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31 minutes ago, Tulpa said:



Epic. Do you have a link of all the stupid shit Trump says like this as an easy link to throw back on the people that want to lean on Biden "having dementia"?

(I mean, other than a link to his Twitter, obviously :P)

Edited by arch_8ngel
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On 10/22/2020 at 11:37 AM, Tulpa said:

I’m soo sick of hearing about “job creators”. Scam. It’s a total con job. I hate bullshit. I hate this. I hated it when Republic Windows and Doors pulled the same (much smaller) scam here. You would do so much more good just giving the money directly to residents. Or, ya know, CUT the taxes that all this money comes from. RW cons claim to hate middlemen and government waste, but they give endless cash, from TAXES, to gloriously inefficient nothing-balls like this all the time.

Or to ravenous exploiters. Let’s give Amazon $741,000,000 to create 800 jobs?? What kind of sense does this make? You could give 800 people $925,000 for that. Or you could give >14,000 people $50,000. Or pay quality teachers for public schools. Or, or, or. Imagine how peoples’ lives could be improved. Imagine the reduction in health, crime, and other issues we could achieve. 

No. Instead, we will pay to “create” 800 grueling, back-breaking jobs for $15/hr so Amazon can cut costs in order fulfillment and make more money. It’s stupid. It’s beyond ridiculous. 

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Lol when they criminalize your wife’s IUD or your gay friend’s marriage, or when you have to sell off part of your collection because you aren’t doing too hot financially, just remember the Senate rammed this farce of a Supreme Court justice through after saying they couldn’t work on another stimulus to help the American people.

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12 hours ago, The Strangest said:

Lol when they criminalize your wife’s IUD or your gay friend’s marriage, or when you have to sell off part of your collection because you aren’t doing too hot financially, just remember the Senate rammed this farce of a Supreme Court justice through after saying they couldn’t work on another stimulus to help the American people.

So disgusting. Hypocrites of the highest level.

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Whelp, my town made the news...

Hundreds of Trump supporters stuck in the cold for hours when buses can’t reach Omaha rally

I can't think of a better metaphor than Trump LITERALLY leaving his supporters out in the cold. It's really sad though. I actually do feel bad for the elderly folk who have been duped into thinking Trump actually cares about them. Hopefully the ones who were hospitalized can recover quickly.


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@CodysGameRoom : The guy makes a compelling case, but it's so much more complicated than that.

Before I go any further, I just want to mention that on PC issues, I'm more conservative-leaning, but on other issues, I'm actually quite socialist. Considering Taiwan's position in the world at the moment, there has not been a president so friendly towards the country / breakaway province ever, yeah it's definitely not just out of love for Taiwan but it doesn't matter, for those of us living here it's much appreciated.

Regarding the video and the WHO:

From my understanding, going off of memory (so I could be wrong), while Taiwan hasn't been allowed to formally join the WHO, due to the awkward relationship between them and the People's Republic of China, at some points they were allowed to sit in and contribute.

China has recently been taking a heavy-handed approach on the Taiwan issue (as well as Hong Kong) , likely to deflect attention away from struggles, dissatisfaction, and failures from within. When Taiwan President Tsai Ying-Wen was re-elected, China was pissed, as she's a member of the DDP, the Taiwan green party, which does not have close ties with China. She was ultimately reelected because of the Hong Kong situation, ironically enough, which occurred right before the covid 19 situation would kick off.

When the virus first started appearing in China, Taiwanese doctors and scientists made some inquires, as well as stated their thoughts on the virus, masks, means of transmission, etc to the WHO. But this information was ultimately dismissed, and similarly, some information was not given to Taiwan. The reason was as follows:

China is a member of the WHO. If a country or organisation acknowledges Taiwan as being separate from China, they cry foul, due to the 1992(?) consensus  and one-China principle. Simply put, China states that they were passing along vital information to Taiwan, the "break away" province of China.

Thing is though, this "break away" province of Taiwan was NEVER controlled by the People's Republic of China. At one point Taiwan was controlled by Japan, until after World War II, then during the Chinese Civil War did Chiang Kai Sheck's government flee to Taiwan and establish themselves here, at which point the mainland China became it's own thing.

Despite its proximity to China, Taiwan has done so well in its handling of the virus only because it experienced a similar situation in the early 2000s with SARS, again receiving little help from the WHO because of the one China principle and the PRC, and the politics involved.

We have our own money here, our own language, our own president, and by now our own culture (thus would be akin to the USA versus England for example). So the reality is that Taiwan is it's own country, despite any demands made by China, despite other countries not recognising it formally (again due to pressure from China and thus economic reasons).

And therein lies my problem with the WHO. Due to political reasons, not the reality of things, information was controlled going both in and out. This ultimately resulted in the spread of the virus, the loss of lives, even resulted in thugs like Trump giving thugs on the streets to commit hate crimes against Asian Americans and foreign Asians living abroad. 

I have a friend who owns a small food shop next to where I live, her daughter lives in Canada and even experienced hatred stemming from fear due to the early days of the virus.

But ultimately, it all goes back to politics. And China.

Just to prove a point: North Korea still lays claims to South Korea , yet both countries are members of the WHO, since 1990 or 1991. 

Viruses don't know boundaries, they become pandemics. Things are being politicized because of mainland China, and having to walk on eggshells when dealing with them. To me personally, it's really shitty, tons of people died due to information bring withheld to make the country "look better".

That's my issue. To fully understand it, you need to understand quite a bit about the relationship between Taiwan and China, something I didn't  really understand until living here and subsequently researching and reading about it 

On another note, I heard England is on lockdown again. They've been doing the lockdown, open up, everyone go to the pub and drink, spikes in cases, the lockdown again rinse repeat circuit quite a bit too.

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On 10/26/2020 at 8:48 PM, The Strangest said:

Lol when they criminalize your wife’s IUD or your gay friend’s marriage, or when you have to sell off part of your collection because you aren’t doing too hot financially, just remember the Senate rammed this farce of a Supreme Court justice through after saying they couldn’t work on another stimulus to help the American people.

Why is she a farce? I thought they did pass several stimulus packages. They can't give money away for free forever. Plus Pelossi was the one holding up the deal. 

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On 10/28/2020 at 6:04 PM, Rhino said:

Why is she a farce? I thought they did pass several stimulus packages. They can't give money away for free forever. Plus Pelossi was the one holding up the deal. 

They passed one $1200 check a few months ago, which the last I checked, was around $5-something a day for the Americans that were eligible to receive it. It’s less a day now, obviously. Countries that aren’t as rich as the United States are giving more money more often to their citizens and their citizens are better off and their economies are better than ours right now too. It’s pretty universally accepted that another stimulus is needed. The last one that the Republicans offered up was less money to less people, and when some tried to negotiate a better deal for our citizens, the Republicans threw their hands up and said “Okay, no check.” And they have been living comfortably at home, with their salaries, since.

As for why Amy Barrett is a farce, well...

- Only two years in private practice

- Never tried a case or argued an appeal

- Her private work was almost entirely civil cases, not criminal cases.

- No judiciary experience until 2017

She’s not qualified for a LIFETIME appointment to the highest court in our country, but luckily for her the only criteria her hiring team was looking to fill was if she would unquestionably vote in favor of the Republican Party every time. Trump’s first SC appointee is a little less biased than they were hoping. They haven’t been happy with the results which is why they pushed Barrett through.

And after her confirmation, all the old, decrepit rich white dudes raised their glasses and smiled as they’ve just taken another step toward an America that continues to work for them, at the expense of many American citizens that they don’t care about. And they’ve got the support of many of those citizens, who have some weird form of Stockholm Syndrome or who don’t realize they’re being played.



Welcome to America, where ~40% of the country is this dude’s bitch and they enjoy it. And ruin it for the rest of us.

Edited by The Strangest
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1 hour ago, The Strangest said:

They passed one $1200 check a few months ago, which the last I checked, was around $5-something a day for the Americans that were eligible to receive it. It’s less a day now, obviously. Countries that aren’t as rich as the United States are giving more money more often to their citizens and their citizens are better off and their economies are better than ours right now too. It’s pretty universally accepted that another stimulus is needed. The last one that the Republicans offered up was less money to less people, and when some tried to negotiate a better deal for our citizens, the Republicans threw their hands up and said “Okay, no check.” And they have been living comfortably at home, with their salaries, since.

As for why Amy Barrett is a farce, well...

- Only two years in private practice

- Never tried a case or argued an appeal

- Her private work was almost entirely civil cases, not criminal cases.

- No judiciary experience until 2017

She’s not qualified for a LIFETIME appointment to the highest court in our country, but luckily for her the only criteria her hiring team was looking to fill was if she would unquestionably vote in favor of the Republican Party every time. Trump’s first SC appointee is a little less biased than they were hoping. They haven’t been happy with the results which is why they pushed Barrett through.

And after her confirmation, all the old, decrepit rich white dudes raised their glasses and smiled as they’ve just taken another step toward an America that continues to work for them, at the expense of many American citizens that they don’t care about. And they’ve got the support of many of those citizens, who have some weird form of Stockholm Syndrome or who don’t realize they’re being played.



Welcome to America, where ~40% of the country is this dude’s bitch and they enjoy it. And ruin it for the rest of us.

You guys are funny. You act like only Republicans are rich and that no more stimulus only negatively effects Democrats. Here's a thought, why don't people save better? Why don't people manage their money better? Why is it up to the government to come swooping on again and again and again to bail people out? Not to mention all the people who didn't go back to work because they were making more from unemployment than they did when they worked. Why work when I can get a nice handout from uncle Sam? Sure another stimulus would help, but man, people really need to get their act together financially. Maybe don't buy a new iPhone every year. Maybe don't eat out 3 times a day. Maybe pay your bills on time and pay down your loans. 

Thank you for the information about her being a farce.

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52 minutes ago, Rhino said:

You guys are funny. You act like only Republicans are rich and that no more stimulus only negatively effects Democrats. Here's a thought, why don't people save better? Why don't people manage their money better? Why is it up to the government to come swooping on again and again and again to bail people out? Not to mention all the people who didn't go back to work because they were making more from unemployment than they did when they worked. Why work when I can get a nice handout from uncle Sam? Sure another stimulus would help, but man, people really need to get their act together financially. Maybe don't buy a new iPhone every year. Maybe don't eat out 3 times a day. Maybe pay your bills on time and pay down your loans. 

Thank you for the information about her being a farce.

Lol I’m not a fan of the older Democrats in their party either. I just don’t play the “both sides are the same” line when it’s clear that one party is significantly more detrimental to the country than the other. Both can be bad, and one can be worse. This coming from a lifelong Republican, as I’ve said a lot in this thread.

Poverty or living paycheck to paycheck is a complex societal issue. It isn’t always about the consumer’s habits. When the entire country misses a paycheck, and people are suddenly in dire straits, both Democrats AND Republicans, wealthy AND poor/middle class, this is indicative of a flawed system. It’s indicative of an economy that isn’t as great as has been advertised. That’s Econ 101.

It’s hard to save an adequate amount of money when the cost of living across the board is going up and wages are staying the same. This is another societal issue. And I personally know people who are squeezing every last bit of use out of their iPhones and shit box cars. The elites can blame the iPhones, the fancy coffee, and whatever else but they aren’t in tune with how the citizens of this nation actually live. I think it’s an exaggerated caricature. And frankly, I don’t blame people for owning smart phones or big cars when we live in a society that functions around those things.

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Editorials Team · Posted


Sums up our current state of affairs pretty well

17 hours ago, Rhino said:

You guys are funny. You act like only Republicans are rich and that no more stimulus only negatively effects Democrats. Here's a thought, why don't people save better? Why don't people manage their money better? Why is it up to the government to come swooping on again and again and again to bail people out? Not to mention all the people who didn't go back to work because they were making more from unemployment than they did when they worked. Why work when I can get a nice handout from uncle Sam? Sure another stimulus would help, but man, people really need to get their act together financially. Maybe don't buy a new iPhone every year. Maybe don't eat out 3 times a day. Maybe pay your bills on time and pay down your loans. 

Thank you for the information about her being a farce.

Nice blanket, baseless accusations.

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2 hours ago, Hammerfestus said:

lol @ the guys who couldn’t come up with anything better to write on a sign than “Hunter Biden’s Laptop”.  Come on bud, you’re not even trying.

They want it to be the new “but her emails” so bad. It’s sad that both this presidency and its re-election campaign are both floundering so badly but still have a legitimate shot at winning because of how ass backwards our country is

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