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NES Completions thread 2024 - 669/677

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3 minutes ago, BriGuy82 said:

Did the 5 inning games like @nerdynebraskan suggested. Was nice and quick in playoff mode. Pretty good game overall. I picked Oakland for Magwhire and Janseco 😂. I gave up a 2 out error that lead to a grandslam in that final game. Otherwise would've had a shutout. Faux Eckersley got rocked.


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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 622/677

Flying Warriors is finally done! What a beast of a game. It took so many hours with lots and lots of grinding and trying he levels over and over again. What started as rather decent turned sour about halfway through and the final level with the boss rush was soul-crushing. There were few games where I was so anxious during the final boss fight, because even with max level, helath and healing potions it ultimately came down to luck. And I wouldn't have wanted to redo the boss rush before the final boss. This is the kind of game that I'm fine with playing only once in my life.

PS: I just noticed that I now have over 100 pain points.

Flying Warriors.jpg

Edited by Gaia Gensouki
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I've started Boulder Dash, I'm finished with the first 4 worlds (of 24) so a long ways to go, but so far it's...alright. The controls aren't nearly good enough for some of the tricks they expect you to pull off, IMO. Maybe I'll get used to it, but I think most likely I'll just have to repeat levels A LOT to get them all in one go. That's been my experience thus far at least, and I imagine the challenge only gets much tougher.

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2 hours ago, Khromak said:

I've started Boulder Dash, I'm finished with the first 4 worlds (of 24) so a long ways to go, but so far it's...alright. The controls aren't nearly good enough for some of the tricks they expect you to pull off, IMO. Maybe I'll get used to it, but I think most likely I'll just have to repeat levels A LOT to get them all in one go. That's been my experience thus far at least, and I imagine the challenge only gets much tougher.

The last couple loops are VERY tough since you have to do multiple stages back to back to progress. First 2 loops are fun though

Edited by Crabmaster2000
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1 hour ago, Crabmaster2000 said:

The last couple loops are VERY tough since you have to do multiple stages back to back to progress. First 2 loops are fun though

Oh interesting! I didn't see that the "24 levels" are just the same 6 levels, but with more difficulty added. That should be...interesting...I'll bet some of these levels will be really challenging with the reduced time/increased crystals, as I already found them tough as-is.

That said, I think I can take this one down, given enough time & practice.

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Graphics Team · Posted
11 hours ago, Khromak said:

Oh interesting! I didn't see that the "24 levels" are just the same 6 levels, but with more difficulty added. That should be...interesting...I'll bet some of these levels will be really challenging with the reduced time/increased crystals, as I already found them tough as-is.

That said, I think I can take this one down, given enough time & practice.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, too! 

I've got Boulder Dash on my backlog for this year - and even though I plan to use save-states on it, I'd like to know what I'm generally in for haha.


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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 623/677
23 minutes ago, T-Pac said:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, too! 

I've got Boulder Dash on my backlog for this year - and even though I plan to use save-states on it, I'd like to know what I'm generally in for haha.


I posted some of my thoughts above but this game feels like StarTropics to me: the game expects you to make quick, precise movements and timings, but has controls like a Dragon Warrior game.

It's fun and has some interesting mechanics, but it can be stressful to try to pull off tight timed moves or maneuver around enemies/things falling on you with controls like that. The other tricky part is that the levels come in groups of 4, so you have to execute 4 tricky levels in a row to be able to move on to the next "world". This won't be a problem with save state abuse though.

I've been enjoying it thus far, but there are some frustrating parts for sure. Having infinite continues is nice!

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Just beat Little Nemo: The Dream Master for the first time. What a surprise that such a good game was still on the list this late in the challenge. It poses a decent challenge, but isn't one of the harder NES games. Anyway, really good game that felt like a reward after the long and difficult Flying Warriors.

Little Nemo.jpg

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1 hour ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

Just beat Little Nemo: The Dream Master for the first time. What a surprise that such a good game was still on the list this late in the challenge. It poses a decent challenge, but isn't one of the harder NES games. Anyway, really good game that felt like a reward after the long and difficult Flying Warriors.

Little Nemo.jpg

Yeah it is really good game. I loved playing it as a kid. I never watched the movie though.

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I've gotten through the first loop and about half of the second loop of Boulder Dash. Definitely seems like the increased difficulty from the progression of stages is more significant than the difficulty from the loop, since the re-dos of 1, 2, and 3 were not particularly challenging. I imagine the stacking effect of them will make the second, third, and fourth versions of worlds 5 and 6 will suuuuck though.

I'll be doing more of it tomorrow throughout the day, but might take some breaks so I don't get too angry 😄

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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2024 - 625/677

I'm on world 5 of the third loop (17) of Boulder Dash now and taking a break for a bit. This game makes me feel like every controller I own is broken. It feels like the controller inputs are only checked once every 3 seconds.

I'm sure my strategies are a bit crude, which is requiring more tight maneuvers than I really NEED to do, but I'm rather enjoying the puzzle aspect of the game and coming up with strats, I just DESPISE trying to actually execute them in real-time because of the endlessly frustrating controls.

@T-Pac I recommend playing one loop of this and calling it a day. Playing all 4 loops will drive you insane, even with save states.

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On 3/7/2024 at 3:53 PM, McBryce said:

Well, I managed to get to the level 5 team in 3 last night. I got smoked by them, but that's at least some progress.

I have 5 wins so far in 4. It might take me a few months, but I think I finally have a rhythm with it.

Up to 20 wins now in BL4. Cruising.

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Legend of Kage is done. I remember having trouble with this game previously, but this time around I managed to beat it in roughly 30 minutes or so. I feel like levels the best strategy is to just run and constantly use the sword attack, because it can block most projectiles.

Legend of Kage.jpg

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I'm currently working on Formula 1: Built to Win. It actually seemed really fun and I even got to the last race in Hawaii. But I looked it up online and apparently the couses that I'm playing right now are only the first half or so of the game. So there's still a LOT more coming up. On top of that, I'm struggling with most of the races right now as they're quite challenging. I hope the second half of the game won't be such a struggle throughout.

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4 hours ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

I'm currently working on Formula 1: Built to Win. It actually seemed really fun and I even got to the last race in Hawaii. But I looked it up online and apparently the couses that I'm playing right now are only the first half or so of the game. So there's still a LOT more coming up. On top of that, I'm struggling with most of the races right now as they're quite challenging. I hope the second half of the game won't be such a struggle throughout.

Well, about that... Here's an old post I found:



I'll give a couple of tips if anybody's thinking about giving it a shot, save 1 million before entering F1 circuit so you can max out your car right from the start, and it is really important that you win as many of those early F1 races as you can while you are overpowered because it's only going to get tougher as you progress to the end.




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Boulder dash is done, finally. I stand by all my previous posts, the controls are trash in this game which gets really frustrating at the end when extreme precision is required, and tbh some of the levels seemed like random chance carried me through, though I'm sure with a deeper understanding of the mechanics (what causes enemies to get stuck especially) it could be managed better. 

In the end I spent over 3 hours on 24-1 before getting a single win, then cleared 24-2, 3, & 4 in a total of maybe 3 lives. The difference on difficulty in the final world is crazy, at least for me. 

Fuck this game. I was raging so hard at my controller/TV while trying to beat that last level. If I never play this game again it will be all too soon. The earlier levels are pretty fun because there's some leniency but by the end you have to get every damn diamond, kill every bug in the exact right spot, and the timers are tight. One dpad press not recognized and you're dead or the board is unwinnable, and that happens constantly. I ended up finishing it on my AV famicom because I thought the controller on my twin famicom had a gummy dpad, but nope the exact same thing happened there too, constantly, maybe even worse. 


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On 3/14/2024 at 6:16 PM, Daniel_Doyce said:

Ok I really hate this game now. 10 hours in and I got softlocked somehow.

I don't know much about Warriors of Destiny. Does this mean that your whole playthrough was screwed? What happened? Did you miss a critical item that you can't go back for? 

In unrelated news, it looks like I've clinched the completions crown for the 11th straight year.

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