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question for the old timers.

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i turn 40 at the end of this month. and it's got me thinking: what the F am i doing wasting time collecting?

it's not that i am losing interest or feeling burned out, but the big FOUR-ZERO is just making me question WHY. why am i doing this? what is the purpose? like, my 2nd half of my life could be spent doing more meaningful things, both in terms of time and money.  with that said, it isn't like my life is consumed by collecting; it isn't. but there is a portion of my thoughts my ancient brain uses to think about games.  and there is a portion of my income that goes to buying games. 

makes me wonder if i'll be 60, stilling doing daily ebay searches, and still getting excited for purchases. i don't even think i want that. 

anybody else in their twilight years still collecting? if so, has these sort of thoughts ever crossed your mind? do you ever feel like you need to grow up?

is this what a midlife crisis feels life?

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I know some guys in their 60s and 70s that still collect comic books as eager as any youngin'. 

Don't get hung up on what you think you should be doing at whatever age. As long as you're meeting your obligations and aren't screwing anyone else over, do what you think is fun. If it does stop becoming fun, then you can find something else that is more important to you. 

Mental health from things you enjoy are important. 

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31 minutes ago, final fight cd said:

i turn 40 at the end of this month. and it's got me thinking: what the F am i doing wasting time collecting?

it's not that i am losing interest or feeling burned out, but the big FOUR-ZERO is just making me question WHY. why am i doing this? what is the purpose? like, my 2nd half of my life could be spent doing more meaningful things, both in terms of time and money.  with that said, it isn't like my life is consumed by collecting; it isn't. but there is a portion of my thoughts my ancient brain uses to think about games.  and there is a portion of my income that goes to buying games. 

makes me wonder if i'll be 60, stilling doing daily ebay searches, and still getting excited for purchases. i don't even think i want that. 

anybody else in their twilight years still collecting? if so, has these sort of thoughts ever crossed your mind? do you ever feel like you need to grow up?

is this what a midlife crisis feels life?

You're 40?


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A person should do some things that they enjoy.  As long as it doesn't eclipse the rest of their life.  

As I have gotten older my gaming as changed.  I have never considered myself a collector in that, by and large, in that I have picked up mostly stuff that I wanted to play - turns out I am a collector since a lot of what I picked up turned out valuable.

These days (I will be 72 at the end of the month) I pretty much stick to switch - I spend lots of time playing games - I do buy more than I can play though.

Not sure if that answers your question - but as long as you still enjoy it - why not.  And that doesn't mean you can't change your focus on what you collect - things in life don't have to be static.

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I turned 41 a couple weeks ago and I still enjoy daily eBay searches for stuff I need to complete sets. I honestly hardly ever play games. For me, it gives me a bit of dopamine when I can check another game off the set list. No rush either, I'm in for the long haul.

You stated that you don't want to be 60 doing the same thing, so maybe your mind is already made up. Nothing wrong with that, people are designed to evolve over time. I am clearly not an authorized/certified/licensed therapist, but it seems to me like you may be experiencing a midlife crisis of sorts. Did you feel this way at 38 or 39? 

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I’m 39 now and as long as it brings me joy I’ll still do this till I’m 90. It doesn’t consume my life and it’s one more thing that makes me happy in this otherwise awful world we live in. 

OP may need a break from collecting for awhile and re-evaluate continuing to collect after said break. 

Edited by a3quit4s
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Administrator · Posted

I'm 36 tomorrow, so happy birthday to us!

My collecting has been certainly impacted by my financial situation: mere months after tossing all of my savings at a house I lost my job, and a few months after that so did my wife. So obviously as a sane human I stopped buying up games and expensive statues. Beyond that, luckily, I'd say I'm basically done picking things up anyway. I kinda-sorta started picking up some key PC big box games last year but it's not anything I feel I NEED to have to hand; I got the main one game I really wanted in mint condition (Might and Magic VII), so I'm happy there if I stop today honestly.

I think that my collecting will likely evolve as I come into money again over time into more stuff that shows my love for gaming without being games themselves. Like I say I have the games I wanna play and have access to into retirement so really no big need to keep buying games themselves. I do buy modern games still, I play a lot of games across the board. But my collecting prior to the big move into a house was centered around bigger statues and I still love those and have my eye on some more.

Will I sell, though, sooner or later? Mmmmmm... My impetus for collecting in the first place was essentially to have the games I love to hand so when I one day find myself drowning in free time (early retirement is the (seemingly impossible) goal). Could I play those games via, say, emulation? Yeah of course. But there's something special as many of us know about grabbing the game off the shelf, slotting it into a physical machine, and playing it as-intended. I don't see me getting rid of what I have unless I really have to; I might pare down a bit one day to just the top 1-200 (currently sitting around 500 games), but I can't imagine ever wanting to have nothing.

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I feel you.  I turn 40 next month.  Not at all concerned that my dad and his brother both died in their early 60s.  Nope.  Not this guy.  Though, score — she’s taking me to Dublin as a gift in December.  

Anyways,  I’m pretty at peace with my collecting.  I do way more browsing and less buying than I used to but I’m not done yet.  My brother-in-law was visiting recently and he commented to me something to the effect of, “You ready to get out yet?”  I found it rude and was pretty irritated by the comment actually.  But it made me think.  So much of the quantity of my collection was bought in the before times that the current value of my collection is like a neat little novelty but it’s definitely not something I really think about when I think about my collection.  I like the hunt and I just like having the stuff.  It’s cool.  Just a bit of fun and just an older me variation of evaporating money.  In my 20s it was substance abuse and cigarettes lol.   Poof.  At least I have something to show for it other than liver damage from my 30s.

Though we do have a plan in place if something were to happen to me.  She’ll be coming to you guys asking to help her figure out how to get rid of it.  Not get screwed, you know?  There’s some balls mint stuff in there. I hope you guys don’t mind helping out dead me one last time.  

Edited by Hammerfestus
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Administrator · Posted
2 minutes ago, Hammerfestus said:

Though we do have a plan in place if something were to happen to me.  She’ll be coming to you guys asking to help her figure out how to get rid of it.  Not get screwed, you know?  There’s some balls mint stuff in there. I hope you guys don’t mind helping out dead me one last time.  

Note to self: screw this guy's wife when he dies.

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6 minutes ago, Hammerfestus said:

I feel you.  I turn 40 next month.  Not at all concerned that my dad and his brother both died in their early 60s.  Nope.  Not this guy.  Though, score — she’s taking me to Dublin as a gift in December.  

Anyways,  I’m pretty at peace with my collecting.  I do way more browsing and less buying than I used to but I’m not done yet.  My brother-in-law was visiting recently and he commented to me something to the effect of, “You ready to get out yet?”  I found it rude and was pretty irritated by the comment actually.  But it made me think.  So much of the quantity of my collection was bought in the before times that the current value of my collection is like a neat little novelty but it’s definitely not something I really think about when I think about my collection.  I like the hunt and I just like having the stuff.  It’s cool.  Just a bit of fun and just an older me variation of evaporating money.  In my 20s it was substance abuse and cigarettes lol.   Poof.  At least I have something to show for it other than liver damage from my 30s.

Though we do have a plan in place if something were to happen to me.  She’ll be coming to you guys asking to help her figure out how to get rid of it.  Not get screwed, you know?  There’s some balls mint stuff in there. I hope you guys don’t mind helping out dead me one last time.  


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Me: “Man, these items on my shelf… just setting here… worth a ton of money now.  I could really sell this stuff and have a fun shift to a cool hobby like music making or maybe start flipping homes? I dunno, just do something both fun and productive”

Also me: “Oh, that’s a sweet deal on some Game Gear games! I gotta hit that lot now!!!”

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I have had similar thoughts recently. It's not that I've lost interest or burnt out but similar to you, why? I've put purchases on hold for a bit and will probably look to cull down the collection quiet a bit. My main passion is GBA collecting so I will probably slowly sell some of the other systems and just focus on GBA and have a small collection of favourites from the other consoles.

Maybe put the purchases on hold for a bit, play some games and see where you're at in 3 or so months. 

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Events Team · Posted

Happy birthday! 🎈 

Just a quick question, what would you'd do with your time and money if you forgo collecting video games?

A lot of old guys spend money on cars, or in my case motorcycles.  Or sports, or women, or crack, or whatever.  It's never too late to start a new hobby.

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In my case I already have everything I want as far as a collection. Just looking to sell off stuff that I don't play anymore. If the games interest you which it seems it does just keep gaming. There is no set age to where you out grow gaming or collecting. It's just personally preference. If you feel it is time to stop and you want to move on then do so. If you don't feel that way then continue and you will know when the time is right to stop. The one thing is for certain though is that it may take longer and higher in expenses wise to sell stuff off the longer you wait. 

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29 minutes ago, JamesRobot said:

A lot of old guys spend money on cars, or in my case motorcycles.  Or sports, or women, or crack, or whatever.  It's never too late to start a new hobby.

 I had a friend who inherited a large fortune.  He spent most of it on fancy liquor, fast cars and faster women.  


The rest he spent foolishly.


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I bounce around from hobby to hobby pretty frequently. Nothing wrong with trying something new if the usual hobby stopped bringing you joy. I'm right behind you ready to turn 39 this year and I've definetly slowed down on my collecting, but hey! Maybe in a few years the bug might bite me again!

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1 hour ago, Tabonga said:

I had a friend who inherited a large fortune.  He spent most of it on fancy liquor, fast cars and faster women.  

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The rest he spent foolishly.

I had a car once upon a time that had this sticker under the hood (along with many others) except it read:

"I spent most of my money on Booze, Broads and Bikes... The rest I waisted."

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Moderator · Posted

I’m 43 and started selling off my collection at the beginning of the year. I never game and I pretty much had everything that I ever wanted in my collection, so I was pretty stagnant for a few years. Lost the fire if you will. We moved, had a baby and I didn’t have a good place to display it any longer so it went into storage the last 2 years as well.


This time of life has been much different than my 20’s and 30’s so I’m missing the games much less than I thought I would. I didn’t need the money, so it’s been fun figuring out new ways to deploy the cash to hopefully have it grow of the next decade before buying a winter place in AZ and making sure my kids have a nice cushion as I get old. It’s been a great feeling just freeing up all of the space as well. Just do what feels right to you and it will be the best decision for you. 

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Moderator · Posted
1 hour ago, LeatherRebel5150 said:

Welp, I feel better. All these names Ive seen all these years, I always just assumed you guys were all my age. I just turned 33 and I thought I had been at this a long time but all you crackin over 40?! 

Aging Old Man GIF by A&E

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