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7 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

Don't make me break down your posts sentence by sentence. Cartman still hasn't recovered from that. 😛

Lol there was nothing to recover from. You endorsed (self)censorship on subjective grounds where you could neither argue why a certain moralist case should trump another nor are you willing to see your own entertainment be on the recieving end of censorship from someone elses moralism. 

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1 minute ago, Estil said:

Unless it's on the approved list, it's a no-go.

Correct. But did anyone ask for them? Because it clearly says in the article, there “wasnt a bright line drawn”




If someone did want “god bless the USA”, they would have most likely allowed it.  They had to be agreed upon by both parties. “Bargaining agreement” 

The NBA was happy, and players are happy. 

Yet you are here, outraged at the BLM movement and SJWs. 

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2 minutes ago, cartman said:

Lol there was nothing to recover from. You endorsed (self)censorship on subjective grounds where you could neither argue why a certain moralist case should trump another nor are you willing to see your own entertainment be on the recieving end of censorship from someone elses moralism. 


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1 minute ago, ChickenTendas said:

Could someone here break down the NBA situation objectively? I'm afraid I'm a bit out of the loop on this one. I'm more of a football, baseball, hockey guy. 


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2 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

Dress Code doesn't fall under Freedom of Speech. Your employer's dictate what you can and cannot wear. If you don't wear what they dictate, you can find another job. That is really the bottom line on this topic. Unreal that the debate goes any further. 

You quite sure about that?  I mean seriously this is one of the most famous Supreme Court cases...


Oh yeah, I forgot all about any kind of pro-Hong Kong message; the I-heart-China NBA sure can't have that!


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11 minutes ago, Estil said:

You quite sure about that?  I mean seriously this is one of the most famous Supreme Court cases...


Yep, still sure. Students of a public school are not employees of a private company. 

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7 minutes ago, Estil said:

You quite sure about that?  I mean seriously this is one of the most famous Supreme Court cases...


Oh yeah, I forgot all about any kind of pro-Hong Kong message; the I-heart-China NBA sure can't have that!


Breitbart article in the thumbnail? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

You do know that that guy Is making a living off selling easily outraged conservatives garbage videos right? He is probably clearing 5k a month at 750k subs. Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson do too, just on a much larger scale. 

Forget working for living, Ill just make videos with headlines like “Liberal Marxist public school Math teacher desecrates Veterans church american flag with Soros paid abortion inter-racial marriage” and just rake in the clicks

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18 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Breitbart article in the thumbnail? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

You do know that that guy Is making a living off selling easily outraged conservatives garbage videos right? He is probably clearing 5k a month at 750k subs. Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson do too, just on a much larger scale. 

Forget working for living, Ill just make videos with headlines like “Liberal Marxist public school Math teacher desecrates Veterans church american flag with Soros paid abortion inter-racial marriage” and just rake in the clicks

That's how Youtube is people are making careers out of it through patreon and sponsorships it's not like Tim Pool specifically invented it.

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Why is this a huge deal but ripping down statues left and right and vandalizing them isn't? Police have been told to stand by when vandals rip down statues, but for the BLM mural, they say "anyone with information regarding the suspected vandalism is asked to contact the police." https//www.cnn.com/2020/07/13/us/black-lives-matter-trump-mural-vandalized-trnd/index.html

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7 hours ago, Rhino said:

If I as a player don't agree with said message, I should be allowed to refuse to wear it with no penalties enacted upon me. 

You (lol) have the opportunity to have a message from a given list on your shirt.

If you don’t agree with any of the messages, don’t choose one. 

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6 hours ago, Estil said:

Remember it's not just the President but we got 50 state governors (our own just announced we now have to wear masks or else we risk businesses refusing us service) and it would nice if there were by now at least a few who are clearly doing it right....then maybe we'd have something to go on.

There could be a federal response but somebody doesn’t want to take responsibility. 

Some states are in fact doing better. Here’s some information about that from the only source you won’t denigrate (while claiming you aren’t guided by it)


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9 hours ago, Gloves said:

Question, where does "I am a man" come from? Seems odd. 

From the days of Martin Luther King. (It predates that time, but it was a big slogan in civil rights marches)

When black men were called “boy” and less savory things, this phrase was to stand and demand respect as a human being.


The illustration hangs in my parents’ house still. 




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11 hours ago, Estil said:

Didn't I already say that it's too early to tell?  And even if we were in fact bring the pandemic cases down (which sadly we are not) I'm would take the same 'tude I did when pre-pandemic the economy was supposedly booming and such...in either case I wouldn't want to jinx it and not "celebrate too early" ya know?

Bottom line, as far as this pandemic goes, I'm in NO position to be second guessing.  Remember it's not just the President but we got 50 state governors (our own just announced we now have to wear masks or else we risk businesses refusing us service) and it would nice if there were by now at least a few who are clearly doing it right....then maybe we'd have something to go on.

It's not too early to tell.  Don't bury your head and look at the actual statistics.  Stuff that I've posted in the Covid thread is occuring in line with when I said it would, and I'm no virus expert.  Trump and a lot of governors have royally screwed up, but when they notice the cost in other areas maybe then they will admit it.

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4 hours ago, fcgamer said:

When will the BLM movement carry to China? Then again as we know, the racism is so much worse in the States.

Neither they nor Japan have hardly any black people though right?  I mean *looks up wiki* China is 92% Han Chinese and 97% of Japan is native Japanese.  So I guess in places like that they can poke fun at most anyone that's not native Chinese or native Japanese and no one would bother raising an eyebrow.

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@fcgamer You don't know his personal experiences. If he went to the Asian market and they were all wearing masks, and he's speaking directly about that experience, then he isn't stereotyping. Why not @ him and ask instead of calling him out about it in another thread?

@zeppelin03 , FCGamer wants to know why you are unfairly stereotyping Asian people. Care to rebut? 

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