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Game Debate #24: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)

Reed Rothchild

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66 members have voted

  1. 1. See below for explanation of ratings

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Maybe one of the best released that year.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not very good.
    • 2/10 - Not your cup of tea at all. Some people might like this, but you are not one of them.
    • 1/10 - Horrible in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but I'm interested.
    • Never played it, never will.

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 I find it intriguing how a lot of you guys are comparing Sonic 1 to Sonic 2 and “because it’s not as good as Sonic 2, therefore it’s a 5-7 out of 10”.

Compare another game from that same era - Streetfighter 2.

Streetfighter 2 isn’t as good as Super Streetfighter 2, I think we can mostly all agree. Does this make it any less of a classic, and not worthy of a 9-10/10?

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Events Team · Posted
6 hours ago, GPX said:

 I find it intriguing how a lot of you guys are comparing Sonic 1 to Sonic 2 and “because it’s not as good as Sonic 2, therefore it’s a 5-7 out of 10”.

Compare another game from that same era - Streetfighter 2.

Streetfighter 2 isn’t as good as Super Streetfighter 2, I think we can mostly all agree. Does this make it any less of a classic, and not worthy of a 9-10/10?

But Sonic 2 is the better game.  Just like SF2 is better than SF1.  They improved on the formula for both franchises. 

Super SF2 is more of a half step.  I don't really consider the myriad SFII versions as different games.  I would say your comparison is more like an original title vs the GotY version with added DLC.  Plus everybody knows the best iteration is Ultra Hyper Super Street Fighter II Turbo Champion Revival Edition Alpha.

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15 hours ago, JamesRobot said:

But Sonic 2 is the better game.  Just like SF2 is better than SF1.  They improved on the formula for both franchises. 

Super SF2 is more of a half step.  I don't really consider the myriad SFII versions as different games.  I would say your comparison is more like an original title vs the GotY version with added DLC.  Plus everybody knows the best iteration is Ultra Hyper Super Street Fighter II Turbo Champion Revival Edition Alpha.

You forgot to put an “EX” at the end of the  “Ultra Hyper Super...”

But going back on the Sonic 1 and 2 comparison, there’s really no argument from me that Sonic 2 is the better game.   I can argue though that Sonic 2 is merely Sonic 1 with DLC, because there is still a big similarity between the 2. I guess the main point I was making is that Sonic 1 was (and still is) a tremendous game on its own merit, and it’s historical impact is undermined when comparing it to one of its sequels. 

Back in the 90s, I would daresay the impact it had on the gaming industry was nearly or just as much as Mario. And I believe justifiably so, as it has gaming aspects not found anywhere else (great graphics, speed with smooth scrolling, easy pick up and play mechanics). You only have to look at a lot of the platformers in those early 90s to see how influential Sonic was back then: Bubsy, Aero Acrobat, Awesome Possum, Plok, James Pond etc. 

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Events Team · Posted

I don't disagree about the impact of Sonic's debut, though not to the degree of Mario.  Still, Sonic was the prototypical 90s video game mascot.  But the discussion is more about personal enjoyment rather than industry impact.  I've spent more time with Sonic 2.

On 12/2/2020 at 11:41 AM, Reed Rothchild said:

I really need to update the score descriptions to make it clear this is about personal preference and enjoyment


Also, I don't think the argument that Sonic 2 is just Sonic 1 with DLC really sticks.  It's not the same game with merely expanded content or different modes.  All the levels, boss battles, and even some mechanics are totally new.  Not to mention additional importance placed on collecting the chaos emeralds. Super Sonic FTW!  

I would say the step from Sonic 1 to 2 is more analogous to the step from Megaman 2 to 3 (or even 4).  It's essentially the same engine and graphics but new levels, bosses, and added mechanics.  

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I gave it a 5/10. I played through it and beat it, but I wasn’t exactly a fan of it as a kid. I never played the sequels, either. Not saying it’s a bad game, but to me it wasn’t as captivating as SMW would be a year later when I got it for Christmas. 

That music and ticking down in stage 4 when you’re underwater for too long freaked me out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

5. Green Hill Zone has some of the best graphics on the Genesis and the game as a whole has a wonderful soundtrack and sound design in general. I did beat the game, but I doubt I'd bother again. The gameplay falls flat. Green Hill is great for running fast, but you can't see where you're going unless you have the level memorized. In later levels doing that gets you killed, and so you slow down. When you go slow, starting from Marble Zone, it's an average platforming game.

I never was very impressed even back in the day. I'd already played far superior Genesis games by the time Sonic came out, things like Ghouls N Ghosts and Revenge of Shinobi and Shining Force. Compared to a lot of Sega games of that era Sonic just isn't very good. Historic, yes (especially the "SEGA" on turning the game on, unique and quite cool at the time). Fun to play, middling. Lots of better Genesis games than this.

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This is a good read for those Sonic fans or fans curious to know the overall impact it had historically within the gaming industry:


I would like to add some further thoughts and reflections:

- the game is hyped around its speed, but this isn’t what it’s all about. The true essence is about traversing levels and environments using varying speeds, from slow walk (water ruin level), standard pace (eg. marble and casino zone), super speed (green hill zone) and super sonic speed (when he gets the shoe booster). The hit detection is generally fair and the momentum/inertia of movements feels fresh compared with any other game before it.

- for being one of the earliest 16-bit game, the graphics and sounds were simply groundbreaking for its time.


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Sonic 1 is literally the very first game I have memories of seeing brand new at the kiosk with all of the promotional posters and cutouts at Sears, so my nostalgia for the game is just over the top. Nick Arcade. Spagettios. I love love love love love Sonic 1. Play it all the time. People who do not like this game are entitled to their wrong opinion, haha

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On 12/3/2020 at 11:31 AM, GPX said:

Streetfighter 2 isn’t as good as Super Streetfighter 2, I think we can mostly all agree. Does this make it any less of a classic, and not worthy of a 9-10/10?

I would be in the minority and say I don't like Super SFII at all and greatly prefer World Warrior and Champion Edition.  By that point, I just wanted them to make a SFIII.  I hated the new characters and animations.

For my basement arcade, Super Street Fighter II wasn't even in the conversation of which SFII I wanted to get.  Came down to World Warrior and Champion and World Warrior won out because the PCB boards are much cheaper and I was building a SF II from scratch in a "never used" Dynamo cab.  Plus, just much more nostalgia and love for the original compared to Champion Edition.

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2 hours ago, Sumer said:

I would be in the minority and say I don't like Super SFII at all and greatly prefer World Warrior and Champion Edition.  By that point, I just wanted them to make a SFIII.  I hated the new characters and animations.

I'm also in the minority of preferring the original SFII over Super. Not that I won't play Super but I just find the new characters really janky to play and I like the speed and rhythm of the original better.

Edited by Webhead123
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18 hours ago, Sumer said:

I would be in the minority and say I don't like Super SFII at all and greatly prefer World Warrior and Champion Edition.  By that point, I just wanted them to make a SFIII.  I hated the new characters and animations.

For my basement arcade, Super Street Fighter II wasn't even in the conversation of which SFII I wanted to get.  Came down to World Warrior and Champion and World Warrior won out because the PCB boards are much cheaper and I was building a SF II from scratch in a "never used" Dynamo cab.  Plus, just much more nostalgia and love for the original compared to Champion Edition.

I don’t think you’re in the minority at all. SSF II may have more characters, backgrounds and better animations, but the original SF II arguably has made the bigger impact on arcade fans as a whole.


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2 hours ago, GPX said:

I don’t think you’re in the minority at all. SSF II may have more characters, backgrounds and better animations, but the original SF II arguably has made the bigger impact on arcade fans as a whole.

I also actively dislike most of the sound redesign in Super. I think the sfx, voices and music are all far superior in World Warrior/Champion Edition. The announcer's voice in particular is really annoying in Super.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely 9/10. I’ve loved Sonic all my life. Growing up mainly with the GameCube, I am more nostalgic for the 3D-style graphics that are still in Sonic games today. I have since played the 2D ones and enjoy those a lot too. It’s a 9/10 for me mostly because sometimes it’s just so fast I can’t freaking see, but that is also a part of the charm.

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  • 3 years later...

I was so amazed by this game when it came out. The graphics and music were AMAZING back then, and it was so different. We had Super Mario World that same year and I think that game is great, but it was just another Mario game and arguably not as good as SMB 2 and 3. Sonic was fresh and exciting. There are certainly better entries that would come later, but I still give this a 9. It's impact can't be understated. This was the game that embodied "Sega does what Nintendon't" and really pushed the whole "blast processing" marketing with the speedy gameplay and gave us an industry icon who was cooler than Mario (and still is).

It's also a solid game that still holds up. It doesn't have any major flaws, unlike Sonic 2 with its garbage bonus levels. 

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