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Games you must play before you die.

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Looks like it was updated in 2013, so it does include stuff like Dark Souls which should be on there.  But it also has stuff like Da Blob and DJ Hero and other flavor of the month stuff.

I'd prob add Zelda Breath of the Wild, Witcher 3, and Disco Elysium on there.  Prob a bunch of indie stuff too

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Graphics Team · Posted

I'll caveat that these are my answers for games ANYONE should play before they die, not that just GAMERS should play before they die...



Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man)

Space Invaders (or Galaga)

Super Breakout




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these are some of my favorites... maybe not top 10 but they're on the list... but I tried to consider what OTHER people would enjoy or made an impact on gaming.




Yar's Revenge

Mike Tyson's Punchout

Super Mario Bros

Katamari Damacy

Shadow of the Colossus 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmmm.... interesting question. It comes down a lot to personal preference.

Someone can tell me a million times how amazing Chrono Trigger is and I will never like it because I don't like RPG's.

So, any suggestions put in will be inherently biased. But still.... there's some I would throw in there:

Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario 64.

I know that shit is basic, but we are talking about games people HAVE to play... so kept it simple.

For people who like Beat 'Em Ups or Platformers I would also suggest: Mega Man 2, Contra, Double Dragon 2, & Battletoads (all on the NES).


On 3/19/2024 at 10:23 PM, T-Pac said:

I'll caveat that these are my answers for games ANYONE should play before they die, not that just GAMERS should play before they die...



Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man)

Space Invaders (or Galaga)

Super Breakout




I find this interesting because I play Pac-Man/Ms. Pac Man every once in a while.... Galaga too, actually. There's a cabinet at my work.... One of these things:


At first I was like "Oh neat, some classic arcade games..." So I played it... but Pac-Man is fucking RELENTLESS. It's fucking hard, man. FRUSTRATINGLY and ANNOYINGLY hard. 🤬 So much so that I play it for like 5 minutes, get annoyed, and then stop. It's not a very fun gaming experience. 

I can barely make it past the first 4-5 levels. I mean.... I am trying to maximize my points, so maybe I could get "farther" without effing around with the power dots, but each game only takes about 2 minutes, if you're lucky. My hightest score is like 40k or something pathetic, and that seemed IMPOSSIBLE for me.... I can't fathom getting it again.

I can understand how it would have been fun "back in the day" because of the lack of games/differentiation, but I don't think Pac-Man holds up very well today. 🤷‍♂️


On 3/19/2024 at 10:47 PM, Brickman said:

Sounds like a great way for me to quit gaming 🤣

Haha, yeah... just about all of North America did after that apparently.  🤣

Thank god for the NES. 😅

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/11/2024 at 9:50 AM, AirVillain said:

Pac-Man is fucking RELENTLESS. It's fucking hard, man. FRUSTRATINGLY and ANNOYINGLY hard. 🤬 So much so that I play it for like 5 minutes, get annoyed, and then stop. It's not a very fun gaming experience. 

I can barely make it past the first 4-5 levels. I mean.... I am trying to maximize my points, so maybe I could get "farther" without effing around with the power dots, but each game only takes about 2 minutes, if you're lucky. My hightest score is like 40k or something pathetic, and that seemed IMPOSSIBLE for me.... I can't fathom getting it again.

I can understand how it would have been fun "back in the day" because of the lack of games/differentiation, but I don't think Pac-Man holds up very well today. 🤷‍♂️

I find this so interesting, because my feeling is the exact opposite, despite not being gud at games. I really like the challenge. I find it fun regardless. I'm not better than you, I think my top score ever is like 52K and typically land around 40... 20 on a bad day. But even here it's a little exciting rush nearing your record, and if it's good enough for a Gen X girl in a dark bar to make admiring noises over, idk what more I can ask (except for her not to turn out to be a horrible person).

Anyway, yes it's tough. To be really good at higher levels I think needs the memorization skill required of Battletoads race levels, plus an extra dimension, and with different concepts of timing and watching. Mastering Pac-Man by Ken Uston is a good book. I can't find my copy right now but if I wanted to go real serious on the game, that would be my period reference text.

As for holding up. I would tell never anybody they must love a certain game. But if you care about video game theory or history, or early 80s pop culture, I would put Pac-Man in the top 5 to pay attention to.

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On 4/11/2024 at 9:50 AM, AirVillain said:

I find this interesting because I play Pac-Man/Ms. Pac Man every once in a while.... Galaga too, actually. There's a cabinet at my work.... One of these things:


Also. Idk what your experience is with actual arcade cabs, but my experience is that Arcade1Up machines are worthless fucking garbage. So while I agree it's a tough game, if that is your only exposure to it, fuhgeddaboutit.

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Agreed on Arcade1up, but the game of Pac-Man is still the same.

It's meant to be a tough game of course - you only get to hog the machine for as long as you can last a credit, and it's not designed around continues. Play longer to get a high score, you weren't meant to "beat" it.

Buuut there's a bunch of well established strategies for high-level Pac-Man play, right down to specific patterns for going through the stages which, if you execute them well, require extremely little actual decision making and reaction.

I don't know if that makes it a better game (some might argue the opposite), but if you're playing every once in a while at work, I think that's a good reason to look up some strategies on the internet, find some resources for high-level play - there's plenty out there. Get that satisfaction of conquering a game that seemed impossible, bumping up the personal highscore, and maybe even impressing your co-workers which how much of a nerd you are 😄 

Edited by Sumez
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7 hours ago, Link said:

Also. Idk what your experience is with actual arcade cabs, but my experience is that Arcade1Up machines are worthless fucking garbage. So while I agree it's a tough game, if that is your only exposure to it, fuhgeddaboutit.

I have been able to play them at Costco whenever they sell them and the Arcade1Up machines are always too small. They had the Star Wars pinball om the pallet and it was uncomfortable playing it.

The last time I went to Costco, they had an Arcade1Up Partycade and I almost bought it. I didn't get to try it as they set it up too high and I wasn't able to really get a good feel for how it handles, but I liked the size of the Partycade. Price tag, not so much, though it was a little cheaper at Costco.


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On 3/19/2024 at 8:31 PM, RH said:

The games don’t matter.  Everyone needs to be given an Atari 2600 and a bag of commons and told that’s all they can play for three months.

I unironically agree. Moreso than any other era, I think the Atari age represents an experience unique to all others. Before graphics. Before music. Before storytelling and world-building. Raw gameplay and player imagination. Games couldn't hide behind gimmicks, fancy systems or flowery writing. It was just you, a joystick and a high score.

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9 hours ago, Link said:

I find this so interesting, because my feeling is the exact opposite, despite not being gud at games. I really like the challenge. I find it fun regardless. I'm not better than you, I think my top score ever is like 52K and typically land around 40... 20 on a bad day. But even here it's a little exciting rush nearing your record, and if it's good enough for a Gen X girl in a dark bar to make admiring noises over, idk what more I can ask (except for her not to turn out to be a horrible person).

Anyway, yes it's tough. To be really good at higher levels I think needs the memorization skill required of Battletoads race levels, plus an extra dimension, and with different concepts of timing and watching. Mastering Pac-Man by Ken Uston is a good book. I can't find my copy right now but if I wanted to go real serious on the game, that would be my period reference text.

As for holding up. I would tell never anybody they must love a certain game. But if you care about video game theory or history, or early 80s pop culture, I would put Pac-Man in the top 5 to pay attention to.

Dang... you sound like a Pac-Man master! 20k? Shit... that's a struggle for me, haha.

I get it, though.... You're correct.

Never thought of the cabinet taking a bit away from the gameplay.... but yeah, I have played it on a full sized cab in the past.

I certainly have never even bothered to look at any "strategy" on how to play it, so maybe a couple tips would make it less frustrating and difficult, haha.


9 hours ago, Sumez said:

Agreed on Arcade1up, but the game of Pac-Man is still the same.

It's meant to be a tough game of course - you only get to hog the machine for as long as you can last a credit, and it's not designed around continues. Play longer to get a high score, you weren't meant to "beat" it.

Buuut there's a bunch of well established strategies for high-level Pac-Man play, right down to specific patterns for going through the stages which, if you execute them well, require extremely little actual decision making and reaction.

I don't know if that makes it a better game (some might argue the opposite), but if you're playing every once in a while at work, I think that's a good reason to look up some strategies on the internet, find some resources for high-level play - there's plenty out there. Get that satisfaction of conquering a game that seemed impossible, bumping up the personal highscore, and maybe even impressing your co-workers which how much of a nerd you are 😄 

For sure.... Actually not working there anymore, so.... can't practice. 💩💩💩

So the score will sit on that cabinet at least. But definitely somewhat interested to see what these strategies are. 🤔

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