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7 minutes ago, Estil said:

Saying it hypothetically in a private convo the same way he used the "shoot up people in Manhattan and they'd still vote/like me" analogy is a lot different than Biden caught over and over and over again being way too creepily touchy feely with girls/women.  A simple YT search will confirm both that and his many increasing gaffes and his emotional/mental fitness to complete anywhere near a four year term (it was questioned regarding Reagan as well as Ike's heart attack; this is a completely fair game question for Biden).  I don't recall any of the other D candidates being anything like these.  I'm not saying I'd like their views any better (I probably wouldn't) I'm just saying I don't see Biden personally as being able to offer much a fair fight nor do I see Sanders or any of the other contenders having any issues like the above.

And Trump did give a major platform of what he was hoping to accomplish as President (enforcing illegal immigration, repeal replace Obamacare, economy, Supreme Court appointments among others) as did Sanders (mainly the usual kind of socialist things).  My point is what does Biden offer?  What does he offer for the voters to vote for him?

It’s okay to be republican and vote against Trump.  

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5 minutes ago, Richardhead said:

It’s okay to be republican and vote against Trump.  

I never said it wasn't.  Every election has some D's voting for the Republican candidate and some R's voting for the Democratic candidate.  Nothing unusual at all...



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2 minutes ago, Estil said:

I never said it wasn't.  Every election has some D's voting for the Republican candidate and some R's voting for the Democratic candidate.  Nothing unusual at all.

One of the videos on the site I linked you to is very telling. Lady says she’s voting Biden because she’d rather fight with him over issues rather than have Trump back in office. That seems like a good start. Maybe live with Biden for a term and regroup?  If you can vote for anyone that uses military force against its own people for protesting, looting, setting fires, or whatever you wanna say they were doing, I don’t really care what it was to be honest. You’re not fit to be in American society and I would gladly ask you to move somewhere else please. I hear China is nice this time of year. 

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Editorials Team · Posted
18 minutes ago, Estil said:

That's the other big thing.  Attacking Trump supporters/voters may give you and other rank and fileanti-Trumpers quite a pleasure...but Biden and his campaign absolutely cannot do that. Like it or not if they really want Biden to win they must persuade some of those swing voters who went with Trump in 2016 to come back into the fold.  Bill Clinton in 1992 was a brilliant example of how he did just that to win back the "Reagan D's"...too bad Hillary wouldn't take her own hubby's advice on that.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how Biden performs in the debates given his recent questionable mental/emotional fitness.  TBH I certainly didn't know what to expect on Trump's end in 2016...since of course being that he never held/ran for office, he never did political debates of any sort and of course that's way different than his trademark rallies.


18 minutes ago, Estil said:

That's the other big thing.  Attacking Trump supporters/voters may give you and other rank and fileanti-Trumpers quite a pleasure...but Biden and his campaign absolutely cannot do that. Like it or not if they really want Biden to win they must persuade some of those swing voters who went with Trump in 2016 to come back into the fold.  Bill Clinton in 1992 was a brilliant example of how he did just that to win back the "Reagan D's"...too bad Hillary wouldn't take her own hubby's advice on that.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how Biden performs in the debates given his recent questionable mental/emotional fitness.  TBH I certainly didn't know what to expect on Trump's end in 2016...since of course being that he never held/ran for office, he never did political debates of any sort and of course that's way different than his trademark rallies.

Mental fitness?  Like blathering on about being a very stable genius?  Or not knowing what fucking Finland is?  Sorry, but your boy Donny has had the mental incontinent thing down for awhile.  But keep writing off Biden entirely because of verbal gaffes since that's the right's defense mechanism right now to deflect from the daily Trump Trainwreck.

And I love how his base has mastered the mental gymnastics needed to write off whatever horrid shit he says.  In fact, they write off every dipshit thing he says and does.  Because this is an age of partisan win-at-all-costs hackery.  Never own or admit anything.  Complete victory is the only thing that matters.

And quit playing the "anti Trumpers" victim card.  There's plenty of conservative safe spaces on the internet.  You know, for all the delicate snowflakes.  Oh, and thank your base for adding all those terms to the vernacular.


I'm no Biden fan.  And if he wins I'll sure as hell be holding his ass accountable.  Because that is what you do with leadership.

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20 minutes ago, Estil said:

Saying it hypothetically in a private convo the same way he used the "shoot up people in Manhattan and they'd still vote/like me" analogy is a lot different than Biden caught over and over and over again being way too creepily touchy feely with girls/women.  A simple YT search will confirm both that and his many increasing gaffes and his emotional/mental fitness to complete anywhere near a four year term (it was questioned regarding Reagan as well as Ike's heart attack; this is a completely fair game question for Biden).  I don't recall any of the other D candidates being anything like these.  I'm not saying I'd like their views any better (I probably wouldn't) I'm just saying I don't see Biden personally as being able to offer much a fair fight nor do I see Sanders or any of the other contenders having any issues like the above.


You keep harping on this, but ignore Trump's many, many idiotic moments and mental gaffs. Heck, they just had another story about his health.

If you're going to keep bringing this up, you better be able to explain the walking disaster that is Trump's mental health.


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25 minutes ago, Estil said:

Saying it hypothetically in a private convo the same way he used the "shoot up people in Manhattan and they'd still vote/like me" analogy is a lot different than Biden caught over and over and over again being way too creepily touchy feely with girls/women. 

Are you telling me Trump ISN'T creepy touchy feely with girls/women?


Do you ever get tired of defending this man? All the mental gymnastics you have to do all day long must get exhausting.

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Oh and Im taking bets on how fast Democrats get their hands on Trumps taxes and other dirty laundry if Dems have full congress. 

The real victim here is Baron. That poor fucking kid. His original sin was being Trumps son, I legit feel bad about him probably having to hide for the rest of life 

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6 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

-rally during Corona virus?

I appreciate the extra precautions, especially with those on top of the Secret Service doing their usual wand waving and such at the gates...but honestly I do in fact not think the rally is a good idea anymore than the BLM demonstrators gathering really close together the way they have lately.

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23 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

You keep harping on this, but ignore Trump's many, many idiotic moments and mental gaffs.

I don't have to.  The MSM does that job more than antiquately.  Just like how I said to search YT for Biden's gaffes and not keeping his hands to himself.

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28 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

And quit playing the "anti Trumpers" victim card.  There's plenty of conservative safe spaces on the internet.  You know, for all the delicate snowflakes.  Oh, and thank your base for adding all those terms to the vernacular.

I'm well aware there's forums and such of all different political persuasions...it just so happens I most frequent this one and the psacard.com ones.  You know, my two main hobbies?

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43 minutes ago, Estil said:

I appreciate the extra precautions, especially with those on top of the Secret Service doing their usual wand waving and such at the gates...but honestly I do in fact not think the rally is a good idea anymore than the BLM demonstrators gathering really close together the way they have lately.

20$ says its a super spreader event

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1 hour ago, MrWunderful said:

Oh and Im taking bets on how fast Democrats get their hands on Trumps taxes and other dirty laundry if Dems have full congress. 

It will be interesting to see whether the SEC gets a hold of him and his cronies for all of the "convenient" tweets that moved markets over the last few years.

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15 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

No just accused of rape by what 25?  

Yeah but he did it legally bc all 25 allegations were over 18 years old. Oh and not on film (sarcasm). Unlike this cringe fest. 

Somehow, once again, we're choosing between gross and grosser? 2016 all over again I swear. 

Edited by RegularGuyGamer
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28 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

Yeah but he did it legally bc all 25 allegations were over 18 years old. Oh and not on film (sarcasm). Unlike this cringe fest. 

Somehow, once again, we're choosing between gross and grosser? 2016 all over again I swear. 

Ive seen the video, and yeah its weird. 

But for me personally, that is irrelevant. And plus, Biden acknowledged it, and pledged to be better. Even if he doesnt mean it, at this point I will take it over 4 more years of twitter tantrums

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4 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

Is it just me or do posts like this get completely missed by some folks and then like in another 30 posts some folks act like there’s no reason To call Trump racist?


Maybe if we ignore it like the big ‘rona it will go away


*holds up wrong bible*

I thought I might get another explanation of “presumption of racism” but no, nothing from the one who also says we have “a major problem with selective reading/hearing”

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Yes Trump Is Racist: White Supremacist Edition

1) (inspiration for this post) News today: Trump ads use Nazi symbol for putting down protestors
considering reclaiming the red triangle in my style like gay people did with the pink triangle in the 80s 🤔 

2) Do you like the KKK? Do you agree with them? Because if you don’t disagree with Trump, you do agree with the former Grand Wizard of The Knights of The Ku Klux Klan. Yes, Trump said “I disavow I disavow I disavow, ok? ” Duke... after being asked about a thousand times. Doesn’t change what Mr. Duke said.

3) Charlottesville torch carriers included “some very fine people”. The people who chanted “blood and soil” (look it up) and “you will not replace us”. Do I need to give a link on this one? I hope not. It was hyped pretty big, “on both sides”

4) Neo-Nazis like him too. How much do you like sharing opinion with Neo-Nazis? I don’t at all! 

Here are some not-irrelevant, not-sorta-referential-joke videos:



Maybe you do, and that’s ok! That is your first amedment right to agree with Neo Nazis! (Sorry to provide links from liberal rags like Vox and CNN. They must be false flags! I look forward to hearing proof that these people are misrepresent-ed/ing. I’m sure NBC [paragraph 1] is fake news too.)

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I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.

Referring to another woman:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Then there’s this recent video:

I have never been a Biden fan and still am not but here’s what I don’t understand, and what I never get an answer on from Trump supporters:

These criticisms of Biden can be applied to Trump 10x over. Trump has demonstrated the same creepy tendencies, but worse, and very concerning mental health issues, far worse than anything Biden has shown. So why are they an issue for one candidate but not for the other? They’re objectively worse in Trump, without question.

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