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New term for the new breed of collectors?


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I was thinking we could divide those interested in games into the following groups:

Developers - those interested in the inner workings

Collectors - those who try to track down original games

Investors - those in it for the money, i.e. the watawtfbbqsealed crowd

Gamers - those who actually focus on playing the games

Amassers - new term for those that assemble large sets of modern fakes, i.e the new breed of collectors

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We're no better than anyone else in the hobby.

I regularly hang out on the High End Game Room on facebook, and talk with the VIDEO GAME I L L U M I N A T I on clubhouse. I'll make a post once in a while on reddit, read the discord for VGS, Watch GettheGreg live commentaries, bid in heritage auctions, and post on VGS.

If I fit under no particular title, there are therefor no titles.


All mature hobbies have casual, entry, veteran, expert, and elite level collectors. They all have the same problems with infighting we have too.

We need to stop creating an "Us vs. Them" mentality.


Edited by ThePhleo
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Administrator · Posted
4 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

We're no better than anyone else in the hobby.

I regularly hang out on the High End Game Room on facebook, and talk with the VIDEO GAME I L L U M I N A T I on clubhouse. I'll make a post once in a while on reddit, read the discord for VGS, Watch GettheGreg live commentaries, bid in heritage auctions, and post on VGS.

If I fit under no particular title, there are therefor no titles.


All mature hobbies have casual, entry, veteran, expert, and elite level collectors. They all have the same problems with infighting we have too.

We need to stop creating an "Us vs. Them" mentality.



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Well to be quite frank about it, calling them the new "breed" of collectors is already offensive and dehumanizing at best 😉

I guess my point is, same objects, different objectives, so perhaps they all should be classified differently. Nothing wrong with jumping between groups, but too broad of an umbrella is like going into a music shop and having all styles mixed together, lol.

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Administrator · Posted
28 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Well to be quite frank about it, calling them the new "breed" of collectors is already offensive and dehumanizing at best 😉

I guess my point is, same objects, different objectives, so perhaps they all should be classified differently. Nothing wrong with jumping between groups, but too broad of an umbrella is like going into a music shop and having all styles mixed together, lol.

Nobody is shopping for video game collectors. 

Should we call YOU a "poseur" because you collect bootlegs? You may as well be collecting repros. See how it feels? 

This is a pretty tired and toxic conversation, I'm not a fan of it. 

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4 hours ago, Gloves said:

Nobody is shopping for video game collectors. 

Should we call YOU a "poseur" because you collect bootlegs? You may as well be collecting repros. See how it feels? 

This is a pretty tired and toxic conversation, I'm not a fan of it. 

I was being a bit facetious with that remark, no need to get your panties in a wad over it.

My points still stand though:

A. Having a different term to refer to this set of people (for better or worse) makes it easier to know what exactly we are talking about. Whether it's necessary or appropriate or not is a different matter entirely, but the (benign) basis for using the term would not be derogatory, rather used for the same reasons why people might refer to their style of music as "pop" or "hard rock" or "grunge" or "punk", as a way of getting everyone on the same page as what's being discussed.

B. Referring to these people as a "new breed of collectors" is quite offensive in and of itself. 

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Regardless of motivations, we all collect.  Thus we are all collectors.  I don't care if you collect graded sealed games or wads of donkey turds, you're amassing a collection of something.  What you collect, as well as why you collect, are entirely irrelevant.  Thus, this whole discussion is a matter of semantics and is an utter waste of time.

As for the term "new breed," it flat out makes sense.  There are people entering the hobby that are collecting repro carts.  They're still gaming, buying, and even selling, but they're collecting something new, thus they're a type of collector that simply didn't exist even a decade ago.  The fact is that, while the old guard doesn't understand it and thus wants to minimize or eliminate it, they are still collecting something, and thus are just as legitimate as anyone else in the collecting sphere.  The problem is not the term, because its an accurate one.  The problem is the negative connotations being attached to it.  That thread didn't start out to antagonize or diminish anyone's hobby.  This one, however, clearly did.

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Administrator · Posted
6 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

For the record, I also think it's ironically funny that the initial thread discussing this kind of collector made it 11 pages in, without anyone else stopping to think about the dehumanizing and offensive nature of calling such people a " new breed" of collectors 😉

There's nothing inherently dehumanizing or derogatory about calling a group a "new breed", it implies only exactly what they are - new kids on the block. You don't need some specific "term" to identify them, they're no different from anyone else. 

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1 hour ago, Gloves said:

There's nothing inherently dehumanizing or derogatory about calling a group a "new breed", it implies only exactly what they are - new kids on the block. You don't need some specific "term" to identify them, they're no different from anyone else. 


In English, the word "breed" is used specifically to animals.


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Administrator · Posted
15 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Well that's certainly true, but humans are also related to primates, yet referring to humans as apes is not appropriate. In a similar manner, referring to collectors as breeds is inappropriate at best.

Why'd you make this thread? 

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17 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

Not to throw fuel on the fire, but did you happen to look at the definition right below those?



Nah, I didn't notice that you could view more definitions. Either way, it would definitely be the secondary meaning, with animal overtones.

Even half-breed has negative meanings.

I mean, you could tell your friends that you're gonna "go home and mate with the wife tonight" too, but there are much better ways of wording it.

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Getting new blood into a hobby is the only way to perpetuate a hobby too.

*yes* there’s rampant speculation, but I think we’re going through our first correction right now which will shake the weak hands out and the cycle will continue until there’s no one left to enjoy the hobby.

Always encourage newcomers into your hobby. If not for the newcomers pricing some stuff very high then variant hunters like most of us in this thread might not have  considered date codes, or documenting other minor variants.

Theres always a benefit to having new people come along. Even if it appears to be bad at first.

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20 minutes ago, ConfusedCollector said:

These threads are just a way to bully or divide and pretend it's a legitimate conversation.  At best it's disingenuous trolling by people with nothing going on in their lives.  

I don't think they are, actually - nowhere in this thread did I say anything to put down the collecting habits of this new sort of collector, aside from when I sarcastically offered up poseurs as an alternative term.

As said earlier, there's nothing inherently wrong, look at divisions in music.

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Yeah, I don’t think Dave is being malicious here.

The categories suggested are all safe words I think. The topic title is an eye catcher though.

I think half the arguments we’ve all had with each other since the NA days are just a combination of people misinterpreting the OP’s message, and the OP not getting the message across cohesively…there are some legit flame wars though! Good times 😉 

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7 hours ago, fcgamer said:

Nah, I didn't notice that you could view more definitions. Either way, it would definitely be the secondary meaning, with animal overtones.

Even half-breed has negative meanings.

I mean, you could tell your friends that you're gonna "go home and mate with the wife tonight" too, but there are much better ways of wording it.


3 hours ago, ThePhleo said:

Yeah, I don’t think Dave is being malicious here.

The categories suggested are all safe words I think. The topic title is an eye catcher though.

I think half the arguments we’ve all had with each other since the NA days are just a combination of people misinterpreting the OP’s message, and the OP not getting the message across cohesively…there are some legit flame wars though! Good times 😉 

No I think he is clearly being malicious. Being that Im the one that started the other thread and he “definitely” knows that i meant stuff in a negative context. 

So let me make it perfectly clear. @fcgamerdont assign meanings to what I said. Because obviously don’t know what I meant. Its a simple turn of phrase for a rise of a new type of person in the hobby. Even though the whole point of my thread was to point out that there is a shift in perception on what newer collectors find acceptable. I didn’t denounce what that people were doing it, merely pointing out a trend.

I don’t know what your problem with me is all of a sudden @fcgamerI guess you got butthurt that I asked you and a few others to not argue about whatever personal issues in the thread I made. Which I think I did in a fairly respectful manner. Im done here

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17 minutes ago, LeatherRebel5150 said:


No I think he is clearly being malicious. Being that Im the one that started the other thread and he “definitely” knows that i meant stuff in a negative context. 

So let me make it perfectly clear. @fcgamerdont assign meanings to what I said. Because obviously don’t know what I meant. Its a simple turn of phrase for a rise of a new type of person in the hobby. Even though the whole point of my thread was to point out that there is a shift in perception on what newer collectors find acceptable. I didn’t denounce what that people were doing it, merely pointing out a trend.

I don’t know what your problem with me is all of a sudden @fcgamerI guess you got butthurt that I asked you and a few others to not argue about whatever personal issues in the thread I made. Which I think I did in a fairly respectful manner. Im done here

Nope, it's not malicious at all. I was sitting at a 7-11 yesterday drinking a beer around lunchtime, after meeting up with the notorious Changhua storehouse guy and buying some games from him, waiting before heading down to a cultural antiques market later that day.

I was just turning things over in my head and began thinking to myself, perhaps the reason that some of the old guard gets funny about the new sort of collector and way if thinking extends further than just epeen or worry of fakes. It was then that I had a theory of sorts.

Words often have certain connotations attached to them, some that are universally recognised and others that may be more of personal taste. To me personally, when I hear "collection", I think about another word with a shared route, collectable:

"an object suitable for a collection, originally a work of fine art or an antique, now including also any of a wide variety of items collected as a hobby, for display, or as an investment whose value may appreciate."

Now the meaning for collection can even be useless garbage such as a collection of McDonald's sandwich wrappers, but due to the relationship with the word "collectable", I personally see a collection as having some sort of value, whether intrinsic, artistic, historic, investment, etc.

At this point someone will call me out and mention that modern repros can fill these voids and while I agree, it's the same reason we don't talk about people collecting prints of famous Picassos.

So I think a new term could be applied, without being condescending or an asshole, rather just to distinguish the same way that Guns n Roses and Justin Bieber shouldn't be grouped together musically, despite both falling under a large umbrella group.

Hope this clears things up a bit.

@LeatherRebel5150As for the rest, I have no issues with you. I just felt I  was just getting shat on left and right that day on the forums, after trying to be genuinely helpful, sorry if I acted poorly towards you.

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There are plenty of repros that have had a rise in their intrinsic value.  Whether it's branding, making limited runs, or whatever, there are some that fetch more on the secondary market than they ever did originally.  That would, by your definition, make them collectibles.  At the end of the day, it's all semantics.  We don't need terms to describe subsets of collectors, or their motivations.  We simply need to accept that some people view what we collect as a fool's errand while simultaneously having others view theirs the same way.  There's enough people trying to ridicule us from outside our hobby because of what we collect.  We simply do not need that bullshit within our hobby as well.

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