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Game Debate #1: Goldeneye

Reed Rothchild

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79 members have voted

  1. 1. Rating explanations down below

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Maybe one of the best released that year.
    • 7/10 - Very good, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not very good.
    • 2/10 - Not your cup of tea at all. Some people might like this, but you are not one of them.
    • 1/10 - Horrible in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • No interest in playing it.

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Poured a lot of hours into this game for both the multiplayer and single player. My best friend and I both had copies and would report back daily on progress we made and shared secrets. Multiplayer used to get pretty heated with a good crew of people who were pretty decent at the game. Aged or not this was the glory days of gaming for me. 

I think this game still holds up today to an extent. Yes, fps games have come a long way but a lot are scripted, on rails garbage with a pretty paint job. GE was just good fun. A lot of the later missions on 00 are still pretty tough, as well as some of the cheats. 



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Editorials Team · Posted

I gave it an 8.  Woulda been a 9 or 10 back in the day.

I also played the hell out of it back in the day.  Earned every cheat, beat every difficulty.  Poured hours and hours into it.  The tactical nature of the single player was very much ahead of it's time.

Nowadays, I busted out the multiplayer a handful of times, and the universal consensus seemed to be that it was nigh-unplayable.

I also played through Perfect Dark on XBLA arcade and rolled through the whole game effortlessly.  I even one-shot War on the hardest difficulty - a level that I was never able to beat as a kid.  Shows just how much of a handicap the N64 controller is.

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5 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

I gave it an 8.  Woulda been a 9 or 10 back in the day.

I also played the hell out of it back in the day.  Earned every cheat, beat every difficulty.  Poured hours and hours into it.  The tactical nature of the single player was very much ahead of it's time.

Nowadays, I busted out the multiplayer a handful of times, and the universal consensus seemed to be that it was nigh-unplayable.

I also played through Perfect Dark on XBLA arcade and rolled through the whole game effortlessly.  I even one-shot War on the hardest difficulty - a level that I was never able to beat as a kid.  Shows just how much of a handicap the N64 controller is.

This is exactly what I did.  As I'm sure some of you will recall me saying before (and observed in Survivor: Season 1), I suck at gaming.  But, I loved GoldenEye so much, I learned the levels and unlocked everything on every difficulty level as well.  I left no cheat unturned.  I can't recall what the last cheat unlocked was for me, but it was a very satisfying day when I did that.

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6 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Probably Facility

It might have been, but I recall seeing a video (yes, a video) posted to IGN where someone blazed through the level in 00 Agent. I studied it thoroughly and just did what they did.  I beat it but I think I beat the facility and got the Invincibility cheat before another one or two, but only because of that speed run video and mimicking it.

Unrelated, I remember after finishing 00 Agent, and getting all of the cheats and remembering that in the facility, there's a grenade launcher in a room above the exit.  You could run up there, grab the launcher, and enemies would just perpetually run to the door but never open it.  I can't recall why I'd do this, but you could just keep killing them over and over and over again.  I think I might have just been bored and was trying to get a kill count of 999 or something.

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Administrator · Posted
40 minutes ago, captmorgandrinker said:

I hold no nostalgia for it (N64 is one of my least liked consoles) and it's not my type of game so I have no desire to play it, so that's the choice I went with.

I can see how others would enjoy it though, especially in a local multiplayer facet.

My friend came over just before Covid lockdowns came into effect and we played on my 10" CRT. As we were winding down he said "let's do one more, I think you know what to do". I booted up Temple with Slappers Only and first to 5 and we went to town, instantly fun every time.

Disclaimer: he and I had never actually played Goldeneye together prior to this. 

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I never owned an N64 and didn't play much multiplayer, but I did eventuality try out the single player and it's fantastic. The campaign is a blast on its own, but the real replay value comes from completing the time attacks to unlock all the cool extras in the game. Before the internet and YouTube, I felt a greater drive to see all that stuff for myself so it was definitely a product of its time. Great game.

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16 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Probably Facility

Always the first thing I do when I play these days. Take a few good cracks at this cheat and can usually get it within 10 tries if Doak cooperates. Back in the day I remember trying to push this time down even after getting the cheat... Basically anything to keep me playing the game.  

Edited by Andy_Bogomil
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@Reed Rothchild I'm sure this is to be the first game in a long line of ratings, but thanks for starting with a good one.  It's an excellent to rehash old memories, plus it looks like it's set the average score bar really and should be hard to beat for a while!

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for this, and posting and managing these polls.  I don't know half the movies you like, and I'm interested in maybe 25% of the music, but it's still fun to hear everyone's opinions and even occasionally trash talk over pointless fun.

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Silver PP7 and Invisibility are the two cheats I struggled with (Train and Archives), and I'd say especially Train for whatever reason. Facility was tough but is one of my favorite levels so I didn't mind playing it over and over again. Control might've been tough too, but probably just because Control is tough.

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2 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

Silver PP7 and Invisibility are the two cheats I struggled with (Train and Archives), and I'd say especially Train for whatever reason. Facility was tough but is one of my favorite levels so I didn't mind playing it over and over again. Control might've been tough too, but probably just because Control is tough.

I remember train taking a while for some reason.  Not sure if I was overly cautious since the narrow halls actually gave the NPCs a good chance at shooting you.

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4 minutes ago, zeppelin03 said:

I remember train taking a while for some reason.  Not sure if I was overly cautious since the narrow halls actually gave the NPCs a good chance at shooting you.

It looks like the internet says Facility (Doak RNG, short time) and Caverns (just really long) are the hardest cheats, which I might agree with if I got them all again today because I play games differently. I'm guessing Archives would be no sweat. As a kid I'd probably die 4 times and get frustrated as a kid and complain it's too hard, but would have no problem rolling the same minute-long level 40 times in a row and getting a little better every time these days.

I don't know how much of that is adult patience and how much of that is watching absurd gamers like Acrus run through Ninja Gaiden literally 25,000 times letting me know I can stick with a level for another dozen tries, lol.

Edited by DefaultGen
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