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Just now, Tulpa said:

When you say "discouraged and viewed as shameful", you're basically saying you want to deplatform those you disagree with. You want to do the very thing you're accusing them of doing.


No i don't want to do that they wouldn't be losing their jobs for pushing this bullshit it's just that no one would've elevated them being offended and kicked thier employees because of it.

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2 minutes ago, cartman said:

No i don't want to do that they wouldn't be losing their jobs for pushing this bullshit it's just that no one would've elevated them being offended and kicked thier employees because of it.

Well, they have a very effective platform. You have to find a MORE effective platform. Somehow. Git Gud, basically.

Can't pull it off? Thems the breaks.

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6 minutes ago, The Strangest said:

“Black lives matter” means one thing. It’s in the phrase. It means black peoples’ lives matter. It doesn’t mean white lives or brown lives don’t matter. Saying black lives matter doesn’t exclude anyone else. It’s just stating a fact.

Yeah I know but what if I got around saying Brown Lives Matter? 

my life matters as much as anybody’s, so if I choose to say All Lives Matter it’s includes everyone including black lives so it’s also stating a fact 

Edited by Psychobear85
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3 hours ago, Psychobear85 said:

Being first generation American from Mexican born parents and I say Brown Lives Matter, does it make me a racist? 

I just want to hear your opinion on this 

We suffer the same if not more discrimination, nearly the same poverty levels, we have a lower percentage of bachelor degrees, I don’t want to to talk about how police treat us but I’ll leave you with this, my dad got pulled out of the car tossed on the ground for not having his resident card on him so they automatically thought he was illegal.  Even worse liberals are ignorant towards us “did they have this back on your country” at least with a racist I know what I’m getting. Even till this day I get discriminated against simply for the color of my skin, so if I don’t say BLM and say Brown Lives Matter what does that make me? 

You can say Brown lives matter! Ill say it too. But saying black lives matter is not the same as Brown lives don't matter. And the problem with All Lives Matter is that until Black Lives Matter, it simply can't be true.

Black Lives Matter is an absolutely excellent slogan. It creates such passion that simply saying all lives matter does not. The main response to black lives matter is All Lives Matter. The response has never been "of course you do."


To give myself some background, my wife is half black/ half Mexican. She has told stories of being 3 years old in the back seat of her Mexican dad's car only to get pulled over and have to sit there and watch her dad get beaten by the police before he got arrested. Absolutely terrifying to think about, but it happened. So when you say that this happens to Brown people, I know. It happened to my father in law.

I fight for my children. My son is only 5 years younger than Trayvon Martin was, 3 years younger than Tamir Rice. Looking back I remember the response. I remember the argument people made that George Zimmerman can't be racist because he's Latino. I remember the memes that circulated with a picture of Trayvon giving the middle finger with a caption underneath asking why we care about this kid so much. My immediate family members circulated that exact meme. My son was a newborn at the time. 

So yes, the Mexican side of my children matter. Right now I am focusing on the black side.

Does police reform need to happen? Yes. But until we can all simply acknowledge that Black Lives Matter, what difference will it make?

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This is from 2018, just the quickest easiest reference I could find to support a point. Just think of how many people of color have been prisoned and are systematically stripped of their right to vote or tricked into not voting perpetuating a racist cycle of keeping white people in power. The prison system is straight up a business.

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Administrator · Posted
8 hours ago, Estil said:

But it's assuming that none of the other houses are in danger.  

No it's not. 

It's just saying that one is VERY CLEARLY ON FIRE. 

Nobody has a perfect life and we all have issues to some degree. But if you look at two houses and one is on fire, you take care of the one on fire. After the fire is out you can of course check the other one for mold or whatever, and fix its problems, which are also perfectly valid and in need of fixing. 

Further, you keep pointing out info that you seem to think makes BLM look like some form of actual organization. This isn't PETA. You can't fire the admin team. It's a movement, not a company, many people from all walks of life, black or otherwise, support the movement. 

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Administrator · Posted
7 hours ago, Psychobear85 said:

Yeah I know but what if I got around saying Brown Lives Matter? 

my life matters as much as anybody’s, so if I choose to say All Lives Matter it’s includes everyone including black lives so it’s also stating a fact 

Part of the point of saying "Black Lives Matter" is EXACTLY for just this reason - you've gone and turned it selfish. "Well what about ME and MY troubles!?".

It's basically saying "well where's my straight pride parade?".

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7 hours ago, Psychobear85 said:

my life matters as much as anybody’s, so if I choose to say All Lives Matter it’s includes everyone including black lives so it’s also stating a fact 

Unfortunately that slogan is already taken to say that black lives don't matter as much as white lives. (with both sides of that discussion ignoring Latinx or native american concerns)

Also, very unfortunately, the Treyvon Martin case gave white conservative groups an instance of "hey look we support THIS Latino guy so we're not really racist in how we're treating Treyvon".

But it probably goes without saying that if we can't fix the problems with how society/justice/police treat a long-integrated minority group, there is no way that we'll ever manage to put long-excluded and isolated indigenous people on an equal footing with white society.

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1 minute ago, MrWunderful said:

Didnt think so. Our worst taco trucks still make better Food than Swedens 4 star restaurants 😂😂😂

Yes the food is shit here and there's a cultural hysteria of SJW type bullshit here aswell and we'll duefully import the ones yall invent aswell. We've had those protests here with their signs and their slogans shouting for diffuse "rights" without quite really knowing what the fuck they want themselves or why they're attending.

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8 hours ago, Psychobear85 said:

Even till this day I get discriminated against simply for the color of my skin, so if I don’t say BLM and say Brown Lives Matter what does that make me? 

It is a legitimate complaint, and I think it is completely natural to be upset at feeling like injustices against people around you are ignored in favor of attention on other issues.

It really is a tragic demonstration of how deep racial and ethnic tensions go and how hard it is to solve the problem or just to have grievances truly heard.  

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11 minutes ago, cartman said:

Yes the food is shit here and there's a cultural hysteria of SJW type bullshit here aswell and we'll duefully import the ones yall invent aswell. We've had those protests here with their signs and their slogans shouting for diffuse "rights" without quite really knowing what the fuck they want themselves or why they're attending.

Man what a great world it would be if we could all just be white!

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2 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Man what a great world it would be if we could all just be white!

Or if everyone was black. Not a single case of unjust police shooting or missconduct would ever occur, the police would be having a rose in the holster where the gun used to be.

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@cartman America isn't that shitty, you are just voicing your racist rhetoric in the wrong place. This video game forum isn't going to agree with you. Come visit the country and there are plenty of places you can go where you can spout your nonsense.

@Gloves , I already tried the house on fire analogy with @Estil earlier in the thread. He didn't get it then either. He says it doesn't make sense but actually he just doesn't understand it. He actually AGREES in the analogy, saying "of course you would put the house on fire out first". But then he can't grasp how it equates to Black Lives Matter. It's either a case of just not getting through with it, or willful ignorance.

By the way, Black Lives Matter.


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34 minutes ago, cartman said:

It's a fact. Without the American policeforces/klan chapters everything would be harmonious and wonderful😃

You know i wish I could find that one YT video of this conservative commentator guy (I think that's what he was) who was attempting to interview a group of protesters who were chanting "Cops and the Klan go hand in hand...Cops and the Klan go hand in hand..." to which the guy did his own chant which matched the rhythm of theirs, "I do not like Green Eggs and Ham!  I do not like them Sam I Am!" 😄 

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16 hours ago, Estil said:

And they didn't just dear town the statue and spray graffiti all over it.  They wrapped GW's head in an AMERICAN FLAG and set it ON FIRE. 

I want you to think about this objectively. You are extremely upset because they tore down a statue of George Washington and set an American Flag on fire. 

I get that. Those symbols are really important to you right? If there was some statue or monument that disgraced George Washington or the American Flag, you would probably want that removed as soon as possible right?

It's because symbolism is extremely important in this country. Others in this thread have said, "they are just symbols, I don't care". I actually share that opinion. However, the MAJORITY of the country takes symbolism extremely important. "These colors don't run". American flags. Christians and crosses. Etc.

This is why bad symbols need removed. Not for you or I's sake. For the sake of others that it IS important to. Confederate generals, Christopher Columbus, etc. Hopefully, they will all be gone soon. For the sake of others. Don't complain about them being offended. Have empathy towards them because they are.

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