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POLL: Who do you expect will win? (NOT who do you want to win)


Who do you expect will win?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you expect will win?

    • Donald John Trump
    • Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

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8 hours ago, phart010 said:

I’d like to hear some of our non-US members thoughts on the topic of nationalism. There are nationalists in pretty much every country @Dr. Morbis 

Well since you guys started going on for pages about racism, I'll give you an outside perspective on that.  Man the US is a different place than the entire rest of the world for like everything.  Things every other First World country has that the US doesn't: Metric system, no death penalty, universal healthcare, and................. not bringing up race in every single political discussion ever!  Seriously, I was watching the election coverage last Tuesday on NBC and the panel immediately started going on and on about how do Latino's vote and who's going to get the suburban white woman vote and how are black men going to vote?  Everything has got to be about race with you guys.  If a network up here (Canada) was covering an election, and one of the journalists started talking about how Asian women were going to vote or Punjabi men, or whatever, he/she would be fired before they got to the next commercial.  Seriously, anyone "judging people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character," to paraphrase one of the most famous 'Murican speaches ever, would be nailed to the cross up here.  But in America, race is all you guys ever talk about!  Why can't you just all get along???

And to bring this back to Trump and the current election fiasco, people on here insinuating that if you support Trump you're essentially racist has opened my eyes to why the pollsters keep failing and Trump supporters aren't vocal: if I was condemned as being guilty of something before I'd even opened my mouth, I'd probably say "Fuck it" too and just keep my mouth shut and get on with my life... and then go to the polls and voice my opinion on election day without being bothered by the left.

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Race is a very important issue in a country like the USA @Dr. Morbis.

We are not a nation of one people, but a young nation that in its early days was advertised as “the new world” and “a place for everyone” and “the land of opportunity”

That rings true to today, but the message has been diluted by the horrors of our past, especially to the black community.

America has taken people from an entire content, Africa, and stripped them of their culture and identity. So race will always be an issue here.


Similarly, in Europe you have some key issues.

France for example is going through issues with Muslims. There is a clear growing rhetoric that Muslim views are “incompatible” with France.

Germany has a small but growing neo-nazi movement.

Then there’s the issue of Syrian refugees.

And of course, you can look at my people, the Romani or as they’re negatively called there “the Gypsies” ... I’ve yet to meet a single person who’s actually from Europe who has anything positive to say about Romani people.

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11 hours ago, Californication said:

The democrats that lost were the moderate democrats.

Moderate bc of location. They live in purple states so by adopting even a slightly progressive framework ensures further losses. They need to move more to the center. Just look at the back and forth between those who lost or won a narrow victory and AOC.

AOC runs basically unopposed in a district with +80% of registered voters are registered D and that's the voice of the party at large? 

Again, it is why Dems lost purple districts instead of continuing the blue wave. If you want to sway moderate and independent voters, it's not by doubling down on your base which is literally the lesson trump just learned. 

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44 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

AOC runs basically unopposed in a district with +80% of registered voters are registered D and that's the voice of the party at large? 

Again, it is why Dems lost purple districts instead of continuing the blue wave. If you want to sway moderate and independent voters, it's not by doubling down on your base which is literally the lesson trump just learned. 

That's why she, just like Pelosi, or even Sen Harris there won't, don't, and will never get it.  The margins they have to deal with in their own districts (or Harris, state) are so skewed into one spectrum of even their own party on the total whole all they have to appease to is the local echo chamber.  The few percent who stand up and mouth off or vote against just get dismissed as whatever fits best because they control the room and it works.  Those tactics have been used this election cycle and still are into these post-election recount, re-litigate, etc days as well.  The moderate democrats, those I more align my respect towards and care to work for/with, they're now a shrinking minority of the party, the blue dog coalition.  Go back to the 90s when spit and blood with the rest were not the common thing, stuff worked out a bit better, people got along a lot nicer in public, and even as it is now (even more so behind closed doors.)  We're in a period now where a bitch (yeah get mad at me) like Pelosi can get called out by Rep Gabbard in that video for how she initiates and/or after one 2yr term gets people removed from the party's seat and nothing comes of it.  Try that back in the days of Tip O'Neill on the left and Gingrich on the right, and your ass would be in deep shit and definitely not put into the position of power like speaker.

When you have one crazy wing like Pelosi, and a reprehensible as it's called 'squad' wing from AOC and friends doing their shit towards anyone who doesn't agree -- damn right there are shy voters, not just shy Trump, but shy moderate, shy independent, and shy blue dogs from their own party who may cross lines ot make a point too.  They don't want to get fingered as blanket racists, xenophobes, (something-phobes/ists), etc you name it.  I often don't write in here, as I see no reason to so I'll just click an emoji or continue on.  I'm in no mood to battle with people on either side, but in particular the identity tagging lefties as it will make no difference and be a large waste of time and effort going in circles to change nothing all the while getting pissed off about it.  While I have liked stuff quest, fcgamer, and a few others have said, it's not a blanket like, just parts, but I saw no reason to just explain myself when it would have no positive benefit other than this.

I'll say this much, like 4 years ago, I didn't like the candidates either.  While I don't have a big beef with Biden you know what you'll get with him after nearly 50 years in power, I have a huge problem with his advanced age basically putting the senatorial level Pelosi one heartbeat away from the white house.  Having grown up and evacuated that state, the thought of san francisco values in the white house makes me sick as much as foolish statements over killing off private industries such as insurance is such a good idea.  Choice is fine, give options, it's not black and white.

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1 hour ago, MrWunderful said:

Looks like Trump is 0-12 on lawsuits about fake votes. 

The thing is the burden of proof that even if there is voter fraud, that it would need to be in the +10k which is tough to do. The chance theyllt find anything is decent but to find enough evidence to overturn the deficit is very slim. Basically their only chance is all of PAs votes counted after Tuesday need to get thrown out and Georgia needs +10k fraudulent votes, which again is unlikely. 

The best timeline might be where trump and biden split the electorial vote, biden becomes president and the senate votes trump to become vice president. That might actually turn into the best reality tv show of all time.

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18 minutes ago, phart010 said:

Fair enough, but you guys are double dipping if you want to charge him with both racism and nationalism.

I disagree. Two separates problems and issues. Trump has repeatedly emboldened racists. It's happened time and time again. His goal since day one has been to divide the country. He will do it any way he can. Whether it's talking shit on "blue" states, or even uttering words like "there's good people on both sides" after a white supremacist rally. His goal has been to divide this nation, not unite it. He will use racism, sexism, bigotry, and any other tool he can use to do so. 

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Just now, MrWunderful said:

Lmao at you believing hes not racist 😂😂😂

In all fairness, Trump is a sufficiently arrogant guy that I might be willing to entertain the thought that he just dislikes most people, in general, and while he doesn't go out of his way to be particularly "not racist", a lot of what gets attributed to racism with him could probably be chalked up to general disdain for humanity and he'd say and do the same stuff about working class white people if he didn't think they were voting for him.

That is, I think the guy is stuck at the juncture of cognitive dissonance where he simultaneously believes he is superior to everyone, in general, while also being so quick to anger when challenged due to a pretty bad inferiority complex.

Just makes him a huge asshole rather than explicitly racist.

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31 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

That might actually turn into the best reality tv show of all time.

You really want our national leadership to be a reality show? The stuff that governs our taxes, our defense, our response to pandemics, to be a catfight like the Real Housewives?


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33 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

You really want our national leadership to be a reality show? The stuff that governs our taxes, our defense, our response to pandemics, to be a catfight like the Real Housewives?


Short answer. Yes. Federal govt has been inept for decades. The more those short comings are exposed the better. 

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35 minutes ago, Quest4Nes said:

You can think whatever you want of trump. I dont care, but if you're just going to be disingenuous with the "good people on both sides" lie then youll get called out.

For anyone interested, here is the “NOT TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT” version of that statement. The common issue that I see with people who think that Trump is racist is that they are never willing to actually listen to him talk. Instead they only listen to paraphrased versions of his statements after they have passed through the lefty filter.


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3 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

Short answer. Yes. Federal govt has been inept for decades. The more those short comings are exposed the better. 

There's exposing shortcomings, and then there's what you're proposing, which is to increase those shortcomings tenfold.

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10 hours ago, Link said:

lol. Then you’re not paying attention. Look up any of these phrases with his name and explain away the racism:

Central Park 5 New York Times full page ad

Obama birth certificate birther movement

“never heard of” David Duke KKK Grand Wizard

jews will not replace us blood and soil

Biden has said and done some totally racist bullshit. No doubt. The 1994 crime bill is the biggest example that people point at. I’m sorry, were you a very smart person 26 years ago? or the same person you are now? He has called it a mistake. Would you yourself now support the meat of that bill? I bet money Trump would. Back to us, would you and why or why not? Let’s chill with the accusations of others and get into personal reasonability.

And, idk where you’re getting this constant “Robinette” reference from. I’ve never heard of of it elsewhere. I read and watch a variety of local and national left/right news sources so I’m gonna say that’s some fringe shit you’re onto. Either way it’s an obvious attempt to feminize or demasculate Biden based on his middle name, which is laughable and pathetic coming from someone who complains about partisanship.



Biden's what, 78, that would have made him 52 when he did all that shit.

Sorry you guys are idiots or are drinking the Kool aid, at that age he should have known better if he were actually sincere on such issues. 

Considering he's a career politician and only now is he tooting a different tune, all I see is insincerity, yeah fuck him. Btw, saw the WHO kowtowed to China again, and Biden supports those assholes? Pandemic going on, and they just care about not ruining a communist nations "reputation"?

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5 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

Moderate bc of location. They live in purple states so by adopting even a slightly progressive framework ensures further losses. They need to move more to the center. Just look at the back and forth between those who lost or won a narrow victory and AOC.

AOC runs basically unopposed in a district with +80% of registered voters are registered D and that's the voice of the party at large? 

Again, it is why Dems lost purple districts instead of continuing the blue wave. If you want to sway moderate and independent voters, it's not by doubling down on your base which is literally the lesson trump just learned. 

Except we have many, many examples of where that didn't work. If a democrat runs a conservative race it a conservative district they aren't offering voters a choice. They will look at them and say, I mine as well vote for the Republican if they are offering the same thing. The people that ran right got blown out. Katie Porter is in a district that was perm. red when she won.

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