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Switch 2 Prediction Pool


Guessing Time  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Name of System

  2. 2. System Color

  3. 3. Type of System

    • Console
    • Handheld
    • Hybrid
    • other (please state)
  4. 4. System Gimmick

    • 4k
    • Virtual Reality
    • Augmented Reality
    • Smell-o-vision
    • other (please state)
  5. 5. Software Format

    • Carts/Card
    • Disc
    • Digitial Only
    • other (please state)
  6. 6. Backwards Compatible with Switch

  7. 7. Release Month

  8. 8. System Cost

    • $200 or $250
    • $300 or $350
    • $400 or $450
    • $500 or $550
    • $600 or $650
    • other (please state)
  9. 9. Launch Games

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Will probably be grey and then maybe some other color. Phones are weird colors now, maybe switch dos will be too. OLED isn't even a question at this point IMO. Likewise for 4K docked, though I expect only 1080p for handheld. I could imagine AR support in handheld mode, especially something that lets you play Mario in real life or similar idea. I don't know what else they will do; They have no reason not to make it "switch with cheese". Knowing Nintendo, there will be something crazy thrown in as a feature.

I fully expect compatibility with switch 1. You'll be able to migrate all your stuff from switch 1, even switch online/etc. We have simply left the era of consoles being open and shut libraries. Every console now simply HAS to be able to support older games. MS set the tone with their BC project on xbone and the sexboxes. Sony clearly follows suit as much as they can. Nintendo won't get anything from cutting their buyers off yet again. The Wii U was a nice crutch for them to port from in the switch early lifespan, but this would be too much.

I hope they make joycons with hall effect sensors so they don't get drift, and I hope they have interchangeable parts as an option, so you can put in a d-pad in place of the stick if you want, or a d-pad in place of the buttons if you want. I hear they might have a new rail system for connecting more effectively, but that may just be rumors. Absolutely no chance of VR. They can't even dream of competing with facebook or sony on that front. You will get labo 4 at best. A shame because I bet PSVR will never be mainstream enough and facebook will never be japan-friendly enough for either of them to finally get Sega to put out a Sega VR Classics series that remakes their lightgun games as VR fullsize cabinets with virtual guns. C'mon sega, this is basic stuff!

Metroid Prime 4 will absolutely be delayed for switch 2 (it will be on switch 1 too but 2 will run it at full speed/resolution). Alternatively, they either 1) release at same time as switch 2, but with a special edition of the game available, since they did it for dread and prime 4 has been long awaited, or 2) they release new switch in March 2025, then announce prime 4 will have a limited edition console bundle in November. That would be to coax metroid fans who maybe skipped the switch (and 3DS?) and could finally find out about what games had come out since the Wii (wow, it was really that many years without a metroid game? I forgot until I wrote this)

In case 2, Prime 4 would be the last major new Nintendo game to be switch 1 compatible. They would end their own switch 1 releases entirely by mid-2026, and third party releases would end in 2027.

I also expect a Splatoon 4 bundle in the summer of 2025, but maybe just with controller/joycons rather than a full console pack.

For what we can guess, I expect 3DS games will get remasters now that they are old enough to possibly have a "retro" feeling, particularly now that the 3DS shop is closed. As I said this, I remembered Luigi Mansion 2 has already been done, so I expect more to come. I hope that means Kid Icarus Uprising gets a re-release. This would tie in well with the AR stuff. Oh, and from my prior metroid scenario, expect to see Samus Returns HD, and possibly a Dread sequel.

I want to say that gamecube games will get on switch online, but I seriously doubt it. They are too large to keep locally in high quantities, and the games need to be reprogrammed to be playable without digital triggers. I expect they will just keep remastering and re-releasing them here and there. I also won't be surprised if the OoT remake, the Majora remake, and the two HD Zelda remakes on wii u get moved to the switch 2.

Knowing Nintendo's marketing, I predict they will say that the new switch will be a shining light on the gaming world, and so I expect they will call it the Light Switch. English-language markets will cry and scream at 5 more years of another terrible naming decision while the Japanese board pats themselves on the back for the great name.

The real question from here is, what terrible, awful idea(s) or badly implemented stuff will end up in the Light Switch?

Edited by koifish
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On 12/22/2023 at 5:55 PM, JamesRobot said:

3DSwitch please: Hybrid OLED 3D handheld; 4k docked; dual screen (handheld DS and handheld/TV), clear red, cart based backwards compatible with Switch and 3DS, launching August, $550 price point, with 3D Switch remasters and NES classics at launch with Metroid Dread 2, Mega Man 12, Link Between Worlds 2, and a proper Super Mario Bros. 4.

Oh, and while I'm dreaming, a functional HDTV Zapper.  Might as throw in a new iteration of ROB too.  With onboard ROB AI.

We already had Super Mario Bros 4, it was called Super Mario World.

Proof: Japanese packaging, says Super Mario Bros. 4: Super Mario World right on it.

  • Haha 1
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37 minutes ago, Koopa64 said:

We already had Super Mario Bros 4, it was called Super Mario World.

Proof: Japanese packaging, says Super Mario Bros. 4: Super Mario World right on it.

I prefer the Armadillo Mario 4 hack.

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@koifish The one thing I could flat out disagree with you on is the end of Switch support for third party titles in 2027.

I mean, here we are, mid-2024 and all we’ve received from Nintendo that they confirmed they are working on a successor console.  No dates, specs or timelines.

So the Switch as a console will be sold until the release of the Switch 2, and unless they decide to make it 100% Switch compatible and release it at a price that is the same as the Switch, they will continue to make and distribute Switch hardware for a buffer period, which I’d assume is at least 6 months.  This means they can deep discount Switches at Christmas 2025 by your timeline.

This is important because Nintendo will want to support their new owners of OG Switch’s, so they will continue to sell software until it’s no longe profitable. I could see them releasing 2-3 titles for the first year after launch and every year after that would be contingent on sales and since the Switch has such a huge install base, they need to get over the hump of the new and old users simply not wanting to upgrade.  They are not going to ignore the 10s of millions of existing units that exist, still with a lot of demand, so I could see support extending into 2027, for sure.

Regarding the release of third party titles, well if Just Dance has taught us anything, so long as it’s cheap enough to develop and release too, 3rd parties will keep releasing.  I could see the Switch extending its life into 2030. It sounds like madness but the longevity of the unit is a double edged sword.  Yes, it means it’s “withered technology” is even less relevant in the modern world, however the install base is now so wide and practically ubiquitous, many people aren’t just going to upgrade a system but will keep buying for it so long as their are decent games being made.  Simply put, there are several casual console gamers that would be happy to continue paying $20-30 for Switch games for the market to ignore, especially burgeoning Indy studios who want to make as much revenue as they can.

I definitely agree that corporate is going to want a gimmick with this unit because that’s the Nintendo way.  The only question is will the gimmick land with an international crowd and truly encourage the masses of casuals, who are just now getting into the Switch, to want to upgrade.  Even if the answer is yes, most of them would probably respond on a survey that “They are interested in the Switch 2, and might pick one up in 1-2 years” after it launches.

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@RH an interesting statement. I picked 2026 for nintendo to finish because it'd be about two years after the new system. That's assuming a March 25 release of switch 2 and an end of 2026 finish for new releases. I suppose I should look more at something like 3DS, which even with switch released in march 2017, enjoyed several years of new releases. Maybe mid-2027 is more realistic for end of nintendo output.

I completely forgot about indies, and you are right; They have no reason to not make their games run on switch, aside from the number of them using Unity, which in my experience either needs to be very well optimized for switch, or has to have the buyer willing to put up with pretty bad framerates. Maybe there are better devs or better platforms out there on switch though; I did totally forget them, so obviously I don't pay enough attention to indies to know.

I don't really consider Just Dance releases on Wii to be indicative of a greater trend. If anything, it speaks to a unique sales angle that existed for one system, but might not exist for another. But then again maybe I'm being too quick to dismiss; I remember now that Cars 3 had a game released on Xbox 360, 12 years (?) after the console launched. Those were a weird set of consoles, in that they took a long time to catch on and then sat around for a while, so I still don't know if that's a great example to go off of. I know there are long console lifespans out there in history, and you know, maybe I'm just ignoring that "if the money is there, so too will be the product". Famicom had new releases alongside the playstation. Super famicom had new releases alongside playstation 2. Playstation 2 had new releases alongside Xbox One (albeit the same as the Wii's Just Dance sort of thing, an easy enough cash-in to push out).

In the end, you may be right. I could just have a conservative view of console support. Will be interesting to see.

Also, I like how you didn't "flat out disagree" with my prediction that Nintendo will call it the Light Switch 😜

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20 minutes ago, koifish said:

Also, I like how you didn't "flat out disagree" with my prediction that Nintendo will call it the Light Switch 😜

I didn't catch that that was specifically a prediction. Honestly, I have no prediction what the next system will be called. My hunch is it will play off of "Switch" because it will be backwards compatible, like DS/3DS or Wii/Wii-U. I highly doubt it will be the "Switch 2", probably not "Switch Pro", but maybe something like "Switch+" or "Switch HD". Of course, we have no clue what the gimmick will be, if there even is one, and the name will definitely play off of whatever that will be. LiDAR for AR? Maybe it will be the "Switch AR".

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