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The Spreading (And Potentially Deadly) Coronavirus Epidemic....


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So Trump as well as the Governor of TX are hoping to start reopening things starting as early next week.  I dunno, my second biggest fear in all this is that we're gonna try to do too much too soon in terms of reopening stuff and we'll end up, like that cliche, one step forward and at least two steps back.  I sure they and others like them are treading very carefully...I mean I want this Cornholio virus (why not call it that?  It made us run out of and need TP for our bungholes! 😄 ) thing to end sooner rather than later also, but at the same time i just hope we don't jump the gun and make the recovery journey even longer/harder 😞 

Speaking of guns (and in light of people arming themselves "just in case"), listen I'm all for the 2nd Amendment as much as the next guy but I'll take butter over guns any day!  As for the people going to state capitals and doing their 1st Amendment thing that's great and all but please keep it safe.

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On 4/16/2020 at 12:32 PM, BriGuy82 said:

Lol, that exit is called a jug-handle. Left turns are way more dangerous than right turns.

I gotta say, I really like the jug handle system. Takes some getting used to but it really is a better way and keeps traffic flowing much better. There's 4 different types though. 3 make sense and 1 is stupid. The good kinds are the standalone where you turn it before your turn and the jug handle and end up straight across from your turn. They also have this kind where you pass the turn but the jug handle loops you back to the same place. The 3rd good one is where you pass the turn, the jughandle loops you back but feeds you to another road, but its a right hand turn. So it's like 3 rights to go across. The shitty kind is when you take the jughandle before the turn, and it makes you take a left hand turn but onto a slightly less traveled road. That kind is stupid and causes problems.

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Administrator · Posted
16 minutes ago, Estil said:

So Trump as well as the Governor of TX are hoping to start reopening things starting as early next week.  I dunno, my second biggest fear in all this is that we're gonna try to do too much too soon in terms of reopening stuff and we'll end up, like that cliche, one step forward and at least two steps back.  I sure they and others like them are treading very carefully...I mean I want this Cornholio virus (why not call it that?  It made us run out of and need TP for our bungholes! 😄 ) thing to end sooner rather than later also, but at the same time i just hope we don't jump the gun and make the recovery journey even longer/harder 😞 

Speaking of guns (and in light of people arming themselves "just in case"), listen I'm all for the 2nd Amendment as much as the next guy but I'll take butter over guns any day!  As for the people going to state capitals and doing their 1st Amendment thing that's great and all but please keep it safe.

This was from the protest at the capitol here in KY.  Definitely not safe at all - not for them, and not for all the people they could impact by gathering in large groups.



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It almost seems like a bunch of people protesting in favor of drunk driving. They don't seem to get that while they aren't guaranteed to affect someone else, they have a high enough chance of doing so that it's unfair to all the other people out there who aren't making that choice. It's just ignorant and selfish.

It's also sad that our country is basically designed for this sort of situation to arise. We have a large portion of the country out of work and just being left high and dry. Compound that with the fact that most people who can afford healthcare have it through their employer, which is now no longer available.

Our government, and sadly a decent portion of the citizens, are so concerned with making sure that the people who can get services are people they deem "deserving", because in their mind anything other than a certain level of income/employment, and sadly in many cases the right race and sexuality, is a moral failing and deserves to be punished, that they end up fucking over way more people, as well as themselves, and wasting more resources in their ignorant quest to avoid paying for "those people." Instead we bailout billionaires and corporations who are already starting to turn around and fire staff who weren't given shit.

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1 hour ago, spacepup said:

This was from the protest at the capitol here in KY.  Definitely not safe at all - not for them, and not for all the people they could impact by gathering in large groups.



In the famous words of that 70s-80s(?) sitcom, waaaay too close for comfort.  I mean I understand where they're coming from and all but if it's all the same to them I'm sticking with the quarantine.  Why you might ask?  Well, (at 2:18)...

I mean, don't they know this Cornholio virus can easily give you acute respiratory distress syndrome?  That means you can hardly breathe!!!


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Any of you read about the apparent astroturfing going on with the protests in each state?

Sleuthing done by a Reddit user

Seems like these aren’t grassroots movements as some would want us to believe. I’m honestly not sure which is the scarier scenario, the fact that one person/group could be using this as a way to promote insurrection or that these people are acting this way of their own volition.

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16 hours ago, The Strangest said:

Any of you read about the apparent astroturfing going on with the protests in each state?

Sleuthing done by a Reddit user

Seems like these aren’t grassroots movements as some would want us to believe. I’m honestly not sure which is the scarier scenario, the fact that one person/group could be using this as a way to promote insurrection or that these people are acting this way of their own volition.

Same thing happened in 2016 with all those radical identify movements. Self defense classes were paid for by Russian organizations. Rally's were strategicly planned by those same organizations to ensure the highest probability of violent out bursts. Shit don't change. Any way our goobal competition can make us look bad, they'll do they're best at it. 

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44 minutes ago, darkchylde28 said:

While cases haven't spiked just yet, we're seeing the same sort of nonsense locally.


It's a republican party tactic. They are trying to move the blame for the economy from Donald Trump to the Governor's.

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1 hour ago, Tulpa said:

Don’t trust a New York and China based reporter to tell you a true story about Kentucky. I have been watching all of Governor Basher’s. He did not accredit the increase in cases with the protest. The Governor actually said it was because more people have been tested. The number of cases has been increasing the whole week.    

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On 4/18/2020 at 9:40 PM, MachineCode said:

It almost seems like a bunch of people protesting in favor of drunk driving. They don't seem to get that while they aren't guaranteed to affect someone else, they have a high enough chance of doing so that it's unfair to all the other people out there who aren't making that choice. It's just ignorant and selfish.

Never underestimate the ignorance of people. This is still my biggest issue with "recommendations" for people to wear face masks; simply that those more ignorant and lazy will think or assume that that somehow will prevent them from getting the virus therefore neglecting other prevention measures such as regular hand-washing sanitizing, social distancing and most importantly, just staying the fuck home. Also the fact that it just exacerbates the hording problem, leading to those that need them the most not getting them. I just really hate people sometimes

BTW Work update; not really much of anything to report currently. I honestly can't think of any major policy/rules changes/updates to have happened in the last week, which is good I guess? Seems like more people every day are taking advantage of the voluntary leave option, but for the most part new/temporary hires have kept the store staffed in the interim. Meanwhile of a more personal annoyance note, my immediate coworker who called off then took the leave after the fact is already coming back to work after barely two weeks away... because they're completely and utterly broke (as I'm told by a relative of theirs that works in another Department lol). This is after they went partying/drinking with friends for a several days and other stupid bullshit, which you know spits in the face of social distancing and stay at home orders. Yes I'm still salty lol and did I mention I hate people?

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These protests are like Russian roulette right now. If the disease is as widespread and widely asymptomatic as some wish to believe, the next two weeks monitoring these people will be proof enough that we can begin returning to normal.

If they are wrong, a fuckton of people are going to get sick and die. 

Either way, what's done is done and what happened, happened. Nothing to do about these mass protests except see what happens next.

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Our esteemed governor has said that  we need to show our chapped and dry hands (presumably from obsessively washing and sanitizing our hands) as part of our effort to fight this thing.  Hmmm - dry and chapped hands actually make you more susceptible to contracting the virus.

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On 4/20/2020 at 4:26 PM, themisfit138 said:

Don’t trust a New York and China based reporter to tell you a true story about Kentucky. I have been watching all of Governor Basher’s. He did not accredit the increase in cases with the protest. The Governor actually said it was because more people have been tested. The number of cases has been increasing the whole week.    

I honestly feel kind of bad for him.  I mean this was all thrown on his lap almost immediately after he swore he never fought in a duel with deadly weapons. 😞  I mean I'm sure its helpful that he has his daddy to help him...but I don't think his father ever envisioned or had to deal with anything like this.  I don't know about the rest of you but I'm glad I'm not Trump or one of the governors right now...I mean this is the kind of thing we've not faced for 100 years.  How is anyone supposed to know which decisions are right?  That'd be waaaaay too much pressure in my book.


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8 hours ago, Link said:

Listening to health experts would be a good god damn start

But different ones will have different ideas...how do you know which ones are the right ones?  Of course that goes for the economy and health care and other really complicated stuff too.  Like I said, there's no way I could even be close to being qualified for anything like that...I mean both past and present even the very best and brightest of all these different fields haven't come close to figuring it out (if it can be) so what chance would some guy on a video game forum from Small Town, USA in a regular apartment have? 😞 

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I’m not saying this to be a fear/war monger but does anyone get the feeling that this may be the beginning of something bigger? During a natural disaster there’s the “event” and the “aftermath”

Im almost certain that after this is all said and done and the shock of the event wears off, the world is going to point fingers China’s way, and China is not going to like it.

Theres already talk from every business owner I know to completely removing their supply chain out of China, even if it costs more...and I’m hearing similar anecdotes on the news here and there.

Lastly, I still think we’re only in the beginning of this virus. I have zero doubt that this virus will be around at least for two or three years and the end goal is to just achieve a slow herd immunity and pray it doesn’t mutate into something worst.

That’s all for today’s doom and gloom.






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32 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

Im almost certain that after this is all said and done and the shock of the event wears off, the world is going to point fingers China’s way, and China is not going to like it.

There is already significant finger pointing, with countries and states attempting to sue China for damages to recoup costs/losses.

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