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Goodbye Sealed Pokerman


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37 minutes ago, Sumez said:

The customs doing gods work for a change

9 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Nothing like deriving pleasure from others misfortunes amirite?

seriously now? we're cheering on customs shredding games now? there's basically no scenario where customs destroying personal property should be acceptable. for shame.

17 minutes ago, final fight cd said:

does the dude get any compensation for them destroying a 10.5K valued item? or is he shit out of luck.  either way that is harsh.  

US customs lets you file a claim in the event of destroyed property. also it's not $10.5k, closer to $2k based on recent sold comps.


Edited by inasuma
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2 minutes ago, inasuma said:

seriously now? we're cheering on customs shredding games now? there's basically no scenario where customs destroying personal property should be acceptable. for shame.

US customs lets you file a claim in the event of destroyed property. also it's not $10.5k, closer to $2k.


You didn’t sense the dripping sarcasm in my post? Welcome to the internet. 

Being personally satisfied with someone else’s misfortune is sad. This is an obvious troll thread too, since its become so meta among hardcore collectors to hate sealed collecting. 

And FYI, customs has every right to rip into it. They arent shredding anything, they are making sure nothing illegal was being stored in there. 

“but what about my A+ seal rating?”

I can hear you say. 

Drug and contraband smugglers literally put such things into people and animals, surely a sealed video game could be a valid option for smugglers. 

The best part is, ZERO utility is lost. The game can still be played like every other one, and that loose cart is in amazing condition 😍😍

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And for the record, I am bummed for the guy whos game got opened. It was purchased for the condition and grading I get it. However, thats the risk you take in collecting sealed. 

Who knows, maybe the owner is rich from dumping sealed graded copies of halo 2 for 38k on rubes in the great sealed game heist of 2020 and this 1500$ barely touches his bottom line. 

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18 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

You didn’t sense the dripping sarcasm in my post?

haha i see the sarcasm now that i re-read your post.

i've seen nothing but folks online say that person deserved it and its just so sad. they'd be singing a whole different tune if their games were horribly mangled by a customs agent. it's been frustrating to read.

Edited by inasuma
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I'll echo what others have said here.  Regardless of how you feel about WATA, grading, or sealed game collecting, it's just despicable to rejoice in the destruction of someone else's property when it's done against their wishes.  And the photo that's  been floating around makes it very clear that the guy's setup was destroyed.  It's likely that the cartridge survived the incident, but he box is 100% toast, and it's highly likely that the manual got it too thanks to whatever careless and overzealous member of customs decided to go after this with such reckless zeal.  Had they taken care in opening the thing, it would have been sad that the guy would have lost a sealed copy that had been graded, but perhaps would have been able to retain a nice CIB copy, but it wouldn't have been the scene "tragedy" that this quickly became.

One thing I'll say about this, though, was either the customs people took more care in opening the outer case, or there's a lot more to say about the quality of the cases that WATA's using, since it seems that the only damage or way into the thing is from the top.  Given customs' wreckage of the box, it would have seemed appropriate for them to have just broken into the front of the case like a wild animal as well.

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5 minutes ago, darkchylde28 said:

I'll echo what others have said here.  Regardless of how you feel about WATA, grading, or sealed game collecting, it's just despicable to rejoice in the destruction of someone else's property when it's done against their wishes.  And the photo that's  been floating around makes it very clear that the guy's setup was destroyed.  It's likely that the cartridge survived the incident, but he box is 100% toast, and it's highly likely that the manual got it too thanks to whatever careless and overzealous member of customs decided to go after this with such reckless zeal.  Had they taken care in opening the thing, it would have been sad that the guy would have lost a sealed copy that had been graded, but perhaps would have been able to retain a nice CIB copy, but it wouldn't have been the scene "tragedy" that this quickly became.

One thing I'll say about this, though, was either the customs people took more care in opening the outer case, or there's a lot more to say about the quality of the cases that WATA's using, since it seems that the only damage or way into the thing is from the top.  Given customs' wreckage of the box, it would have seemed appropriate for them to have just broken into the front of the case like a wild animal as well.

Not sure who is rejoicing in the destruction of the item, I guess perhaps I should read the article comments?

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59 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Not sure who is rejoicing in the destruction of the item, I guess perhaps I should read the article comments?

Sumez.  Read your own thread.  I'll quote it below, so you don't have to scroll to the very next comment under your first one.

2 hours ago, Sumez said:

The customs doing gods work for a change

Also you, based on this bit from your initial post:

3 hours ago, fcgamer said:

No idea if this is current or not, just popped up in my phone news though and made me smile a bit.


There isn't anything smile-worthy in that article, it's just reporting about how customs ruined the guy's game, not how he's going to get a nice payday, or how customs can somehow magically reverse the damage.


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1 minute ago, darkchylde28 said:

Sumez.  Read your own thread.  I'll quote it below, so you don't have to scroll to the very next comment under your first one.


One could argue that the grading companies / greed from that is an act of hubris, then what Sumez said would be totally fine, without it being a sense of schadenfreude which is what you are making it out to be.

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Just now, darkchylde28 said:

And this, if nothing else, pretty much shoots your whole "Dave is different than fcgamer" charade in the ass, as any human being with an ounce of self respect and ability to feel empathy for another human being would have been ashamed, versus proud, to have spouted such vitriolic bullshit out into the world.  But not Dave, no, not Dave.

You're just pissed because I, along with Phleo, had posted that we viewed our online personas to be different from our actual ones, about a year or a year and a half earlier than the dispute in the recent thread. And thus you were wrong. I guess you hate being wrong at something, can't stand it I'd reckon.

It's funny, Wunderful states early on in the thread how "This is an obvious troll thread too" . In reality, I just saw the headline across my phone, don't particularly like how the whole wata situation ended up, and thought others might be interested in seeing the news, if it even was news (no idea, as I don't particularly follow that scene and just saw the headline from a non-gaming site in my news headlines).

I guess what I am saying is as follows: the whole persona vs no persona situation came about from Wizard reprimanding me about my responses on an obvious troll thread. When one starts to demand a merge between professional and casual conversations, then it's time to remind them that a clear distinction has been made much earlier. That's all.

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Moderator · Posted
1 minute ago, fcgamer said:

You're just pissed because I, along with Phleo, had posted that we viewed our online personas to be different from our actual ones, about a year or a year and a half earlier than the dispute in the recent thread. And thus you were wrong. I guess you hate being wrong at something, can't stand it I'd reckon.

It's funny, Wunderful states early on in the thread how "This is an obvious troll thread too" . In reality, I just saw the headline across my phone, don't particularly like how the whole wata situation ended up, and thought others might be interested in seeing the news, if it even was news (no idea, as I don't particularly follow that scene and just saw the headline from a non-gaming site in my news headlines).

I guess what I am saying is as follows: the whole persona vs no persona situation came about from Wizard reprimanding me about my responses on an obvious troll thread. When one starts to demand a merge between professional and casual conversations, then it's time to remind them that a clear distinction has been made much earlier. That's all.

Enough with this, time for everyone to get back on topic. 

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Moderator · Posted
Just now, darkchylde28 said:

No, I'm just calling bullshit on it.  I guess serial killers aren't guilty, because it was their personas that did it, right?  Once the real you gets tied to whatever online handle you've decided to hang around your neck, you get saddled with all the bullshit and baggage that goes along with that, whether you like it or not.  There's magic no-get-out-of-people-seeing-me-as-a-troll-or-asshole card, and the sooner you come to realize and understand that, the better off you'll be in life.

I don't like WATA, their practices, or those of a lot of WATA graders who have done their bit to specifically try to spike the market to make a quick buck.  But you know what else I don't like?  Rejoicing at someone else's legitimate misfortune.  It's one thing to post something because you don't know if others have seen it and might like to talk about it, it's another to openly "smile a bit" when someone's property is unnecessarily destroyed.  Should misfortune ever happen to your flat in Taiwan, should we dance around a fire with smiles on our faces at the loss of your collection?  I would think not, but damn, if we follow your example, perhaps we should rethink that line of basic human decency and empathy.

There is no clear distinction between the two unless you specifically have two accounts to post under, one posting trollish bullshit, and the other posting whatever you "really" think, or perhaps prefacing each post to actually clue people in to whatever your "intentions" are.  Since you have done neither, either historically or currently, it's obvious that you're just using that as a catch-all to try to get out of the shit that your "online persona" brings the "real you."  Go have a psychiatrist sign off on your "other you" and I (and I imagine others) might start believing this line of bullshit versus holding Dave accountable for Dave says.

See above. Stop it 

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@darkchylde28 : Reported. The harassment needs to stop now.

Per your earlier message, it's very clear to see if I am being serious or not, trolling, trying to make a point, or giving a fact. If you can't see it, perhaps you should slow down your reading a bit and clear your mind - I'm not trying to be offensive when I say this, rather I am just offering up a possible solution.

Let's be honest, if you don't care about anything other than the big four machines, for example (Sony/Microsoft/Sega/Nintendo) , then how are you going to know about things as the Super A'can, Gamate, Neo Geo, Casio Loopy, Game King, etc? For those of us raised on DP though, we had a periphery knowledge of all of these machines, even if we didn't actively collect for any of them. 

You don't need to agree with all of my takes and opinions, but to be a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, regarding items and topics that are self-admittedly out of your wheelhouse, please stop - it's just annoying for me, but in the end it also makes you look foolish.

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Just now, fcgamer said:

There was a news article about four or five years ago, where Mexicans were trying to smuggle spiders into the States via Famicom carts...

I remember that happened to one of the guys on NA, the brothers that did the N64 HDMI mods. They got a heavy game from the flea market and it was hollowed out with a brick in there. 

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2 hours ago, inasuma said:

seriously now? we're cheering on customs shredding games now? there's basically no scenario where customs destroying personal property should be acceptable. for shame.

Considering there's also no scenario where speculating in video games you have no intention of even playing should be acceptable either, I guess they cancel eachother out neatly then 🙂 

Seriously though, I can see that it's sad for that person, but no harm was done to anyone or anything that actually matters, I think it's possible to see lightly on a silly subject such as this. ❤️


1 hour ago, inasuma said:

they'd be singing a whole different tune if their games were horribly mangled by a customs agent. it's been frustrating to read.

I've had plenty of games mangled in transit. It's pretty annoying - but it's video games. I get over it 🙂 

Edited by Sumez
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