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The Spreading (And Potentially Deadly) Coronavirus Epidemic....


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1 hour ago, Link said:

It’s one person coming in from China. We have it totally under control. It’s going to be just fine. That I can assure you.

It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

A lot of people think it goes away in April with the heat.

Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number.

I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand. Every one of these doctors said how do you know so much about this? Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.

This is not leadership. 

But herp derp orange man bad...

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

It's nice to be outside guys, walking around. Does anyone have some plans for the weekend? I think I'll go beer tasting, game hunting, and then cycling as well, maybe go out on a date too. 

And you think you would be enjoying those things right now if the leader of your country was actively telling people to not listen to your country's medical experts warnings about what was coming and instead telling everyone it's no worse than the flu?

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5 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Wait wait wait , so what about Sars again? And how it just disappeared, and how respected doctor experts initially thought this was just a Sars reoccurrence.

By the time Trump was making ANY of those statements, it was well known that this wasn't SARS and that it was much more easily spread than SARS.

In fact, by the time he made MOST of those statements, it was well known that asymptomatic carriers could spread the disease.


The guy spouts verifiably false information on a near daily basis.  He is not doing a good job of presenting a trustworthy image of leadership, and we'd frankly all be better off if the only things he said were introductions of the experts that actually had something useful to contribute.

Edited by arch_8ngel
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3 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Wait wait wait , so what about Sars again? And how it just disappeared, and how respected doctor experts initially thought this was just a Sars reoccurrence.

When was this, and why does that make it a good idea to say caution is unnecessary?

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6 minutes ago, ZBomber said:

And you think you would be enjoying those things right now if the leader of your country was actively telling people to not listen to your country's medical experts warnings about what was coming and instead telling everyone it's no worse than the flu?

I would not be enjoying those things if the country I'm in listened to the "expert advice" from a world health organisation that stated that masks were useless, the disease couldn't be passed on people to people, etc. Yet they were experts...

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1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

It's nice to be outside guys, walking around. Does anyone have some plans for the weekend? I think I'll go beer tasting, game hunting, and then cycling as well, maybe go out on a date too. 

Delicious and exquisite use of irony here - worthy of O. Henry (or maybe Saki).

I am stir crazy enough that I would even put up with this:

Or this:


Edited by Tabonga
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4 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

By the time Trump was making ANY of those statements, it was well known that this wasn't SARS and that it was much more easily spread than SARS.

In fact, by the time he made MOST of those statements, it was well known that asymptomatic carriers could spread the disease.


The guy spouts verifiably false information on a near daily basis.  He is not doing a good job of presenting a trustworthy image of leadership, and we'd frankly all be better off if the only things he said were introductions of the experts that actually had something useful to contribute.

Are you talking about Trump or Tedros of WHO? Literally every sentence you said above applies perfectly to the latter, allegedly a health expert. Why not the attacks on him, @arch_8ngel

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3 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Are you talking about Trump or Tedros of WHO? Literally every sentence you said above applies perfectly to the latter, allegedly a health expert. Why not the attacks on him, @arch_8ngel

Is Tedros the elected leader of my country?  Are Americans getting daily briefings from him at the white house?

He may be to blame for setting events in motion, but he doesn't have his hand up Trump's ass moving his mouth like a muppet every day. 

But right... Trump says "he doesn't accept any blame for anything" about any of this.  

Edited by arch_8ngel
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3 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

Is Tedros the elected leader of my country?  Are Americans getting daily briefings from him at the white house?

He may be to blame for setting events in motion, but he doesn't have his hand up Trump's ass moving his mouth like a muppet every day. 

But right... Trump says "he doesn't accept any blame for anything" about any of this.  

Well if Tedros didn't kowtow to China, you wouldn't be in this shit...

Yeah it's understandable you're frustrated, scared, and angry, but the blame lies solely on the lies of China, Tedros, and the WHO. 

The reason it spread so bad? It really kicked off during Chinese New Year. Govt over in China waited to role out precautions until after a few days into the holidays, despite knowing the serious nature of the situation. So the virus spread and spread, and could not be contained. 

Then Tedros and the WHO kowtowed to China, spreading more fake information through lies and omissions.

That's why you are where you are now.

You can hate Trump all you want, but the above reasons are why things got out of hand.

Did Trump wave his arms and make things kick off crazy in Italy?!?

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Just now, arch_8ngel said:

Is Tedros the elected leader of my country?  Are Americans getting daily briefings from him at the white house?

He may be to blame for setting events in motion, but he doesn't have his and up Trump's ass moving his mouth like a muppet every day. 

But I wouldn't be mad if that actually happened. Imagine the ratings! Big ratings. Huge. Truly the most watched television since the super bowl. Maybe bigger.


While Trump is socially a dipshit, or a hilarious showman, a lot of the policies his administration up until this pandemic were favorable, especially for conservatives.

Hard stance against immigration - which we needed if only for economic growth

Bombing the shit out of ISIS - seriously they're not even a news story anymore

Strong trade enforcement, particularly on China

Opening north Korea - seriously?? Plot twist of the century

Removing regulation to help out corporate overloads have grace on our souls.

Im genuinely surprised he dropped the ball on this as it would have been a HYUGE opportunity for him to look like a hero. Especially with his ego. I just can't believe he blew it. 


Btw idk how to remove the bun recipe from the post but it is delicious and you should try it 

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4 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Well if Tedros didn't kowtow to China, you wouldn't be in this shit...

Yeah it's understandable you're frustrated, scared, and angry, but the blame lies solely on the lies of China, Tedros, and the WHO. 

The reason it spread so bad? It really kicked off during Chinese New Year. Govt over in China waited to role out precautions until after a few days into the holidays, despite knowing the serious nature of the situation. So the virus spread and spread, and could not be contained. 

Then Tedros and the WHO kowtowed to China, spreading more fake information through lies and omissions.

That's why you are where you are now.

You can hate Trump all you want, but the above reasons are why things got out of hand.

Did Trump wave his arms and make things kick off crazy in Italy?!?

So you place NO BLAME on ANY country's leadership for ANY of their fuck-ups in the past 3 months, related to handling of the pandemic, because you place 100% of any and all blame on China/WHO?

That is a little hard to take seriously.

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1 minute ago, arch_8ngel said:

So you place NO BLAME on ANY country's leadership for ANY of their fuck-ups in the past 3 months, related to handling of the pandemic, because you place 100% of any and all blame on China/WHO?

That is a little hard to take seriously.

It's harder to take seriously your approach, pushing the lions share of the blame onto a president that you heavily disliked from before the pandemic kicked off...


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Just now, Tulpa said:

I don't recall anyone praising Tedros (or even bringing him up) before.

This is equivalent to "BUT HILLARY! BUT OBAMA!" level of whataboutism.



That's because you likely had no idea that Tedros is the culprit. Do some proper research, then get back to us

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Just now, fcgamer said:

It's harder to take seriously your approach, pushing the lions share of the blame onto a president that you heavily disliked from before the pandemic kicked off...


This makes no sense. By the same logic everyone should just disregard any of your opinions on China and the WHO.

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We're concerned with the here and now, and what our leaders are doing for us here and now.


We have a leader who is seriously pushing the idea of injecting disinfectant and somehow getting UV rays inside the body. That goes above and beyond what the WHO or Tedros had done in terms of raw stupidity.


The mental gymnastics you Trump apologists do has to be tiring.

Edited by Tulpa
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Administrator · Posted

Different approach- you have all had enough warnings about droning on and on about the political debate.

From here on out-warning points for that shit if it shows up in here again.  

Example of okay - "President or governor so-and-so said this."

Example of shit belonging in the political thread- "I can't believe you don't think president or governor so-and-so isn't a complete fucking idiot."

If unclear, feel free to ask before you post. 

I don't give a shit how much clout you think you have.   We all started here in October or later, so we're all gonna follow the same rule set.

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