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Great Game with Dumb Name?


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I always thought Rock Man was the better name, sister is Roll, Proto Man is actually Blues, and other characters making reference to music, plus the games have a rocking sound track.

Actually the Mega Man name is way too close to Mega Drive, I guess Nintendo regretted the name change, probably the reason the series remained on the NES/Famicom exclusively for a long time.

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31 minutes ago, Link said:

The abbreviation may be unfortunate, but I think “Special Cybernetic Attack Team” is a pretty cool name.

Yeah, what is the problem with an acronym? Especially when it stands for something cool. Also, what is wrong with mega man or OPs peeve, kickmaster? Those would have been on my games with cool names list. My crappy name list would include made up words like Klax

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7 minutes ago, Dr. Morbis said:

I've always hated Y's.  When it came out I pronounced it like the letter Y, but since then have learned it's Eez, but either way, really stupid name for a really great series...

I think the series is named after the mythical city in France. But it is a bit obtuse.

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4 hours ago, Shmup said:

Probotector instead of Contra in PAL regions. I seriously don’t even know how they came up with that name or what it even means.

Robot + Protector?

I actually like the European version much more since the robots are way cooler than those generic action hero characters that you can barely distinguish from one another. But distinguishinging between a blue/grey robot and a red robot? That's easy to do. I never get confused in two player mode about who is playing who in the EU version.

I personally dislike those games that try to have that late 80s/early 90s attitude in their title, like Bad Dudes, Tuff E Nuff, Totally Rad etc.

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Administrator · Posted
4 minutes ago, peg said:

I can't think of a video game name i hate more than un squadron. 


It's literally a game about mercenaries, not a impotent and useless bureaucry.

If it helps, the game was originally Area 88, and was changed to UN Squadron in the west.  It's based on the Area 88 manga.

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Administrator · Posted
1 minute ago, peg said:

Yeah I know that cmon man.  Even if its based on a mange no one is the us has heard of area 88 would still be a billion fold better than fucking un squadron.

That's something I always hated with the name changes, was when there was original material that we're all gonna miss out on cuz we don't know it exists. It'd have been cool as a kid knowing that there was more material available out there if you were a fan.

But yeah UN Squadron is a pretty damn dull name, for sure.

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Events Team · Posted

I always thought that Battle Kid was a totally lame name for a game. You got one of the best NES homebrew game made back then, and you just can't properly name it. Worst, I saw the whole thing unfolding in an old NA thread at the time, seeing everybody collectively agreeing that Battle Kid was a great name for this homebrew was a totally mind numbing moment for me.

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2 hours ago, guillavoie said:

I always thought that Battle Kid was a totally lame name for a game. You got one of the best NES homebrew game made back then, and you just can't properly name it. Worst, I saw the whole thing unfolding in an old NA thread at the time, seeing everybody collectively agreeing that Battle Kid was a great name for this homebrew was a totally mind numbing moment for me.

Was there any connection made between the homebrew Battle Kid and the fact that one of the original names considered for Rock Man/Mega Man was Rainbow Battle Kid?

I always thought that was the origin of the name, but I was never sure.

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