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NES Completions thread 2024 - 669/677

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13 hours ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

I'm done with Metal Mech. This was originally supposed to be a short playthrough before moving on to DoaE, but I somehow kept choking on the last level over and over again, so that this turned into an evening filling ordeal.


Congrats! That level is always awful. One of the hardest NES levels, along with the last one from 1943. Those two immediately stand out to me from my experiences.

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20 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

I finished Karnov too.  Thank god it had infinite continues.  I didn't remember if it did or didnt, but my recollection was it wasn't a super hard game.  In fact some of the bosses are much harder than the final boss.  Another one of those games where if you know what you're doing and know where to use your powerups, its pretty easy.  Of course I was learning it and had to refight bosses over and over again in a weakened state, but I could tell what you make the game easy.  For example, knowing when to use your shield power ups for the boss, and which ones you can cheese.  Also knowing where the powerups are really help too.  Not a terrible game, really.


 It looks like you beat Karnov before for the 2015 thread. That's notable, because it means that there's now only one game remaining that has been beaten by a different person in every year of this competition - Bubble Bobble. There were two entering 2024, and Karnov was the other one:


  Karnov Bubble Bobble
2012 Crabmaster2000 Nightowljrm
2013 gutsman004 WashYourFace
2014 fusoyaff2 Logo1285
2015 guitarzombie Bea Iank
2016 SasoriVader Bearcat-Doug
2017 Bea Iank Laketown04
2018 Jandrem MrPeaPod
2019 Gloves nerdynebraskan
2020 Kid Dracula Kid Dracula
2021 Elkovsky CasualCart
2022 PII Crabmaster2000
2023 mbd39 Khromak
2024 guitarzombie ???


If anyone has previously beaten Bubble Bobble and wants to do it again, I don't mind. I just find it interesting. Besides, there are still another 21 games which have gone unbeaten in some years, but have also never been beaten twice by someone.

Edited by scaryice
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16 hours ago, nerdynebraskan said:

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is done.

I did stumble upon a tip that could make Doom a *little* bit easier. I was on GameFAQs trying to see if there was a map of the tunnels in the outskirts north of Hollywood. (I've only memorized the locations of the three tunnels closest to the street entrance, and the Will fragment wasn't there tonight. While I didn't get much help with that, I did see that someone posted on the forum there that bombs and exploding cigars (the only weapons that will hurt Doom besides your fists) seem to have greater effect if you start with your fists and get his health bar past the "T" in "STRENGTH" when you charge your punches. Then if you switch to the explosives, they seem to do a bit more damage than if you start the battle with them. You're still mostly stuck fist-fighting the guy for entirely too long.

Of course, I knocked him off the catwalk on the first try with the explosives helping me out. But I let him land too close to the middle. When I got the dip cannon, he still killed me. I had to fight him again with just my fists, but when I knocked him off the catwalk the second time, he was further left and I had more space to melt him with dip.

I was gonna try this again, but I totally forgot how tough it is to punch Doom.

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3 hours ago, scaryice said:


 It looks like you beat Karnov before for the 2015 thread. That's notable, because it means that there's now only one game remaining that has been beaten by a different person in every year of this competition - Bubble Bobble. There were two entering 2024, and Karnov was the other one:


  Karnov Bubble Bobble
2012 Crabmaster2000 Nightowljrm
2013 gutsman004 WashYourFace
2014 fusoyaff2 Logo1285
2015 guitarzombie Bea Iank
2016 SasoriVader Bearcat-Doug
2017 Bea Iank Laketown04
2018 Jandrem MrPeaPod
2019 Gloves nerdynebraskan
2020 Kid Dracula Kid Dracula
2021 Elkovsky CasualCart
2022 PII Crabmaster2000
2023 mbd39 Khromak
2024 guitarzombie ???


If anyone has previously beaten Bubble Bobble and wants to do it again, I don't mind. I just find it interesting. Besides, there are still another 21 games which have gone unbeaten in some years, but have also never been beaten twice by someone.

Haha oops!

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1 hour ago, guitarzombie said:

I was gonna try this again, but I totally forgot how tough it is to punch Doom.

WFRR? is a great game with a miserable final boss fight. The randomization factor in item locations really boosts the replay value of the game. The graphics, music, and gameplay are generally excellent. I really only have two complaints with the game.

1) The controls are confusing for the weasels/joke screen. I wish that was a bit more intuitive. I usually get Roger killed a couple of times trying to remember the right button combinations for toggling through and then selecting the punchline for the joke.

And more importantly, of course

2) The boss fight with Doom seems to be broken.

The damage you do to him isn't proportionate to how long you charge your punches. It definitely is when you're in the mini-boss fights with the weasel in the straitjacket, and why else would your punches have a charge meter? Charged punches do more damage than uncharged ones, but it doesn't seem to matter with Doom whether you have one blue block in your charge meter or the thing maxed out completely. And unfortunately, it's awkward to control Valiant while he's charging his punch meter. If you could get appropriate bonuses for fully charging your punches before hitting Doom, he'd go down MUCH faster.

I also think more of the game's items should damage him. The six-shooter, cream pies, rocket-propelled boxing gloves, bricks, and a few other things only seem to be used to irritate NPCs. It would incentivize exploring more of the world and farming full supplies of such items if you could safely whittle Doom's life bar from a distance with them. Even the fact that the bombs and exploding cigars seemingly do more damage if you start with your fists is an inexplicable quirk that may be proof of some kind of glitch.

As it is, a fun and easy 30-45 minute game delivers you into a tedious and frustrating 20-30 minute final boss fight where...

1) You have to wear your thumb out awkwardly hopping back and forth across the catwalk to maintain the charged status of your punch in order to...

2) Play a desperate game of stick-and-move with a boss who seemingly has no pattern to his movement or attacks and...

3) Can do about five times as much damage as you can per attack, with both his fists AND a ranged projectile who FURTHERMORE...

4) Is invincible to any of your attacks when his sprite is in any of his "attacking" postures, even though he can go from vulnerable to attacking in a split-second without warning.

5) And if you can overcome all of that bullshittery and knock his ass off of the catwalk, you still have to kill him with the dip cannon. The catwalk is already an odd setting for the fight; why not just have Doom fall into a vat of dip? (That's basically the fate of the weasel gang's leader in the movie, but you don't have to deal with him in the game.)

As it is, the game makes you collect and equip the dip cannon like any other item. Then you have to walk down to where Doom is lying on the ground, where he will lunge for you in a split-second. All other items in the game are successfully deployed by tapping the A button. If it's an appropriate decision, the item takes effect instantly and safely. But not the dip cannon! You have to hold the button down to have a chance, and I swear the spray is sometimes blocked if you're standing too close to Doom's machine (despite it not being at the right angle to run interference... another obnoxious glitch!). It's very easy to do everything right and still have Doom knock your block off in one punch. Instant death, and then it's back to the boxing match on the catwalk.

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Before you beat it, I watched a speed run of it cuz I remembered a majority of the game just being a fetch quest.  Then I saw the Doom battle, and I remembered when I beat it the first time years ago on an emulator, I save scummed to beat Doom by trying to punch him and getting him stuck in the wall.  So good on you!  I don't think the game is as good as you might say, altho the music is fine, the graphics are kinda eh, but as a game geared for kids, it reminds me of the first TMNT where they just missed the plot entirely for its audience. 

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Rampage has been razed to the ground.

At one point I was able to climb a building that had already collapsed until I went through the "ceiling" and climbed through the ground.  Can't remember having done that before.  Also noticed, oddly, that Milwaukee received 3 levels in a row which I didn't notice for any other city although I may have been out to lunch on that but I don't recall seeing more than two levels in a row for the large cities like New York, L.A., Chicago etc.  

RAMPAGE 2024.png

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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 497/677
8 hours ago, PII said:

At one point I was able to climb a building that had already collapsed until I went through the "ceiling" and climbed through the ground.  Can't remember having done that before. 

I did that a bunch as a kid.  Climbing through the sky and popping up at the bottom only happened once, but a bunch of weird shit frequently happens if you just eat people instead of blowing up the buildings.  When that happened to me I had been eating people for so long and not triggering it that I gave up, only for that to happen after I'd given up on the glitch.  That was one of my 10 year old memories that really stands out, and you are the first person I know of to ever corroborate it!

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47 minutes ago, the_wizard_666 said:

I did that a bunch as a kid.  Climbing through the sky and popping up at the bottom only happened once, but a bunch of weird shit frequently happens if you just eat people instead of blowing up the buildings.  When that happened to me I had been eating people for so long and not triggering it that I gave up, only for that to happen after I'd given up on the glitch.  That was one of my 10 year old memories that really stands out, and you are the first person I know of to ever corroborate it!

Interesting.  Seems like this really ought to have happened sooner, but then I don't think I ever really played this port as a kid.  I grew up playing this on the Commodore 64 and of course, in the Arcade.  The C64 port was way better than this NES port.  You could really efficiently level buildings by climbing to the top and then steadily punching down/toward while climbing down + in the NES port once you've punched a given area down/toward you can no longer punch that area with a direct left or right punch whereas on the C64 port you could which made it possible to switch up those two ways of punching as you climbed down the building for maximum destruction as well as max potential for finding out what's behind windows.  And then of course it also had all three characters including Ralph who is missing from the NES port..

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Just beat The Guardian Legend.  Really a fun game but I forgot how long it was.  After finally beating the Area 3 boss, things went pretty smoothly till Area 9.  9 and 10 were both pretty tough but nothing too bad because you end up having so much stuff you can just spam it as much as you want.  Forgot this had a boss rush at the end too.  Final boss was pretty easy too, only took 2 tries, and the first try was just figuring out what he does.  Def a good one, esp if you take it in parts with a password.

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18 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Empire Strikes Back is once again down. Formerly a 10 pointer and it is that tough, but so damn fun once you know what to do. My impatience to play it continues to deflate its point value. Oh well, I feel like a jedi!

I almost made it past the level with the giant mechanical camels (I forget what they're really called) the other night.  You are right though, it is a lot of fun once you know what to do, just takes a little getting used to but then the fast pace is fun, really does feel you're controlling a Jedi..  I'll play the whole thing, one of these years...

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56 minutes ago, PII said:

 really does feel you're controlling a Jedi.

I assume you are talking about the AT walkers? If so, you have just scratched the surface of a gem. The 2 Dagobah levels are where the jedi aspects really get crazy. They are tough, but they are well designed to train you. And by the end, you are controlling the character in ways you wouldnt have thought possible. You also gain force powers to heal yourself, glide, and power up the saber and blastsr. 

You were one level from those 2, and in that level you drive the 2 legged version of the walkers and fight a few of them with the Saber. Cant say enough about the gameplay. Easily in my top 5 for the system

Edited by NESfiend
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