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Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 78/388

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Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 

I don't know why I ended up doing all these 3DO games. It wasn't intentional.

I really want to like Sarge's Heroes. I love the concept of it. And I do have some fond memories of playing multiplayer with my buddies, but this was my first time doing the campaign and... It's just bad.

The biggest issue is the camera. It is a constant battle just trying to see what you're doing and where the enemies are. It because the most obvious when you are right on top of an enemy. You can find them, you try spinning around the see them but you end up running a circle around them, and so you need to go into aim mode and try and hit them.

Auto aim is weird in this game. Sometimes it works too good, and I found myself just shooting at random and hitting enemies that I couldn't even see. Other times, you're looking right at a guy in front of you and you keep missing while he nails you with a rocket launcher and ends you.

I also had some issues with glitches. A couple times I got stuck inside of a box or wall but could eventually wiggle my way out. The bigger issue was on an escort mission and the guy I was escorting got stuck in a wall and I couldn't get him out. Had already spent like 20 minutes on the level and had to restart it. 

Later in the game enemies just pop out of nowhere or spawn out of thin air. The game gets less fair as it goes on. It's a poor way of upping the difficulty.

There are 2 more Army Men games on the 64. I don't know if I have it in me to do another. I'm gonna at least need a palate cleanser first.


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22 hours ago, Drunktendo64 said:

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 

I don't know why I ended up doing all these 3DO games. It wasn't intentional.

I really want to like Sarge's Heroes. I love the concept of it. And I do have some fond memories of playing multiplayer with my buddies, but this was my first time doing the campaign and... It's just bad.

The biggest issue is the camera. It is a constant battle just trying to see what you're doing and where the enemies are. It because the most obvious when you are right on top of an enemy. You can find them, you try spinning around the see them but you end up running a circle around them, and so you need to go into aim mode and try and hit them.

Auto aim is weird in this game. Sometimes it works too good, and I found myself just shooting at random and hitting enemies that I couldn't even see. Other times, you're looking right at a guy in front of you and you keep missing while he nails you with a rocket launcher and ends you.

I also had some issues with glitches. A couple times I got stuck inside of a box or wall but could eventually wiggle my way out. The bigger issue was on an escort mission and the guy I was escorting got stuck in a wall and I couldn't get him out. Had already spent like 20 minutes on the level and had to restart it. 

Later in the game enemies just pop out of nowhere or spawn out of thin air. The game gets less fair as it goes on. It's a poor way of upping the difficulty.

There are 2 more Army Men games on the 64. I don't know if I have it in me to do another. I'm gonna at least need a palate cleanser first.


If it's any consolation, Army Men 2 is a significant improvement on the first game. It's still pretty jank, but it's got a lot better variety of level designs, and I don't recall it being as brutally unfair as the first one.

The Air Combat game is completely different, being like a jungle strike style helicopter game. It's A LOT easier and overall more fun than either of the other two games, so maybe try that one next?

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2 hours ago, OptOut said:

If it's any consolation, Army Men 2 is a significant improvement on the first game. It's still pretty jank, but it's got a lot better variety of level designs, and I don't recall it being as brutally unfair as the first one.

The Air Combat game is completely different, being like a jungle strike style helicopter game. It's A LOT easier and overall more fun than either of the other two games, so maybe try that one next?

Sounds good! I never played either, so I won't rule them out. Thanks!

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Rampage: World Tour is complete. 

I played this in the arcade and I rented the NES version as a kid, but this was my first time playing the N64 one.

It is... Okay. It's a fun, pick up and play arcade game. It's really hard to actually lose at it. You can keep continuing forever, basically.

But to actually finish it, it becomes a repetitive grind.  Punch, kick, eat, die, repeat. Some levels are so easy. Some levels have mechs on the ground and jet pack flame thrower dudes that are impossible to kill and you end up dying a lot.

I wanted to knock out more windows and eat more power ups, but the pace of play kind makes you need to speed run it and leave a lot of things behind. Maybe the next one finds that balance a little better?


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  • The title was changed to Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 59/388

Yo @Splain

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is done!


I'm a big fan of both Duke games on 64, although this one doesn't reach the peaks of the original 3D tbh.

Still, there's plenty of inventive level designs, tons of great weapons and fun, if sloppy, 3rd person combat, with a decent story and theming. 

Definitely a solid game to check out for the system.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@Splain ALERT!!!

Turok 3 done.



Not a bad game, but very underwhelming. It looks great and plays well, and level design and pacing is decent.

However, the combat is SEVERELY lacking in this game. Enemies are few and far between, the levels feel sparsely populated, and the AI sucks. There's no real strategy, the enemies either stand in place or run towards you shooting, and so all you can really do is run backwards shooting, or stand at a distance and shoot. This makes the game pathetically easy, even on the harder difficulty settings, and ultimately a rather dull experience at times.

It's a shame because there IS a lot good going on here, but it just doesn't satisfy, ultimately.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 67/388

@Splain ALERT!

Bomberman Hero done!



Eh, this one's alright, a little simplistic, but fun enough to hit around average. The boss fights are fun, but the rest of the game is a little bland. It's a quick play though, so if you can get hold of it for a fiver or so, you'll get your money's worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to Beat Every Worldwide N64 Game - 2024/2025 - 72/388

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack! is 100% completed. Mostly known for being one of the rarest and most valuable N64 games, the second entry in the Bomberman 64 is actually better than the first one in my opinion. I might say that it's one of the most underrated games of the console. There's so much more to this game than its value.

The soundtrack is absolutely stellar. Many of the tracks are very memorable and offer great melodies. One of my favorites is Lilith's theme. The OST definitely has that Hudson Soft vibe that I really miss from the Bomberman and Mario Party games of that era. All types of music are present through the game and are very fitting with the events happening in the scenario.

Talking about the game's story, it is captivating from beginning to end. It's quite complex and profound. Look it up! It adds so much content to the series and gives us food for thought to understand Bomberman's actual universe and his goals. Add to that, Pommy, our main hero's ally, is so funny and adorable.

Gameplay-wise, it is a very satisfying game. The upgrades really make you more powerful as you progress through the story. It plays very well and for beginners, there are two tutorials in the main menu in order to master the controls.

However, it's not a perfect game and like the first Bomberman 64 game, it can be frustrating at moments. Some backtracking is present, and whenever you re-enter a room, the enemies spawn all over again. It can be annoying sometimes, especially since you need to eliminate them all in some cases to open the doors. Also, some collectibles are pretty cryptic to get. Remember the stairs of bombs that were in the first entry? If you want to 100% complete the game, you'll need to get used to them too here.

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack (1).jpg

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack (5).jpg

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack (4).jpg

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack (3).jpg

Bomberman 64 The Second Attack (2).jpg

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