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The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

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Probably the game that I'm the most excited for after today's announcements, and there were a lot of games from this morning that I'm interested in.

I'm a little disappointed in what appears to be zero sword combat, but the puzzle solving looks really interesting.  I definitely love the idea of multiple options for solving puzzles.  This releases right before my birthday, so the timing is also good.  

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Events Team · Posted

They're pulling a Wand of Gamelon! Super excited for this one, although I must admit a part of me is slightly disappointed it's not a remake of the Oracle games in the Link's Awakening remake style. But I mean I'm never gonna complain about a new Zelda game, especially a new 2D one which we haven't gotten in over a decade.

40 minutes ago, TDIRunner said:

I'm a little disappointed in what appears to be zero sword combat

Eh, we've had 20+ games of sword combat in the series by this point, I'm fine with them trying out something new.

8 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

(Missed opportunity to call it "The Legend of Link")

I do agree, that would've been fun, although I understand the Zelda series has too much brand recognition for them to not use it.

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Administrator · Posted

I like the style of this one and I like they are trying something a bit different with the gameplay and also with Zelda as the main character.  I'm sure some will complain about it being woke (joking above is an exception), but I ignore that nonsense, and look forward to trying this one out!

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56 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

part of me is slightly disappointed it's not a remake of the Oracle games in the Link's Awakening remake styl

Fuuuuck that. Some remakes are great, but I'll prefer a new game, any time. I was very disappointed with the LoZ Wii U offerings.  


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Events Team · Posted
21 minutes ago, Link said:

Fuuuuck that. Some remakes are great, but I'll prefer a new game, any time. I was very disappointed with the LoZ Wii U offerings. 

Nah I'm down for remasters so long as the game wasn't released within the past decade or so, and I'm pretty much always down for from-the-ground-up remakes like Link's Awakening. More people need to experience the Oracle games, of all the mainline Zelda entries those are some of the less popular ones, they could really do with a remake on a modern system to give them a bit more exposure.

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2 hours ago, ZeldaFreak said:

Nah I'm down for remasters so long as the game wasn't released within the past decade or so, and I'm pretty much always down for from-the-ground-up remakes like Link's Awakening. More people need to experience the Oracle games, of all the mainline Zelda entries those are some of the less popular ones, they could really do with a remake on a modern system to give them a bit more exposure.

I'm absolutely not going to argue your personal preference. And I take your point in service of the franchise /fandom. But for what I want to play, I'd rather a release of something new instead of what I've seen before. 

That said, I would love to see a modern, really transformative take (not just updated graphics and sound) on either of the two NES games. But I don't think they will, beyond NES Remix kind of stuff. 

I do wanna play HoverBat's Zelda 2. 2 is pretty consistently in my top two for the whole series and this work looks awesome.

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I’m on team new IP, I am absolutely over Nintendo remastering every single game they have made since the 1980s

edit: to clarify new IP of existing franchises is beyond ok as well. New Metroid Prime and new Zelda okkkkkkk

Edited by a3quit4s
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Great she finally gets to play again as the lead, indirect sequel to Wand of Gamelon. 😛

Seriously though, curious how this will work out with kind of not having direct combat, and having the ability to pick up a heap of re-conjured abilities as it could dissolve or make various area challenges not much at all.  But if execution is off, the dumbest stuff will get confusing and over convoluted so it will need balance.  It's the most interesting thing to me I've seen so far, though curious about those octopath stylized DQ titles.

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From what I heard about the game I'm a little disappointed they aren't just going for traditional 2D Zelda gameplay. I can totally understand why they are trying something new instead, but I've been longing for a new 2D Zelda since ALBW. Also, Zelda deserves a sword.

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Checked it out, will definitely play thru with my kids (daughters).  They really liked Link's Awakening and I'm sure they'll love this one too.

Using the wand to essentially summon monsters at your disposal seemed pretty cool too!

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1 hour ago, Gentlegamer said:

What if Zelda was a girl?

And used the same shitty UI from Tears of the Kingdom?

This looks more like an expansion of the Link's Awakening Remastered engine.  They also show snippets of 2D portions so, I guess maybe this game will have two modes, kind of like Dragon Quest XII did (I think that's the correct number)?

I'm not really a fan of what I'm seeing.  To me it looks a bit like Minecraft (or possibly Roblox) paired with a Scribblenauts mechanic.

I thought I'd like Scribblenauts but there was something about it.  When I got to the more intermediate levels, I could still be creative by my creativity never met the intention of the developers for solving puzzles.  They game went from being super-fun in  novel way, to painfully frustrating.

I'd like to think Nintendo will do a better job and, maybe they will, but having to cycle through echoes and use them to solve puzzles sounds like it could get daunting and confusing about half way through the game.  Of course, you can always look up solutions online, and I'm not opposed to that, but if I find myself doing that for every-other puzzle, it's not for me.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this, but I have a serious back log.  I'll probably sit this one out, but I'll be interested in hearing everyone's thoughts when they finish the game. I think it looks cute and I do like the idea, though.

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2 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

The difference being the Scribblenauts team didn't know how to make a functional game, and the Zelda teams do.

I mean, I hear that and agree, but I'm skiddish with the very idea of having "countless" way to solve puzzles in a game when those puzzles come later in the game and you have hundreds of ways to piece your items together.

Either the puzzles will all be super-easy (and basically, not really puzzles) or they will be constructed in a way that works the way the dev team thinks.  So long as you think the way they do, you'll do fine.  But think differently (and I don't mean in an artsy way, I just mean have a different perspective) from the devs point of view, and you'll be lost.

If the game is otherwise good, I don't mind if the puzzles are super easy, but if you get to a point where you have an inventory of 200 echoes, and a complex  puzzle with sliding floors, holes, ledges to climb and laser-eyed enemies to defeat, all on a timed basis, with calculated types of echo choices, it can get "impossible" fast. 

Again, hearing the solution from a dev may make it "obvious" but games like this do require a bit of psychological awareness.  Maybe the will do a better job than scribblenauts but I'm not really interested in a game where I get to a point where, after 20 hours of gameplay, I'm needing to consult a guide every 5 steps because "who would have thought of solving THIS puzzle like THAT?!"

I mean, I'm not trying to deter you guys from that.  I just had, really, really high hopes for games like this and every time I get burned.

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