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What's new in your collection/Pick-up Thread !!!


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Administrator · Posted
13 hours ago, TrekMD said:

My latest arrivals...



That explains why Spitfire Attack and Survival Run are usually missing the end labels!   I had heard that the consumer needed to put it on themselves but I never understood why until I saw your pic.

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14 hours ago, Code Monkey said:

This is my third attempt asking you this and I've gotten no reply so far but I'll try my luck again. For which console is this game?

I'm sorry.  I'm not sure I saw the message asking.  It's for the 2600.

As for the black boxed Crystal Castles and Haunted House, those are LE versions released by the current Atari company.  They are all sold out but you can learn about them here:  Atari XP Collections

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2 hours ago, captmorgandrinker said:

That explains why Spitfire Attack and Survival Run are usually missing the end labels!   I had heard that the consumer needed to put it on themselves but I never understood why until I saw your pic.

That is correct.  The end label was packed with the controller and game and the owners had to place it on the cartridges.  I'm going to guess many people didn't.

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4 hours ago, Gloves said:

Some people don't respond to questions that have obvious answers, so again - you're probably asking the wrong questions here. You asked in your example there the same thing "Which console are these for?" when it's labeled in big bold letters on the box.

Something I'm surprised you're not familiar with, being that you've said you are going for a complete Atari (2600?) set, is that repros and the like are incredibly common. Are you on Atari Age? Where do you typically get your information relating to collecting for that system? Your sources are letting you down my man.

Like, a minute of searching online shows this:

Crystal Castles - Limited Edition – Atari®

You've failed yourself once again by asking people questions with easily searchable answers. I'm not trying to kill conversation, by all means ask questions, talk to people. But like, to be all "hey man you never respond to me" like he's done you some disservice when you've tried and failed multiple times, and then seemingly gave up without doing any research yourself, it's not doing yourself any favors. Go ahead, ask the question, but if dude doesn't respond you just... don't bother to look online at all? It's just kinda weird is all.

Many Atari 7800 games are labelled with the 2600 console name and logo because the 7800 was backwards compatible with the 2600. There is no way to know by looking at the label if it was for the 2600 or compatible with the 2600 so I asked the owner to confirm. He never made any mention it was a bootleg and I didn't realize there were so many different unlicensed games being made for the system.

I am registered on Atari Age but I can't stand posting there. The last time I tried to buy a R10 game off one of the administrators and he told me he doesn't accept PayPal. Okay.......weird.........so I told him I would work with any payment method of his choice and suggested some options including Western Union. He flipped his lid that I was trying to scam him and told me to get lost. Then he told me he would do the deal if I got him about 25 different gift cards and mailed them to him, all for various retailers in his area. When I refused, one of the moderators told me to go fuck myself so it's not a place I really like to frequent. I would rather stop collecting for the system than post in that place. Side note, if anyone has a complete copy of Tooth Protectors, you can basically name your price and I will pay you anything you want.

I appreciate the answer, thank you. Games are still being made by members of Atari Age and also Atari themselves, it makes sense now.

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Administrator · Posted
6 minutes ago, Code Monkey said:

Many Atari 7800 games are labelled with the 2600 console name and logo because the 7800 was backwards compatible with the 2600. There is no way to know by looking at the label if it was for the 2600 or compatible with the 2600 so I asked the owner to confirm. He never made any mention it was a bootleg and I didn't realize there were so many different unlicensed games being made for the system.

I am registered on Atari Age but I can't stand posting there. The last time I tried to buy a R10 game off one of the administrators and he told me he doesn't accept PayPal. Okay.......weird.........so I told him I would work with any payment method of his choice and suggested some options including Western Union. He flipped his lid that I was trying to scam him and told me to get lost. Then he told me he would do the deal if I got him about 25 different gift cards and mailed them to him, all for various retailers in his area. When I refused, one of the moderators told me to go fuck myself so it's not a place I really like to frequent. I would rather stop collecting for the system than post in that place. Side note, if anyone has a complete copy of Tooth Protectors, you can basically name your price and I will pay you anything you want.

I appreciate the answer, thank you. Games are still being made by members of Atari Age and also Atari themselves, it makes sense now.

Yeah that sounds like a fucked up experience. Damn. He's the one who told you he doesn't accept PayPal, and he call YOU the scammer? Ridiculous. 

Also, lol @ Tooth Protectors. Fun game. Happy I don't collect Atari 2600, if only for my wallet. 

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New arrivals


Definitely had to grab all the My Nintendo Pikmin 4 rewards and also this SNES ornament was on sale when I was browing the shop so I decided to get that too


Various limited print games that finally arrived plus a few deals that I snapped up and also I fomo'd into Tunic after seeing it posted here


Still getting my regular Nintendo Force deliveries, also happy that Frogun CE finally arrived. Picked up a couple Game Boy games that I was wanting for a long time after I finally found prices I was happy with. And the Squinkies was one of those things I had been seeking for a long time that finally popped up on the bay for a nice price. 


I really don't need more retail display stuff but I happened to see these listed on eBay for real cheap in a bundle and these posters are right up my alley so I copped them. They will probably go high up on the wall in a row. 


Lastly here's a couple gifts I got for my birthday. I also got a synthesizer but that's not relevant here. Excited to finally play the new Kirby!

Edited by MiamiSlice
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Editorials Team · Posted

I ordered a Playdate in September 2021 and an Analogue Pocket in April 2022, and now they finally arrived, on the same day!!



I'm very excited to finally have both of these. And then there's this. Wheel of Fortune 2 is That One Game in the Tiger Game.com library that costs way too much. It's not like anyone ever even buys it for $200, but nobody is down to sell theirs for less that that, and I've been casually checking for years. So I finally found someone selling one for a slightly reasonable price and jumped on it. Yes, in a library of 20 games, TWO of them are Wheel of Fortune.


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15 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

Great deal

Retro Source had silent debugger with the manual priced at $95, I checked on some recent sales and asked if he could confirm the price. Did one minute worth of looking and knocked it down to $65. Love that store and will always visit. It’s not really about getting a great deal or anything, like I know you've got a storefront and bills to pay and I don’t mind paying a little more than eBay for that. But some game stores are just a total ripoff and won’t even check on a game they priced like three years ago. And yes, I’m honest if I see a game totally underpriced at a store I’ll ask them to double check it!

The owner actually remembered me too and I hadn’t been there in months.  Not a lot of people looking for TG16 these days haha

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On 8/12/2023 at 5:01 AM, Code Monkey said:

Many Atari 7800 games are labelled with the 2600 console name and logo because the 7800 was backwards compatible with the 2600. There is no way to know by looking at the label if it was for the 2600 or compatible with the 2600 so I asked the owner to confirm. He never made any mention it was a bootleg and I didn't realize there were so many different unlicensed games being made for the system.

I am registered on Atari Age but I can't stand posting there. The last time I tried to buy a R10 game off one of the administrators and he told me he doesn't accept PayPal. Okay.......weird.........so I told him I would work with any payment method of his choice and suggested some options including Western Union. He flipped his lid that I was trying to scam him and told me to get lost. Then he told me he would do the deal if I got him about 25 different gift cards and mailed them to him, all for various retailers in his area. When I refused, one of the moderators told me to go fuck myself so it's not a place I really like to frequent. I would rather stop collecting for the system than post in that place. Side note, if anyone has a complete copy of Tooth Protectors, you can basically name your price and I will pay you anything you want.

I appreciate the answer, thank you. Games are still being made by members of Atari Age and also Atari themselves, it makes sense now.

That's really odd, the people over at Atari Age are great. Was never treated with anything less than respect over there, then again I guess that a lot of those people have been around since the DP era.

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

That's really odd, the people over at Atari Age are great. Was never treated with anything less than respect over there, then again I guess that a lot of those people have been around since the DP era.

Agreed, I've always been treated well there. Maybe you just ran into someone (like me) who doesn't like to sell. We do exist.

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On 8/12/2023 at 1:28 AM, Splain said:

I ordered a Playdate in September 2021 and an Analogue Pocket in April 2022, and now they finally arrived, on the same day!!



I'm very excited to finally have both of these. And then there's this. Wheel of Fortune 2 is That One Game in the Tiger Game.com library that costs way too much. It's not like anyone ever even buys it for $200, but nobody is down to sell theirs for less that that, and I've been casually checking for years. So I finally found someone selling one for a slightly reasonable price and jumped on it. Yes, in a library of 20 games, TWO of them are Wheel of Fortune.


Oh man, I want to get a Play Date so badly, it looks great, and the games all look like so much fun! I just got an email talking about a new season of games and there's a shoot 'em up...and it looks sick!!! One of these days...one of the days...

I hope it's as awesome for you as I imagine that little system is 🙂

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Hi folks, just in today from the US and from Japan, some sweet, sweet games showed up!


I managed to score a gorgeous copy of Acrobat Mission, so with that, I only have one more SFC title I'm after. I was watching a Shmup Junkie episode recently that went through SNES/SFC shooters and realized I hadn't heard about this one. It's looks fairly rudimentary, but I'm down with that 😉

Other than that, it took a surprisingly long time to come across a minty copy of Boktai 3 and at open auction (so for a good price), but patience won the day as I came across this copy, so now I've got the whole set (along with Lunar Knights).


With these PCEngine CD titles, I'm down to three left on my list which is exciting! Avenger is new, but it was cheap so I decided to spend a few extra dollars to not have to deal with damage. I can finally play R-Type in full, and I'm a sucker for getting all the Dariuses (?) on everything @_@


With complete copies of Gun Frontier and Wonder 3, I now only need Image Fight/X-Multiply to finish the Arcade Gears set on Saturn, and am getting fairly close to being done with my Saturn collecting. I'm really intrigued by the stuff in Wonder 3, so I'm looking forward to giving it a go on the weekend!


Lastly, this batch of things is kind of different. Chris over at CGQ+ has a series he's a couple dozen episodes into called 'Weekend Rental' that I've really been vibing with, and for 3 weeks in a row, he went through RC de Go with a NeGcon, then played Kaze no NOTAM while drinking some barley tea (I love iced barley tea!), followed the next week by Rambo III. I've been rocking with Chris for since we met as members of the N-G.com forum 12 years ago before he decided to start a Youtube channel and website, and we have similar tastes in a lot of things, and in these cases, I really resonated with these games. 

The cool things is that I likely never would have heard of Kaze no NOTAM, and I've long since put the blinders on when I see that Akklaim logo, so I wouldn't have realized that RC de Go! is a really cool looking Taito game. I'd seen Rambo III before, but ironically, it was on a CGQ magazine read-through in which Chris talked about it and showed footage.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to digging into all 3 of these...and drinking some barley tea 🙂

So that's it for now folks. Thanks for looking /reading, and I hope you all find what you're looking for!

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