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Amiibo Collectors - How's it worked out?

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Last year around this time, I put my amiibos on a tub and stashed them in the basement. I remember just recently that they existed and haven't had the desire to fish them out yet. For awhile, I was really into amiibos but I think the quality of figures in that price range ($15 - $20) has come such a long way that amiibos don't do it for me anymore.

Anyone still collect them? Display them proudly? It seems like the craziest dropped off a cliff from my perspective. 

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5 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

Last year around this time, I put my amiibos on a tub and stashed them in the basement. I remember just recently that they existed and haven't had the desire to fish them out yet. For awhile, I was really into amiibos but I think the quality of figures in that price range ($15 - $20) has come such a long way that amiibos don't do it for me anymore.

Anyone still collect them? Display them proudly? It seems like the craziest dropped off a cliff from my perspective. 

I prefer them to funko pops. I have 20 or so I've collected, mostly characters I like. I don't buy them unless cheap.

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i still think amiibos are pretty cool and easily my favorite of the "toys to life" figures. i have them all "displayed" (if you can call it that) in an old china cabinet. But they're all pretty much crammed in there, so it's certainly not a very professional looking presentation.

not sure how many i have. 30ish? [edit: 44!] all are opened. i have all of the ones that i want, so i don't see myself buying any more unless they release some characters that interest me (Bomberman, Knuckles, or the rest of the Starfox team mainly). i feel they were pretty underutilized as far as in-game perks and would have liked to see that expanded. 

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I have one Samus Amiibo I got from the box swap that we do about 1-2 times a year. I never used it but it’s on display.

When I got BotW and learned that you could get item crate drops with them, some having really cool items and gear, I bought a China-direct set of about 40, Zelda-related NFC cards for $10. It came with a fake-leather case to hold them all too.

It was always useful to get you out of a real health pickle plus there was some outfits and gear that I think might have been exclusive to Amiibos. I saw no reason to acquire a library of toys I didn’t have room for so I had no moral issue buying the cards. Oh, and of course the work with TotK too, and any other game that can take an Amiibo.

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Editorials Team · Posted

I have one Amiibo that was in the box train, and I basically took it because it was taking up so much space, and gave it to one of my kids.  It's Zelda and some bird, possibly from Skyward Sword.

I think we've remembered to use it in Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom. And it barely did much of anything.

Sometimes my kids see different ones in GameStop and ask for them.  When I tell them they cost as much as a new game - which they could have instead - their interest dies off real fast.

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