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Metroid Prime 4: Beyond

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That trailer was terrible... weird edit.. showed essentially nothing new compared to older games, the graphics already look 10 years outdated and the game movement looks slow as hell which was a major dislike for me with the previous entries. I'm happy they are moving forward with this game but this not a great showcase/reveal for what should be a big hit.

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Events Team · Posted
10 minutes ago, AstralSoul said:

Technically he doesn't have a name. 

Actually he's got several names


Like, kind of a comical amount of names.

Just now, Reed Rothchild said:

I mean.. haven't you hated every game from the last 10 years anyway? 😄

Also it's a Switch game (or, at best, a cross-platform Switch game that'll also be a launch title for the Switch 2) so yeah, the graphics aren't going to be as impressive as on a home console like the PS5 or Xbox. This is nothing new.

...and that's besides the fact that I don't really see the issue with the graphics anyway, looks fine to me. Which is funny given that I'm one of the younger people here, you'd think I'd care a lot about the graphics but really I couldn't care less, looks OK to me, haha.

I'm starting to feel like people's expectations for the game were just set WAY too high. Plus this is just the announcement trailer, game isn't coming out until next year anyway so we're gonna get several more trailers that will likely show way more. It looked to me like this was probably just the opening, like, 30 minutes of the game anyway (which is good, I don't want them to spoil a bunch about the game ahead of time.)

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1 hour ago, Reed Rothchild said:

I mean.. haven't you hated every game from the last 10 years anyway? 😄

a lot of them, yeah.. I thought Dread and Metroid 2 remake were good and Metroid is generally an awesome series. Graphic are typically the last thing on my mind but this trailer was ass.

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36 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

Is he wrong if they're all bad though

I've liked a lot of games in the last 10 years but there is a TON of stuff that is just the same shit, different pile. Doesn't mean it's bad just doesn't add anything new to the gaming experience. I'm also not the demographic for most games anymore, especially Nintendo. I also admit I generally don't like gaming as much as I used to... just how it went for me.

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Events Team · Posted
6 minutes ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

I've liked a lot of games in the last 10 years but there is a TON of stuff that is just the same shit, different pile. Doesn't mean it's bad just doesn't add anything new to the gaming experience.

It's always kind of perplexed me why some people think this is a new development in gaming. SO many retro games are absolutely fucking terrible, or at the very least, very very uninteresting or bland. There are far more bad/uninteresting games out there than there are good/interesting ones, and this has been the case for about as long as video games have existed.

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Editorials Team · Posted
14 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

It's always kind of perplexed me why some people think this is a new development in gaming. SO many retro games are absolutely fucking terrible, or at the very least, very very uninteresting or bland. There are far more bad/uninteresting games out there than there are good/interesting ones, and this has been the case for about as long as video games have existed.

The longer times passes, the more previous eras can be sorted through a filtered lens, again and again and again.

Everyone remembers or celebrates Led Zeppelin and A Link to the Past.  Because Bread and Clayfighter slowly got pushed further and further to the side with each passing year.  People talk about the 1970s being this golden era of music.  Go check the charts and see what was popular back then.  It's horrendous.

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Events Team · Posted
16 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

The longer times passes, the more previous eras can be sorted through a filtered lens, again and again and again.

Everyone remembers or celebrates Led Zeppelin and A Link to the Past.  Because Bread and Clayfighter slowly got pushed further and further to the side with each passing year.  People talk about the 1970s being this golden era of music.  Go check the charts and see what was popular back then.  It's horrendous.

I was just about to make the comparison to music as well, but you beat me to it. Same as with gaming, plenty of really good music is still being made today if you care to actually look for it (heck, check out the "What have you been listening to?" thread, posted a bunch of songs from one of my favorite modern bands in there.) I think the best thing about gaming these days is the sheer amount of genres and sub-genres and hyper-specific niches that are filled because there's just SO many games, there's something for absolutely everyone no matter what it is you're looking for and that's awesome. Same goes for music, do a little digging in whatever genre or sub-genre you fancy and it's not at all difficult to find some absolute gems. You just have to look.

And like you say, just like with music, looking back we only remember the gems from those eras, not all the absolute stinkers, or things that got popular despite not actually being all that great. It's almost impossible to not have rose-tinted glasses on when you're looking back on that kind of stuff.

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Events Team · Posted
3 hours ago, ZeldaFreak said:

Actually he's got several names


Like, kind of a comical amount of names.

Pretty sure he's a Blazkowicz.  Or at least a descendant.  Through Commander Keen apparently.  The family resemblance is certainly there.


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6 hours ago, ZeldaFreak said:

I'm starting to feel like people's expectations for the game were just set WAY too high.

I think it's more a case of people being realistic and realising if this game was called anything other than "Metroid Prime 4" they probably wouldn't have paid attention to it at all, due to how generic it looks.

Imagine if this wasn't promoted as a sequel to a popular franchise - would it have piqued your interest at all? Be honest!

It's not even that the game looks bad, or that I believe it's gonna be bad at all, it's just that nothing about this trailer really communicates that it's gonna be interesting. Outside of the name.

Personally I pointed out that thing with the look of the locales because I think it's a straight up missed opportunity. I can understand it with the limitations of the original Prime trilogy, but for a new game that no doubt has a much bigger budget, with better tools, and on stronger hardware, I'd have loved to see them pushing more into the area of a visual style that could have helped giving the game a strong identity.
Think about the series' milestone, Super Metroid. That game has a really rich, alien world where each area features a distinct style - and even the derelict spaceship has a nice horror feel to it. Things like the Chozo are ripe fot he taking. But instead we're getting something that look like a 00s FPS multiplayer map. That's not saying the game doesn't have other stuff as well, but this is what they decided to show us. 🙂

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Events Team · Posted
6 minutes ago, Sumez said:

1: Imagine if this wasn't promoted as a sequel to a popular franchise - would it have piqued your interest at all? Be honest!

2: It's not even that the game looks bad, or that I believe it's gonna be bad at all, it's just that nothing about this trailer really communicates that it's gonna be interesting. Outside of the name.

3: Personally I pointed out that thing with the look of the locales because I think it's a straight up missed opportunity. I can understand it with the limitations of the original Prime trilogy, but for a new game that no doubt has a much bigger budget, with better tools, and on stronger hardware, I'd have loved to see them pushing more into the area of a visual style that could have helped giving the game a strong identity.
Think about the series' milestone, Super Metroid. That game has a really rich, alien world where each area features a distinct style - and even the derelict spaceship has a nice horror feel to it. Things like the Chozo are ripe fot he taking. But instead we're getting something that look like a 00s FPS multiplayer map. That's not saying the game doesn't have other stuff as well, but this is what they decided to show us. 🙂

1: It's a sci-fi first person space shooter with atmospheric horror vibes and is a first party Nintendo title, so yes, it would have a lot actually. I understand the point you're trying to make though.

2: Again, it's the first trailer out of several we're likely to receive and (to my eyes, anyway) appears to only show the opening section of the game. This is the same problem I have with people criticizing teaser trailers for movies not showing a lot when that's exactly what they're meant to be; a teaser.

3: Pretty much refer to what I said above, you're comparing the entire breadth of a full game to a single trailer which shows one early area for almost all of it, and then a short teaser for a different area. A better comparison would be comparing the Space Colony at the beginning of Super Metroid to what we see in this trailer, and the Space Colony is also not exactly the most interesting part of Super Metroid. We haven't seen much of anything of the actual game; as such, I don't feel it's fair to criticize what the trailer shows as if we have, and judge the game as a whole based on that, when they're clearly deliberately saving the juicy stuff for later.

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42 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

and is a first party Nintendo title

I mean this is exactly what I'm talking about though. If it weren't, would this trailer have made you interested?
(and this isn't relevant to the case, but wouldn't Retro Studios be second party? The fact that they are making this, is the entire reason I'm still interested in the game, I have great faith in their skills)

42 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

This is the same problem I have with people criticizing teaser trailers for movies not showing a lot when that's exactly what they're meant to be; a teaser.

You can't judge a movie from a teaser though. But you can judge the teaser. That's what people are doing here.

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Events Team · Posted
4 minutes ago, Sumez said:

1: I mean this is exactly what I'm talking about though. If it weren't, would this trailer have made you interested?

2: You can't judge a movie from a teaser though. But you can judge the teaser. That's what people are doing here.

1: Less so, but then again frankly half of Nintendo's first party IPs wouldn't really interest me at all if they weren't made by Nintendo, and frankly we're getting deep enough in to the hypotheticals that it's sort of diluting your point, haha.

2: Eeeh nah, clearly not everyone. Some people, sure, and that's fair enough (even though I'd still argue this is the first of many trailers so just have some damn patience) but there have already been a couple people (yourself included, at least judging by the wording you've used thus far) that have been judging the whole game based off the trailer.

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25 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

but there have already been a couple people (yourself included, at least judging by the wording you've used thus far) that have been judging the whole game based off the trailer.

When have I done that? Maybe the issue here is your assumptions 🙂 

No one here is able to judge the whole game based on what they haven't decided to show us. That would silly.

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Events Team · Posted
52 minutes ago, Sumez said:

When have I done that? Maybe the issue here is your assumptions 🙂 

No one here is able to judge the whole game based on what they haven't decided to show us. That would silly.

Well you've been criticizing the artstyle of the game a lot, commenting about the lack of a unique identity, when like I've said we've only seen two areas of the whole game so far (and the second they teased at the end does look pretty beautiful to me.)

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Just to repeat myself, I've been commenting on what the trailer showed us, because it's the only thing we know anything about. 🙂 I have not played Metroid Prime 4.

I'm not gonna start out being unreasonably hyped about something that has not been shown or even hinted at, and is just pure speculation with a pretty low probability anyway. I'm somewhere around 40 years old and have plenty of other much more real things to worry about 🤣

...such as the upcoming Shadow of the Ninja remake which we've seen a lot of stuff from.

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