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2 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:


'The actor shared news of the project on his Instagram page yesterday (June 5), telling his fans to “continue the conversation”.


Must've changed his mind. Not sure what did it, because at his age, it's pretty safe to assume he's had enough personal experience (and views into other's experiences) to form an opinion. Probably in his best interest to join the movement at this point. 

If you keep an eye on his platform(s), please share the stories from others who have experienced systemic racism. 

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9 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

Not sure what did it

Probably the systemic racism and police brutality perpetrated against people of color in the United States.

9 minutes ago, Silent Hill said:

Probably in his best interest to join the movement at this point. 

I looooove how you use him to prove your point but the minute you find out his opinion is different from yours, he's a bandwaggoner. Get real dude. 🙄

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38 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Don't worry guys. Just ignore the problem or pretend it doesn't exist. That is how every great leader has solved the world's problems throughout history. Tabonga knows, he's a historian. Ignorance, silence, and inaction. That's the ticket!

Nobody here said they were a great leader.  Sorry I couldn't resist, he is on your profile pic after all 😄 




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13 minutes ago, Estil said:

Nobody here said they were a great leader.  Sorry I couldn't resist, he is on your profile pic after all 😄 



I'm all for using levity to lighten the situation in stressful scenarios, and of course I love the turtles. It's difficult because there is really no place for levity when it comes to this current situation our country is facing. 

And for the record, I wasn't implying you guys were claiming to be great leaders. But some have suggested the solution is to just sit back, relax, and ignore these problems.

Sorry But I just can't agree with that.

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3 hours ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Please old man. I've been anti racist/sexist/homophobic since I was making my own crossed out swastika patches and t-shirts in Junior High. This isn't a fucking bandwagon.

Correct. We can't have people thinking everything is fine and that everyone is treated equally when people of color are being exposed to systemic racism and police brutality every day in our country.

I don't decide what is racist. I just call out racist shit when I see it.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I'd counter the murders, the daily prejudice, the fear, the hate, etc,  that people of color are exposed to, due to systemic racism and police brutality in this country, as pretty major but to each their own I guess?? 

So we are resorting to cheap ageist insults  how - how original since I, like, have never heard that before.  Isn't ageism a taboo along with so much else in your indoctrination? Does this mean I can call you a young punk now if I  wanted to (not in the archaic usage - I don't float that way (not that you would think anything of that would you?) - and (again) if I was gonna go there I would use the even more achaic usage  of gunsel - it is much more poetic.  And I will have you know that while in high school (and lived near Minneapolis)   I drove thru the Powderhorn district several times!  (Reference is a paraphrase from a sixties politically hip comedy skit performed by a politically hip comedy group.)  


At least you are consistent with your indoctrination - it does boil downthough your  to not wanting people to think on their own maybe  because you either can't  do that yourself or unable to  discuss your unshakeable tenets (for whatever reason).  

Lost your ability to make independent decisions on your own somewhere?  Your handlers must be proud.

Oooh - yet another new and clever adage.  I would cry fowl except it is so trite.

It is all clear.



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2 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Probably the systemic racism and police brutality perpetrated against people of color in the United States.

I looooove how you use him to prove your point but the minute you find out his opinion is different from yours, he's a bandwaggoner. Get real dude. 🙄

You mean because since his statement in 01/2016, systemic racism and police brutality against POC has just exploded into an epidemic? Wasn't an issue back then? Maybe he just didn't quite realize how systemically oppressed black people were until these protests started, even though he's a black man with 60+ years of life experience? Can't think of many other reasons why it would have changed unless he's just "riding the wave". Pretty strong recent evidence that if you don't publicize your affiliation with the movement, you'll be cast as pro-racism, or in his case an "Uncle Tom". We can assume all day long until he actually states why he now feels differently.

That said, I didn't say his newly formed opinion is invalid, and I didn't disagree with people voicing their own experiences. My whole point was that not speaking about racism doesn't mean you're a racist and doesn't perpetuate racism. I still think his quote has merit, even if he now doesn't (which he actually still might agree to some extent, who knows)


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I’ve stayed off this thread lately because it’s gotten a little too venomous for my taste (I don’t have a problem getting raucous about this most of the time, but I don’t want to personally insult anyone in this community).

But one thing I will say is that the Black Lives Matter statement/movement does NOT state nor imply that black lives matter more than any other demographic. That is such a stretch that I find it comical and, as a result, unbelievable, that anyone would infer that from the statement. 

Any time I hear that sentiment I automatically assume the person saying it is being disingenuous, but I really hope, rather, that the person saying it is just misinformed.

There is no truth to the phrase “all lives matter” until black lives matter.

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1 hour ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Tabonga knows, he's a historian. Ignorance, silence, and inaction. That's the ticket!


Nah, you got him all wrong. He's only for ignorance and inaction when it comes to black people being killed on camera. Hes very proactive when it comes to getting graffiti off statues and convincing everyone how terrible and stupid the blacks are for putting it there in the name of racism. But don't say any of that is racist. He will tell you that you are insecure sheep and then post more photos of statues. 

Edited by NESfiend
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"The rally has received criticism both for the fact that it is scheduled for June 19 — or Juneteenth, when the emancipation of black slaves is celebrated — at the site of the infamous Tulsa race riots, and amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“President Trump is fired up and ready to rebuild, restore, and renew the American Dream,” the Trump campaign said in an email announcing the rally. “There's no doubt that the Great American Comeback is here, and we are looking forward to the tremendous crowds and enthusiasm behind President Trump."

But the registration form tells a different story, instructing supporters that “by clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present.”

“By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. liable for any illness or injury,” the disclaimer continues."

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1 minute ago, NESfiend said:

Nah, you got him all wrong. He's only for ignorance and inaction when it comes to black people being killed on camera. Hes very proactive when it comes to getting graffiti of statues and convincing everyone how terrible and stupid the blacks are for putting it there in the name of racism. But don't say any of that is racist. He will tell you that you are insecure sheep and then post more photos of statues. 


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1 hour ago, cartman said:

You've proven no systematism in the cop killings against blacks.

At leadt 7 Ferguson protestors were found shot in the head. At least 3 of them were found in torched cars. None of the cases have been solved. No suspects. Except for one which was deemed a suicide, but his father, who had been in very recent contact, doesn’t buy it.

(I listed 4 of those mysteriously slain black men in response to Tabonga’s list of people who were killed in the Floyd protests that he kept telling people to look up over and over again, but he did not bother to check them out—or acknowledge, if he did.)

I’m sure it’s all just a big coincidence?

Call it circumstantial if you will. But the systemic problems are insidious and when they get exposed, they react very badly. 


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20 minutes ago, Link said:
2 hours ago, cartman said:

You've proven no systematism in the cop killings against blacks.

At leadt 7 Ferguson protestors were found shot in the head. At least 3 of them were found in torched cars. None of the cases have been solved. No suspects. Except for one which was deemed a suicide, but his father, who had been in very recent contact, doesn’t buy it.

Now if that's not proof, I don't know what is.

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29 minutes ago, Link said:

At leadt 7 Ferguson protestors were found shot in the head. At least 3 of them were found in torched cars. None of the cases have been solved. No suspects. Except for one which was deemed a suicide, but his father, who had been in very recent contact, doesn’t buy it

If you are insinuating that some cops or NGs did this the ballistics* (unless the perpetrators in that scenario all happened to be carrying cold pieces ) would have borne that out. Remember that Obama had sent the Feds in like stink on you know what so a coverup that massive could likely not have occurred.

Unsolved murders are pretty common.  (There are likely more unsolved murders of blacks -but that is because of the high disproportionate numbers of black murder victims.  In this case ballistics would only help if you have guns that match and you can place the guns in the hands of any suspects you might have. And with how many thousands of people were present makes identifying possible suspects extremely difficult unless witnesses come forth.

*Unless of course it was a shotgun.

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1 hour ago, Tabonga said:

Looks like the tooth fairy is up to tricks again.


The statue is of Matthias Balwin - noted Philadelphia abolitionist.

I don't know why you're bringing in the Tooth Fairy of all Legendary Figures Council Members (is that one word or two?) but in due time if they haven't already they WILL go after Jefferson memorials/statues...maybe even THE Jefferson Memorial!  I mean he not only was a slave owner but even did Bill Clinton one better by not only having sexual relations with that woman...she happened to be one of his slaves!!   Well I know TJ is craving attention here but maybe he better be careful what he's wishing for!

I guess before long we'll only be allowed to have statues/memorials/monuments or whatever to history book saints (as I like to call them)?

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10 minutes ago, Estil said:


I guess before long we'll only be allowed to have statues/memorials/monuments or whatever to history book saints (as I like to call them)?

Not even those since statues of people who have done good things don't seem to be safe.

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Just now, Tabonga said:

Not even those since statues of people who have done good things seem to be safe.

By history book saints I mean ones as far as I know, not one legit bad thing or criticism can be said about them.  Here's a few off the top of my head...

Harriet Tubman, Jackie Robinson, Anne Frank, Roberto Clemente, Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, [I'll add more if I can think of any] and then you have those like Nelson Mandella and Ghandi who are typically treated like history book saints but do in fact have their flaws.

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3 hours ago, Tabonga said:


A 1965 musical? What are you 75 years old? Also, pretty amusing Mr wunderful is commenting about how racist your posts are and it doesn't even concern you. Either too dense to understand thats what he is doing or not at all concerned how racist you are coming off.. Just keep throwing up them statues

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16 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

 What are you 75 years old? Also, pretty amusing Mr wunderful is commenting about how racist your posts are and it doesn't even concern you. 

"But it's a really good musical Mrs.Presky!"

Again with the ageism. Is that ok in your handbook (and is it red) of behaviour?

Exactly where has he said that  I am racist (or I guess my posts are) - with all the flak being thrown at me (which in my experience usually means you are right over the target) I likely missed it.    

Seems to me that if he really believes that he would just ban me.

And you still haven't shown me where I called you "new trash".   

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30 minutes ago, Tabonga said:

"But it's a really good musical Mrs.Presky!"

Again with the ageism. Is that ok in your handbook (and is it red) of behaviour?

Exactly where has he said that  I am racist (or I guess my posts are) - with all the flak being thrown at me (which in my experience usually means you are right over the target) I likely missed it.    

Seems to me that if he really believes that he would just ban me.

And you still haven't shown me where I called you "new trash".   

Pretty hilarious you are concerned about ageism but not racism. His post said "THEY'RE" coming for your statues. The obvious implication is "they" refers to scary black people. Its a joke about how racist your posts are and you have no clue why. Thats why it's funny and followed by laughing faces. Just like the obvious implication of you posting statues of abolitionists painted on by protesters is to imply that black people are ignorant. 

Edit: And you implied I was new trash when you said I was a noob around here. Do you want me to show you that?

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27 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Pretty hilarious you are concerned about ageism but not racism. His post said "THEY'RE" coming for your statues. The obvious implication is "they" refers to scary black people. Its a joke about how racist your posts are and you have no clue why. Thats why it's funny and followed by laughing faces. Just like the obvious implication of you posting statues of abolitionists painted on by protesters is to imply that black people are ignorant. 

You are part of the crowd that has a laundry list of social taboos (which seems to grow daily) - which is why I said that.  

HIs (Mr. W) post was not aimed at anyone specifically (if he was targetting me he could have done so)  - so I presumed he was trying to inject a bit of levity in what could be described as a  tense situation. Something a good mod/admin would do.

You should ask him what the "they" meant (I suspect it was just a generic they) - why would I know - I am not a mind reader like some folks around here.

I  responded in the same spirit - too bad it couldn't continue - but that is on someone else.

We have already established that we really don't  know what the racial make up of any of the protesters/looters/arsonists anywhere have been - made of - obviously a mix with the percentages unknown. So I couldn't have been targetting black people there,

Well at least you fessed up that I never said you were New Trash. Some progress I guess. But it was still made of whole cloth.

I explained already why I used the term noob - I  am not going to repeat myself if you didn't snap to it.

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12 minutes ago, Tabonga said:

You are part of the crowd that has a laundry list of social taboos (which seems to grow daily) - which is why I said that.  

HIs (Mr. W) post was not aimed at anyone specifically (if he was targetting me he could have done so)  - so I presumed he was trying to inject a bit of levity in what could be described a tense situation. Something a good mod/admin would do.

You should ask him what the "they meant" (I suspect it was just a generic they) - why would I know - I am not a mind reader like some folks around here.

I  responded in the same spirit - too bad it couldn't continue - but that is on someone else.

We have already established that we really don't  know what the racial make up of any of the protesters/looters/arsonists anywhere have been - made of - obviously a mix with the percentages unknown. So I couldn't have been targetting black people there,

And you are still ducking my question - where exactly did I call you "new trash"?

To pretend that the vast majority of protesters are not black is ignoring reality and trying to hide behind the technicality that there are some white people too. Its a joke. You can think whatever you want about his post, but thats the joke whether you get it or not. He's been very consistent in his stance on the topic and his joke is consistent with that stance. 

See my edit above about when you called me a noob around here that doesnt understand social discourse. 

Edit: if you'd like me to change it to "how ignorant black protesters and the white people who accompany them are," I can. Its still racist though. 

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