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The Spreading (And Potentially Deadly) Coronavirus Epidemic....


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4 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

You don't want people to panic, period. That leads to panic buying, etc. Neighbours hating neighbours because someone got it. Keeping a cool, rational mind about it is what helps everyone.

Like I said, I don't see how our leaders do that last statement.  I mean has any public figures like governors, mayors or something just "lost it" and couldn't deal with something like this?

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2 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

There is a difference between avoiding panic (by demonstrating clear leadership and having a plan that involves medical experts) and saying the kind of dumb stuff he was saying back then.

And with a guy like Trump, saying the kind of stupid stuff he has said in public the last couple of days (along with his track record of firing competent people that disagree with him and correct his BS)... I don't have a great deal of confidence that he is magically a whole lot smarter and more articulate behind-the-scenes.

Well nobody pro or anti Trump expected articulation to be any of his strong points.

I'm curious, you clearly insist that Trump is doing this all or mostly all wrong.  Which of our governors would you say is handling all this right (again overall on the balance sheet; no one expects anyone to bat anywhere close to a thousand of course)?

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6 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Obama. Presidency.

I don't know what to tell you at this point.  I consider myself moderate.  I voted for Romney and Johnson.  The "orange man" does and says many, many things that are worthy of criticism.  Seems you have a compulsive need to pushback against it, regardless of circumstance.

Yeah, but saying "brown man bad" as the retort to their gripes hits a little too close to home regarding why certain sub-groups objected to him...

I'm not aware of any core of Trump-haters that hate him solely because he looks like an Oompa-Loompa.

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1 minute ago, Estil said:

Well nobody pro or anti Trump expected articulation to be any of his strong points.

Are you joking?

His core supporters think he is an actual genius that is wheeling and dealing in some super-awesome way behind the scenes all the time.

The reality is, the guys spends an absurd amount of time watching Fox News and simply cares too much about how people talk about him, rather than the actual effectiveness of what he's doing.

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Just now, arch_8ngel said:

Yeah, but saying "brown man bad" as the retort to their gripes hits a little too close to home regarding why certain sub-groups objected to him...

I'm not aware of any core of Trump-haters that hate him solely because he looks like an Oompa-Loompa.

Ah yes, the presumption of racist for anyone who opposes Obama.  As far I was concerned he was just a regular liberal Democrat who had about the most paper thin resume of any Presidential candidate I know of; true Trump never held political office but at least he was a well known businessman/public figure since the 80s.  Obama just came out of nowhere with a nice speech in 2004 and somehow was able to immediately jump into the Presidency with only fractions of terms in the State Senate and US Senate.

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It’s one person coming in from China. We have it totally under control. It’s going to be just fine. That I can assure you.

It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

A lot of people think it goes away in April with the heat.

Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number.

I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. Every one of these doctors said how do you know so much about this? Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.

This is not leadership. 

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20 minutes ago, Estil said:

Of course he did, because he didn't want to cause unnecessary panic (I mean we had enough trouble with people cleaning out stores as it was!!).  He probably was "pro-actively pushing to deal with the issue" behind the scenes.  What he says/does in public (as well as any of us for that matter) and what he says/does behind the scenes are two completely different things and sometimes they really do have to be.

Behind the scenes? No, he didn't do anything behind the scenes. His approach was literally ignore it and hope it goes away.

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Just now, arch_8ngel said:

Are you joking?

His core supporters think he is an actual genius that is wheeling and dealing in some super-awesome way behind the scenes all the time.

The reality is, the guys spends an absurd amount of time watching Fox News and simply cares too much about how people talk about him, rather than the actual effectiveness of what he's doing.

This is one of the things I don't like about the anti-Trumpers is all these assumptions they make about those who support Trump.  I'm not saying there aren't some fanboys in this group but most from my vantage point just seem like regular folks just like any of the rest of us.  And really I can't blame them for being on the Trump bandwagon if all the other side can offer is attacking his supporters.  NOT Trump himself mind you, but they attack mercilessly his supporters (remember the infamous Deplorables remark?).  I got news for Biden and whoever his running mate is, if you want to have any chance at all of winning, like it or not you must court and win back some of those Trump voters.

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3 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

It's nice to be outside guys, walking around. Does anyone have some plans for the weekend? I think I'll go beer tasting, game hunting, and then cycling as well, maybe go out on a date too. 

I would be playing cards with my grandma on Sunday and work on the jigsaw puzzle she has there for me but of course I can't now 😞

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Okay so ookii_risu and I yesterday, going out to take my dog Snickers for a walk, we step outside and to the side there is a very small bundle of flowers and laying under it a note, I push the flowers aside with my foot, the note read "Happy Thursday!", that's it. I am puzzled by this and wonder who left it at our door. Take a paper towel from my pocket and carefully flip the note over, nothing on the backside. Hmm, very odd. Tonya (ookii_risu) thought it was creepy, I certainly don't disagree to that. Even without this virus going around I would be hesitant to pick it up, even with them being mere flowers and a note with a simple cheerful message, but virus going around, super cautious about shit, I leave it there, fuck that, I'm not picking that up and bringing it inside, as is I try to be careful with packages and then there's that super heavy risk at the grocery store and with every article of food stuff we touch, never mind some possible all it is is some random act of kindness from a neighbor flowers. I mean if someone had it and wanted to be malicious all they'd have to do is spit on your doorknob, but maybe the person that left these has it and doesn't know it, or most likely they do not, whatever, because even without the virus going around I would have left them since there was no name signed. So there was a little bit of super overly cautious paranoia and my usual behavior when it comes to things I don't know about. Mom comes home, brings flowers and note in, walks through the apartment, do you know who left these flowers? I was like, don't bring those inside! why did you pick them up!? My mom had a bad evening at work I thinks and me sorta flipping out on her made it worse, she tossed them back out and grumbled at me about that it was probably just someone being nice. Well, you don't just pick things up you don't know about during this time! You don't just leave something like that that someone gave you, it's rude! Well, it doesn't have a name on it. Well, I didn't know! She ignored, didn't say a word to me (or to Tonya) all night, and I made dinner which she also chose not to eat, all because she had a bad night and I went a little overboard on the flowers and her picking them up. Tonya said that I was a little harsh. Yeah, I should've know she would have touched first before asking, and again, this whole virus shit got me more freaked out, and yet we risk going to the grocery store which has far more chances of you getting anything than some random act of kindness on the doorstep. If it were signed and I knew who it was I wouldn't have freaked out, could be one of two neighbors that I know (and didn't see any flowers at any other door we passed in our walk), even still I would have left it for a while but wouldn't have flipped out on my mom.

So, who would have not thought anything about it and just picked up the flowers and note and brought them inside? Act of kindness and yet a mystery, be it virus or not around.


Edited by MeganJoanne
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11 minutes ago, Estil said:

I would be playing cards with my grandma on Sunday and work on the jigsaw puzzle she has there for me but of course I can't now 😞

Sorry to hear that bro. 😞 I admit I was an ass with that post, but it's a shitty hand of cards that Trump and other works leaders were given, I just wish people would push the blame where it should be, instead of pointing fingers when the same things are being said about leaders around the globe.

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18 minutes ago, Estil said:
24 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Seems you have a compulsive need to pushback against it, regardless of circumstance.

Once again with your last statement yet another assumption.

If you don’t want people to assume you have a need to push back against the criticism, maybe stop pushing back against it? Just a suggestion.

This isn’t an echo chamber. People take substantive issue with statements and actions. For you to continuously write that off as “orange man bad!” is obtuse. 

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Administrator · Posted
Just now, fcgamer said:

Sorry to hear that bro. 😞 I admit I was an ass with that post, but it's a shitty hand of cards that Trump and other works leaders were given, I just wish people would push the blame where it should be, instead of pointing fingers when the same things are being said about leaders around the globe.

I'd like to interject real quick just to mention that Canada's leadership has been doing a pretty great job in most peoples' opinions, even Doug Ford whom many people have compared to Trump in the past. In fact right now "Thanks Doug" is trending on Twitter in Ontario, which is a far cry from the previous "Fuck Doug" posters that were up all over Toronto just a few years ago. 

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17 minutes ago, Link said:

It’s one person coming in from China. We have it totally under control. It’s going to be just fine. That I can assure you.

It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

A lot of people think it goes away in April with the heat.

Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number.

I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. Every one of these doctors said how do you know so much about this? Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.

This is not leadership. 

Well Sars just one day went on a holiday and disappeared...

Considering a few prominent doctors in China thought this was indeed Sars coming back, it actually doesn't seem particularly foolish in that light to think that the disease might just up and go away as warmer weather arrives.

Actually, I still hold said belief myself, at least for where I'm living, though only time will show what the reality is.

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1 minute ago, captmorgandrinker said:

Call me when you guys are done with the political shit, yet again

I know some of this stuff is hard to separate out, but when it starts getting into "Trumpers this" "Cheeto that" take it over to the political thread.

Oops, sorry; my bad.  Normally I would've been more mindful of that but yes, in this case I did get carried away and didn't pay attention that this was the virus topic and not the political one.  I do go off on tangents sometimes. 😞

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2 minutes ago, Gloves said:

I'd like to interject real quick just to mention that Canada's leadership has been doing a pretty great job in most peoples' opinions, even Doug Ford whom many people have compared to Trump in the past. In fact right now "Thanks Doug" is trending on Twitter in Ontario, which is a far cry from the previous "Fuck Doug" posters that were up all over Toronto just a few years ago. 

Well Canada may have been handling the Wuhan virus fine, but they need to figure out a way to handle their postal system better 😉:D 

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3 minutes ago, Gloves said:

In fact right now "Thanks Doug" is trending on Twitter in Ontario, which is a far cry from the previous "Fuck Doug" posters that were up all over Toronto just a few years ago. 

That’s good news for you, right? 😆

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4 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Like I said earlier, the fingers need to be redirected to the real culprits. It's sad a world health organisation would let politics cloud their judgement and ruin the world.

Not to mention how easily a few of these tiny little ball things with suction cup thingies can reak so much havoc on our world 😞 


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59 minutes ago, Estil said:

Ah yes, the presumption of racist for anyone who opposes Obama.  As far I was concerned he was just a regular liberal Democrat who had about the most paper thin resume of any Presidential candidate I know of; true Trump never held political office but at least he was a well known businessman/public figure since the 80s.  Obama just came out of nowhere with a nice speech in 2004 and somehow was able to immediately jump into the Presidency with only fractions of terms in the State Senate and US Senate.

I very clearly said "some" subsets of objectors, not "anyone who opposes".

But read what you want to read from my statement, I guess, if you don't want to read what was actually said.

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1 minute ago, arch_8ngel said:

I very clearly said "some" subsets of objectors, not "anyone who opposes".

But read what you want to read from my statement, I guess, if you don't want to read what was actually said.

Sorry I honestly didn't mean you personally I meant more the collective of those Obama supporters who presumed those who opposed him and/or his policies must have some hidden racism behind it or something.  Which I suppose is indeed a "some subsets of objectors" right?

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