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I don't recall seeing any approval of vandalism, was there?  Typical lashing out when there isn't total personal agreement or else.  Not sure all what was said, exclusively blocked and all.

I've seen those stickers, they're amusing and depressing at the same time, can say I support middle fingering who has a strong responsibility for part of the problem, but not defacing the pumps either.  And yeah the gas station worker probably was removing it, not just as a good employee but enough states/counties by law will fine the pumps for having stuff like that on them other than approved stickers.

That is true though, strange how if we have to play the two sided game how one largely seems to be cool with burning stuff to rubble or beating the hell out of people, causing job loss, and the other reported junk you can find online far more than the other side who typically will just get mad, mouth off, or just keep quiet and stew/walk away.  One causes real damage (fire), the other (sticker removal, threat of fines) a headache... big difference.


Probably best to make a side thread to whine about politics, this is supposed to be about funny shit with memes, not unfunny shit stirred up by the usual pot who can't take a joke.

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11 hours ago, Tabonga said:

Tsk!  Tsk!  Tsk!  Tsk!  You are getting way over invested in a simple sticker simply because someone dares have a view of things that represent something different than your myopic (in my IMHO of course) viewpoint.  

Those stickers are easily removable.  If the BLM sticker was humorous I would laugh at it (but it has been my experience that most  on the left don't have much of a sense of humor (I can point out a case in point if you like.))  If it wasn't humorous no skin off my nose since I (for one at least) recognize that not everyone has to be in lockstep with me.  (In any event this is much simpler than replacing, say, burnt out buildings.)

It is not only where gas is now - but where it is gonna be in the near future - no one seems to think it is gonna stabilse much less stop increasing.  And fairly steep increases in the cost of food as a result are being predicted.

Electric cars in any quantity are a pipe dream in any case - we have no appreciable global stocks of the rare earth metals and extracting them is pretty harsh on old mother Terra.  In any event the electric grid is on the brink of intermittant collapse in  many parts of the country  since the galactic overlords have shut down conventional power sources (oddly enough not as fast as India, China et al have been building the same types) without measuring what the new capacities are.   If we were able to crank out evs/hybrids   like some  want the power grid won't support them as it is - and is likely getting less likely to be able to as time flies by. 


Dont worry, not getting invested. Just calling out the BS.  You know I like to chime in when I have a couple fleeting seconds. 

 the grid is on the verge of collapsing(?) lol is a complete myth  -maybe in texas where its unregulated.  But grids can handle the power, they will just need more.  Plus, solar panels exist so yeah. But this is a meme thread so I’m not going to get into it anymore. the information aid a quick Google search away if you want to educate yourself on the subject  


And I know tanooki cant read this, so its for everyone else. I think it’s hilarious that he is such a snowflake that he ignored me because I asked him to defend the points he makes 😂😂😂 so sensitive lol





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Didn't intend to double post, but, since it was shared to me I'll respond just this one time and take it as you will.

No I'm not a snowflake.  A snowflake.  A snowflake by definition is an overly sensitive or easily offended person, one who believes they are entitled to special treatment.

I don't feel I need any special treatment to start.  And no I'm not being sensitive and I'm not offended.  What I am though is basically over it, and not you Wunderful, but a specific type of behavior, personally I don't even dislike you and when you stay off political grandstanding you're quite fine to talk/type with on here.

The issue is behavior.  Some people you can't reason with, you can't argue with.  They go off at the tip of the hat and will drag down a conversation into a political/social raging dumpster fire time and again and refuse to ever let stuff go and just cancer up fun places (like a meme thread of all things) just to soap box once again.

You demand debate and defending points from tabonga, me, others, yet if someone does it's never good enough, it's laughed off and called wrong despite what has been given.  Refusing to leave the box of fringe reality refusing to accept any other position or belief and just hammering away over and over again like an ingrained need to win some points on the internet scoreboard few give a shit about.

That's the issue, it's not being a snowflake.  It's fed up being force fed a re-run of annoying crap that festers and drags down conversations trying to start then win battles that are utterly pointless.

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21 minutes ago, Mega Tank said:

This is a meme thread, not the politics thread.

Well when someone posts political memes, it is gonna get political. Aren't we all adult enough to either get in on the discussion or ignore it and move on? I personally found joy in reading some of the ridiculous antiquated opinions shared in response to the stickers.

Edit: The only solution I can think of is to have a separate thread for political memes. Maybe in the politics club, idk.

Edited by CodysGameRoom
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I agree with cody there on that edit.

There should just be one isolated thread for political comments.  Political comments that get dragged into stuff like here, the law and order one, the virus...it should get moved into that one place, a war room of sorts and if people choose to hash it out, so be it, but it ends there.

The other ban it.  Atariage for 10-20 years now has.  You can have this thread, the others, people discuss or make jokes, but once it gets into politics the posts can get erased, the thread if's massive enough closed, and some can get banned from a thread permanently or temp locked from the site to take a break.  The result, people who would be at each others throats elsewhere get along great when they otherwise wouldn't.  It should be that way, it's a gaming site, not a SuperPAC for your party of preference.

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I did mention I saw the stickers, but I'm one that would appreciate diverting from this discussion.  I can enjoy a political joke but on the same hand, things are volatile and I tend to keep my politics separate from my fun (which is why I've ignored all political based threads and the club.)

You guys are free to do what you want, and to discuss politics in any threads, but this is a fun place for me.  I'd rather not get worked up about politics in my VGS.

Edited by RH
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I have no issue with people posting political memes here regardless of which side they fall on.  But if two people want to have a pissing contest with each other, take it to the political thread or club and waste each other's time over there.  That way we don't have to waste our own time scrolling past your bull shit.  

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On 6/7/2022 at 2:25 PM, Tanooki said:

I'm conflicted.  I want to click laugh, but also sad face because I feel somewhat like a prisoner now because the gas prices are keeping me from doing things...bastards.  Hey let's shut down this and that, then do this thing...and because...   Best put: Carter: The Sequel

Hopefully without the "Carter quarters" (Suzie dollars) this time!  And when Carter ran for re-election my grandpa just LOVED this line here...


Edited by Estil
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13 minutes ago, Estil said:

Hopefully without the "Carter quarters" (Suzie dollars) this time!  And when Carter ran for re-election my grandpa just LOVED this line here...


Yeah agreed, he was probably the last really great president we had unfortunately.  And this one started at the point I shared it, it fits what's going on again now too, just change out one president for the other with the final part.


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