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Game Debate #27: Final Fantasy VII (1997)

Reed Rothchild

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57 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences

    • 10/10 - One of your absolute very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Maybe one of the best released that year.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not a very good game.
    • 2/10 - Not your cup of tea at all. Some people might like this, but you are not one of them.
    • 1/10 - Horrible game in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.

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1 minute ago, Gloves said:

Seriously, both are worthwhile playthroughs. 

But 6 is the better game.

They have different merits.

FF6 is where they start getting into a more obvious blend of technology and classical fantasy settings (barring WarMech from FF1).

So if you prefer "classical" fantasy, I can see how FF4 appeals a little more.


Also, -- with the Espers, the major powers of most characters in FF6 start to blend together (though nowhere near as bad as FF5 where everyone can fully cross-train class archetypes).  The individual characters stay a lot more distinct in their abilities in FF5 since in FF6 it leads to a tendency to over-train/grind for Esper powers for the entire (substantially sized) cast of characters. (yes, you have a lot of character-specific abilities -- but late-game they always seem to matter less than everyone just powering up Esper abilities -- at least to my recollection of the game)


I definitely agree that FF6 is better overall -- but I can also see how to certain people, FF4 might be their favorite, since it introduced a lot "core" FF concepts to  American audiences.  (personally, I'd play FF1, over either 😉 but that just comes down to nostalgia and fondly remembering weekend rentals and my friend and I never managing to get past Astos in a single rental run)

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13 minutes ago, RH said:



Those of us who know that Final Fantasy V was the best SNES/SFC era Final Fantasy game.

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I mean... FF V was interesting and unique, with the fully open job class system.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one that finds the characters and story to be completely forgettable.  The ONLY thing that sticks out in my mind about that game was the battle to get the Mime class. (or whatever it was called)

Mechanically, it was very interesting, though.

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Final fantasy v sucked. The story was terrible and the characters were even worse.  And you also had an evil tree as the main villain and final boss? There's a reason it stayed in obscurity for so long.


As for 7, I do like it quite a bit but it's not as good as 6. It's also the last good final fantasy made, everything after that was horrendous garbage.


Ff x2 is the only ff game I started and never finished, it was so bad I quit the series for good.

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23 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

FFV was the dry run for the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy Tactics 😎

(No one mention the problems with my logic, such as the existence of Tactics Ogre)

I've always wanted to like Tactics Ogre, but I feel like they took the same design cues as FF Tactics and somehow sucked all of the fun out of it.

(and wouldn't those games generally harken back to Shining Force?)

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Editorials Team · Posted
28 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

I've always wanted to like Tactics Ogre, but I feel like they took the same design cues as FF Tactics and somehow sucked all of the fun out of it.

(and wouldn't those games generally harken back to Shining Force?)

Well FFT is the later title, so they were able to refine a few things.

And I'd say Shining Force is in the same sport, but I don't know if it's in the same ballpark.

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25 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Well FFT is the later title, so they were able to refine a few things.

And I'd say Shining Force is in the same sport, but I don't know if it's in the same ballpark.

Yeah, with Shining Force, I was just trying to think of the earliest console-based tactical RPG that I could.

The Gold Box games from SSI were doing it before that -- though they include a major dungeon crawling element, where FFT is almost purely combat focused with a big slice of party management.

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The earliest well-known Japanese Tactical RPG is the original Fire Emblem from 1990, which was an attempt by Intelligent Systems to put more of an RPG spin on their previous strategy game Famicom Wars from 1988, which seems pretty sensible in light of how popular Dragon Quest III was that year. Famicom Wars came out only two months after Pool of Radiance so I kinda doubt the Gold Box games had any real influence on Japanese developers.

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On 12/14/2020 at 3:32 PM, peg said:

It was bad enough that I never touched a ff game since and never will again.

FFXIII did that for me. Only FF game I didn't finish, and was the last I ever played. I begrudgingly grinded through X-2, as much as I didn't want to, and did eventually finish it. I wanted to like XII and it had its moments but was a very forgettable experience. FFX was ok, it could've been much better.

Not sure what you're talking about when it comes to IX and VIII though, those games were some of the best in the series...

Edited by Amermoe
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