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Game Debate #222: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Reed Rothchild

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20 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences, NOT HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer f'ing game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Easy to recommend.
    • 7/10 - Very good, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not very good.
    • 2/10 - Pretty crappy.
    • 1/10 - Horrible in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.

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I played it for awhile then put it down.  It takes the many of the good parts of BotW, but sadly not most of them, and that's a good thing.  The problem is simple - bloat.  There's too much to do, the game moves along at a glacial pace to where you can go about with towers and dungeons, and getting this or that little thing and 3 hours will go by and the game progression clock moves all of one tenth of one percent.  At that rate you then get to where you learn it's not just the ground, but underground and more, and they're not small by any means.  It sucks the life out of you, your cares, when you realize with a normal life only X hours can go into a game a day or week, and it would take maybe 6-12months or more to finish if you dedicated to it.  My power went out for a good week the July after it arrived, I never went back because of how it ticked along.  Second to that, I preferred the abilities you got in BotW over those in the sequel, just a bit too much crafting and odd stuff required, everything just was ratched up a lot, too much.  So to me, it's meh, and I'd rather play something else like it, including its prequel again.  It's good, but I won't come back around to it because of how it was downgraded by design into a supremely painfully slow slog.

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7 hours ago, Tanooki said:

I played it for awhile then put it down.  It takes the many of the good parts of BotW, but sadly not most of them, and that's a good thing.  The problem is simple - bloat.  There's too much to do, the game moves along at a glacial pace to where you can go about with towers and dungeons, and getting this or that little thing and 3 hours will go by and the game progression clock moves all of one tenth of one percent.  At that rate you then get to where you learn it's not just the ground, but underground and more, and they're not small by any means.  It sucks the life out of you, your cares, when you realize with a normal life only X hours can go into a game a day or week, and it would take maybe 6-12months or more to finish if you dedicated to it.  My power went out for a good week the July after it arrived, I never went back because of how it ticked along.  Second to that, I preferred the abilities you got in BotW over those in the sequel, just a bit too much crafting and odd stuff required, everything just was ratched up a lot, too much.  So to me, it's meh, and I'd rather play something else like it, including its prequel again.  It's good, but I won't come back around to it because of how it was downgraded by design into a supremely painfully slow slog.

This sums up my experience perfectly. It's simply an odd game where it's too much like the original game, even in it's "good" ways, that it kind of undercut itself.

There are some games that are so good, you really, really want the next iteration of the same experience. Immediately GoldenEye to Perfect Dark comes to mind. PD wasn't the better game but man was it fun to have the upgrades, changes and tweaks while getting more of the "same". It was an upgrade that was done right.

But this... it just feels like it's more of the same, with some new (admittedly cool) features and just a much bigger world. The more I think about it, I think what I want from "upgrades" is nice QOA tweaks, but not necessarily BIGGER experiences. I think TOTK would have been better as a DLC. I never bought the BOTW DLC, but TOTK could have been a really long side quest, sure, they could have created 30-40 cave entrances and built and entire new dungeon across the whole map, but a whole, massive game doing more-or-less the same as BOTW? Nah, it was fun the first time but I don't want to do the whole thing over again. It was a one and done experience.

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I haven't yet gotten around to having time to dedicate to it. 

I didn't buy it right away because I was hoping for an explorer's guide or some book to match the BotW guide. When that didn't happen, I put it on my Christmas list, so my brother bought me Link's Awakening. 

I bought it myself later and I just noticed yesterday I seem to have done so twice. 

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Editorials Team · Posted


I'm only 10 hours in but I'm calling my shot.  No need to overthink things.

I get people calling out bloat.  Bloat can be a very real and detrimental thing.  Look at some of the Assassins Creed games for a perfect example of that.  Or even games like Crash Bandicoot 4.  Adding things for the sake of having things is not usually a wise design choice.

But I never get that feeling with BotW or TotK

Huge =/= bloat

I love getting lost in this world, and always finding some new things that explore.  And I don't worry about how long it's taking or about seeing some progress indicator increment.  Most people don't complete most of their games anyway.  Hell, I took 4 years to complete BotW because I wanted to give the experience as much room as possible.  I may very well do that with TotK.  You just enjoy the ride.

This is also a great game to play with your kids.  They're constantly excited to tell me about the places I can go and the treasures I can find.  Probably the most engaging single player game for us to experience as a group. 

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4 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

It is ok to not like a game!


2 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:


I'm only 10 hours in but I'm calling my shot.  No need to overthink things.

I get people calling out bloat.  Bloat can be a very real and detrimental thing.  Look at some of the Assassins Creed games for a perfect example of that.  Or even games like Crash Bandicoot 4.  Adding things for the sake of having things is not usually a wise design choice.

But I never get that feeling with BotW or TotK

Huge =/= bloat

I love getting lost in this world, and always finding some new things that explore.  And I don't worry about how long it's taking or about seeing some progress indicator increment.  Most people don't complete most of their games anyway.  Hell, I took 4 years to complete BotW because I wanted to give the experience as much room as possible.  I may very well do that with TotK.  You just enjoy the ride.

This is also a great game to play with your kids.  They're constantly excited to tell me about the places I can go and the treasures I can find.  Probably the most engaging single player game for us to experience as a group. 

My kids started playing this game and, interesting enough, my son (who's 11) has stuck with it but my daughter popped in BotW and wanted that one instead.  They both tried these games for the first time earlier this year. I think my son likes building things (though I did have to get him off of the floating island so he could start exploring the main world.)

I don't want to say I don't like this game. I bought it very soon after launch because in the past 2 decades, I put more hours into BotW than any other game I've played.  However, there was just something about the experience. I got off of Tutorial Island and then played for about 4-5 hours and I felt like I hadn't done anything meaningful yet and it just started feeling like work.

But, with that said, if I managed to play this game before I started playing BotW, this would probably be a 10 of 10 and a personal favorite. I just think this type of game has to be something that offers something quite different than past experiences if it's going to really maintain my interest. 

Edited by RH
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14 minutes ago, RH said:


My kids started playing this game and, interesting enough, my son (who's 11) has stuck with it but my daughter popped in BotW and wanted that one instead.  They both tried these games for the first time earlier this year. I think my son likes building things (though I did have to get him off of the floating island so he could start exploring the main world.)

I don't want to say I don't like this game. I bought very soon after launch because in the past 2 decades, I put more hours into BotW than any other game I've played.  However, there was just something about the experience. I got off of Tutorial Island and then played for about 4-5 hours and I felt like I hadn't done anything meaningful yet and it just started feeling like work.

But, with that said, if I managed to play this game before I started playing BotW, this would probably be a 10 of 10 and a personal favorite. I just think this type of game has to be something that offers something quite different than past experiences if it's going to really maintain my interest. 

I love them both but BotW is the better game; yes TotK has more to it but most of its mechanics, map, inventory, etc come from BotW. More was added in TotK but I don’t feel anything that existed before was improved because BotW was perfect lol

I guess another way to put it is BotW was 100% a new experience while maybe 25-50% was a new experience on TotK

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I admittedly got bored with it about 10 hours in. Part of it is is just feeling too similar to BOTW and feeling fatigue from putting well over 400 hours into that one. The other part of not really having time to sink my teeth into a game of such scope, so the desire to push on just wasn't there. Crafting in games is a mechanic I have never really enjoyed so the crafting based puzzles in the early game didn't do it for me. One day I will give it a proper playthrough, but it won't be for quite some time I'm afraid. In the meantime, I consider myself a never/maybe.

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54 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

I admittedly got bored with it about 10 hours in. ...  In the meantime, I consider myself a never/maybe.

I think is is the problem for many of us adults who like these games.  It's so expansive, you literally put 10 hours into the thing (which is an average link of a small indy game) and you still feel like you've not touched it!

I'm in the same boat, but I couldn't consider the 10 or so hours I put into this game as "never played" it.  Regardless, I feel like I barely touched the game. I haven't even expanded the map yet to a new territory!

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So Breath of the Wild I played the crap out of and loved it. It was new and exciting and I loved exploring the world. Couldn't get enough of it. But I never wanted to do it again. So Tears of the Kingdom was basically the same thing all over again and I tried to play it several times but I never found the motivation to get far. I didn't like the changes they made, building things and making vehicles or whatever...not my thing. I would like to go back and finish it but I doubt it will ever happen. I just wasn't into it. But I'm sure it's a solid game just like BotW so I gave it a 7/10.

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8 hours ago, Kguillemette said:

I admittedly got bored with it about 10 hours in. Part of it is is just feeling too similar to BOTW and feeling fatigue from putting well over 400 hours into that one. The other part of not really having time to sink my teeth into a game of such scope, so the desire to push on just wasn't there. Crafting in games is a mechanic I have never really enjoyed so the crafting based puzzles in the early game didn't do it for me. One day I will give it a proper playthrough, but it won't be for quite some time I'm afraid. In the meantime, I consider myself a never/maybe.

I wish I dug into that more with my criticisms.  Not the time sink, but crafting.  Why is it everything since minecraft and the likes of monster hunter popping up why everything is automatically more fun and has forceably included into the game mandatory and often crafting required to play?  Crafting should be a choice, not made to happen, of it made to, here and there, but not tirelessly very often.  As much as I adore Animal Crossing and put so much time into the original on the cube, the only other one I really dug into was Switch but that crafting, so so so much crafting.  They forced it hard, hard to where even the so called unbreakable gold gear of the past yup...that breaks too and is hard to craft.  I enjoy AC for being chill and doing stuff, but not like knocking down 5 trees or doing 10 holes and clink...whip the table out and make another or get to harvesting what's needed to wash rinse repeat.  Over months of playing it in the evening it slowed and slowed, then before the mega update going into sea diving(etc) I quit.  Crafting, it's hell if you don't want it, like say...in minecraft where that's the point of it.  BotW had elements of it, largely just with cooking, so it wasn't so forced and I was cool with that.  You could find a pot, take a break, make some goodies.  But this one...it's perpetual.

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1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

I wish I dug into that more with my criticisms.  Not the time sink, but crafting.  Why is it everything since minecraft and the likes of monster hunter popping up why everything is automatically more fun and has forceably included into the game mandatory and often crafting required to play?  Crafting should be a choice, not made to happen, of it made to, here and there, but not tirelessly very often.  As much as I adore Animal Crossing and put so much time into the original on the cube, the only other one I really dug into was Switch but that crafting, so so so much crafting.  They forced it hard, hard to where even the so called unbreakable gold gear of the past yup...that breaks too and is hard to craft.  I enjoy AC for being chill and doing stuff, but not like knocking down 5 trees or doing 10 holes and clink...whip the table out and make another or get to harvesting what's needed to wash rinse repeat.  Over months of playing it in the evening it slowed and slowed, then before the mega update going into sea diving(etc) I quit.  Crafting, it's hell if you don't want it, like say...in minecraft where that's the point of it.  BotW had elements of it, largely just with cooking, so it wasn't so forced and I was cool with that.  You could find a pot, take a break, make some goodies.  But this one...it's perpetual.

Minecraft, and crafting/design games in general are as popular as ever.  I get why they'd make crafting a central mechanic in this game. The mechanic has huge appeal. And for months I saw headlines talking about cool vehicles and devices gamers playing TOTK came up with. This idea they had was a massive success! Unfortunately it has little appeal to me.

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