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On 6/17/2024 at 5:16 PM, NostalgicMachine said:

The soundtrack rules. It's like all the best parts of Master of Puppets for the first level, lmao. Also, DOOM 64 has aged very well IMHO!

Doom 64 was my introduction to the series, as I was (still am) a huge N64 fan and not having a decent computer in the 90s. For a while I thought the game was a port of the original Doom, as I'm sure a lot of people thought as well. But yes it's every bit as good as Doom 1&2 imo

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18 minutes ago, AstralSoul said:

Doom 64 was my introduction to the series, as I was (still am) a huge N64 fan and not having a decent computer in the 90s. For a while I thought the game was a port of the original Doom, as I'm sure a lot of people thought as well. But yes it's every bit as good as Doom 1&2 imo

It was my intro to the series as well!

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15 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

I find myself in my old age setting the difficulty lower on new games I play if it’s an option. Back in the day I had a lot of time to get good at games but I just don't anymore. 

Funny, it's the exact opposite for me.

As I get older I feel like the time I do get to spend with video games really need to count for something, and just rushing through a game on Easy with no obstacles along the way, doesn't really provide any experiences I haven't had many times before. Games as just "a way to pass time" is not a luxury I have anymore.

Of course it really depends on whether the game is even good enough to actually carry it, but it feels so much better to actually learn a game, improve your skills, and then conquer it. I have only become more interested in arcade style games as I've gotten older. Directly into the action, quick in and out.

On the other hand, modern games which require me to run around for hours, repeating quests, grinding out collectibles, etc, are just a waste of my valuable time. That's not something I can realistically fit into an adult family life.

Edited by Sumez
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4 hours ago, Sumez said:

Funny, it's the exact opposite for me.

As I get older I feel like the time I do get to spend with video games really need to count for something, and just rushing through a game on Easy with no obstacles along the way, doesn't really provide any experiences I haven't had many times before. Games as just "a way to pass time" is not a luxury I have anymore.

Of course it really depends on whether the game is even good enough to actually carry it, but it feels so much better to actually learn a game, improve your skills, and then conquer it. I have only become more interested in arcade style games as I've gotten older. Directly into the action, quick in and out.

On the other hand, modern games which require me to run around for hours, repeating quests, grinding out collectibles, etc, are just a waste of my valuable time. That's not something I can realistically fit into an adult family life.

There's no greater feeling than overcoming challenging in a game you're playing/working through, especially RPGs for me. I'll find myself able to dedicate as much time as I did growing up to those, just in smaller chunks of playtime, over a longer period of time. I absolutely cannot get into new games at all, and I totally accept that as being close-minded about modern gaming and just wanting to play the NES top-loader lmao.

Whichever methods provide the individual with maximum fulfillment, I'm in full support of.

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Just finished Doom 2 for the first time asi recently finished the original game for the first time too. I'm working my way through the series right now. So unlike the original Doom which I tried some 15 years ago and never progressed far, I had never even touched Doom 2 til a few days ago. And overall I'd say it's on par with th original. It's worse in some regards (some bad level designs) but gameplay was slightly more fun for the most part. The enemies were better and more varied, and combat felt more fluid. The soundtrack I enjoyed more too. The big downfall was inconsistent level design. And I'd say half of them were not bad but there are big chunks of levels I hated navigating, particularly the ones that require platforming...in a game where you can't jump. I easily spent a half hour apiece on a few of the later levels. And the final level is just absolute ass.

Overall though I liked it, just as much as, maybe slightly less than, the original. But I'm glad I'm playing these games finally. Now I'm not sure if I should do 64 which I've played before or 3 which I never played by years bad things about. Hmm.

Doom 2 score: 8/10

Original Doom Score: 8/10

Positives: Super shotgun, enemy variety, combat is fun, great atmosphere, great soundtrack 

Negatives: Very inconsistent level design, pretty good at best, absolute garbage at worst 

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Yeah Doom 2 was a bit of a nosedive in the level design department. It's a good game, but to me that places it squarely below the original, due to how strongly the excellent level design carries that game. Especially the Romero designed ones.

Doom 2 seems to focus more on atmospheric and thematically coherent levels which definitely blew me away at the time. But revisiting the games later in life, it just doesn't support the gameplay as well. 🙂

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I like Doom platforming personally and gimmicky crap like MAP24.

My favorite thing about Doom is that it supports so many kinds of levels. If you like big ass mazes to explore, there's that. If you like fast paced corridors of guys to shoot, there's that. If you like sci-fi cities with parkour jumps, there's that. Memes, survival horror, big ass rooms of 100 enemies, etc. I tend to like the puzzley/exploration levels more than gigantic firefights, which Doom does better than Doom II I think.

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4 hours ago, DefaultGen said:

I like Doom platforming personally and gimmicky crap like MAP24.

My favorite thing about Doom is that it supports so many kinds of levels. If you like big ass mazes to explore, there's that. If you like fast paced corridors of guys to shoot, there's that. If you like sci-fi cities with parkour jumps, there's that. Memes, survival horror, big ass rooms of 100 enemies, etc. I tend to like the puzzley/exploration levels more than gigantic firefights, which Doom does better than Doom II I think.

Cat and Mouse in DOOM 64 is my favorite DOOM level ever, for many of the reasons you've explained. We did a big video on DOOM 64 earlier this year for those who may have missed it. I talk about said level's impact on me/the atmosphere, etc:


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2 hours ago, NostalgicMachine said:

Cat and Mouse in DOOM 64 is my favorite DOOM level ever, for many of the reasons you've explained. We did a big video on DOOM 64 earlier this year for those who may have missed it. I talk about said level's impact on me/the atmosphere, etc:


Didn't know you made videos. This was a good watch. I love Doom 64. I decided to replay it, as it's been years since I last truly played it. Honestly i might like it even more than 1&2. It might be nostalgia talking because this is the first one I played but it feels the most solid and consistent game of the three. The one thing I mark against is the soundtrack. I do appreciate what they were going for, dark and atmospheric, and it works for it. But I prefer the Doom 1&2 soundtracks. 

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7 hours ago, DefaultGen said:

I like Doom platforming personally and gimmicky crap like MAP24.

My favorite thing about Doom is that it supports so many kinds of levels. If you like big ass mazes to explore, there's that. If you like fast paced corridors of guys to shoot, there's that. If you like sci-fi cities with parkour jumps, there's that. Memes, survival horror, big ass rooms of 100 enemies, etc. I tend to like the puzzley/exploration levels more than gigantic firefights, which Doom does better than Doom II I think.

Ugh the gimmicky levels were the worst for me. I think they tried to do too much in Doom 2, they pushed the engine beyond its limits. If they were able, all they'd need to do is add vertical aiming and jumping and the game would be 10 time better. But platforming in FPS games have always been a pain to me, some games make it easier than others, but like in Doom 2 for instance where you can look down and see your feet, who thought it was a good idea to walk on a tight rope across a level like in The Chasm which might be my least favorite level in the game. And yes I prefer the exploration based levels more than just outright gun fights too. Those kinds of levels are what sets Doom apart from other FPS's in my opinion. So many FPS's just go for the "kill as many bad guys as possible then move on" and it's very repetitive. 

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1 hour ago, AstralSoul said:

Didn't know you made videos. This was a good watch. I love Doom 64. I decided to replay it, as it's been years since I last truly played it. Honestly i might like it even more than 1&2. It might be nostalgia talking because this is the first one I played but it feels the most solid and consistent game of the three. The one thing I mark against is the soundtrack. I do appreciate what they were going for, dark and atmospheric, and it works for it. But I prefer the Doom 1&2 soundtracks. 

Yes, that's the channel my colleague and I run, The Gaming Manual! I'm glad you dug it, dude 😎.

DOOM 64 is my favorite DOOM.

It's pure nostalgia talking for me, and I don't even try to hide it anymore lol.

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Got my Super Tilt Bro. from the Kickstarter campaign today and gave it a go. Got my Wi-Fi all setup which is a technical wonder in itself (that my NES game has Wi-Fi in 2024 lol) I sat for a minute looking for an opponent online but gave up on that. Played some local as the Sage of course and it was really well done. Tried a little bit of the single player but went back to local battle instead since I don’t have time for the campaign this second. Fun game and well done so far. Thanks @RogerBidon!

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Decided I wanted a quick change of pace in the middle of playing through Skullmonkeys and I randomly thought it was time to make an honest attempt to play through Chrono Trigger. I've never played passed the opening carnival scene before (yeah, seriously) and always seemed to find an excuse to do something else. But this time, I'm gonna do it. I'm finally gonna play this thing that people have been slobbering over since 1995.

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I'm playing Wild Arms. About 15 hours in so far. I like it, the dungeons and the tools you use to bypass the obstacles reminds me alot of Zelda and Alundra. Nothing more exhilarating that bombing a new wall hole and getting the loot hidden inside!

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Got me a copy of Shovel Knight Treasure Trove for Switch at TooManyGames so I’m playing through the shovel of hope. Never played it before although it’s been out for a long time and is regarded as a great game. So far it’s a good time, challenging but fun at the same time. I like moving around the over world map it reminds me of Super Mario Bros. 3

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Editorials Team · Posted
2 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

Got me a copy of Shovel Knight Treasure Trove for Switch at TooManyGames so I’m playing through the shovel of hope. Never played it before although it’s been out for a long time and is regarded as a great game. So far it’s a good time, challenging but fun at the same time. I like moving around the over world map it reminds me of Super Mario Bros. 3

Shame it ends at some point though.  If only it had 3 built-in sequels...

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Posted (edited)

Gregtech: New Horizons (Minecraft)
Factorio with Pyanodon's Mods

Both of these mods take progression like A->B and turn it into A->A2->A3->A4->A5->A6->A7->A8->B, with multiple byproducts springing off into their own chains with tech trees of 100s or 1000s of nodes. And it's not just reskinned doodads to grind, there's a huge amount of complexity, optimization, and problem solving. I can't believe I haven't come across these before. You only get stuff like this from free games for whatever reason like Dwarf Fortress or Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.

For an idea, this is the hardest GTNH crafting recipe (these are ingredients needed for one recipe).

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Well, I did it. I finally played/finished Chrono Trigger. I can understand why this game was such a big deal at the time and why its legacy has endured. A big melting pot of fantasy, sci-fi, time travel, melodrama, evil wizards, robots, dinosaurs...and on and on. I've barely scratched the surface of RPGs on the SNES, so I can't exactly make an objective assessment but I suspect it wouldn't at all be out of line to say that it probably represents the apex RPG potential of the era.

I have some minor issues with it but they are tiny and petty in the grand scheme of all that this game does right. Perhaps the greatest asset for my money is that it really nails making the game play interesting and diverse, especially the way combat is handled. The Tec/Magic system, with it's combo attacks and various tactical elements honestly surprised me and were great fun to experiment with. I will say, the player can get pretty overpowered near the end of the game and I never really felt starved for resources. I had a huge stock of items, potions and equipment by the finale, despite making a conscious effort not to be overly thrifty. This isn't a big deal for me though, as I'm okay with a game just letting the player enjoy the fantasy and not forcing them to scrape for every coin and grind for every level. In fact, I didn't really grind at all and was able to just move through the game without issue. I also like the (mostly) lack of random battles. Yeah, there were some spots that forced battles on the player no matter what and no matter how many times they've already passed through said area (😑) and some of those gave no indication that they were there...but not having random battles while traveling the map was wonderful.

So yeah, amazing game and I had a great time with it. I probably won't return to it anytime soon but I'm glad I got to finally experience what all the fuss was about. It's up there with Super Mario RPG for me as the two best RPGs on the SNES at the moment and I'd give it a solid 8.5 or maybe even 9 out of 10.

Now, I have to try to finish up FFIV.

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