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Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 78/388

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Is there a soft-reserved list of games people want to beat or if I try to participate, will I have to search the whole thread?

I really, REALLY am making it a goal to play and beat Final Fantasy VI this year and I’m 12 hours in.  When I finish it, I have the itch to do some N64 gaming, but I don’t want to step on anyone else’s toes.

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1 hour ago, RH said:

Is there a soft-reserved list of games people want to beat or if I try to participate, will I have to search the whole thread?

I really, REALLY am making it a goal to play and beat Final Fantasy VI this year and I’m 12 hours in.  When I finish it, I have the itch to do some N64 gaming, but I don’t want to step on anyone else’s toes.

Splain will put it on the front post when you claim it. It worked really well last year, especially for the longer games.

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@Splain ALERT!!!

I just wrecked Iggy's balls:


Not a bad game by any means, but playing it for more than an hour or so at a time gets a bit tedious IMO.

Also, this is practically required if you don't want your hands DESTROYED after 10 minutes playtime:


The analogue stick on this pad is WAY softer and lighter-touch than the OG pad, which is a godsend for a game like this with such demanding and constant stick action.

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On 2/24/2024 at 7:37 PM, Tantalus said:

I couldn't resist playing through Blast Corps again when I saw that it came to the Switch Online. Fantastic game.

By the way @Splain, I was looking through the table and noticed that Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense is listed as only 1 point. That can't be right, can it?


He did it because he knows I love it...

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 48/388
Editorials Team · Posted
43 minutes ago, PuppyWaffles said:

So for Vigilante 8 2nd Offense basically unlocking everything right? Since beating the game with the unlocked characters unlocks more characters for multi-player only.

Yeah, it looks that way. But I don't know a ton about this game. If you think it should be different let us know.

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Editorials Team · Posted
On 2/10/2024 at 4:12 AM, the_wizard_666 said:

Since it's blank, I'm gonna ask about WWF No Mercy.  I assume we have to win a title belt, but is there a specific one we need to beat?  The ending is the same regardless of which one is acquired or which path is followed, so I would assume it doesn't matter, but I wanted to confirm first.  I've already 100% completed every belt anyway, but every now and then I get the urge to chip away at unlocking the Ho, so doing a quick belt run between gauntlets could make for a decent break.

Sorry I missed this. I always thought it didn't matter since the ending is the same, like you said. I'll add that to the chart, unless you or anyone else has some more insights about a better requirement.

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3 hours ago, Splain said:

Sorry I missed this. I always thought it didn't matter since the ending is the same, like you said. I'll add that to the chart, unless you or anyone else has some more insights about a better requirement.

Yeah, I tend to do the women's title since it's shorter and has fewer frustrating matches...I remember spending hours trying to beat some of the paths on the world and IC belts because the AI is cheap as hell 😆 But yeah, I don't want to do that if there's objections from the peanut gallery.  Also, if someone else wants to do it to chip away at their own personal progress,  I don't want to take away from that either.

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@Splain alert!

Knife Edge Nose Gunner done!



This is a pretty short arcade style rail shooter. It's fun enough, but nothing really special here, very generic Sci-fi plot. The graphics are basic and bland, the weapon selection is poor, and the game feels surprisingly lethargic for a shooter. I wouldn't call it a bad time, but it doesn't leave much of an impression, tbh.

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I'm currently working on a playthrough of Body Harvest on Hero mode. It's been a 25 year journey for me with this game, I first got it for Xmas when I was 12 years old, and it's been kicking the shit out of me ever since!

I've tried and failed to beat this game several times over the years, but I THINK I'm finally man enough to do it! I've just beaten the first Alien Processor in the America level, which is further than I've ever gotten before...

I think I got this one guys, wish me luck! 😎

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@Splain ALERT!!!

It's finally done! I've finally defeated Body Harvest, a game I first got for Xmas at the age of 12 and has haunted me ever since!



There is so much to this game, it truly is one of the most underappreciated games on the system IMO.

There is undoubtedly a great game to be experienced here, although diminished somewhat by a few significant flaws. I'd say it's as close to greatness as you can get without quite getting over that line.

The main problems with the game IMO are the punishing difficulty (especially when factoring in the absurdly long stretches between save points), and also the relatively mundane quest elements that often consist of simply locating an item and bringing it somewhere else.

The thing is tho, there are also fantastic and truly impressive elements to the game as well. The combat is really fun, with well designed enemies and great weapons. Controlling the various vehicles is awesome fun, a true highlight, and the massive open worlds are incredible for an N64 game.

There is also TONS of content here, tens of different vehicles, 5 HUGE levels which would each be enough for a whole game in themselves in many respects, and there IS a decent variety of objectives and things to do as you play through the various stages.

The game also has a great atmosphere, augmented by an impressive and immersive soundtrack. This game has a truly epic, almost overwhelming and intimidating scope to it. 

It's not for the feint hearted, and it's not for the easily frustrated or impatient. It is also a game I would DEFINITELY advice to have a guide handy, because you ARE gonna get stuck an hour into a play session, with more than an hour before the next save point, with enemies all around and a dwindling health bar crying out for whatever mercy you can get!

But, for a true deep-cut N64 experience, if you can say you bested Body Harvest on Hero mode, if you have GONE there and lived to tell the tale, you deserve a truly rarified kudos. I recommend this game to those N64 hardcore, unreservedly.

To everyone else give it a look, you'll probably find a ton to enjoy, but don't feel bad about giving up once the grind hits you halfway into the second level when you just lost an hour's worth of progress because you accidentally fell in a ravine and drowned! 😅

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 50/388
  • 4 weeks later...

@Splain ALERT!

Continuing with the theme of DMA games, I decided to go back and replay one of the all-time N64 greats, Space Station Silicon Valley!


Such a fantastic, fun, funny and inventive game! Absolutely deserves to belong in EVERY N64 gamer's collection, without doubt! 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Beetle Adventure Racing done! This is a game that is better than it has any right to be, but still has some quirks you have to overcome. For starters, gotta understand the rubber banding. If you're just trying to win races, it almost doesn't matter how well you drive, you will be able to catch up to first, but you'll never really get ahead and they will always catch you, too. In the end, the game is mostly about clutching it out the last half of the last track.

There are some walls that are like magnets. They suck your car into them, doesn't really matter if you slow down or brake. You are gonna run into the wall and suddenly it's like your car just won't turn anymore.

And these tracks are LONG. These races take like 7 minutes each. 



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Battletanx: Global Assault is also done now.

This one has a lot more variety than the first one, with more tanks and weapons. And it has main campaign 2 player co-op, which is awesome. This one feels a lot faster, more chaotic, and jankier. I feel like all the different teams of tanks look alike, I can't tell who's a teammate or not.


The original has a better soundtrack and atmosphere. I think it nailed the dark post apocalyptic vibe better, with sort of a Gothic look.  

GA is a more fun multiplayer, the original has a better feel to it. Can't go wrong with either game, really. The both suffer one same flaw.... The campaigns are kinda boring, and the stories are lame and misogynistic. 


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WcW/NWO Revenge completed. I'm bad at getting pictures are the right time, but here you can see I got the belt for the final championship circuit.


Growing up, my little sister and I didn't have a whole lot in common. Weirdly, one thing we both enjoyed was wrestling. We watched it on TV, and this is one video game that we played together quite a bit. Our favorite thing was to do a 64 man battle Royale.


As far as wrestling games go, this one is fine. It has lots of characters with their own finishing moves. I wish it had a create a character. It plays okay enough, but you can easily cheese your way through the matches as well. You can play as Sting and start every match with a bat and just start beating them instantly. And you can just jiggle the analog stick to get out of pins and holds. I did this playthrough more honest than that.


Edited by Drunktendo64
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Nice little list of wins there @Drunktendo64, congrats!

I also enjoyed both BattleTanx games, but I think I agree with you that the first one is actually the better game, certainly as a single player campaign!

I've been doing a bit on and off on the N64 recently, as I've also gotten sucked back into playing the Halo Master Chief collection on Xbox One. However, I am making headway on Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, and I'll probably take on Duke Nukem 64 as well, once I'm done with that.

I've also poured tens of hours into Mario Golf! Damn, that game is so good, I never really played it before now! But, the skill ceiling for that game is incredibly high, and you probably need to put AT LEAST a hundred hours into the game to get good enough to beat it, so I'll probably just keep that game on rotation throughout the year and keep chipping away at it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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