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Do Bounties Work?

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Moderator · Posted

I was talking to @Foochie776 in another thread about this and wanted to ask the wider community: does announcing a bounty for a game generally work better than a regular ol’ WTB post?

More importantly, there are different facets of what “work better” can mean:

-does a bounty more effectively shake a game loose?

-does a bounty undermine the opportunity to haggle or get a deal from a seller who might have sold you the same game at a lower price had you not announced a higher bounty?

-does it stir up competition from other collectors now that your bounty has made your presence known?

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I’m way too scared to post a bounty. If I get desperate enough to post a WTB, I’m willing to pay a decent % above market rate because it means I can’t the thing I want at all. Even WTBs I don’t post unless I think I can reasonably find one because I don’t want to draw attention to a thing I can’t find.

If I posted WTB: 8-Bit Xmas $1500 though, I feel like I’m just setting a well known price floor in both seller and other buyer’s minds. Now the seller can go fish for better offers and other buyers might see my WTB like a sold listing and mentally raise their personal buy price from $1200 to $1600 because I’m one dude saying how much it’s worth to me.

I would only post a bounty if I’m confident my offer is going to blow most others out of the water or grab the attention of a seller like $100k for Contra’s art.

Edited by DefaultGen
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Homebrew Team · Posted

@DefaultGen I have the same thoughts.  I am wary of posting bounties for that reason.  

However, I am not closed off to the idea.  Just have never done it for the reason you said.  I would be interested in hearing from people that have posted a bounty before.  As well as people who sold because of a posted bounty.

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2 minutes ago, Gloves said:

Tbh I don't get the point. Isn't a bounty supposed to be like a finder's fee? I may misunderstand. 

If posting a bounty is just saying "I am willing to spend this much" then why is it called a bounty? 

I'm guessing it's called a bounty because you are announcing that you're willing to pay the given amount for the seller to come to you with the desired item as opposed to having to try and find it.

Edited by Bearcat-Doug
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6 minutes ago, Deadeye said:

@Gloves I agree the term is most likely incorrect, however it has been used for awhile now.  Is it better to correct or use the generally practiced term to get the point across.  Example using the term "reproductions" for really counterfeit games.  

I guess it's like the wanted posters in the old west. Throwing out a bounty is just an incentive to get interested sellers to come to you as opposed to tracking down the item. I personally don't care to do it, because if I want something bad enough, the seller can probably name their price (within reason) and get a deal done.

Edited by Bearcat-Doug
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I've kind of changed my stance on bounties. I think the term gets tossed around too lightly now.

I think bounties work best with those really rare and very high priced items, usually one of a kind or rare enough to practically be that. Like when Bronty was looking for the Contra original art. That was never going to come out until he posted that he was serious about it.

For stuff that is rare but still crops up every now and then, patience is better. Might take a few years, but I think that is better than a bounty.

Edited by Tulpa
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Moderator · Posted

I’ve had great luck with my WTB thread without bounties. Several great people have come to me and we’ve worked out deals that I think left everyone happy.

I wonder sometimes if a bounty might help shake loose some of the harder to find items, but like what’s already been said, I worry that I’m setting a floor that allows others to come in and offer more.

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Administrator · Posted
9 minutes ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

I guess it's like the wanted posters in the old west. Throwing out a bounty is just an incentive to get interested sellers to come to you as opposed to tracking down the item. I personally don't care to do it, because if I want something bad enough, the seller can probably name their price (within reason) and get a deal done.

A bounty poster in the wild west was incentive to get OTHERS to bring you the guilty person. Hence my understanding that a bounty is like a finders' fee.

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Just now, Gloves said:

A bounty poster in the wild west was incentive to get OTHERS to bring you the guilty person. Hence my understanding that a bounty is like a finders' fee.

Yeah, you are encouraging the person that has the item to come to you. It's not the same since they already have it in their possession, but it's similar.

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Administrator · Posted
4 minutes ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

Yeah, you are encouraging the person that has the item to come to you. It's not the same since they already have it in their possession, but it's similar.

Yeah but that's exactly what I mean - finders' fee. An old west bounty is a finders' fee, since they need to find the person.

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2 minutes ago, Gloves said:

Yeah but that's exactly what I mean - finders' fee. An old west bounty is a finders' fee, since they need to find the person.

The seller doesn't need to find it since they already have it. Same with the person collecting a bounty. They have to have the person to collect it. Now go play some Gun.Smoke and Sunset Riders and think about what you've done. 😂

Edited by Bearcat-Doug
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Administrator · Posted
Just now, Bearcat-Doug said:

The seller doesn't need to find it since they already have it. Same with the person collecting a bounty. They have to have the person to collect it. Now go play some Gun.Smoke and Sunset Riders and think about what you've done. 😂

I hate this.

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It's not my thing, I agree with some others that it just draws unwanted attention towards an item you're trying to get.

I'd reckon the only time it would help us with extremely obscure / rare items. With that, a bounty might get picked up outside of general collecting circles, and as such, the item might be found, tucked away in Grandma's basement, whereas if it were only posted in gamer circles, people might not have it.

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Administrator · Posted
Just now, Bearcat-Doug said:

When are you doing your charity stream? I'll go ahead and request those two games now. They are both awesome by the way in case you haven't played them.

I've played a bit of Sunset Riders. Remind me when I do it and I'll give em a go lol. November.

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49 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

I’m way too scared to post a bounty. If I get desperate enough to post a WTB, I’m willing to pay a decent % above market rate because it means I can’t the thing I want at all. Even WTBs I don’t post unless I think I can reasonably find one because I don’t want to draw attention to a thing I can’t find.

If I posted WTB: 8-Bit Xmas $1500 though, I feel like I’m just setting a well known price floor in both seller and other buyer’s minds. Now the seller can go fish for better offers and other buyers might see my WTB like a sold listing and mentally raise their personal buy price from $1200 to $1600 because I’m one dude saying how much it’s worth to me.

I would only post a bounty if I’m confident my offer is going to blow most others out of the water or grab the attention of a seller like $100k for Contra’s art.

Tyler hits it pretty on the head for me and don’t go offering $1500 for 2008. I need one 😛

I think they work well but I also only use these in situations that warrant it as was mentioned elsewhere in here. If I’m looking for a high end home brew that I likely won’t be able to just stumble across on eBay or other avenues I’ll happily state my price. Stuff that I will post a bounty for is generally stuff that isn’t the run of the mill thing that a lot of people want. 

Cash talks, sometimes when a person owning the item in question has the item and hasn’t considered selling. Then seeing the potential offer being presented can be a motivator to sell. 

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