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The Big Bad Database Discussion: Part 2: The Sequel

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Discussion about adding features, info, and lists to the database. Feel free to chime in for clarification, to make a suggestion, to ask a question, to provide an explanation...

Original Post:

I'm suggesting a database containing recovered NintendoAge posts and resources, depending on the legality of that, and potentially containing entries for each and every game- ever. Now this may sound like a lot, but read below for more info:

We could build a database with complete lists of games, giving each game its own entry, and just trust the community to provide descriptions and reviews of games they've played. Somewhat of a Wikipedia-like thing. We'd have to make it so certain users can be restricted from posting on the database for intentionally inaccurate information or troll reviews. Through this, we could constantly be updating and checking existing entries to provide the ultimate buying guide for retro games. Info on games, games ranked based on user reviews and critic reviews, the ability to sort (by system, by genre for system, ect), and the ability to leave review for games you enjoyed-- or didn't. This will be a huge undertaking, but I have pretty much allthe time in the world right now, since I'm not working and most likely won't be for a few months.

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