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The Atari thread 👾


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18 hours ago, The Strangest said:

No manual unfortunately, but I was really excited to find a boxed copy from this relatively obscure developer. Some of their cartridges were only made with end labels and missing the top labels like this one.



That's amazing!   I just noticed the Crackpots box I picked up has a Zayre 4.99 price tag on the bottom.

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8 hours ago, SardoNumspar said:

Love this thread! Here are a few really neat Atari promo items I picked up earlier this year:









I haven’t checked the back of them yet, but those look similar to the Star Raiders and Haunted House pieces I posted earlier in this thread (which I ended up buying and forgot to post about here, oops).

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1 hour ago, The Strangest said:

I haven’t checked the back of them yet, but those look similar to the Star Raiders and Haunted House pieces I posted earlier in this thread (which I ended up buying and forgot to post about here, oops).

It looks like the Star Raiders and Haunted House are vintage posters. These are unused cardboard store shelf displays.

btw - that Haunted House poster is awesome!

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/27/2019 at 9:42 AM, captmorgandrinker said:


Killer snag!

You're correct about 2600 gems having the ability to pop up anywhere; those are the most likely I think to be seen in dollar bins at flea markets.   

That's also the nice thing about selling at shows- vendors get first crack at the goods, so if somebody has said aforementioned not-yet-picked-over bin...

He's talking about a game we never previously knew existed. Atari didn't have any lockout chips so anyone could program a simple game, advertise it in a magazine and sell a total of 10 copies out of their garage. It would be considered an official release and may only have 1 surviving copy that someone finds this year.

It happened previously with Gamma Attack (1 known copy), Birthday Mania (2 known copies) and Red Sea Crossing (1 known copy). Then there's the Air Raid box that was only found a few years ago even though there were multiple known loose copies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey All!

Im not sure if this is appropriate for this thread or not, but I assumed it may be since this is an Atari thread. (If it isn’t, anyone can feel free to correct me and point me to a more appropriate thread, no worries).

Atari 2600 is the only system I have produced code to cartridge and published for as a homebrewer. It’s a small 4k mini game with 4 levels geared at teaching my daughter some of the benefits in understanding Pythagorean theorem  when she’s a bit older 🙂

I only produced 10 copies of the game, and got shelf space in a local game shop (Game-On in Miller Place and Smithtown NY - amazing group of people), and I wound up selling all copies before I ever had the chance to even speak about the production. (As a programmer I also have a “thing” about announcing a project before completion.... so many programmers in general (not just game devs) have a habit of announcing a project and not completing it. This is partly why I rarely ever speak about my work before it’s already finished). This is actually only the second time I’ve ever even spoken about this game (the first was on the NA forums just before they got destroyed). 

But, some of the feedback I got from my buyers was that they thought the artwork was different... one collector (full 2600 set) and a known collector on Long Island NY, told me the art was the reason he bought the game... he felt it was interesting. (Again, the game was designed for kids, so I had that “vibe” in mind when I designed it). But I’d love to get some feedback as to whether I should maybe continue this art style, or change pace and go for something a little more true to what Atari game artwork looked like back in the day, on my future games. I designed everything myself: the code, the artwork, the manual, etc. hand soldered every board and hand assembled all of the boxes and manuals myself.

All feedback is welcome! 😄  Id love to hear what you all think, good or bad. 
I’m just really happy to be back with you all! 


pic related: Let me know what you guys think! Should I continue on with this style or maybe try for a more true to timeframe artwork style on my next homebrew? Thanks to all who respond!


***EDIT: In light of this possibly being inappropriate for this thread, if you have any feedback and wish to share, I hope you’ll visit my new topic here:



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Hey there @Lambda

We have a section for sharing homebrew projects here that may also be appropriate:


But to answer your question, I think the art looks great, I think the design style looks like it fits in with any game from the era, but the unique illustration makes it more personal. Looks like it came right out of the 70s, yet doesn't look like it's copying anything. I'd say keep it up, could make it a nice consistent series or something

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@BortLicensePlate Thanks so much for the response! Means a lot to me to get honest feedback. And thank you for the redirection! I have added a new topic to the Share section in the brewery any have edited my original post to redirect there. 
(I’m still relatively new to forums, and still learning etiquette, so I appreciate the heads up 🙂 )


that being said, I’ll share some pictures here of my favorite 2600 games in my current collection to keep things consistent and on topic.

*the “Defend Atlantis” Contest pamphlet is one of my favorite pieces of the bunch... I wonder what would happen if I filled out the mailer form and mailed it in today 😂 ... wonder if I’d even get a response and what it might be 🙂 




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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, DarkTone said:

How many games on the 2600 have less than 50 copies?

I think you mean fewer.


Birthday Mania - I think 2 copies

Red Sea Crossing - 1 copy (maybe 2)

Gamma Attack - 1 copy

Extra Terrestrial - I think only 3 copies

Air Raid - only 2 or 3 boxed copies

River City Patrol - pretty rare

Music Machine - probably fewer than 30

Superman (yellow lettering) - I think 5-10 copies


There may be a few more.

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It took so long to find a boxed copy of Air Raid that people weren’t even sure it even existed.

If you guys haven’t seen the drama of the people who faked the Air Rad cartridge on eBay, it’s good for a few laughs. If I remember correctly they literally glued a T shaped PVC piece on it and painted it blue.

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2 hours ago, Code Monkey said:

I think you mean fewer.


Birthday Mania - I think 2 copies

Red Sea Crossing - 1 copy (maybe 2)

Gamma Attack - 1 copy

Extra Terrestrial - I think only 3 copies

Air Raid - only 2 or 3 boxed copies

River City Patrol - pretty rare

Music Machine - probably fewer than 30

Superman (yellow lettering) - I think 5-10 copies


There may be a few more.

Monogrammed Space Chase (2 copies), Ultravision Karate (3), Gauntlet (6), Eli's Ladder (15),  Video Life (20), Magicard (23), and Pepsi Invaders (28) all fit the bill, too. Numbers are subject to change.  I didn't think Music Machine was that rare, though.  There have also been a number of games, e.g. Cat Trax,  where a single working prototype has been found.


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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, CasualCart said:

I've always wondered just how impossible it would be to see every confirmed Atari 2600 game in the same place at the same time...



I know there was a guy working on it, I think his name is Jose. He bought the boxed Air Raid for $30,000 when it got discovered and then about a month later when another was discovered that had instructions, he bought that for $33,000. I remember watching all that unfold, it was a crazy time.

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Oceo Team has released a new game for the Atari Lynx titled Lawnmower.  Right now the game is only available as a free binary but there are plans to release it in cart with, perhaps, more features.  They are looking for feedback to further improve the game.  

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