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Canadian Sega Genesis: A Collecting Guide/Blog


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43) Revenge of Shinobi

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Cover art on US and Canadian releases appear identical
Canadian release on top. Canadian release has a Kanji character behind the title.
Canadian release on its own

44) Shadow Dancer: Secret of Shinobi

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Canadian release on top. The spines are fairly different. No trademark symbol on the Canadian release
Canadian release on its own. Apparently the Canadian release of Shadow Dancer used a Mega Drive cart. I bought it from a member on the forums and that's what I was told. So far its the only Canadian release of Shadow Dancer that I've come across. For Kid Chameleon, about half of the time I see the Canadian release it has a Mega Drive cartridge, so I'm inclined to think that Shadow Dancer may be similar
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45) Sonic the Hedgehog

I've identified four different Canadian releases of Sonic the Hedgehog: standard release, two Not For Resale variants, and one Canadian/Australian hybrid.
Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Sonic the Hedgehog is the most well-known of the Canadian releases because the cover is so drastically different from the US release, and thus easy to spot.
Canadian release on top
Canadian release on its own

There are two Not for Resale (NFR) releases of Sonic the Hedgehog in Canada. One has blue text and the other has black text

This fourth release of Sonic the Hedgehog is a bit of a hybrid. The art insert is Canadian; however, the game was then subsequently released in Australia. The game uses an Ozisoft clamshell, Australian manual, and Mega Drive cart (made in Australia).
Perhaps it is debatable whether this release of Sonic the Hedgehog should count as Canadian or Australian. I wouldn't necessarily count it as part of a Canadian set, but its a legit variant and does use the Canadian insert, so I've showcased it here.
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46) Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
The US release has an orange/yellow border around the cover art. The US release also has a unique pattern for its border, while the bottom of the Canadian version has the standard "black box" look.
Canadian release on top. US release uses the same design from cover, but Canadian release reverts to the more standard "black box" style.
Canadian release on its own

47) Space Harrier II

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
The covers are virtually the same, but the image has been cropped and sized differently. On the Canadian release a full energy blast can be seen that is nearly off of the cover for the US release.
Canadian release on top. Colors seem brighter, and the spacing appears different, as well.
Canadian release on its own
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48) Spider-Man

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
There is a 50% Off Marvel Comics logo on the US release that is absent from the Canadian release
Canadian release on top. Not too different. Black box grid is larger for the Canadian release.
Canadian release on its own

49) Streets of Rage

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
The US release has a large "1 or 2 Players At Once" logo that is missing from the Canadian release
Canadian release on its own

50) Strider

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Huge "8 Mega Memory" logo on the US release that is absent from the Canadian release
For whatever reason, the Canadian release has a trademark logo but the US release does not
The US release includes the text "Stider is a licened trademark of Capcom, Inc." which is not included on the Canadian release
Canadian release on top. Game title on the Canadian release is much smaller, and gain the US release does not have the trademark logo but the Canadian release does.
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51) Super Hang On
Appended to the end of the thread.
52) Super Monaco GP

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Canadian release on top. Consistently from the cover to the spine, the Super Monaco GP title is much more red on the Canadian release and more orange for the US release
Canadian releaes on its own

53) Super Thunder Blade

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
The covers for both releases are just about identical
Canadian release on top
Canadian release on its own
Edited by RoyalT
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54) Sword of Vermillion

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Sword of Vermillion is a tough Canadian release to spot. It largely has the same cover as the US release, and the back cover isn't much different either.
The backs of the two Sword of Vermillion releases are nearly identical as well. The US release has a border that the Canadian release doesn't have. The Canadian release does not have the typical multi-language game summaries.
The Canadian release (top) does not use the "1 Player" logo present on the US release.
Canadian release on top. Both spines appear identical
Canadian release on its own. Note that Sword of Vermillion does not include the massive multi-language European Mega Drive manual, BUT it does have its own unique manual.  Unlike the manual for the US release, the Canadian release does not have the Sega Genesis logo at the top! Credit to RoyalT for this catch.

55) TaleSpin
Credit to @Ampplays for the photos! 

Edited by RoyalT
Adding photos of Tale Spin
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56) Taz-Mania

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Notice on the US release that isn't present on the Canadian release
Canadian release on top. US release has a UPC barcode on the spine
Canadian release on its own

57) Thunder Force II

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Canadian release on top. The two releases appear to use different shades of blue.
Canadian release on its own

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58) ToeJam & Earl

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Canadian release on top, title is a tad larger
Canadian release on its own

59) Tommy Lasorda Baseball

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Canadian release on top (no trademark logo)
Canadian release on its own.
I don't have the manual for this release. I am not sure what style it will be because this game was not released in Europe with the same name "Tommy Lasorda Baseball" - instead in Europe it was called Super League.

60) Wonder Boy in Monster World

Left: US release; Right: Canadian release
Canadian release uses a more red font color (unless my US release is sunfaded)
Canadian release on its own

Well, there you have it. I've added comparison photographs for every Canadian Genesis release in my collection. If I discover any additional games (beyond the 59), they will be added after this post. As I locate the 5 games I missing, I will add their photos and descriptions in the proper order for this thread, in which case I'll make a post to bump the thread and bring attention to the updates.

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Phenomenal, man! Great work getting everything transferred over, and I see you even updated the numbering so that Super Hang-On could slide in the correct spot alphabetically/number-wise for number 60.

There are a few spots in my original text where I wrote "59" but now we'll need to change that to "60" thanks for your good find!

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Sorry, I had to dump these at the end, the pictures were so damn big, I'd have to start editing these in and bumping all the other posts down, so I'll just leave these pics here for now and clean it up in time.  If anyone finds any new Canadian variants, please make it known here!  Also, if you happen to own any of the ones without pics up currently, feel free to reach out.  I do have Fantasia that I can update with shortly.

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4 minutes ago, supergamboy said:

Phenomenal, man! Great work getting everything transferred over, and I see you even updated the numbering so that Super Hang-On could slide in the correct spot alphabetically/number-wise for number 60.

There are a few spots in my original text where I wrote "59" but now we'll need to change that to "60" thanks for your good find!

whew, just glad we got it all.  I still think we'll find a few more of these Canadian variants out there, so the more exposure, the better.  Thanks for all your work on this man, it's super valuable.  Now to see what else we can port over. 

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Great job @RoyalT !

I now have a proper grasp of the distinctions between US/Canadian genesis games! Being more a Pal collector, I previously thought the US and Canadian versions were one in the same, and both come in several variants. 

So a short summary of what I’ve seen/read on this thread:

- Canadian game covers are a hybrid of the US and the Euro versions at the front. The spine of the boxes all slightly differ to the US counterparts in both the font size as well as the color of the words.

- Manuals appear to be more the Euro versions

- Carts being likely the Genesis versions but sometimes come in the Pal Megadrive form, or sometimes both. 


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Yeah buddy found another one, #62 and one of the more obscure Genesis shooters no less Bio-Hazzard Battle! Been exactly 17 months since the last post, crazy to think how much the collecting scene has progressed since then.  

Bio-Hazzard Battle  found on ebay (224528235994)


Edited by Ampplays
added ebay listing
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  • 6 months later...

I'm not sure if anyone really noticed it, but the Canadian box is typically identical to the European versions, except that they have the Genesis logo rather than the Mega Drive one.  The Master System did the same, with US carts in  a European box...but since the systems used the same name, they didn't have to change anything about it to conform with Quebec's language laws.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

with almost two years passing since any major update to this thread and, having occasionally lurked around the Canadian Set conversation since the old SegaAges days, im left wondering: Has anyone EVER publicly acknowledged having a complete set (regardless of which titles were known at the time)?

I understand there may still be some unknown unknowns we can keep that possibility off the table for this question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got new hardware to add to the Canadian Variant set! Not sure if anyone has seen this one before but its the only one I've seen pop up on eBay over the last 5 years. While i do have an Irwin High Def Graphics console in box, this is the first time I've seen any other Irwin branded hardware. Certainly there is (was) more Irwin branded hardware available back in the day BUT what else and how much has survived with its original box and packaging?

Genesis *ORIGINAL* 1st Gen 3 Button Control Pad by Irwin





Edited by Sega Steve
grammar hammer
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