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Game Debate #137: Dead Rising

Reed Rothchild

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14 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences, NOT historical significance

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer f'ing game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. You like to recommend it.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not a very good game.
    • 2/10 - Pretty crappy.
    • 1/10 - Horrible game in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.

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This was one of the earliest games that I played on a 360 and I remember having a good time. I haven't played it (or any game in the series) since 2007, so all I have to go on are those distant, fond memories but I'll trust my gut and call it a 7/10. It was my brother's game and X-Box, so I never finished it but simply exploring all the different weapons and secrets was a unique experience for the time.

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I don't think I'd ever have tried this game if I didn't get it along with the second hand X360 I bought early in that console's life cycle, but I'm very happy I did! At the time zombies were everywhere and it was easy to get fed up with that. 

But man, Dead Rising is so much fun, one of the last true wacky Japanese anything-goes games of its type. It manages to encompass all the zombie clichés in the most fun way possible. 

I also love how the game wasn't just made to play once from beginning to end, but is very specifically crafted to carry the same character across a potentially endless loop of the same cycle of events - giving you the opportunity to try out different things or go entirely different places and meet new people or bosses each time. If you want, you can just hide out in a corner for three days until help comes - or you can try to solve the mystery of why things happened! Or you can beef up your character until he's able to just tear every zombie apart with his bare fists! 😄

8/10 no doubt! 

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5 hours ago, Sumez said:

I don't really care about the scores. I'm more curious to just know, if you thought it was an 8 back in the day - what has changed since that makes you think it isn't? 🙂 

I thought it was an 8 based on all the marketing and the videos, right up until I went to play it.  Then, I was sadly disappointed and tired of it very quickly.  It's advertised as a sort of "zombie apocalypse simulator," but really it's just another arcade-y beat 'em up with a lot of arbitrary, annoying game mechanics.  I borrowed it, played it for a couple of days, then put it down and never came back.

I'm not against arcade-y beat 'em ups in general, and I perhaps could have made it through this one had it not been for some of the mechanics that annoyed the crap out of me and the blatant cash-grab of slapping zombies on it and pretending it was something akin to Dawn of the Dead or such.  As it is, my low score comes from annoying mechanics that a beat 'em up doesn't need paired with a ton of what is, to me, false advertising.

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3 minutes ago, darkchylde28 said:

As it is, my low score comes from annoying mechanics that a beat 'em up doesn't need paired with a ton of what is, to me, false advertising.

False advertising even? Not sure I ever saw any ads for the game, but what part of a zombie apocalypse in a mall do you feel Dead Rising doesn't replicate? 😆 It has like every single trope! 

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1 minute ago, Sumez said:

False advertising even? Not sure I ever saw any ads for the game, but what part of a zombie apocalypse in a mall do you feel Dead Rising doesn't replicate? 😆 It has like every single trope! 

I thought the tropes were well done by Capcom, it was fun and kitschy. 

Dont think anything was “slapped on”, it was  pretty unique game design for the time. It had a solid crafting system and the Timer I could do without but added a fun urgency. Story was cheezy enough to be fun. I mean you can literally mow them over with a lawn mower lol

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Events Team · Posted
5 hours ago, Sumez said:

I don't really care about the scores. I'm more curious to just know, if you thought it was an 8 back in the day - what has changed since that makes you think it isn't? 🙂 

Mostly the fact that I haven't played since it was relevant in the era.  It's gotta have staying power if it's going to be a truly great game.  

I also have an attention span issue these days.  Would I play it again? Sure.  Would I put 30 or 50 plus hours into the game for a full experience?  Not a chance.

Let's just say, I've aged poorly. 😄

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1 hour ago, Sumez said:

False advertising even? Not sure I ever saw any ads for the game, but what part of a zombie apocalypse in a mall do you feel Dead Rising doesn't replicate? 😆 It has like every single trope! 

The print ads and what little video ads I saw made it seem very simulator-y or adventure-y, and the zombies really didn't act like traditional zombies, at least not once night came, or whatever.  Everything made it seem like it was going to be a "Dawn of the Dead" simulator, but it was really just a arcade-y beat 'em up with a lot of enemies that looked like, but didn't act like zombies.  So, again, to me, false advertising.  They hooked me into trying it, which I'm glad that's all I did, as I'd have been pissed had I actually shelled out $60 for a copy.

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I had to go with 7.  Ive gotten all the achievements in it, including the 7 day survivor (Actually had to do that twice.  First time I was about 10 hours in, and for fun went outside and kept getting hit by the dude with chainsaws and never allowed me to get up and died.  I was furious). 

Anyway... I went with 7 because although I enjoyed it, I never felt the need to go back to it.  Its odd because it closely resembles my favorite movie of all time, including having accurate zombies.  But for how I enjoy games, I always thought Left 4 Dead was more enjoyable.  Although they're infected, it had more action and replay-ability.  Maybe one day I'll throw it back on, but I can't see myself giving it more than an 8.

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  • 1 year later...

Rough around the edges, but a really interesting and fun experience. The variety of different characters and the effort you had to put in to save them really made this a memorable game. I wonder how the upcoming remake will compare. 8 out of 10.

If I rated it on just achievements it would be a -10. The 7 Day Survivor achievement was just ridiculous. 

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