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Just now, Reed Rothchild said:

Is this.

Haven't you been paying attention?  That's the only thing we do now.  Starting at the top.  That is literally our president's platform for reelection.  That would s the one thing he was a capable of doing.

Well then maybe everyone should take a step back from it for a moment, everyone.


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Also regarding this whole thing about people not wearing masks, I'd like to take a look at the amount of people in other western countries wearing and not wearing masks. Even where I work, there's a few people that absolutely refuse to wear masks, despite government rules and regulations. That shit happens everywhere man.

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Editorials Team · Posted
1 minute ago, fcgamer said:

Well then maybe everyone should take a step back from it for a moment, everyone.

Sure.  Starting with the face of our country.  The guy who is supposed to project leadership.  The guy who has 50% of the population in the palm of his hand.

But he won't.  So the dysfunction hurtles along at ever increasing speed.

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Editorials Team · Posted
12 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Also regarding this whole thing about people not wearing masks, I'd like to take a look at the amount of people in other western countries wearing and not wearing masks. Even where I work, there's a few people that absolutely refuse to wear masks, despite government rules and regulations. That shit happens everywhere man.

A few don't wear masks?  Because over here few do wear masks.  You have been away from the US for too long, you don't know how bad things have gotten.

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31 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Sure.  Starting with the face of our country.  The guy who is supposed to project leadership.  The guy who has 50% of the population in the palm of his hand.

But he won't.  So the dysfunction hurtles along at ever increasing speed.

Sure. That's a very black and white viewpoint to take. Not every Trump supporter supports everything he says or does, not every Republican is this way either. No need for the stereotypes.

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28 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

A few don't wear masks?  Because over here few do wear masks.  You have been away from the US for too long, you don't know how bad things have gotten.

If you reread what I wrote, I said at my workplace, a few refuse to wear masks, despite it being required by law .

Outside of my job, yeah on the streets now hardly anyone does wear masks anymore.

You missed the bigger picture though, I think, what about mask usage in Europe, Australia, South America, etc? I'd like to see some comparisons between different countries, as I honestly didn't by believe that the USA is the only country where a large percentage of the population refuses to wear masks.

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Editorials Team · Posted
11 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Sure. That's a very black and white viewpoint to take. Not every Trump supporter supports everything he says or does, not every Republican is this way either. No need for the stereotypes.

Bull.  Shit.  Don't try to tell me how it is from across the world.  We're the ones living it:


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Just now, Gloves said:

How is it that they have not been fired and/or reported to the authorities?

I told the manager about it, but that's where it ended. Sort of like the time I told the management about female teachers giving each other full massages, with oil and everything, in the children's bathrooms.

Thing is, things operate differently here than in the States, the most you can do is tell the management your concern, and leave it at that. Otherwise they might let go of you for being a trouble maker. I think a lot of folks just don't care either, different rules for different people where I work.

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Administrator · Posted
1 minute ago, fcgamer said:

I told the manager about it, but that's where it ended. Sort of like the time I told the management about female teachers giving each other full massages, with oil and everything, in the children's bathrooms.

Thing is, things operate differently here than in the States, the most you can do is tell the management your concern, and leave it at that. Otherwise they might let go of you for being a trouble maker. I think a lot of folks just don't care either, different rules for different people where I work.

Why did you not report them to the authorities? Are you telling me you can't file a police report?

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 So here's one I have mixed views on:


Trump said: 

“Today I signed legislation, and an executive order to hold China accountable for its aggressive actions against the people of Hong Kong,” Trump said. “Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China.”


It's no secret that Dave and myself will have a particular interest in the way this situation pans out. Hong Kong today, Taiwan tomorrow?

I have mixed feelings because I appreciate Trump's hard-line stance on China over this matter, because an authoritarian government will really only listen when there are actual consequences to their actions.

It's a shame that the actual PEOPLE of Hong Kong are nothing more than collateral at this point, but I would argue that's China's fault first and foremost.

However the REAL fear I have is that if Trump's hard-line stance boils over into an actual conflict, Taiwan is gonna be at serious risk. I can only hope that in the case of an actual full-blown conflict that the US WOULD really stand up to China with armed force if necessary.

But I'm not sure if it's all talk and BS and easy answers to be honest. But either way it does scare me. 😞

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6 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:



6 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Bull.  Shit.  Don't try to tell me how it is from across the world.  We're the ones living it:


Whether one approves of the president or care about certain key issues or not is one thing, but drawing general conclusions about a large portion of people is stereotyping, and to claim that all Trump supporters share the same exact values and thoughts as he does, to  a t , is ignorant.

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Editorials Team · Posted

@OptOut Won't happen.  We need to buy their shit and they need us to buy their shit.  With us being afraid of their carrier-sinking missiles and god knows what else, and them being afraid of people pulling out manufacturing (and wanting us to be the country everyone else is pissed at as opposed to them), we'll just simmer in another Cold War for a decade or five.  They definitely seem to have a better gameplan though.  I guess that's a benefit of being unencumbered with annoying things like free press, checks and balances, not rounding up your citizens for labor camps, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Gloves said:

Why did you not report them to the authorities? Are you telling me you can't file a police report?

Filing a police report on this would likely get me laughed out of the police station, the situation furthermore would likely not be followed up on, and if it did make it back to my employers I'd likely lose my job. So yes, I could file a police report, but no, I'm not going to, though it does piss me off that said employee refuses to wear a mask.

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Editorials Team · Posted
6 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Whether one approves of the president or care about certain key issues or not is one thing, but drawing general conclusions about a large portion of people is stereotyping, and to claim that all Trump supporters share the same exact values and thoughts as he does, to  a t , is ignorant.

Straw man.  I said he has 50% of the population in the palm of his hand .  You extrapolated to whatever it is you think you are saying.  The proof is when he gets re-elected, regardless of the piss-poor job he is doing right now, and regardless of what any polls say.

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3 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Straw man.  I said he has 50% of the population in the palm of his hand .  You extrapolated to whatever it is you think you are saying.  The proof is when he gets re-elected, regardless of the piss-poor job he is doing right now, and regardless of what any polls say.

Okay, you go on believing that everyone that supports Trump is a mindless sheep. Go for it dude.

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Editorials Team · Posted
8 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Okay, you go on believing that everyone that supports Trump is a mindless sheep. Go for it dude.

Straw man number two.  Goddamn, you're on a roll.

Perhaps I can say it every so slightly differently so that you don't feel personally attacked or stereotyped 

Donald Trump, has historic approval from his base.  A base that is now historical for it's all-time ability to stand with him regardless of ANYTHING.  Mostly because of their frothing hatred of the libs.  Thanks to the partisan divide.  Are you in his base?  I have no fucking idea.  You don't even live here or vote.  I never once said "conservatives", or "republicans".  And I don't believe polls.  I believe he wins the election on the back of his base.

...which just proves how fucking screwed we are, since nothing anyone does matters anymore.  Just bickering and entrenching, and winning.  They're not mindless sheep.  They just care more about defeating the other side, because we treat politics like a college sports rivalry.

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@Reed Rothchild The same could certainly be said in the reverse, no?

But either way, I've made it known here before, I support Trump on his political stance with China, something others never had even attempted to tackle. For the rest of his policies, I really don't follow them and couldn't care either way. I guess I'm in 50% camp that is in the palm of his hand though, no ifs, ands, or buts?

If Biden becomes president, I honestly think Taiwan will become the next Hong Kong.

BTW, you don't know whether I vote or not, that would certainly be my personal decision, but it's a right I do have.

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Editorials Team · Posted
14 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

@Reed Rothchild The same could certainly be said in the reverse, no?

But either way, I've made it known here before, I support Trump on his political stance with China, something others never had even attempted to tackle. For the rest of his policies, I really don't follow them and couldn't care either way. I guess I'm in 50% camp that is in the palm of his hand though, no ifs, ands, or buts?

If Biden becomes president, I honestly think Taiwan will become the next Hong Kong.

BTW, you don't know whether I vote or not, that would certainly be my personal decision, but it's a right I do have.

What?  About a potential Biden base?  Or an anti-Trump base?  Because I don't know.  And I don't think it matters: the left is way too discombobulated and sans-leadership to actually take advantage of something like that.  But if Biden wins, and is a terrible president, and he has a base that behaves the same way, I'll call them out too.  I'm no partisan.

And the palm of his hand - I don't know, are you?  Have you conceded a single time for anything regarding Trump?  Are you capable of admitting that he has done a piss-poor job in any facet of the presidency?  Is there ANYTHING he could do right now, at this very moment in time, to lose your support?  Be truthful with yourself with a little bit of introspection.

I know I have.  Around 2018 I actually started to think that he could maybe make this work after all.  I mean, not being a great president.  But I thought his economy-first policies could actually do enough good that it would sort of... lift up America?  Some sort of trickle-down effect, you know?  The overall good would outweigh the bad.  That he'd have done a serviceable job.

Of course he's royally shat that bed pretty good since.  We're a fully polarized avalanche now and totally fucked as far as I'm concerned.


And I honestly did not know you could still vote.  I thought you were a resident of Taiwan.  My bad.

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2 hours ago, fcgamer said:

I'm sorry if you and your family, friends, and colleagues choose to let politics divide you. I personally don't let things divide me with others, neither sports, politics, sexuality, skin, language, religion, class , etc. 

Anyone can plant any seeds they want to spew hatred towards others, but it's ultimately up to each individual whether he or she chooses to bring it to fruition.


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5 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Because he's trying to make a point that America really isn't doing that bad with wearing masks.  For some reason.  As if he would know.

Why don't we all say what we've witnessed first hand lately. I'll start. I went to Ocean City over the 4th of July. NO ONE was wearing masks. Large crowds on the beach, nothing. Large groups walking on sidewalks, nothing. Large groups at bars, nothing (and now all those bars are closed down due to confirmed corona cases, shocker). The ONLY time you ever saw anyone put a mask on was to go into a store where they're required. 

Around wear I live, no one wears mask, people hang out and have parties every week, it's basically like corona doesn't exist, so yea, it's bad here, REALLY bad.

Edited by Makar
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I don't know if it would've been such a bad idea that the police/military enforces distancing and perhaps even masks? It is kinda icky and fascist i know but when there's a virus going on that collectively infects people and is spreading rampantly perhaps individual rights do need to take a back seat i don't know.

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