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Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 46/47

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Finished JB Harold Murder Club today. I've played some decent table top murder mystery style games and so I was into this for the first few hours. It's WAY to precise in the order of operations to be much fun though. At first you have a lot of freedom in how you gather your information, get new evidence and make arrests and interrogate suspects, but after a while you get bottlenecked into finding a single piece of information to move the rest of the game along and that just involved talking to every single character about every single possible thing. And then you just hit those kind of bottlenecks a ton near the end of the game where it is no longer about figuring things out, but just running through lists because you need a specific event to trigger. 

JB Harold Murder Club - Ending.PNG

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Got stuck pretty bad on the 2nd dungeon for the past couple of days. Finally figured it out today. Hope the rest aren't as ridiculous. It was good to learn the game though. Since I was stuck I tried EVERYTHING, and read the manual multiple times and forced myself to figure out the magic as well which I ignored the first dungeon. Learned a trick that you can use a full water pouch as a Boulder if you need to weigh down a switch which was helpful.

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 12/47

Finished up Dungeon Master Theron's Quest just now. Most of the dungeons had a very annoying quirk to them that was far more frustrating that it needed to be. That aside I do like the format of a dungeon crawler tackled in bit-sized chunks. This just had some very annoying dungeons. Thankfully the final dungeon ended up being by far the easiest and most straightforward so I figured it out on my own, first try, in 30 minutes. 

Dungeon Master Theron's Quest - Ending.PNG

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Valis II was a quick run through in about an hour. Was a great follow up to Dungeon Master. Game itself is fairly shallow and easy, but man that soundtrack is amazing. Really great stuff and no bad tracks during the entire game. I've got some expectations for Valis III now so hopefully it's a good follow up. 

Valis II - Ending.PNG

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Finished up Valis III this morning. Got stuck real bad on the water stage in the middle of the game last night. Little 2 minute stage probably took me an hour and half combined tries from last night and this morning to finish up. Gameplay was an improvement over II, but the soundtrack and some of the level design was a step back. 

Valis III - Ending.PNG

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 16/47
  • 2 weeks later...

Been super sick these past couple weeks. Finally sat down and got through Fighting Street this morning though. Had to figure out how to cheese each character since the AI in several of those fights is inhuman. Did all 4 loops to get the different Airplane ending too. 



Fighting Street - Ending 2.PNG

Fighting Street - Ending.PNG

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 17/47

Finished up Dragon Slayer The Legend of Heroes this afternoon. Its a game that I've been meaning to play for yeas as I've never tried a Legend of Heroes game before so I've been very curious. It was solid with only a few little annoyances throughout, which are easy to overlook considering the age of the game. Looking forward to more games in the series now! It did have the worst voice acting I've ever heard though. 

Dragon Slayer The Legend of Heroes - Ending.PNG

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 19/47

Finished It Came From The Desert this morning. Did most of it last night. The FMV parts of the game were fun and campy, but whenever you actually had to play the game it was awful. Really terrible controls and movement. The saves helped a ton since I had to retry the tunnels A LOT. The fake songs made up for the radio were all pretty solid though. 

It Came From the Desert - Ending.PNG

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Tried out Vasteel and got slaughtered. Decided on Addams Family instead and I'll come back to Vasteel soon. Addams Family was short, but with the crappy movement and hitboxes and sound it wasn't great. Also instead of FMV they would just have a still image with sound over it when a character was talking, seemed lazy. 

Addams Family - Ending.PNG

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 21/47

Just finished John Madden DUO. They added a bunch of FMV stuff when the ref makes calls or there is a serious tackle. There was also a pretty elaborate 3D stadium/FMV opening. They had FMV moments for touchdowns and good plays too which were funny because it was skinny white people in football uniforms, I'm assuming the production staff. The game played a bit slippery, but it had a TON of play options for those that really want to get into the weeds. 

John Madden DUO - Ending.PNG

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On 4/9/2024 at 9:57 AM, Crabmaster2000 said:

Finished It Came From The Desert this morning. Did most of it last night. The FMV parts of the game were fun and campy, but whenever you actually had to play the game it was awful. Really terrible controls and movement. The saves helped a ton since I had to retry the tunnels A LOT. The fake songs made up for the radio were all pretty solid though. 

It Came From the Desert - Ending.PNG

If I ever get my Turbo CD running, this is the first game I want to try.  It looks like one of those games that can be enjoyable just for the campiness.

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1 hour ago, Red said:

If I ever get my Turbo CD running, this is the first game I want to try.  It looks like one of those games that can be enjoyable just for the campiness.

It's quite weird. If you can appreciate it for that you can have some fun. It does suck though 

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 23/47

Finished Camp California today. It's an interesting game. Action platformer with a Beach Boys and talking animals theme. They have a few Beach Boys tunes, but also a bunch of original music and one of the original songs is super metal. There's a bunch of characters that all have special abilities you can save and then use in the next stages. You've got to collect trash to use as fuel for your car during the stages in order to travel on the overworld map. It's a bit weird, but interesting. 

Camp California - Ending.PNG

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  • The title was changed to Beat Every TurboGrafx-CD Game - 24/47

Worked on Shape Shifter last night and was able to finish it up this morning. It was a real mixed bag. Some of the transformations were cool, others were awful. The hitboxes and movement were kind of bad. Some of the boss fights were alright and others were awful. Music was solid. There is a super weird mechanic where you just get full healed out of the blue every 10 minutes during a new lunar cycle. This means there was a ton of standing around to wait for a heal before moving forward or waiting to get the moon in a certain spot before engaging a very challenging part in order to benefit from the health refill. Have never played another game with that mechanic. Probably would make for some cool speed run stuff since you could time the moon cycle with some parts you could tank a bunch of hits for that refill. 

Shape Shifter - Ending.PNG

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