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Any Fortnite fans out there?


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I know I know, you hate Fortnite. Fortnite is for kids. It's not a real game. Idc lol. Haters gonna hate. 

But for those who do like the game, I figured we should have a thread to discuss the game, share gamer tags, play online together, etc. 

I really enjoyed it over the holidays. They had lightsabers in the game because star wars. They were super op and they're gone now but they were fun while they lasted. My brother and I would light up teams in squads with one of us charging with the lightsaber while the other shot from behind them. Lightsaber shield ftw! 

I've gotten pretty decent lately even without lightsabers. The most kills I've gotten in a game was 13 in a squads match. How about you guys? 

My strategy is different from a lot of players. I actually avoid building as much as possible because it gives your position away when you do it. Get some mini potions, a sniper, medkits, an AR, and then one other gun and you're good to go.

If anyone wants to play squads or duos or whatever, send me a pm and I'll let you know when I'm free. 

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I'm not a fan, but I have no hate for them, and even wrote a post about it on NA.

In short, they've created a very lucrative, but 100% F2P game that's quite profitable.  In my opinion, that's exactly what all online games should strive for, if it's possible.  I respect that.

Unfortunately, I enjoyed the couple of days I tried to play the game, but it didn't scratch the FPS itch as well as older, former games I've liked and other games I've started but never finished (like Half-Life 2), so I dropped it.

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I played for a few weeks when it first came out and didn't find it particularly enjoyable. The shooting compares poorly to the heavy hitters (Destiny, CoD, Halo) and I didn't play for long enough to figure out the building mechanics. With so many amazing single-player options available now, the smorgasboard of Game Pass, and the ever-present Rocket League to whet my competitive appetite, I don't plan on going back.

Edited by DoctorEncore
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1 hour ago, DoctorEncore said:

With Rocket League to whet my competitive appetite, I don't plan on going back.

Adjusted/corrected that for you ;).  Haha Rocket League ftw baby, there is no point or purpose, but yet I play almost every day.  Tons of other great games to play but Rocket League apparently steals your soul for eternity.

  • Haha 1
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As for fortnite, never played it but am vaguely aware of the Battle Royale concept, however I did not know you "build" stuff.  I visited a good buddy recently and his kids were jamming fortnite on their new Switch...I spoke up and said "aren't you supposed to kill the other players instead of building stuff?" and they all emphatically freaked out on me as if I've been cryogenically frozen for 2 decades.

I do love the f2p concept though.

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Editorials Team · Posted

I played it for a few hours.  It's pretty fun, and I adore the whole battle Royale concept.  If I was young with all the time in the world and could stand the thought of sitting in front of a PC in my free time, I'd probably be super into it.

But no, I got my single victory (on a handheld Switch no less), called it good, and never played it again

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On 1/20/2020 at 11:21 PM, Krunch said:

I love it, its pretty much my favorite game and the one I play the most.  Starting to get pretty good, I'm approaching 200 wins

Dang that's impressive! In squads, duos, singles? What's your win percentage out of games played?

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On 1/22/2020 at 6:13 PM, Makar said:

Dang that's impressive! In squads, duos, singles? What's your win percentage out of games played?


Most of my wins are squads like 135 or so (havent checked in a while so this is all a guess) and then like 35ish duos wins and 20 solo wins.   Percentage wise its probably not that great because it took me a long time to start getting decent.  I still have lots of things I need to improve upon.    The game has a deliciously high skill ceiling

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16 hours ago, Krunch said:


Most of my wins are squads like 135 or so (havent checked in a while so this is all a guess) and then like 35ish duos wins and 20 solo wins.   Percentage wise its probably not that great because it took me a long time to start getting decent.  I still have lots of things I need to improve upon.    The game has a deliciously high skill ceiling

Nice! I've gravitated more towards squads myself. Up to an 18% win ratio now. 58 wins out of 314 matches played. Finally got my first duos win too. I rarely play that one so it was nice to finally get a win. I am not great at building. Not sure you really can be when you play on a switch lol, but I've adapted and hide more and snipe from afar. The most kills I've ever gotten is 15 now in squads. What about you?

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6 hours ago, Makar said:

Nice! I've gravitated more towards squads myself. Up to an 18% win ratio now. 58 wins out of 314 matches played. Finally got my first duos win too. I rarely play that one so it was nice to finally get a win. I am not great at building. Not sure you really can be when you play on a switch lol, but I've adapted and hide more and snipe from afar. The most kills I've ever gotten is 15 now in squads. What about you?

yeah I loathed squads at first and almost always played solo when I first started playing but as I play more I enjoy the group dynamic.   I have a few friends and family members who play but even fill squads is a gas.  I hear you, playing on the switch is a struggle, I’m likely gonna make the switch to Xbox soon because I want better performance.  I play aggressively and build in every fight when it isn’t just a gimme.  There’s only so much you can do but on that notion there’s only so much you can do with a console and controller period compared to keyboard and mouse especially when it comes to editing builds.  My highest kills in one game is 20 and it’s pretty recent.   I dropped salty with a squad and we just tore up the place.  I didn’t see the final squad kill count that game but when we were approaching the final circle it was at 38.  What a deadly game - the circumstances really need to be right to pull a game like that unless you’re a god and can flex on everyone playing solo squads 

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18 hours ago, Krunch said:

yeah I loathed squads at first and almost always played solo when I first started playing but as I play more I enjoy the group dynamic.   I have a few friends and family members who play but even fill squads is a gas.  I hear you, playing on the switch is a struggle, I’m likely gonna make the switch to Xbox soon because I want better performance.  I play aggressively and build in every fight when it isn’t just a gimme.  There’s only so much you can do but on that notion there’s only so much you can do with a console and controller period compared to keyboard and mouse especially when it comes to editing builds.  My highest kills in one game is 20 and it’s pretty recent.   I dropped salty with a squad and we just tore up the place.  I didn’t see the final squad kill count that game but when we were approaching the final circle it was at 38.  What a deadly game - the circumstances really need to be right to pull a game like that unless you’re a god and can flex on everyone playing solo squads 

I was the same way. Solo all the way but squads has so many more elements to it that makes it more fun. 20 kills is nuts! That's really good. I wonder what the record is for solo, duos and squads

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On 1/15/2020 at 11:25 AM, Makar said:

I know I know, you hate Fortnite. Fortnite is for kids.

I thought Trix were for kids?  Well if they still do that (poor Rabbit...though he did in fact a few times DID get to have Trix)

For some weird reason every time I hear the name Fortnite the title kinda sorta sounds similar to the title of this song:


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4 hours ago, Makar said:

I was the same way. Solo all the way but squads has so many more elements to it that makes it more fun. 20 kills is nuts! That's really good. I wonder what the record is for solo, duos and squads

Who knows, probably somewhere in the high 50s or 60s but that’s just a guess.   If you wanna add me and maybe run fill squads together sometime if we happen to be online at the same time my epic name is K.runch, I don’t have a mic setup or anything like that though.  If you add me and your name is way different than your VGS name lemme know cause I get lots of random friend requests

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12 hours ago, Krunch said:

Who knows, probably somewhere in the high 50s or 60s but that’s just a guess.   If you wanna add me and maybe run fill squads together sometime if we happen to be online at the same time my epic name is K.runch, I don’t have a mic setup or anything like that though.  If you add me and your name is way different than your VGS name lemme know cause I get lots of random friend requests

That's crazy to imagine it'd be that high. I'm up for doing squads sometime. I'll add you and pm you my username. I have a mic. I usually just call out enemies even if other people don't have mics. 

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