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6 hours ago, Jono1874 said:

Well at least now I can save 10s of thousands not sending my children to college. Why bother if they're not going to teach anything of value?

You mean seeing for yourself how lofty claims (such as a supposed commitment to diversity or a claim to "always put the customer first!") made on glossy brochures and whatnot are way too often not worth the paper they're printed on?  That is one of the most important lessons in life one can learn (I'm sorry to say).  This is what I mean when I said earlier about not investing yourself too much into any one particular person or group or whatever...it's very likely that should you find out what their inner circle is really like you could be setting yourself up for some major disappointment to say the least.

No really, haven't any of you for example met one of your favorite celebrities who you originally thought totally hung the moon...until you found out for yourself there's a much darker, possibly not-so-fan friendly side to them?

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I lean far more left than right and I think that photo op is dumb too. A better way to honor George Floyd and every other victim of systemic racism/police brutality would be to change things. That’s what the people of this country are currently exercising their 1st Amendment right for.

RE: future elections. I’m shuddering at the thought of anyone in the Trump family running in 2024/28 or later. Every single one of them have proven to be woefully incompetent. Never mind the fact that family dynasties is something we’ve been against since... um, 1776? The Clintons, the Kennedys, the Bush’s, etc. Yet I hear a lot of Trump supporters in favor of it. That’s a big yikes from me.

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1 minute ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

I think I’d be ready to move from this country if we had another Trump as president. 

I really wish those Hollywood super liberals would've kept their promise regarding the first Trump getting elected.. 😛 

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28 minutes ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

Sorry, but that just isn’t true. Democrats have kept black people down in Chicago for decades. They’ve pushed them out of areas that they’ve wanted to gentrify through real estate development and tried to put them into high rise projects to contain them. When those projects were deemed unsightly, they destroyed them and disbursed them to the fringes. This was all done by Democrats. They are just as bad as Republicans. Republicans tell the lower and middle class to piss off. Democrats give the lower class just enough to essentially become their slaves. Don’t kid yourself.

I agree with you. The democrats give the lower classes just enough, and tell them to fug off. And as pathetic as it sounds, that is far better than what republicans provide.

Look at the Corona Virus, Donald Trump and the republican party, disbanded the govt. organization to respond to pandemics, they got rid of the people in China to monitor for outbreaks, they didn't respond to Corona Virus warnings they received in Nov. of 2018 until March maybe, they refused to use the manual created on how to respond to outbreaks created in the Obama administration, and they are failing to lead the country out of the pandemic.

And the Republicans destroyed the economy. The final down turn was caused by Corona, but the economy was only taped together by the low interest rates leading up to Covid.

Who do all these bad Republican decisions effect? Black people. 

Black people are disproportionally dying from Corona virus and they are holding a higher unemployment rate than anyone else.

Democrats are clearly better for black people.

Edited by Californication
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26 minutes ago, Estil said:

I can tell you from personal experience that it is in fact a major problem and is completely hypocritical to the so called "diversity" and "tolerance" and what not academia claims to hold so dear.

I'm not surprised. Generally those that feel the need to show the world how nice they are are usually the most evil undernieth. Diversity and tolerance are basic human virtues and should be self evident.

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11 hours ago, Estil said:

At least they are upfront about their bias and it's not exactly a big secret.  The whole point of their mission is point out how ultra liberal biased universties can be and that for the most part, they are definetly NOT serious about promoting devesity and tolerance regarding political viewpoints.  And you know, I wouldn't have probably believed this either or thought they were exaggerating without me seeing it for myself back in the day. 

If you manage to pick and choose things, sure, you can paint anything in any light you want, but they're not showing the big picture. That's not journalism.


11 hours ago, Estil said:

Know any place that is totally free of "factual deficiencies"?  Because if you ask me, Campus Reform is for the most part right on the money.

I know of a ton of places that are way more factual than Campus Reform. Of course, Campus Reform plays to your emotions and tells you what you want to hear, so of course you'll accept their word without qualification.

Edited by Tulpa
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19 minutes ago, Jono1874 said:

I'm not surprised. Generally those that feel the need to show the world how nice they are are usually the most evil undernieth. Diversity and tolerance are basic human virtues and should be self evident.

Yes indeed but that must go across the entire board.  How was it that one guy said, I could not strongly disagree with your position more but I will defend to the death your right to say it.  If there is one thing none of you ever have to convince me on is how important the First Amendment is and what can happen when attempts are made to censor and shame unpopular viewpoints.  And for those of you who think I'm only picking on liberals for this, well not too long ago they were the ones who lamented about why is it that conservatives are so gung-ho about the Second Amendment but the First Amendment not so much. And it was the radical fundamentalist Christians back up to the 80s who if anyone especially who were about censoring and book banning and silly things like claiming dancing and rock 'n roll and Dungeons & Dragons were works of the devil.  And would you guys like to see just how easily censorship and suppression of viewpoints can go horribly wrong?  Observe...


Edited by Estil
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17 minutes ago, Californication said:

I agree with you. The democrats give the lower classes just enough, and tell them to fug off. And as pathetic as it sounds, that is far better than what republicans provide.

Look at the Corona Virus, Donald Trump and the republican party, disbanded the govt. organization to respond to pandemics, they got rid of the people in China to monitor for outbreaks, they didn't respond to Corona Virus warnings they received in Nov. of 2018 until March maybe, they refused to use the manual created on how to respond to outbreaks created in the Obama administration, and they are failing to lead the country out of the pandemic.

And the Republicans destroyed the economy. The final down turn was caused by Corona, but the economy was only taped together by the low interest rates leading up to Covid.

Who do all these bad Republican decisions effect? Black people. 

Black people are disproportionally dying from Corona virus and they are holding a higher unemployment rate than anyone else.

Democrats are clearly better for black people.

That’s true on a national level, but at a local level they are equally bad. Seriously, look at Chicago. They have built that city on racism through the Daley machine. I’m not saying the Republicans would have been better, but what the Democrats have done to blacks in Chicago is a disgrace.

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1 hour ago, Californication said:

They are refusing to fund states right now because they don't want people to receive unemployment. The republicans are always ready to defund social security, medicare, food stamps. 

So what we have here is me getting repeatedly accused of "Fox News talking/bullet points" even though I never quoted or paraphrased anything of the sort (there are far better alternatives out there just from regular civilians on YT alone) yet you cited the very textbook definition of talking/bullet points from the typical 90s Democrat attack ad (no really).  The only thing you left out was the tax cuts for the wealthy part.  

Not that expect anyone to call you out on it, you'll still get your hearts for that post from your other liberal friends here I'm sure. 😛 

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4 minutes ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

That’s true on a national level, but at a local level they are equally bad. Seriously, look at Chicago. They have built that city on racism through the Daley machine. I’m not saying the Republicans would have been better, but what the Democrats have done to blacks in Chicago is a disgrace.

I've heard a few bits and pieces of Chicago politics, but I am not really familiar with it. If you say the democrats are really bad there, I believe you.

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Editorials Team · Posted
49 minutes ago, Estil said:

And would you and the others please lay off the stupid "Fox News bullet point" crap; that's just a lame excuse to dismiss any viewpoints that are not your own...everything I've said is my own opinion, and nobody else's.

Right.  Moments after you link some rightwing bullshit site to convince some younger member that the LIBS ARE COMING FOR YOUR STEMS.  One of your billion posts in this thread blaming the liberals for, well, almost anything...

I'm not a liberal.  I can't stand either party.  But I really have to applaud Fox New's efforts over the last 20 years at perfecting the liberal boogeyman and inserting it into people's heads.  So much easier to point a finger than it is to be held accountable.

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Editorials Team · Posted

Speaking of, I haven't checked our dear leader's twitter in at least a day.  Any pearls to bring the country together?


...yeah, sounds about right.

Like, what even is the endgame strategy for either party right now?  Further incite your base against the "enemy" so that we're further divided, so that our government is even less capable of getting anything done in the near future because we're at war with ourselves?  Well, I'm sure that will (continue to) go well.  At least the Conks won't be able to get anyone dumber than Trump in 2024.  I hope.

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6 hours ago, Estil said:

So what we have here is me getting repeatedly accused of "Fox News talking/bullet points" even though I never quoted or paraphrased anything of the sort (there are far better alternatives out there just from regular civilians on YT alone) yet you cited the very textbook definition of talking/bullet points from the typical 90s Democrat attack ad (no really).  The only thing you left out was the tax cuts for the wealthy part.  

Not that expect anyone to call you out on it, you'll still get your hearts for that post from your other liberal friends here I'm sure. 😛 

When I say republican, I am not talking about you, I am talking about politicians. 

And I am not speaking hyperbolic, or about the past, the republicans are currently trying to reduce unemployment, social security, and medicare, and yes taxes for the rich(ty).

1. States have reduced revenues because businesses are closed and people aren't paying as much sales or income taxes. The federal governmwnt is refusing to give states money, (despite pouring money into corporations). States are running out of money to pay unemployment, they are already looking at what programs they are going to have to cut. The logic is that if there is no money to support unemployment people will have to go back to work despite being afraid of covid-19.

2. Republicans don't want to do "stimulus checks" they would rather do a payroll tax cut. A payroll tax cut only helps you if you are working. Millions of people have been fired so they will not benefit from a payroll tax cut. When you pay your taxes your employer has to match you tax payments to the government. So the republicans don't want to give you money directly through a stimulus check, they want to cut your payroll taxes, if you are still working, so they can also save big corporations money. A payroll tax cut has the added bonus of defunding medicare and social security. If you and your employer are not paying your payroll taxes, social security and medicare get defunded. The next step in the republican plan would be to say hey, we can't afford these entitlement programs, they are too expensive, we need to either increase the age for the programs or reduce the benefits you receive.

No hyperbole, republicans want to literally reduce unemployment, medicare, and social security and cut taxes.

Edited by Californication
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7 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Right.  Moments after you link some rightwing bullshit site to convince some younger member that the LIBS ARE COMING FOR YOUR STEMS.  One of your billion posts in this thread blaming the liberals for, well, almost anything...

I'm not a liberal.  I can't stand either party.  But I really have to applaud Fox New's efforts over the last 20 years at perfecting the liberal boogeyman and inserting it into people's heads.  So much easier to point a finger than it is to be held accountable.

I feel like every media outlet is guilty of "perfecting the boogeyman" of the opposite party. It makes it challenging to navigate in search of the truth. 

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4 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

I feel like every media outlet is guilty of "perfecting the boogeyman" of the opposite party. It makes it challenging to navigate in search of the truth. 

Curious if you think Fox News has a liberal “equal”.  Something that acts as state Tv, perhaps?

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8 hours ago, Californication said:

I agree with you. The democrats give the lower classes just enough, and tell them to fug off. And as pathetic as it sounds, that is far better than what republicans provide.

Look at the Corona Virus, Donald Trump and the republican party, disbanded the govt. organization to respond to pandemics, they got rid of the people in China to monitor for outbreaks, they didn't respond to Corona Virus warnings they received in Nov. of 2018 until March maybe, they refused to use the manual created on how to respond to outbreaks created in the Obama administration, and they are failing to lead the country out of the pandemic.

And the Republicans destroyed the economy. The final down turn was caused by Corona, but the economy was only taped together by the low interest rates leading up to Covid.

Who do all these bad Republican decisions effect? Black people. 

Black people are disproportionally dying from Corona virus and they are holding a higher unemployment rate than anyone else.

Democrats are clearly better for black people.

That damn racist coronavirus! /s

Keep in mind that we're bouncing back fairly well from an economic standpoint and that the black unemployment rate was at an all-time low prior to COVID19.

Also, don't forget these that were put into effect under Trump that greatly helped minorities: (I mentioned them earlier in the thread)
And even though Trump speaks straight from his asshole constantly, his border protection would have a big positive impact on minority communities by pulling illegal immigrants out of jobs that can now go back to the American people in those areas. 




PS: I don't personally care for Trump, but you've got to accept when he's done something right.



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“But this irresponsibility with the facts should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever watched Fox News. This is, after all, the same network that insisted that Uranium One, the Steele report, and Peter Strzok’s text messages constituted the real Russia scandal; that brought the word Burisma into the national conversation and consistently referred to the impeachment proceedings as the “Schiff-Schumer Sham Show”; that ginned up a fearsome migrant incursion in order to drive xenophobic voters to the polls at the 2018 midterm elections; that has consistently minimized the dangers posed by man-made global warming when it has bothered to report on it at all; that has mainstreamed the notion of a vast “deep state” conspiracy against President Donald Trump; that confers the mantle of expertise on idiots such as Dan Bongino, the ex–Secret Service agent and thrice-failed political candidate who, in the most recent episode of his podcast, urged listeners to “Take a Stand Against Coronavirus Hysteria.” The Trump-boosting minimization of the novel coronavirus pandemic may well be a new low for Fox News—but it’s also a logical extension of the network’s decadeslong war on objective reality.”









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10 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

I'm far from knowledgeable about all media outlets, but I guess I'd point to CNN or MSNBC.

I mean, thats the beauty queen answer, do you really believe it? Ill guess they have a left tilt for sure. 

but full on state run TV, where they push bogus conspiracy theories and the highest rated shows are 3 hours of garbage opinion, where Tucker Carlson Screams at you Black people are going to come and get you. 




Thats a good one about how Fox news was also screaming that the virus was a liberal hoax (not to mention Laura Ingram still pushing that hydroxy drug on people)


The idea that “liberal” media and Conservative media are equal is 100% propaganda.  


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2 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

I mean, thats the beauty queen answer, do you really believe it? Ill guess they have a left tilt for sure. 

but full on state run TV, where they push bogus conspiracy theories and the highest rated shows are 3 hours of garbage opinion, where Tucker Carlson Screams at you Black people are going to come and get you. 




Thats a good one about how Fox news was also screaming that the virus was a liberal hoax (not to mention Laura Ingram still pushing that hydroxy drug on people)



Yeah, I feel like they're both toxic, even if at varying levels. 

In general, I try to check around as much as possible, take everything with a grain of salt, and refuse to don a tinfoil hat. 

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8 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

Yeah, I feel like they're both toxic, even if at varying levels. 

In general, I try to check around as much as possible, take everything with a grain of salt, and refuse to don a tinfoil hat. 

It’s obvious that you don’t fall for that shit, your arguments are well thought out. It’s not folks like you I worry about, it’s the fact that 70% of Republicans only trust Fox News. That’s a bad statistic, especially when their highest rated shows are all opinion – not even real news

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54 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

It’s obvious that you don’t fall for that shit, your arguments are well thought out. It’s not folks like you I worry about, it’s the fact that 70% of Republicans only trust Fox News. That’s a bad statistic, especially when their highest rated shows are all opinion – not even real news

I appreciate that and wish that more people kept an open and logical mindset. 

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