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Game Debate #21: Battletoads

Reed Rothchild

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33 members have voted

  1. 1. Rating explanations down below

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Maybe one of the best released that year.
    • 7/10 - Very good, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not very good.
    • 2/10 - Not your cup of tea at all. Some people might like this, but you are not one of them.
    • 1/10 - Horrible in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • No interest in playing it.

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There are plenty of circumstances where no-death runs are far, far worse than runs with tons of deaths.  Score is important.


R-Type is a perfect example, the world record tier scores all exhaust their stock of lives to boost up the score before clearing the game.  It involves doing very precise recoveries with completely unpowered ships and adds a tremendous level of challenge to the very end of the game.

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I think like many people I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love the mechanics and the graphics and music. The game plays well and could've been a masterpiece...if the game wasn't damn near impossible! Now okay I'm not claiming to be an expert gamer but I've played plenty hard games before but Battletoads is next level hard. I always LOL @ people comparing all hard games to Dark Souls. Dark Souls is a cakewalk compared to Battletoads.

If I hadn't cheated using save states I would have never seen past level 3 in Battletoads. Couldn't beat Turbo Tunnel for 20+ years. A couple years ago I finally beat it the legit way, made a few levels further and that was it. I wanted to see the entirety of this game so I had no choice but to use save states.

i gave this game an 8 because it's pretty iconic, and fun at least for the first two levels, and a few after level 3 if you make it that far. I would've given this a 9 or even a 10 but a game can only be so brutally blood boilingly rage inducing before I don't even want to look at the game another minute without wanting to punch a hole in the tv.

Long story short, Battletoads, I love you. But also, FU.

Edited by AstralSoul
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5 hours ago, mbd39 said:

Yes. There's 9 more levels. You really can't judge it on the first three. I enjoy the variety, the high degree of challenge and the level designs.

As for the game being unfair, there is a lot of stuff that will kill you unless you know in advance that it is coming. Trial and error and memorization are required. That could be seen as unfair but it doesn't bother me.



Yup, I know there are many more levels. I've watched it all several times, like I mentioned.

But I'm allowed to not like the game? 😄

To be fair, I gave it high praise from a technical standpoint.

Edited by ifightdragons
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Outside of its technical merits this game is a complete mess. It doesn't know what it wants to be and just throws stuff at you to see what sticks. Had it stuck to a specific mode of play it could have been awesome, but at this point I consider it to just be better than average, like a 6 or 7 out of ten. And if it wasn't for the insane difficulty people probably wouldn't talk so much about it today.

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Editorials Team · Posted
Just now, Gaia Gensouki said:

Outside of its technical merits this game is a complete mess. It doesn't know what it wants to be and just throws stuff at you to see what sticks. Had it stuck to a specific mode of play it could have been awesome, but at this point I consider it to just be better than average, like a 6 or 7 out of ten. And if it wasn't for the insane difficulty people probably wouldn't talk so much about it today.

I agree on your last point but disagree with the first one.  I like when games constantly throw you curve balls.  I also find the early traditional beat em up sections to be some of the least memorable (and far inferior to the longer, tougher platformer-brawler hybrid levels).  Plus replacing Turbo Tunnel, Rat Race, Clinger Winger, or Snake Pit with traditional levels would of starved the game of its identity.

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This is a true gamer's game; people who say it sucks are usually the guys who can't get past the turbo tunnel and then declare the game to be ungodly hard and unfair.  Well let me ask you this: are you playing on a CRT?  The reason I ask is because I'm pretty good at this game (my best ever run was a two-death 1cc), but I went to a friend's house one time and he had some sort of Rare compilation on a modern Xbox system and I could not beat the turbo tunnel on Battletoads.  Now, I am good at the game - real good - and I straight up could not beat the turbo tunnel on his modern flatscreen TV in like fifty attempts.

So long story short, I consider Battletoads to be in the same league as Mike Tyson's Punch-Out insofar as it requires such precise timing that the tolerance for lag with this game is ZERO.  If you do not have a ZERO LAG gaming setup, don't even bother booting this one up.   But if you're playing Battletoads on a CRT like God intended, man it is one awesome experience for the true gamers among us!

I wanted to rate it a 10, but I had to dock it one point for the various bugs, so 9/10 for me...

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3 hours ago, ifightdragons said:

Yup, I know there are many more levels. I've watched it all several times, like I mentioned.

But I'm allowed to not like the game? 😄

To be fair, I gave it high praise from a technical standpoint.

You've only played a fourth of the game though.


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6 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

This is a true gamer's game; people who say it sucks are usually the guys who can't get past the turbo tunnel and then declare the game to be ungodly hard and unfair.  Well let me ask you this: are you playing on a CRT?  The reason I ask is because I'm pretty good at this game (my best ever run was a two-death 1cc), but I went to a friend's house one time and he had some sort of Rare compilation on a modern Xbox system and I could not beat the turbo tunnel on Battletoads.  Now, I am good at the game - real good - and I straight up could not beat the turbo tunnel on his modern flatscreen TV in like fifty attempts.

So long story short, I consider Battletoads to be in the same league as Mike Tyson's Punch-Out insofar as it requires such precise timing that the tolerance for lag with this game is ZERO.  If you do not have a ZERO LAG gaming setup, don't even bother booting this one up.   But if you're playing Battletoads on a CRT like God intended, man it is one awesome experience for the true gamers among us!

I wanted to rate it a 10, but I had to dock it one point for the various bugs, so 9/10 for me...

I play on a PVM, I'm a relatively good gamer, and I disagree with you.

But I do get why people love the game. There's tons of positives.

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9 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

I agree on your last point but disagree with the first one.  I like when games constantly throw you curve balls.  I also find the early traditional beat em up sections to be some of the least memorable (and far inferior to the longer, tougher platformer-brawler hybrid levels).  Plus replacing Turbo Tunnel, Rat Race, Clinger Winger, or Snake Pit with traditional levels would of starved the game of its identity.

I'm personally much more willing to accept games that are throwing curve balls at you, if they had unlimited continues. But if my memory serves me right the battletoads games don't have them. This means that you could be good at one part of the game, like the brawling sections, but suck at another part like the turbo tunnel and then never manage to progress because of that.

Instead of slowly introducing a new game style and increasing the difficulty of this particular challenge slowly, they throw you directly into a super tough challenge. Maybe the turbo tunnel would have been much more tolerable if they had started with an easier version of the turbo tunnel and then increased the challenge for the second time that you were in the tunnel. But what happens is that most players are just overwhelmed at this passage, see the game over screen and have to repeatedly redo the first two levels over and over again just to have another shot. That's imho not really fun.

As for the poin about the identity, I can't disagree about that argument. However, I think they could have implemented that better, like mentioned above.

7 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

This is a true gamer's game; people who say it sucks are usually the guys who can't get past the turbo tunnel and then declare the game to be ungodly hard and unfair.  [...]  But if you're playing Battletoads on a CRT like God intended, man it is one awesome experience for the true gamers among us!

This is honestly a very elitist mindset, in my opinion. I play a lot of games and have beaten a few difficult ones, but never got close to beating a Battletoads game. So I'm not a true gamer? I think gaming doesn't have to be a contest about who's the best or the most hardcore. If the game is designed in such a way, that the majority of people will never see more than maybe 25% of the game, then the game is deeply flawed and not worth of a high rating such as 9 or 10, imho.

Edited by Gaia Gensouki
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Fun game, objectively kinda iffy with the way it tries to do all kinds of things while doing none of them well, but it keeps me entertained, and there's hell a lot of entertainment to get out of this game.

Annoyed by its "IMPOSSIBRU HARDO" reputation bound to the turbo tunnel stage, undoubtedly due to influence from AVGN.
If you sit down and practice that one you'll get it pretty fast, it's only the third stage. The game does get very challenging, but not until much later, and it's never unsurmountable. The primary issue I have with the challenge further into the game is how much it ends up relying on memorization, which can get very stressful especially on the Volkmire's Inferno stage.


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15 hours ago, mbd39 said:

If we're ranking difficulty based on how difficult a game is to 1cc, I would put Adventure Island near the top of NES games, and Battletoads wouldn't be close.

If you don't, it's kind of pointless to talk about difficulty. Or at least, you need some kind of context to do so, right?
Like if you're not looking at a 1CC, you can look at how difficult each individual section is, how difficult is it to beat a stage without dying, etc. Like SMB3 has some pretty challenging stages looking at them individually, but I don't think anyone would argue it's a hard game - you get so many extra lives and other things to help you out it's hard to really fail.

If a game offers continues, but only a limited amount, you can talk about how hard it is to beat the game using all of the continues supplied, but you need the context. If you can just continue infinitely, every game infinitely easy, which makes comparing difficulty pointless. 🙂

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3 hours ago, ifightdragons said:

You are not Battletoads. People can criticize the game without you having to take it personally. 😄

I don't think anyone does. At least, mbd seems pretty chill to me. It's true though, if you've only played the first three stages you don't really have any real impression of what the game is. If you've watched the full game many times like you say, that's fair. You still won't have the experience of playing it, but you're at least somewhat aware of what the game has to offer.

Like @Gaia Gensouki says, the game's M.O. is pretty much throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Though I also agree a lot of it is half-assed, the overall experience is a game that changes constantly, every stage is like a completely new game.
Usually that's pretty bad, and I can respect if people dislike Battletoads for that, but I think it manages to get away from it just unscathed enough to still be enjoyable.

You're allowed to dislike the game too, but should at least be aware that your impression might not be representative of the game when you do so. 🙂 

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  • 3 years later...

Battletoads would be one of my favorite games of all time...if it wasn't so damn hard😄

Interesting how both Battletoads and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are considered two of the hardest games on the NES. I did beat TMNT, but that game is also a massive pain in the butt. 

Battletoads is a great game, but I've never had the patience to beat it, and the speed tunnels are nerve racking every single time. Even as someone who has gotten past them, they still make me sweat.

It's great though, the beat 'em up gameplay stands out for its super exaggerated attacks and the game has a great variety of gameplay styles. 

I much prefer Battletoads in Battlemanaics. It's still a hard game...but manageable. Battlemaniacs is a bit shorter, so you could argue you're getting a bit less game with fewer levels and enemies, but at least I can beat Battlemaniacs😄

I give Battletoads an 8. It doesn't get a 9 or 10 from me out of spite for kicking my ass so many times😄

On a related note, the series has one of the coolest villains of any video game


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