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The bitterness or resentment towards other collectors over time, where do you fall? What have you observed?

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Administrator · Posted
3 minutes ago, OptOut said:

True, but it's also literally the scaplers' argument too, and it doesn't seem to harm them any!

Yeah basically makes me assume they're a scalper hah. 

I'm just gonna wait until I can easily obtain a PS5 right off the shelf with zero hassle. By then I should be able to nab some second hand titles, too.

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3 hours ago, Gloves said:

Yeah basically makes me assume they're a scalper hah. 

I'm just gonna wait until I can easily obtain a PS5 right off the shelf with zero hassle. By then I should be able to nab some second hand titles, too.

This. I'm in no hurry. 

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I believe that people who have no problems with scalpers don’t have kids. Try to explain to your son he didnt get a ps5 on christmas (while his friends all did) because you didnt want to pay 2x and encourage scalpers. He won’t give a damn about your reasons and won’t appreciate the need to « be patient », and thats exactly this dynamic that scalpers exploit and im 100% against it. There are numerous ways to make a buck and ruining a kid’s christmas/birthday doesn’t need to be one.


as for the OP, i respect everyone that collects however they want with their own intent. The ONE thing i dont agree with and which annoys me as a sealed collector is people hoarding multiple copies of a title to force the price up. It annoys me because im getting priced out of some of my favourite games that i set a goal to collect and may never succeed in doing so. But that’s life and to each their own. Those people take big risk with their money and have my respect for that, but it doesnt mean i approve.


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1 hour ago, Jim Jimmer said:

The ONE thing i dont agree with and which annoys me as a sealed collector is people hoarding multiple copies of a title to force the price up. It annoys me because im getting priced out of some of my favourite games that i set a goal to collect and may never succeed in doing so. But that’s life and to each their own. Those people take big risk with their money and have my respect for that, but it doesnt mean i approve.

I've been priced out pretty much for the past 2 years for those exact reasons. Then I see people posting 5-6 copies of the 'rare' games I'm looking for and it starts to become very clear what's been happening to the hobby as of late.

I've already made peace with the fact that I'm never going to complete my collection, and quite honestly have started to move on to other hobbies.

Edited by Amermoe
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I am going to say that my bitterness is not aimed at scalpers just because they are not collectors. Yes, it is annoying. But in the end even those who properly read the Bible know that doing it pissed off God.

Those that have me feel any real bitterness are in the realms of MetalJesusRocks. At no point do we hear him say "Do not pay inflated prices, blah blah blah..." in his videos. Instead whenever we get videos that could benefit from that we end up seeing a vlogger promote something that will skyrocket in price because amateur collectors do not know better.

Then you have the opportunists who put money before their collecting goals. They are not as bad as scalpers, but in the end their decision is one that a more seasoned collectors would have done. And I have read stories from those who did this early on and regretted doing it ever since. Hence why it annoys me that much.

And finally, I do feel a bit annoyed towards those who do not realize how much of a difference there is when it comes to having import games graded by either VGA or Wata. But this is me realizing how much I like CAS and UKG. And most of that has to do with the fact they would treat imports the same way they treat domestic releases.

In the end I also dislike those who purposely try to pass off fakes as a the real thing more than scalpers.

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13 hours ago, Jim Jimmer said:

I believe that people who have no problems with scalpers don’t have kids. Try to explain to your son he didnt get a ps5 on christmas (while his friends all did) because you didnt want to pay 2x and encourage scalpers. He won’t give a damn about your reasons and won’t appreciate the need to « be patient », and thats exactly this dynamic that scalpers exploit and im 100% against it. There are numerous ways to make a buck and ruining a kid’s christmas/birthday doesn’t need to be one.


as for the OP, i respect everyone that collects however they want with their own intent. The ONE thing i dont agree with and which annoys me as a sealed collector is people hoarding multiple copies of a title to force the price up. It annoys me because im getting priced out of some of my favourite games that i set a goal to collect and may never succeed in doing so. But that’s life and to each their own. Those people take big risk with their money and have my respect for that, but it doesnt mean i approve.


I guess I have less sympathy because I don't really feel kids should be mandated to get the PS5 the month it came out at 500 bucks, especially when it is likely it has no unique content for them.  I doubt little Timmy wants to play the Demon Souls remake, but not being able to shell out 500 so they can run Fortnite in 4k isn't exactly going to make me weep for them.

Of course, I come from a poor background so I grew up playing 2600 despite being born in the 80s, so this concept of 'I NEED IT NOW OR I HATE YOU' doesn't really gel with me, they're being deprived of something that is almost certainly redundant to them until more exclusive content exist.

In our youth, you'd run out to buy a new system if you could because it would be giving you a bunch of new games you can't get anywhere else, but with the release of the PS5/Xbox X there is almost nothing they can't just play on their current gen platform, so it just makes them seem like spoiled kids with no perspective to me. I'm trying to imagine kid me getting a SNES for the first time and the only games I could play would be Mario 3 with added color or something, not even All Stars remake style, just slightly enhanced Mario 3 and Metroid from NES. I feel a lot of the substance in these new consoles is merely hype, not anything tangible.

I own a PS5, the only games I've played on it are DS, Spider-Man, DMCV and now Crash 4, 3 of which I could have played on PS4 but as an adult with a nice TV and 3000 dollar sound system, I figured I'd hold out for the more ideal versions. It won't be until Ratchet that I personally will feel the system was needed to satiate my hobby which is.. June.

Then again, kid me was elated to unwrap a cardboard box filled with a used Genesis and loose carts in the 90s, so maybe I just have some perspective that kids could use a little disappointment here and there on the small stuff. Like throwing a fit over getting a 128gb iphone vs a 256gb, I'd just as easily ground them into oblivion for being that bratty, but everyone is different.

Edited by goldenpp72
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Editorials Team · Posted
13 hours ago, Jim Jimmer said:

I believe that people who have no problems with scalpers don’t have kids. Try to explain to your son he didnt get a ps5 on christmas (while his friends all did) because you didnt want to pay 2x and encourage scalpers. He won’t give a damn about your reasons and won’t appreciate the need to « be patient », and thats exactly this dynamic that scalpers exploit and im 100% against it. There are numerous ways to make a buck and ruining a kid’s christmas/birthday doesn’t need to be one.

Eh, I have three sons, and have no real problems with scalpers.  A $500 present is not something they are entitled to because their friends have one.  Especially when Switches and PS4s (and dad's gaming horde) all exist.  If I could survive until the age of 12 with a SNES and a handful of carts, they can make due too.

...but I also recognize that not all situations are the same, and I can't apply what works for us to everyone else.

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I had a very similar collecting experience by starting out with a small library from my childhood then expanding into CIBs around 2009-2010 when I was settled into my career. I definitely got wrapped up in the hype and started collecting games I felt were needed, but titles I wasn't really personally interested in playing (ex. E.V.O.). Then once prices went up and the market started to stagnate, I moved on to current gen collecting with the Wii U but that didn't really have the same satisfaction of collecting vintage Nintendo. It was near the tail end of that venture that I decided to dial it back and start selling the 'non-essentials' which I'm currently still doing. 

I have no resentment really for any aspect of collecting. There were a few users on NA who used to annoy me by correcting anybody over semantics of regional releases etc. when it was clear what they meant. It was sad to see the market go to crap so fast in the early-mid 2010s but that was a product of demand and nothing more. It sucked not finding games as often but it was just the nature of the beast and not something I felt entitled to. I have nothing against sealed grading, but that side of the market seems very forced to me with all the buzz words and collusion. I got into collecting as a gamer and while it's nice to sell games at a profit I don't have the desire to solely treat them as a form of currency. I also don't need a 3rd party to tell me how well my game is sealed... I've always found that bizarre, but to each their own. 

I'll always be much more critical, even overly critical, of gaming and Nintendo as a company than anything in the collecting scene. I'll never be a fan of Nintendo boot-licking or any corporate loyalty... something I just don't understand. 

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23 hours ago, Amermoe said:

I've been priced out pretty much for the past 2 years for those exact reasons. Then I see people posting 5-6 copies of the 'rare' games I'm looking for and it starts to become very clear what's been happening to the hobby as of late.

I've already made peace with the fact that I'm never going to complete my collection, and quite honestly have started to move on to other hobbies.

I sometimes keep multiples of the same game. For some games, the (reasonable...i.e. what most would be willing to pay) is nowhere near what I'd personally value them at. Therefore I prefer to keep them than to sell for what amounts to beer money.

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5 hours ago, fcgamer said:

I sometimes keep multiples of the same game. For some games, the (reasonable...i.e. what most would be willing to pay) is nowhere near what I'd personally value them at. Therefore I prefer to keep them than to sell for what amounts to beer money.

Not knocking anyone for keeping doubles (or even triples) of some titles, it's normal and it happens in the hobby. What I don't like seeing is someone hoarding 5 or more copies of very rare or valuable items, and doing it consistently, therefore deliberately shorting the supply and raising costs. The instance I'm thinking of is for sealed titles valued in the 4 to 5 figures. But hey, if you have the means, and you want to speculate, then all power to you.

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Graphics Team · Posted
On 3/12/2021 at 10:59 PM, Amermoe said:


I've already made peace with the fact that I'm never going to complete my collection, ...

Same here. But I've come to realize that the existence of more-or-less "unattainable games" for the average collector just adds a bit of mystique to the hobby and keeps it interesting.

Before the recent price-boom, that unattainable realm was mostly fixed in specific grails (like Nintendo World Championships) and particular systems (like Neo Geo AES). Now it has just expanded into a broader range across various game libraries and consoles.


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On 3/12/2021 at 10:59 PM, Amermoe said:

I've already made peace with the fact that I'm never going to complete my collection, and quite honestly have started to move on to other hobbies.

“Some games I really want, but I know I’ll never own”

Thats the mentality keeps me chugging along and helps regulates my mood toward the hobby. 

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23 minutes ago, phart010 said:


“Some games I really want, but I know I’ll never own”

Thats the mentality keeps me chugging along and helps regulates my mood toward the hobby. 

Mine too as of right now. But mostly due to the fact that I am juggling a means to begin my business start-up campaign, return to Japan with last year's goals in tow, and trying to figure out what really works for me as a collector. Plus since nobody here is a d-bag, which is an absolute first for me, I am also doing a "If this doesn't work, try this instead." approach in hopes of keeping my hobby-related goals alive! 🍺🤓

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