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NES Completions thread 2024 - 669/677

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1 hour ago, Khromak said:

According to the requirements document: Beat the game on a single credit to get the ending screen

There are 50ish levels IIRC, you can pick any level you want to start on, and when you beat it to moves to the next one in the series. I played through the levels one at a time, "continuing" as I lost all my lives, and when I finished the last level it just kicked me back to the menu or started over at level 1, IDR which. If you want to actually get the ending, you need to do the whole thing without running out of lives.

You get 1 life per level you complete IIRC, and it might escalate if you do multiple levels in a row and/or there might be points-based lives, but it's REALLY easy to lose a whole bunch of lives in a row on a single level and there are a massive amount of levels, including some really tricky ones. Completing the whole thing in 1CC is a real challenge. I attempted it last year a few times and got to like...level 10. It makes sense as the completion requirement for this contest though, since that's the only way to trigger the ending.

Oh dang, well I never did that.  I know there are more than a few tough-as-nails levels. I forgot there were “lives” because, again, I’d just pick up where I last left off.

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Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour is done. I played on medium difficulty with only 1 set. I used the passwords that were provided by the game and thus managed to cheat my way to victory win every match.

I felt like playing something different and came across @bronzeshield's post in the requirement discussion thread which made this game sound rather easy. Personally, I never figured out the patterns well enough to trivialize the matches, but I got good enough to win most of the times. I only really had problems early on while trying to figure out the game and during some of the later matches, specifically in Spain and Russia.

My attempt at a strategy was to make a powerful stroke (b button) towards the right side of the enemy field, followed by a normal stroke (a button) to the left side and then a powerful stroke to the right side again. When done correctly this often made the enemy player run around quite a bit and move really far back in his field to the point where he was almost hugging the wall with his back. This was the right time to run to the net and land a normal stroke to the right which usually landed on the right outermost line of the field which the CPU usually couldn't catch in time, because he was standing so far back.

But this didn't work all the time and there were many heated back and forths between me and the CPU player. And to be honest, I mostly enjoyed it. It was fast and intense, while also controlling fairly well. I tried Racket Attack shortly before this and while RA seems like a technically more impressive game and a more faithful simulation of the sport, it was difficult to control and I couldn't get the hang of it. So for a beginner or for some quick arcadey action, Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour is actually fine.



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11 hours ago, Khromak said:

According to the requirements document: Beat the game on a single credit to get the ending screen

There are 50ish levels IIRC, you can pick any level you want to start on, and when you beat it to moves to the next one in the series. I played through the levels one at a time, "continuing" as I lost all my lives, and when I finished the last level it just kicked me back to the menu or started over at level 1, IDR which. If you want to actually get the ending, you need to do the whole thing without running out of lives.

You get 1 life per level you complete IIRC, and it might escalate if you do multiple levels in a row and/or there might be points-based lives, but it's REALLY easy to lose a whole bunch of lives in a row on a single level and there are a massive amount of levels, including some really tricky ones. Completing the whole thing in 1CC is a real challenge. I attempted it last year a few times and got to like...level 10. It makes sense as the completion requirement for this contest though, since that's the only way to trigger the ending.

There are 60 levels, but the rest is correct. You can get 2 balls in one stage by doing "perfect" play, but that's pretty hard.

I'm getting pretty good at it, and am hoping to do a full run tomorrow. Basically you need to accumulate 20+ lives in the first 20 stages and then hope for the best after that. If you don't have that many, may as well reset.

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14 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

Working on Ultimate Air Combat.  Probably gonna do a few missions a day.

This game is fun. I had to use the helicopter to have any chance of shooting the planes down, and mostly used the machine gun in the ground phase to jizz on the targets, especially in the later levels.

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Finished off Mendel Palace. Quite enjoyed actually, although some levels were a pain in the butt. Some bosses were really tricky. Definately could see some early Game Freak inspiration from this game that was implemented into the pokemon games; most notably the sprite work for some of the trainers you battle. Pretty cool. 


Would play again! 


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Evert & Lendl Top Players Tennis is completed. Yeah, I suffered through this game once again. It's not even very hard, just so tedious. Well, the one time I had to beat Lendl was hard, but other than that, just spent the time watching some streams while playing on autopilot. The Japanese version is the same except for not having the voices.


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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 571/677
6 hours ago, TriHart said:

Finished off Mendel Palace. Quite enjoyed actually, although some levels were a pain in the butt. Some bosses were really tricky. Definately could see some early Game Freak inspiration from this game that was implemented into the pokemon games; most notably the sprite work for some of the trainers you battle. Pretty cool. 

I agree that Mendel Palace is good. There's not too many NES games that I can say are still underrated at this point, but that's one of them.

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9 hours ago, Daniel_Doyce said:

This game is fun. I had to use the helicopter to have any chance of shooting the planes down, and mostly used the machine gun in the ground phase to jizz on the targets, especially in the later levels.

I beat it years ago but I don't remember a helicopter?  Im about 60% done but what's getting tough is the Phantom missles work great in the air, but then you'll have difficulty in the 'ground' areas from all the rockets locking on and shooting you down. 

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3 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

I beat it years ago but I don't remember a helicopter?  Im about 60% done but what's getting tough is the Phantom missles work great in the air, but then you'll have difficulty in the 'ground' areas from all the rockets locking on and shooting you down. 

Sorry, it's been a while. I was thinking of the Harrier. I still stand by the normal gun working well in the ground areas, especially in later leves, though.

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6 hours ago, scaryice said:

I agree that Mendel Palace is good. There's not too many NES games that I can say are still underrated at this point, but that's one of them.

Absolutely. Honestly. I think the only reason I ended up picking it up was because it was chance in a "top NES gems" or whatever type video, and one of those ones where they are TRYING to name different games that no one really talks about. It looked neat. And a pre pokemon game freak game so I knabbed it. Never got too far in until I played on this weekend, and glad I did, but wish I committed a little earlier. 😂

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15 hours ago, TriHart said:

Finished off Mendel Palace. Quite enjoyed actually, although some levels were a pain in the butt. Some bosses were really tricky. Definately could see some early Game Freak inspiration from this game that was implemented into the pokemon games; most notably the sprite work for some of the trainers you battle. Pretty cool. 


Would play again! 


This is a great example of a game that changes entirely for the better when played for points. I found it boring as hell trying to play through it for progress. When we played it for points in the weekly, it was one of my favorites of the season. There are so many hidden bonuses and options you wouldn't otherwise care about. Searching those out and playing the bonus levels was an absolute delight

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Hey all, just spent my afternoon at work skimming through the thread.  Thanks for leaving Solar Jetman for me, I'm roughly 3/4 of the way through it and should be finished with it in a week or so.  Fun game that is clicking with me, just that I get worn out of playing after every stage.  My pace of playing games has been glacial, to put it kindly.

I could *maybe* be convinced to give Ikari Warriors another go this year.  When I beat it years ago I didn't have any recording equipment, and I'd like to beat it again on video some day.

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5 hours ago, Daniel_Doyce said:

Sorry, it's been a while. I was thinking of the Harrier. I still stand by the normal gun working well in the ground areas, especially in later leves, though.

Ah.  Also stupid me, when I looked at the manual (maybe I missed something?) I forgot you could speed up or down!  That made it MUCH easier to beat those levels i was struggling with now that I can outrun those homing missiles!  Jeez!

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Battle of Olympus is done, I think my second time ever beating it? This time I got all the extra items which I don't seem to remember getting last time, especially the fire shield. Seemed pretty useless though to be honest, I think I only blocked a couple fireballs at most with it the whole game. 


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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 574/677

Shadow Of The Ninja is done.

When I beat this one for the first time I felt I had the Garuda battle down to a science but I guess I forgot somewhere along the line and had to figure it all out again.  The levels did seem easier this time though.


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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 576/677

Airwolf is done. Finally! I've been playing this game on and off for well over a week putting in a few attempts here and there. Even though I've beaten this game before, I was somehow having a really hard time this year and constantly choked in the last quarter of the game. But now I had a really good run and finally beat it. I think by now I've played enough Airwolf for the rest of my life. I'm so done with this game.

On a side note, if I'm not mistaken, we should now have beaten 577 games, i.e. only 100 left! Let's go! We can do this!


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Finished Ultimate Air Combat.  Actually finished it earlier but I got locked out trying to remember my password on my phone to share some celebratory photos.

Its a really solid game but my MAIN gripe is during the dog fight part, the computer is very unfair.  You can shoot a homing missile at them and they can speed up so fast that the missile just disappears.  Also they can go lower and higher than you.  A lot of time they're lower than you but as you get lower it warns you, you're too low and crash, but the CPU can.

The game is 9 sections, with 4 levels each, and each level having a dogfight and ground section.  Its really smart having to outweigh how many missiles you can get to make the dogfight or ground section easier or harder.  I liked to use the F14 and the "Phantom" missiles, that are almost guaranteed, unless the CPU flies way off screen.  But then you don't always have strong weapons for the ground section.  Sometimes the objective can be destroyed really easy, or really hard.  Anyway, its REALLY close to being a real gem, but just a BIT too hard towards the end.  Although the 8th and 9th section dogfights were MUCH easier than the 5-7 for some reason.





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