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The Spreading (And Potentially Deadly) Coronavirus Epidemic....


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Some shits are amassing and have amassed thousands upon thousands of bottles of hand sanitizers, masks, etc. all in the name of making a buck during this crisis. I posted this in my thread (see below) -- I won't repeat what I said, but needless to say I pray these scum get what's coming to them...



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6 hours ago, cartman said:

What items are those where it would be illegal?


6 hours ago, Mega Tank said:

Every state in the U.S. has different price gouging laws for different items. 


I remember in my home town after 9/11 several gas stations gouged their prices to about triple the market value.  All of them were fined and required to sell gasoline at $0.99/gallon for 24 hours.  But I don't remember if that was a local city thing or a state thing.  

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19 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

People do understand that is just heavy paper soaked in the stuff that comes in the spray bottle which the shelves were full of?

Understanding would imply that the people hording are using anything resembling reason or critical thinking/analysis. Also;

People suck.

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Update from the past day of work; Wasn't nearly as crazy, a bit tame for a Saturday... but was weird in that, instead of being busy earlier on they dying down, it was pretty consistently busy all day. Usually we get done dealing with people about an hour before we close the Deli down for the night, but we were steady all day... nothing unmanageable (especially with half the deli practically shut down) but still strange. Bread was restocked and maintained well enough throughout the day, Toilet Paper/Paper Products was still barren.

14 hours ago, Hammerfestus said:

One can only hope they get the coronavirus.

That would be too good. Rather they get hit by a bus or something. Waste of air and space as far as I'm concerned.

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Went to Trader Joe's yesterday for a quick run (tried to keep my distance from other people as best as I could) and it was definitely surreal seeing the frozen bins completely empty. Most of the chips were gone too. Plenty of produce and raw meat was available though! Makes me realize that a lot of people don't cook or don't know how to preserve cooked food. My rebbitzen has been buying fresh meat and produce for the past month, cooking it and freezing it in a massive drop freezer. She probably has 3 months worth of food saved at this point. And she didn't wait til the last minute to buy it. 

I did my prepper shopping a few weeks ago, filled an entire cart at Costco and then another one at ShopRite, and I felt weird because back then no one was preparing. Now I see people panicking and it's like, all these people don't keep a month's supply of toilet paper on hand already? Sheesh. 

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For all of those price gougers and others who are taking unfair advantage of a bad situation just to make a few extra bucks, ask yourself this:

What if...one day...it's you?

That is what if one day they end up on the receiving end of price gouging when they now desperately need basic provisions?

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My buddy and his wife are about to give birth to their baby boy within 24 hrs. First child, and they’re anxious enough about the experience as it is. Now he has to worry about providing, because of this hoarding mentality. He has 2 20oz tubs of formula... If you’re a parent and remember the newborn phase, you know those tubs won’t last very long... it’s sold out almost everywhere locally here in NY... there’s practically nowhere to get it...diapers are scarce too. I searched on amazon for some formula for him and my jaw hit the floor. I bought this same exact tub for 25$ when my daughter was born (total for 3 was about 80$). This panic buying and price gouging has got to stop. It baffles me even further to think that as soon as Health Official's warn us here to stay inside, the whole population scrambled to get shoulder to shoulder inside of Costco so they can get TP... my wife is a nurse and she can’t fathom how people don’t understand that it’s practically a given that someone in these overcrowded stores is walking around with the virus...really hoping level heads prevail soon. 


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4 minutes ago, Lambda said:

My buddy and his wife are about to give birth to their baby boy within 24 hrs. First child, and they’re anxious enough about the experience as it is. Now he has to worry about providing, because of this hoarding mentality. He has 2 20oz tubs of formula... If you’re a parent and remember the newborn phase, you know those tubs won’t last very long... it’s sold out almost everywhere locally here in NY... there’s practically nowhere to get it...diapers are scarce too. I searched on amazon for some formula for him and my jaw hit the floor. I bought this same exact tub for 25$ when my daughter was born (total for 3 was about 80$). This panic buying and price gouging has got to stop. It baffles me even further to think that as soon as Health Official's warn us here to stay inside, the whole population scrambled to get shoulder to shoulder inside of Costco so they can get TP... my wife is a nurse and she can’t fathom how people don’t understand that it’s practically a given that someone in these overcrowded stores is walking around with the virus...really hoping level heads prevail soon. 


Are they not planning to breastfeed?

If the mom can nurse, the baby doesn't need anything other than breast milk until you introduce solids between 4 and 6 months.

Good to have a backup in case the wife has nursing difficulties or the baby won't latch well, I guess.

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16 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

Are they not planning to breastfeed?

If the mom can nurse, the baby doesn't need anything other than breast milk until you introduce solids between 4 and 6 months.

Good to have a backup in case the wife has nursing difficulties or the baby won't latch well, I guess.

It's not like turning on a switch, many have trouble breastfeeding. My wife tried for weeks and it wasn't working, so good formula is vital to many. These people are literally stealing from babies.

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17 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

Are they not planning to breastfeed?

If the mom can nurse, the baby doesn't need anything other than breast milk until you introduce solids between 4 and 6 months.

Good to have a backup in case the wife has nursing difficulties or the baby won't latch well, I guess.

They’re definitely planning on nursing. My wife is a lactation counselor... she tells me all the time how lots of her patients were planning on exclusively breastfeeding... after a couple of days, they’re exhausted and worn out, or not producing enough, the baby is always hungry and that just wears the mother down further, there’s a tongue or lip tie, the baby can’t latch etc... there’s a myriad of issues that could arise... and most of them wind up supplementing with formula. It’s going to be a stressful situation if the option to supplement isn’t even available though. My heart goes out to anyone giving birth during all this mess. There’s also confirmed cases in the hospital she’s delivering in... the risk is probably low, but that’s another stressor on the situation.

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Am employee of the DMV tested positive and now schools in the city of Manchester are closed for the next two weeks as a precaution. This is just the world we live in now. We are just very fortunate to not be reliant on the school system as a caretaker in any sense, like so many parents are.


Edit: as I typed this up, the governor took it a step further and closed all schools in the state until April 3rd. Crazy.

Edited by Kguillemette
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2 hours ago, Startyde said:

It's not like turning on a switch, many have trouble breastfeeding. My wife tried for weeks and it wasn't working, so good formula is vital to many. These people are literally stealing from babies.

For people that are able to breastfeed exclusively, it really can be like turning on a switch, once the baby figure out how to latch.


I know there are lot of people that have difficulties, though, so I don't mean to make light of that struggle.

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20 minutes ago, DarkTone said:

Never heard of him. What should I google along side his name?

Assuming you're talking about Alex Jones, he is the guy that was pushing a bunch of conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook parents being "crisis actors".

The guy is a wretched human being that makes his living actively making the world a worse place.

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3 hours ago, Lambda said:

They’re definitely planning on nursing. My wife is a lactation counselor... she tells me all the time how lots of her patients were planning on exclusively breastfeeding... after a couple of days, they’re exhausted and worn out, or not producing enough, the baby is always hungry and that just wears the mother down further, there’s a tongue or lip tie, the baby can’t latch etc... there’s a myriad of issues that could arise... and most of them wind up supplementing with formula. It’s going to be a stressful situation if the option to supplement isn’t even available though. My heart goes out to anyone giving birth during all this mess. There’s also confirmed cases in the hospital she’s delivering in... the risk is probably low, but that’s another stressor on the situation.

I work for the company that makes that formula. I can help point you to where to find it.

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