there are a few different ways to look at things, here is my opinion.  

I generally just prefer a more positive look on all of this stuff, gaming, as opposed to everything being a competition. 

I prefer SNES.  But you don't hear me saying "SEGA sucks!" because I like SEGA too.  

I don't typically play NES compared to my other systems, but NES most definitely does not "suck" and I still have very fond memories of playing it.  Famicom is neat as well and has some great exclusives.  When I started expanding out to imports, I just viewed it as - oh cool, even more content for a system/series I already love - great!  Not looking for justification as to which is better or worse.  I have more PS2 Japan games than I do PS2 US games at this point - but I love them both for different reasons.

I don't know, I guess I'm rambling, and of course a video-game related community can have heated discussions about interesting topics for discussion sake - just remember that for a lot of these things, there really isn't some objective truth to every topic.


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Nintendo Considers them the same, end of story. 

If 7 guys want to consider them separate, or whatever who cares? 99.9% percent of people will agree with the company that created it.  

From now on im going to consider an n64 a playstation, because of reasons. Everyone needs to agree with me. 

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44 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Exactly! So Tysons Punch Out and Stadium Events don't count towards full sets either. 😛

Copy. Ill be sure to bring that up when the video game fullset police/semantics board has their annual convention, where they rule on such things and set the laws of internet forum discussion. 

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Administrator · Posted
3 hours ago, fcgamer said:

I watched a video a few years back made by a friend from Sweden, in which he discussed ten or twenty good games that weren't available on the Famicom. The list started out with Captain America and I knew I was in for a real treat.

Aside from some of the Disney games and Jaws, almost all of the NES exclusives are rubbish, just not particularly good games.

Then there's the larger (unnecessary) size of the cartridges, the annoyance of actually trying to get a game to work on a toaster (never had this problem once with a Famicom), lack of peripherals, lack of the sound channel, can't save the games and levels you build, etc etc. 

The NES is just such an unpleasant experience, with the Famicom opting not to partake in the bad points that the NES does.

Without the Famicom, the NES can't really stand alone, but the reverse can't be said about the Famicom, which is why a primarily western base prefers to view the machines as the whole, rather than the parts.

Launch PS3 consoles were really loud, really big physically, had a tendency to YLOD, had the option to launch Linux, and could play PS2 games natively.

Later Slim PS3 consoles were quieter, smaller, didn't YLOD if ever rarely, and couldn't do Linux or play PS2 games.

They're both PS3 consoles.

And again, whether a game is available in one region and not another is not even a factor in whether they're the same console or at the least variants of the same. And whether the games for one or another region suck or not is purely subjective as evidenced by your completely contrarian opinions about the Western library.

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10 minutes ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

So if you're really viewing the Famicom library as separate, would anybody be willing to do a Famicom completions thread?

I would. I mean, can't really take part in the other competitions when I don't have the NES games. Stuff like Mad City is the classic example of why .

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1 hour ago, spacepup said:

There are a million ways to look at all of these, and lots of different ways people like to categorize or view things in their mind.  So I'm open to however people want to view things, I just don't like hearing people tell others they are "wrong" for how they view it - sometimes we just have a different opinion, and that's ok.

Some of the discussions are just pure semantics, so I won't really get into all that.

Personally, of course I know they are technically different, but in terms of how I categorize consoles and libraries, I think of the main 'family of systems' as a particular release/console.  NES/FC, SNES/SFC, etc.  Obviously there are hardware and software differences between the various iterations of each system.  If someone wants to take those differences and claim it is enough to categorize, in their view, them as "different" consoles (whatever 'different' means in however they want to view it), that's fine if that's how you want to look at them.  If that helps you in some way, ok, view it however you'd like.

I shared the snippet from Nintendo - that, regardless of it being a simple company info page - there is at least SOME argument that the company itself views it as the same general system, just different iterations based on region.  Don't agree with Nintendo there? Ok, that's everyone's call.  I just think it at least supports one of the viewpoints, generally speaking.

Not everything has to be "I'm right and you're wrong."  "You're wrong and I'm right."  Sometimes it can just be, ok, there are a few different ways to look at things, here is my opinion.  

I generally just prefer a more positive look on all of this stuff, gaming, as opposed to everything being a competition. 

I prefer SNES.  But you don't hear me saying "SEGA sucks!" because I like SEGA too.  

I don't typically play NES compared to my other systems, but NES most definitely does not "suck" and I still have very fond memories of playing it.  Famicom is neat as well and has some great exclusives.  When I started expanding out to imports, I just viewed it as - oh cool, even more content for a system/series I already love - great!  Not looking for justification as to which is better or worse.  I have more PS2 Japan games than I do PS2 US games at this point - but I love them both for different reasons.

I don't know, I guess I'm rambling, and of course a video-game related community can have heated discussions about interesting topics for discussion sake - just remember that for a lot of these things, there really isn't some objective truth to every topic.


Sometimes I can be assertive but I’m generally always arguing the ideas, not the  persons. I hope nobody took anything I posted as personal.

Sometimes you gotta stir the pot and get people amped up before people will actually start to speak their mind and contribute to the conversation. In the end my only motivation is to get people the add their thoughts and viewpoints into the discussion whether I agree or disagree

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1 minute ago, Gloves said:

And whether the games for one or another region suck or not is purely subjective as evidenced by your completely contrarian opinions about the Western library.

It's late, I'm heading to bed. I'll post the list tomorrow, you tell me which are the fun ones.

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14 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

NES had about 2/3 of the software count that the Famicom had (excluding FDS), and half of its library was exclusive to North America and sucked as well.


15 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

I mean, can't really take part in the other competitions when I don't have the NES games.


14 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

It's late, I'm heading to bed. I'll post the list tomorrow, you tell me which are the fun ones.


So wait, have you actually PLAYED the majority the North American exclusives?

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Administrator · Posted
2 minutes ago, phart010 said:

The rules to Mahjong are subjective. Some people think it’s played one way, others think it’s played another way 🤪

Hence there being so many games on the console. Of course, Mahjong is 30 entirely different games, not the same game represented in 30 similar if slightly different ways. THAT would be ridiculous.

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Administrator · Posted
Just now, Tulpa said:




So wait, have you actually PLAYED the majority the North American exclusives?

He's demonstrably claimed games were bad in the past, following up his claims with the fact that he's not played the game. I think Link to the Past was one such case, if I recall.

Man's nuts.

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@Gloves There's like 665 60-Pin Famicom exclusives.

So if the NES 712 is doable, then so is Famicom.

There are probably some errors, but this is a pretty solid start I think.

Also, my list includes some weird stuff....

Best Play Pro Yakyuu Shin Data, Gradius Archimendes Edition, Safety Rally, Star Soldier Time Trial Special, Kiddy Sun in Fantasia....I'm not entirely sure if they belong or not.

Famicom 60-Pin Exclusives (I Think)

  1. '89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai
  2. 1999: Hore Mita Kota Ka! Seikimatsu
  3. 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong
  4. A Ressha de Ikou
  5. A Week of Garfield
  6. Aa Yakyū Jinsei Itchokusen
  7. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragons of Flame
  8. Ai Sensei no Oshiete: Watashi no Hoshi
  9. Aigiina no Yogen: From the Legend of Balubalouk
  10. Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha
  11. Akira
  12. Akuma-kun: Makai no Wana
  13. Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula Kun
  14. America Daitōryō Senkyo
  15. America Oudan Ultra Quiz: Shijou Saidai no Tatakai
  16. American Dream
  17. Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru Densetsu
  18. Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika: Genchou Hishi
  19. Arctic: Active Rail Playing Game
  20. Argus
  21. Arkanoid II
  22. Armadillo
  23. Artelius
  24. Asmik-kun Land
  25. Astro Fang: Super Machine
  26. Astro Robo Sasa
  27. Atlantis no Nazo
  28. Attack Animal Gakuen
  29. B-Wings
  30. Babel no Tou
  31. Baken Hisshou Gaku: Gate In
  32. Bakushō! Ai no Gekijō
  33. Bakushō! Star Monomane Shitennō
  34. Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou
  35. Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 2
  36. Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3
  37. Ballblazer
  38. Baltron
  39. Banana
  40. Barcode World
  41. Bard's Tale II, The: The Destiny Knight
  42. Baseball Fighter
  43. Batsu & Terii: Makyou no Tetsujin Race
  44. Battle Baseball
  45. Battle City
  46. Battle Fleet
  47. Battle Stadium: Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu
  48. Battle Storm
  49. Be-Bop High School: Koukousei Gokuraku Densetsu
  50. Best Keiba: Derby Stallion
  51. Best Play Pro Yakyuu
  52. Best Play Pro Yakyuu '90
  53. Best Play Pro Yakyuu II
  54. Best Play Pro Yakyuu Shin Data
  55. Best Play Pro Yakyuu Special
  56. Bikkuriman World: Gekitou Sei Senshi
  57. Binary Land
  58. Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
  59. Bio Senshi Dan: Increaser to no Tatakai
  60. Bird Week
  61. Black Bass, The
  62. Blodia Land: Puzzle Quest
  63. Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no Gyakushuu
  64. Bokosuka Wars
  65. Booby Kids
  66. Business Wars
  67. Cadillac
  68. Captain Ed
  69. Captain Silver
  70. Captain Tsubasa Vol. II: Super Striker
  71. Casino Derby & Super Bingo
  72. Castle Quest
  73. Chack'n Pop
  74. Challenger
  75. Championship Lode Runner
  76. Chaos World
  77. Chester Field: Ankoku Shin e no Chōsen
  78. Chibi Maruko-Chan: Uki Uki Shopping
  79. Chiisana Obake: Achhi Sochhi Kocchi
  80. Chiyonofuji no Ōichō
  81. Chōjin Sentai Jetman
  82. Choplifter
  83. Choujikuu Yousai Macross
  84. Chuugoku Janshi Story: Tonpuu
  85. Chuugoku Senseijutsu
  86. Chuuka Taisen
  87. Circus Charlie
  88. City Adventure Touch: Mystery of Triangle
  89. Cocoron
  90. Columbus: Ougon no Yoake
  91. Cosmic Epsilon
  92. Cosmic Wars
  93. Cosmo Police Galivan
  94. Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Poi Poi
  95. Crazy Climber
  96. Crisis Force
  97. Cross Fire
  98. Cycle Race Roadman: Gekisou!! Nihon Isshuu 4000km
  99. Dai Meiro - Meikyuu no Tatsujin
  100. Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen
  101. Daikaijyu Deburasu
  102. Daiku no Gen-san 2: Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu
  103. Daisenryaku
  104. Daiva: Imperial of Nirsartia
  105. Dark Lord
  106. De-Block
  107. Deep Dungeon III: Yuushi e no Tabi
  108. Deep Dungeon IV: Kuro no Youjutsushi
  109. Derby Stallion Zengokuban
  110. Devilman
  111. Dezaemon: Desiger Yousei Soft
  112. Dig Dug
  113. Digital Devil Monogatari Megami Tensei
  114. Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei II
  115. Dokuganryu Masamune
  116. Don Doko Don
  117. Don Doko Don 2
  118. Donald Land
  119. Donkey Kong Jr. / Jr. Sansuu Lesson  
  120. Door Door
  121. Doraemon
  122. Doraemon: Giga Zombie no Gyakushū
  123. Double Moon Densetsu
  124. Dough Boy
  125. Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundoukai
  126. Downtown Special: Kunio-Kun no Jidaigeki dayo Zenin Shuugou
  127. Dragon Ball 3: Gokuuden
  128. Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku
  129. Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza
  130. Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen Jinzou Ningen
  131. Dragon Ball Z: Kyōshū! Saiyajin
  132. Dragon Ball: Daimaou Fukkatsu
  133. Dragon Buster
  134. Dragon Buster II
  135. Dragon Scroll: Yomigaerishi Maryuu
  136. Dragon Slayer Jr.: Romancia
  137. Dragon Wars
  138. Dream Master
  139. Dungeon Kid
  140. Dynamite Bowl
  141. Eggerland: Meikyū no Fukkatsu
  142. Egypt
  143. Elnark no Zaihou
  144. Elysion
  145. Emoyan no 10-bai Pro Yakyuu
  146. Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken
  147. Esper Boukentai
  148. Esper Dream 2: Aratanaru Tatakai
  149. Exciting Boxing
  150. Exed Exes
  151. Exerion
  152. F-1 Race
  153. F1 Circus
  154. Famicom Igo Nyuumon
  155. Famicom Jump II: The Strongest Seven
  156. Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden
  157. Famicom Meijinsen
  158. Famicom Shougi: Ryuu-Ou-Sen
  159. Famicom Top Management
  160. Famicom Wars
  161. Famicom Yakyuuban
  162. Family BASIC
  163. Family BASIC v3.0
  164. Family Circuit
  165. Family Circuit '91
  166. Family Jockey
  167. Family Mahjong
  168. Family Mahjong II: Shanghai he no Michi
  169. Family Quiz
  170. Family Tennis
  171. Family Trainer 4: Jogging Race
  172. Family Trainer 5: Meiro Daisakusen
  173. Family Trainer 8: Totsugeki! Fuun Takeshijou
  174. Family Trainer 9: Totsugeki! Fuun Takeshijou 2
  175. Family Trainer: Rairai Kyonsis: Baby Kyonsi no Amida Daibouken
  176. Famista '89 Kaimaku Ban!!
  177. Famista '90
  178. Famista '91
  179. Famista '92
  180. Famista '93
  181. Famista '94
  182. Fantasy Zone 2: The Teardrop of Opa-Opa
  183. Field Combat
  184. Fighting Road
  185. Final Fantasy I+II
  186. Final Fantasy II
  187. Final Fantasy III
  188. Final Lap
  189. Fire Emblem Gaiden
  190. Fire Emblem: Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Ken
  191. Flappy
  192. Fleet Commander
  193. Flipull: An Exciting Cube Game
  194. Flying Hero
  195. Formation Z
  196. Front Line
  197. Fushigi no Umi no Nadia
  198. Fuzzical Fighter
  199. Galaxian
  200. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha
  201. Gambler Jiko Chuushinha 2
  202. Game Party
  203. Ganbare Goemon 2
  204. Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihou
  205. Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: Keita Ougon Kiseru
  206. Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu
  207. Ganbare Pennant Race!
  208. Ganso Saiyūki: Super Monkey Daibōken
  209. GeGeGe no Kitarou 2: Youkai Gundan no Chousen
  210. Geimos
  211. Gekitotsu Yonku Battle
  212. Genpei Touma Den: Computer Boardgame
  213. Getsu Fūma Den
  214. Gimme a Break: Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen
  215. Gimme a Break: Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen 2
  216. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
  217. Ginga no Sannin
  218. Golf '92, The
  219. Golf Club: Birdie Rush
  220. Golf-kko Open
  221. Gomoku Narabe Renju
  222. Goonies
  223. Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen
  224. Gorilla Man
  225. Gozonji Yajikitatin Douchuu
  226. Gradius Archimendes
  227. Gradius II
  228. Grand Master
  229. Great Battle Cyber
  230. Great Deal
  231. GunHed: Aratanaru Tatakai
  232. Gyrodine
  233. Gyuwanburaa Jikochuushinha 2
  234. Haja No Fuuin: Miracle Warriors
  235. Hana no Star Kaidou
  236. Hanjuku Hero
  237. Hayauchi Super Igo
  238. Heisei Tensai Bakabon
  239. Hello Kitty no Hanabatake
  240. Hello Kitty World
  241. Heracles no Eikou II: Titan no Metsubou
  242. Heracles no Eikou: Toujin Makyouden
  243. Hi no Tori Hououhen: Gaou no Bouken
  244. Higemaru Makaijima - Nanatsu no Shima Daibōken
  245. Hikari no Senshi Photon: The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth
  246. Hirake! Ponkikki
  247. Hiryu no Ken II: Dragon no Tsubasa
  248. Hiryu no Ken III: 5 Nin no Ryuu Senshi
  249. Hiryu no Ken Special: Fighting Wars
  250. Hissatsu Doujou Yaburi
  251. Hissatsu Shigotojin
  252. Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsuku ni Kiyu
  253. Hokuto no Ken
  254. Hokuto no Ken 3: Shinseiki Souzou: Seiken Retsuden
  255. Hokuto no Ken 4: Shichisei Hakenden: Hokuto Shinken no Kanata e
  256. Holy Diver
  257. Home Run Nighter '90: The Pennant League!!
  258. Home Run Nighter: Pennant League!!
  259. Honoo no Doukyuuji: Dodge Danpei
  260. Honoo no Doukyuuji: Dodge Danpei 2
  261. Honshougi: Naitou Kudan Shougi Hiden
  262. Hoshi wo Miru Hito
  263. Hototogisu
  264. Hottāman no Chitei Tanken
  265. Hyakkiyakou
  266. Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari
  267. Hydlide 3: Yami Kara no Houmonsha
  268. Hyokkori Hyoutan Shima: Nazo no Kaizokusen
  269. Hyper Sports
  270. I Love Softball
  271. Ide Yosuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong
  272. Ide Yosuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong II
  273. Idol Hakkenden
  274. Igo Meikan
  275. Igo Shinan
  276. Igo Shinan '91
  277. Igo Shinan '92
  278. Igo Shinan '93
  279. Igo Shinan '94
  280. Igo: Kyū Roban Taikyoku
  281. Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu: Subette Koronde Dairantou
  282. Ikinari Musician
  283. Ikki
  284. Indora no Hikari
  285. Insector X
  286. Isaki Shuugorou no Keiba Hisshougaku
  287. Ishin no Arashi
  288. Itadaki Street: Watashi no Oten Niyottete
  289. J-League Fighting Soccer: The King of Ace Strikers
  290. J-League Winning Goal
  291. Jajamaru Gekimaden
  292. Jajamaru Ninpou Chou
  293. JaJaMaru no Daibouken
  294. Jangou
  295. Jarinko Chie: Bakudan Musume no Shiawase Sagashi
  296. Jesus: Kyofu no Bio Monster
  297. Jikuu Yuuden Debias
  298. Jongbou
  299. Joy Mech Fight
  300. Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One Professional
  301. Jumpin' Kid: Jack to Mame no Ki Monogatari
  302. Just Breed
  303. Juvei Quest
  304. Jyuouki
  305. Kabushiki Doujou
  306. Kagerou Densetsu
  307. Kaguya Hime Densetsu
  308. Kai no Bouken: The Quest of Ki
  309. Kaijuu Monogatari
  310. Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2: Karakuri Land
  311. Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3: Taiketsu! Zouringen
  312. Kamen no Ninja Akakage
  313. Kamen Rider Club: Gekitotsu Shocker Land
  314. Kamen Rider SD: Guranshokkaa no Yabou
  315. Kanshakudama Nage Kantarou no Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi
  316. Karakuri Kengoden Musashi Lord: Karakuri Jin Shissouru
  317. Karaoke Studio
  318. Karateka
  319. Katte ni Shirokuma
  320. Kawa no Nushi Tsuri
  321. Keiba Simulation Honmei
  322. Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibouken
  323. Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken
  324. Kerokerokeroppi no Daibouken 2: Donuts Ike ha Oosawagi!
  325. Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb
  326. Kiddy Sun in Fantasia
  327. Kidō Senshi Z-Gundam: Hot Scramble
  328. King Kong 2: Ikari no Megaton Punch
  329. King of Kings
  330. Kiteretsu Daihyakka
  331. Kitte Rai Da! Gunjin Shougi Nanya Sore?
  332. Kōryū Densetsu Villgust Gaiden
  333. Kōshien
  334. Koufuku o Yobu Game: Dora Dora Dora
  335. Kujaku Ou
  336. Kujaku Ou II
  337. Kunio-Kun no Nekketsu Soccer League
  338. Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma Densetsu
  339. Kyatto Ninden Teyandee
  340. Kyonshis 2
  341. Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
  342. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Koshien
  343. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium
  344. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium '88
  345. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium Heisei Gannenhan
  346. Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium III
  347. Labyrinth
  348. Lagrange Point
  349. Last Armageddon
  350. Law of the West
  351. Layla
  352. Little Magic
  353. Lost Word of Jenny
  354. Lot Lot
  355. Lupin III Sansei: Pandora No Isan
  356. Magic Candle
  357. Magical Taruruto-Kun 2: Magical Adventure
  358. Magical Taruruto-Kun: Fantastic World!!
  359. Magnum Kiki Ippatsu: Empire City 1931
  360. MahaRaja
  361. Mahjong
  362. Mahjong Club Nagatacho: Sousaisen
  363. Mahjong Taikai
  364. Mahjong Taisen
  365. Mahou no Princess Minkiimomo Remember Dream
  366. Maison Ikkoku
  367. Majaventure - Mahjong Senki
  368. Majin Eiyuden Wataru Gaiden
  369. Major League
  370. Majou Densetsu II: The Maze of Galious
  371. Mappy
  372. Mappy Kids
  373. Marusa no Onna
  374. Masuzoe Youichi Icchou Made Famicom
  375. Matsumoto Akira no Kabushiki Hisshougaku
  376. Matsumoto Akira no Kabushiki Hisshougaku II
  377. Meiji Ishin
  378. Meimon! Daisan Yakyuubu
  379. Meimon! Takonishi Ouendan: Kouha 6 Nin Shuu
  380. Meitantei Holmes: Kiri no London Satsujin Jiken
  381. Meitantei Holmes: M-Kara no Chousenjou
  382. Metal Max
  383. Metal Slader Glory
  384. Metro Cross
  385. Mezase! Top Pro: Green ni Kakeru Yume
  386. Mindseeker
  387. Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu
  388. Mini-Putt
  389. Minna no Tabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen
  390. Miracle Ropitt: 2100-Nen no Daibōken
  391. Mirai Senshi Raios
  392. Mirai Shinwa Jarvas
  393. Mississippi Satsujin Jiken: Murder on the Mississippi
  394. Mitokoumon II: Sekai Manyuuki
  395. Mitsume ga Tōru
  396. Mizushima Shinji no Daikoushien
  397. Moai-Kun
  398. Moero!! Judo Warriors
  399. Mokushi Pachi Pro: Pachi Otto-Kun
  400. Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden
  401. Momotarou Densetsu: Peach Boy Legend
  402. Momotarou Dentetsu
  403. Money Game
  404. Monster Maker: Nanatsu no Hihō
  405. Moon Crystal
  406. Morita Shougi
  407. Mother
  408. Motocross Champion
  409. Mottomo Abunai Deka
  410. Moulin Rouge Senki: Melville no Honoo
  411. Mouryou Senki Madara
  412. Musashi no Bōken
  413. Musashi no Ken – Tadaima Shugyo Chu
  414. My Life My Love: Boku no Yume: Watashi no Negai
  415. Nakayo Shito Issho
  416. Namco Classic
  417. Namco Classic II
  418. Namco Mahjong III: Mahjong Tengoku
  419. Nantettatte!! Baseball
  420. Napoleon Senki
  421. Navy Blue
  422. Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
  423. Nekketsu Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes
  424. Nichibutsu Mahjong III: Mahjong G Men
  425. Niji no Silk Road: Zig Zag Boukenki
  426. Ninja Hattori-kun: Ninja wa Shuugyou de Gozaru no Maki
  427. Ninja JaJaMaru-kun
  428. Ninja Jajamaru: Ginga Daisakusen
  429. Ninja Kun: Ashura no Shou
  430. Ninja Ra Hoi!
  431. Ninja-kun: Majou no Bouken
  432. Nippon Ichi no Meikantoku
  433. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Blue Train Satsujin Jiken
  434. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Super Express Satsujin Jiken
  435. Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuuunroku
  436. Nuts & Milk
  437. Obocchamakun
  438. Ochinnitoshi Puzzle Tonjan!?
  439. Oeka Kids - Anpanman no Hiragana Daisuki
  440. Oeka Kids - Anpanman to Oekaki Shiyou
  441. Oishinbo: Kyukyoku no Menu 3bon Syoubu
  442. Onyanko Town
  443. Osomatsu-Kun: Back to Zami no Deppa
  444. Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy
  445. Outlanders
  446. Paaman Part 2: Himitsu Kessha Madoodan o Taose!
  447. Paaman: Enban o Torikaese!!
  448. Pachi Slot Adventure 2: Sorotta Kun no Pachi Slot Tanteidan
  449. Pachi Slot Adventure 3: Bitaoshii 7 Kenzan!
  450. Pachicom
  451. Pachinko Daisakusen
  452. Pachinko Daisakusen 2
  453. Pachiokun 2
  454. Pachiokun 3
  455. Pachiokun 4
  456. Pachiokun 5
  457. Palamedes II: Star Twinkles
  458. Parareru World
  459. Parasol Henbee
  460. Paris-Dakar Rally Special
  461. Peepar Time
  462. Penguin-Kun Wars
  463. Perfect Bowling
  464. Pizza Pop
  465. Plasma Ball
  466. Pocket Zaurus: Ju Ouken no Nazo
  467. Pooyan
  468. Popeye no Eigo Asobi
  469. Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
  470. Power Soccer
  471. President no Sentaku
  472. Pro Yakyuu Family Stadium '87
  473. Pro Yakyuu Family Stadium '88
  474. Pro Yakyuu Satsujin Jiken!
  475. Punch-Out!! Special
  476. Puyo Puyo
  477. Puzslot
  478. Pyokotan no Daimeiro
  479. Quarterback Scramble
  480. Quarth
  481. Quiz Project Q: Cutie Project & Battle 1000
  482. Racer Mini Yonku: Japan Cup
  483. Radia Senki: Reimeihen
  484. Rampart
  485. Rasāru Ishii no Childs Quest
  486. Recca - Summer Carnival '92
  487. Ripple Island
  488. Robocco Wars
  489. Rokudenashi Blues
  490. Route 16 Turbo
  491. RPG Jinsei Game: The Game of Life
  492. Safety Rally
  493. Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu-hen
  494. Saiyuuki World
  495. Sakigake!! Otoko Juku: Shippu Ichi Gou Sei
  496. Samsara Naga
  497. Sanada Juu Yuushi
  498. Sangokushi II: Haou no Tairiku
  499. Sangokushi: Chuugen no Hasha
  500. Sanma no Meitantei
  501. Sanrio Carnival
  502. Sanrio Carnival 2
  503. Sanrio Cup: Pon Pon Volley
  504. Sansū 1-nen: Keisan Game
  505. Sansū 2-nen: Keisan Game
  506. Sansū 3-nen: Keisan Game
  507. Sansū 4-nen: Keisan Game
  508. Sansū 5+6-nen: Keisan Game
  509. Satomi Hakkenden
  510. Satoru Nakajima : F-1 Hero 2
  511. Satsui no Kaisou: Power Soft Satsujin Jiken
  512. Satsujin Club
  513. SD Battle Oozumou: Heisei Hero Basho
  514. SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 2: Capsule Senki
  515. SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 3: Eiyuu Senki
  516. SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 4: New Type Story
  517. SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 5: Battle of Universal Century
  518. SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari
  519. SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 2: Hikari no Kishi
  520. SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 3
  521. SD Hero Soukessen: Taose! Aku no Gundan
  522. SD Keiji Blader
  523. SD Sengoku Bushou Retsuden: Rekka no Gotoku Tenka o Nusure!
  524. Seikima II Akuma no Gyakushū!
  525. Seirei Gari
  526. Seiryaku Simulation: Inbou no Wakusei: Shancara
  527. Sekiryuou
  528. Shadow Brain
  529. Shanghai
  530. Shanghai II
  531. Sherlock Holmes: Hakushaku Reijō Yūkai Jiken
  532. Shikinjo
  533. Shin 4-Jin Uchi Mahjong: Yakuman Tengoku
  534. Shin Moero!! Pro Yakyuu
  535. Shin Satomi Hakken-Den - Hikari to Yami no Tatakai
  536. Shinsenden
  537. Shogun
  538. Shōnen Ashibe Nepal Daibouken no Maki
  539. Shougi Meikan '92
  540. Shougi Meikan '93
  541. Shoukoushi Ceddie
  542. Shuffle Fight
  543. Shufflepuck Café
  544. Silva Saga
  545. Sky Destroyer
  546. Soccer League: Winners Cup
  547. SonSon
  548. Soreike! Anpanman Minna de Hiking Game
  549. Space Harrier
  550. Space Hunter
  551. Space Invaders
  552. Space Shadow
  553. Spartan X 2
  554. Spelunker II: Yūsha e no Chōsen
  555. Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti
  556. Spy vs. Spy II: Nankoku Shirei!!
  557. Square no Tom Sawyer
  558. Star Luster
  559. Star Soldier: Time Trial Special Soft
  560. Star Wars
  561. STED: Iseki Wakusei no Yabou
  562. Stick Hunter
  563. Sugoro Quest: Dice no Senshi Tachi
  564. Sukeban Deka III
  565. Super Arabian
  566. Super Black Onyx
  567. Super Chinese 3
  568. Super Dynamix Badminton
  569. Super Mogura Tataki!! Pokkun Mogura
  570. Super Momotaro Dentetsu
  571. Super Pinball
  572. Super Real Baseball '88
  573. Super Rugby
  574. Super Star Force: Jikūreki no Himitsu
  575. Super Xevious: GAMP no Nazo
  576. SWAT: Special Weapons and Tactics
  577. Sweet Home
  578. Tailor-Made
  579. Taito Chase H.Q.
  580. Taito Grand Prix: Eikou heno License
  581. Taiyou no Yuusha Firebird
  582. Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima IV
  583. Takahashi Meijin no Bugutte Honey
  584. Takeda Shingen
  585. Takeshi no Chōsenjō
  586. Takeshi no Sengoku Fūunji
  587. Tamura Teruaki no Mahjong Seminar
  588. Tanigawa Koji no Shougi Shinan II
  589. Tanigawa Koji no Shougi Shinan III
  590. Tantei Jinguji Saburou: Yokohamakou Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
  591. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Toki no Sugiyuku Mama ni
  592. Tao
  593. Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai
  594. Tatakae! Chou Robotto Seimeitai Transformers: Convoy no Nazo
  595. Tatakae!! Ramen Man: Sakuretsu Choujin 102 Gei
  596. Tenchi o Kurau II: Shokatsu Koumei Den
  597. Tenka no Goikenban: Mito Koumon
  598. Tenkaichi Bushi Keru Naguuru
  599. Terao no Dosukoi Oozumou
  600. Tetra Star: The Fighter
  601. Tetris 2 + Bombliss
  602. Tetsudou-Oh
  603. Tetsuwan Atom
  604. Thexder
  605. Time Zone
  606. Titan
  607. TM Network: Live in Power Bowl
  608. Tobidase Daisakusen 2: JJ
  609. Toki no Tabibito: Time Stranger
  610. Tokoro-san no Mamoru mo Semeru mo
  611. Tokyo Pachi-Slot Adventure
  612. Top Rider
  613. Top Striker
  614. Touhou Kenbun Roku
  615. Toukon Club
  616. Tower of Druaga, The
  617. Triathron, The
  618. Tsuppari Oozumou
  619. Tsuppari Wars
  620. Tsurikichi Sanpei: Blue Marlin hen
  621. Tsuru Pikahage Maru: Mezase! Tsuruseko no Akashi
  622. TwinBee
  623. TwinBee 3
  624. Uchūsen: Cosmo Carrier
  625. Uchuu Keibitai SDF
  626. Ultraman Club 2: Kaettekita Ultraman Club
  627. Ultraman Club 3
  628. Ultraman Club Kaijuu Dai Kessen!!
  629. Urusei Yatsura: Lum no Wedding Bell
  630. Ushio to Tora: Shin'en no Daiyō
  631. Utsurundesu Kawauso Hawaii e Iku
  632. Valis: The Fantastic Soldier
  633. Valkyrie no Bouken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu
  634. Vegas Connection: Casino Kara Ai wo Komete
  635. Venus Senki
  636. Volguard II
  637. Wagyan Land
  638. Wagyan Land 2
  639. Wagyan Land 3
  640. Wai Wai World
  641. Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Paseri Jou
  642. Warpman
  643. Wily & Light no Rockboard: That's Paradise
  644. Wing of Madoola
  645. Wit's
  646. Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn - The Third Scenario
  647. Woody Poko
  648. World Boxing
  649. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyouto Hana no Misshitsu Satsujin Jiken
  650. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyouto Ryuu no Tera Satsujin Jiken
  651. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyouto Zaiteku Satsujin Jiken
  652. Yie Ar Kung Fu
  653. Youkai Club
  654. Youkai Douchuuki
  655. Ys
  656. Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished The Final Chapter
  657. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
  658. Yume Penguin Monogatari
  659. Zippy Race
  660. Zoids 2: Zenebasu no Gyakushuu
  661. Zoids: Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai
  662. Zoids: Mokushiroku
  663. Zombie Hunter
  664. Zunou Senkan Galg
Edited by ThePhleo
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