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7 minutes ago, Kguillemette said:

I've seen so many hair brained crack pot batty nuts conspiracy theories on the subject from both sides that at least one of them has to be real!

But seriously, Blm is so disorganized that it hardly qualifies as a movement anymore. As important as it is, it has started to devolve into a anti goverment/anti conservatrump slogan. Blm has allowed Trump and right wing crackpot pundits to brand it as such, and the anti trump wagon is so strong it has been embraced in this way! It needs to be torn down and restarted. Blm is barely more credible than a meme now.

There are so many wonderful vigils and pickets, but the kind of civil disobedience needed to institute real change keeps turning into violence and straight vandalism. Oooooh, people are so brave! They put on masks and spray paint buildings!  That'll show em! One riot in mn was plenty, and none were productive. In fact they were the opposite, because now the common talking point among conservatrumps is rioters/vandals/looters= protesters. The rioting and vandalism was not denounced by Blm nearly loudly enough. MLK would have been all over it!

I have some ideas. I need to flesh them out a bit, but it would involve the organized spamming of offenders. It's tough to do on social media, since that can be turned off. The way to affect any real change is to lawfully hit people in the wallet. Not unlawfully.

I agree they should’ve come out against it, but it’s not like there’s really spoke person.


That being said there are plenty of videos floating around of protesters confronting looters and people vandalizing, but it’s not something that gets mentioned all that much. they are out there if you look.

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31 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

You are right. You know people here better than I do. Ill wait patiently for any and all who want to come to your defense and say "more lives that didnt matter" doesn't have a racist look to it at all. Ill wait here patiently and I'm sure they will be filing in for you. 

Quite frankly it doesn't matter since being right or wrong on something is not dependent on a popularity contest.  (To be honest with you I am somewhat surprised that you think it is/should be.  But it takes all kinds of meat to make Farmer Vincent's Fritters.)

In any event there are far fewer "conservatives"* here than not.

And IMHO "conservatives" are much less susceptible to group think. 

Most of the people that I  interact with here are not terribly political and dislike this thread immensely.  So they likely would not "vote for me" even if they were cognizant of things here. And I would not ask them to - a little thing called integrity.

If you are really convinced that  I am blatantly racist - please contact the admins (the mods would likely just kick it upstairs anyway - having admined at a far busier place (at its peak) than this I know how the drill works -or should in any event.  They will either boot me or exonerate me - in either event they will likely make the results public - obviously if I get booted they will have to make some statement - if not by all that is right they will/should  publicly clear me so I (and others) can move on.

*And you seem to assume I am conservative - I am not as there are some things I would be considered liberal on.  On the whole donkey/elephant thing I don't like/trust either group.  In fact most of the time I vote third party - not because I particularly like any of the third parties but I think the country desperately needs a viable third party (and not one that is a shadow (which is what often happens) of one of the other  two). As a matter of fact one of the third parties I voted for a few years back damn near made the Republicans a minority party in the state  - they only missed it by less than two percentage points of the electorate.

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38 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

That being said there are plenty of videos floating around of protesters confronting looters and people vandalizing, but it’s not something that gets mentioned all that much. they are out there if you look.

There's the famous protesters protecting the cop incident in Kentucky.



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1 hour ago, MrWunderful said:

Does Trump think that just ignoring the increasing virus cases is going to help him?


Im calling it now- his speech in Tulsa (on June 19th nonetheless- an elite level racist troll enough to give Wally George A  stiffy) Is going to cause a huge virus breakout 😂😂😂.


A bunch of sweaty Maga folks screaming “Lock her (him?Them?) up! Lock her up!” All in Super close proximity? I can smell the copenhagen, miller lite and BO already  


Im sure it will be an antifa socialist blasphemer on Soros’ payroll doing it to harm real american patriots though. Or maybe people who kneel in protest, they might help

Between this and the protests I feel like overtime at the hospital is never going to end.  Also the copenhagen comment got me good.  I was a Skoal man myself during college and we always looked down on anybody chewing copenhagen 😂

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57 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

I agree they should’ve come out against it, but it’s not like there’s really spoke person.


That being said there are plenty of videos floating around of protesters confronting looters and people vandalizing, but it’s not something that gets mentioned all that much. they are out there if you look.

I sometimes feel like I am one of the few who understands the difference without needing photo evidence. I recently started purging my Facebook of friends and relatives that clearly did not with the ignorant memes they post.

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1 hour ago, Tabonga said:

Quite frankly it doesn't matter since being right or wrong on something is not dependent on a popularity contest.  (To be honest with you I am somewhat surprised that you think it is/should be.  But it takes all kinds of meat to make Farmer Vincent's Fritters.)

In any event there are far fewer "conservatives"* here than not.

And IMHO "conservatives" are much less susceptible to group think. 

Most of the people that I  interact with here are not terribly political and dislike this thread immensely.  So they likely would not "vote for me" even if they were cognizant of things here. And I would not ask them to - a little thing called integrity.

If you are really convinced that  I am blatantly racist - please contact the admins (the mods would likely just kick it upstairs anyway - having admined at a far busier place (at its peak) than this I know how the drill works -or should in any event.  They will either boot me or exonerate me - in either event they will likely make the results public - obviously if I get booted they will have to make some statement - if not by all that is right they will/should  publicly clear me so I (and others) can move on.

*And you seem to assume I am conservative - I am not as there are some things I would be considered liberal on.  On the whole donkey/elephant thing I don't like/trust either group.  In fact most of the time I vote third party - not because I particularly like any of the third parties but I think the country desperately needs a viable third party (and not one that is a shadow (which is what often happens) of one of the other  two). As a matter of fact one of the third parties I voted for a few years back damn near made the Republicans a minority party in the state  - they only missed it by less than two percentage points of the electorate.

You are the one who said you have all these friends here and I am a "noob" though I've been here more than half a decade. You insinuated Cody would side with you because he knew and respected you and Im new trash. 

No the mods will not ban you and that proves nothing except you didnt post the n word or threaten anyone with a hate crime. Well done! If you think racism is limited to those things, that explains a big part of our disconnect.

But we both know there is enough free speech here that you can say things that many will regard as racist and not get banned. 

Whether you think its racist or not, many will. Even if they are wrong, wouldnt you care that people in a community you care about may think that about you? At least enough not to think maybe people will find this racist, should I really post it even if I'm right? I wouldnt want my worst enemy to think I'm racist. 



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33 minutes ago, Doctornick said:

Between this and the protests I feel like overtime at the hospital is never going to end.  Also the copenhagen comment got me good.  I was a Skoal man myself during college and we always looked down on anybody chewing copenhagen 😂

Oh well you should like this song better; I don't know if she's around much anymore (as far as releasing songs/albums/radio play; I haven't listened to current/modern country radio in years; I get my music fix from videos on YT) but isn't she a really hot redneck girl? 😄  Oooooh don't tell my wife I said that!   *puts finger at my mouth* Shhhhhhh...


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16 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

I cant imagine a doctor using dip!

Thankfully by the time I finished (and had a dentist explain how much damage I had done to my gums) I quit cold turkey.  That was a brutal few weeks though but haven't touched that crap since.  I know one who smokes that I work with but it's extremely rare in younger staff.

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6 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

I have a friend whose wife is a respiratory therapist (working a lot of overtime these days.) 

She smokes.

Oooooh you know what Morgan Freeman here would say about that!  Do you know what smoking does to ya?  It clogs up your lungs with black smoke and icky black tar...THAT MEANS YOU CAN HARDLY BREATHE!!


PS: Yes I'm posting a couple of funny sorts of posts/videos because I honestly do wanna take off some of the edge here...I mean I wouldn't want us to get too much into each other's throats 😞 

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2 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Notre Dame? Only place I've ever been that everyone drank keystone light. I remember thinking it wasn't half bad, especially for the price. Never had it again though

Ohio State, and 10$ for 30 cans was a deal I could not afford to pass up.  It's definitely the best of bottom tier beers IMO, but I haven't had it in 7 years or so 

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3 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

You are the one who said you have all these friends here and I am a "noob" though I've been here more than half a decade. You insinuated Cody would side with you because he knew and respected you and Im new trash. 

No the mods will not ban you and that proves nothing except you didnt post the n word or threaten anyone with a hate crime. Well done! If you think racism is limited to those things, that explains a big part of our disconnect.

But we both know there is enough free speech here that you can say things that many will regard as racist and not get banned. 

Whether you think its racist or not, many will. Even if they are wrong, wouldnt you care that people in a community you care about may think that about you? At least enough not to think maybe people will find this racist, should I really post it even if I'm right? I wouldnt want my worst enemy to think I'm racist. 



I don't recall saying I have "all these" friends here. I do have some but of those most don't come to this thread. I never said Cody knew me and respected me. We long ago talked a bit about our interactions and came to an accomodation.  We do occasionally interact quite amicably on other threads. I only used noob because it was pretty clear you had not observed that Cody and I go back and forth often.  (For what it is worth Link and I go back and forth also - no venom on my side and I don't think there is on his part.  Cody (as well as Link) and I do get under each other's skin - just part of talking with people on issues that you disagree with about.  Echo chambers are pretty boring - but if that is what one likes I guess.  I never you said you were "new trash" (or trash of any sort actually) - maybe you have some underlying insecurities in regards to that?'

I actually suggested you go to the admins - big difference.  While I didn't use the N word or threaten anyone with a hate crime you seem to think I would do it if I could (and likely actually do so IRL) - per "The Well Done". And perhaps the disconnect extends to someone wanting to see racism whenever someone else says something they don't like/understand. I say perhaps because unlike some around here I can't read minds either online or IRL.

Actually there is limit on free speech here - it is a privately owned forum - I am very certain that if I was doing the things you are accusing me of (either directly or by implication) I would have heard from a mod by now - but more likely an admin since, again, that is how these places operate,

I am old enough that I long ago ceased being overly concerned with what people think of me - usually winds up being a long walk off a short pier* - I couldn't be true to my own core beliefs if I did.  In any event  in any group some people will like you, some will hate you - but the majority (for one reason or another) will do neither.  If someone wants to believe I am  a racist (either real or through the  disingenuous collective guilt trip being foisted of)  I know that I am not.  

*As one of my favorite lines from National Lampoon's "Deteriorata" goes:

Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
Would scarcely get your feet wet.


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13 minutes ago, Tabonga said:

Actually there is limit on free speech here - it is a privately owned forum - I am very certain that if I was doing the things you are accusing me of (either directly or by implication) I would have heard from a mod by now - but more likely an admin since, again, that is how these places operate,

I am old enough that I long ago ceased being overly concerned with what people think of me - usually winds up being a long walk off a short pier* - I couldn't be true to my own core beliefs if I did.  In any event  in any group some people will like you, some will hate you - but the majority (for one reason or another) will do neither.  If someone wants to believe I am  a racist (either real or through the  disingenuous collective guilt trip being foisted of)  I know that I am not.  

That is of course true.  I could be banned from here at anytime for any or no reason at all (just like "at-will" employment; with only a very few (hopefully) rare exceptions) and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.  I forget which video game forum sort of place it was but they decided to ban any sort of pro-Trump messages/icons/whatever and many were wholeheartedly applauded the move (anti-Trump stuff was of course a-okay! 😛 ).  It is true that they can do that as a private forum or whatever it was but it most definitely was not at all wise.  I mean, what if one day it's their speech that gets purged/silenced or whatever?  And like Michael Jordan would say, Trump supporters buy and play video games too.

As for the second paragraph, I'd like to think I've gotten somewhat better at not taking things personally but for me (for various reasons) it's been very hard, especially IRL and especially in my earlier years.  I mean I don't want anyone to think I'm some sort of bad or mean guy or something. 😞   i guess all the more reason I doubt I could ever make it as any kind of politician or other public figure.

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2 hours ago, Kguillemette said:

There are so many wonderful vigils and pickets, but the kind of civil disobedience needed to institute real change keeps turning into violence and straight vandalism. Oooooh, people are so brave! They put on masks and spray paint buildings!  That'll show em! One riot in mn was plenty, and none were productive. In fact they were the opposite, because now the common talking point among conservatrumps is rioters/vandals/looters= protesters. 

To some on the fringe left looting and arson are seen as legitimate forms of protest.  And some looters/arsonists do also:


SInce the lootings and arsons follow the protests so directly that they are perceived (rightly or wrongly)  (even by at  least some  of the participants)  as part and parcel since they do so often chain on each other.  While many of the protesters may leave not all likely do.  And since they don't carry badges or uniforms no one knows who is just protesting. just looting/burning or both.

The sad thing is that this depletes already challenged communities of places to get things such as groceries, medicines etc - not to mention maybe a few jobs. Some small businesses may never return or if they do they will have to raise prices even higher (and it is hard to make a profit on such small businesses anyway) since the insurance rates (if they can even get it) will certainly go up - not to mention whatever loans they may have to secure (at a likely high rate) to start/restart.

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6 minutes ago, Tabonga said:


To some on the fringe left looting and arson are seen as legitimate forms of protest.  And some looters/arsonists do also:


SInce the lootings and arsons follow the protests so directly that they are perceived (rightly or wrongly)  (even by at  least some  of the participants)  as part and parcel since they do so often chain on each other.  While many of the protesters may leave not all likely do.  And since they don't carry badges or uniforms no one knows who is just protesting. just looting/burning or both.

The sad thing is that this depletes already challenged communities of places to get things such as groceries, medicines etc - not to mention maybe a few jobs. Some small businesses may never return or if they do they will have to raise prices even higher (and it is hard to make a profit on such small businesses anyway) since the insurance rates (if they can even get it) will certainly go up - not to mention whatever loans they may have to secure (at a likely high rate) to start/restart.

Um, case in point?

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1 hour ago, Link said:

Let’s reignite the police topic, shall we? 


LOL you want to do that to me on the day they cancelled live pd? OK they cancelled it yesterday, but i didn't find out until today. What am I supposed to watch for 3 hours tomorrow night while I play old NES games?

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