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VGS NES Weekly Contest - Holy Diver


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Events Team · Posted

Welcome, fiery warriors. I hope you all are ready and up for the challenge.
The very last challenge of the 2021 VGS NES Weekly Contest and that will define the one who will bear the coveted crow of the Platformer genre!
Right now, @Dr. Morbis cannot be beaten at the Geral contest and is the 2021 VGS NES Weekly Contest CHAMPION! CONGRATULATIONS!

As for the platformer genre, @Dr. Morbis leads with 28 points, but @PIIis right on his tail with 25 points. Krunch is not out of the race with 20 points.

Without further ado, here's the rules for this very special game that ends the 2021 VGS NES Weekly Contest, Holy Diver!

  • Only the original Famicom version (cart or rom) will be allowed
  • Play till your first death
  • As you are dying, be quick and take a picture to record your current magic. You can also be careful and take the picture of your magic as you are one hit from dying.
  • If you cannot take the picture of your current magic, your magic will be considered 0 at respawn.
  • Take your picture once you respawn
  • If you beat the game, take the picture at the ending.
  • Progress + highest magic at death wins
  • Genre: Platformer

Good luck warriors. You will need it.


The contest ends Sunday, 11/14/21 at midnight Brasilia time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid.  The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid.  No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted.  No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed.  You must take a picture of your computer monitor.  There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers.  Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator.  Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests.  The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed.  Good luck everyone and have fun

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Events Team · Posted
1st Sumez Stage 4 - Sector 8 - 67 magic
2nd PII Stage 4 - Sector 6 - 00 magic
3rd Dr. Morbis Stage 3 - Sector 5 - 00 magic
4th MegaMan52 Stage 2 - Sector 5 - 50 magic
5th Bearcat-Doug Stage 2 - Sector 5 - 48 magic
6th NESfiend Stage 2 - Sector 4 - 40 magic
7th the_wizard_666 Stage 2 - Sector 2 - 36 magic
8th 0xDEAFC0DE Stage 2 - Sector 1 - 00 magic
9th Krunch Stage 1 - Sector 2 - 50 magic
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SCORE EDIT 1 - Well I No-Deathed level one no problem on my first try, but it was downhill from there.  Starting out my adventure with Level 2 - 00 Magic:

SCORE EDIT 2 - This is about as far as I'm going to get on one life without a ton of practice, Level 3 - Sector 5 - 00 Magic:


HD2 Lvl 3-5.JPG

Edited by Dr. Morbis
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Stage 2, Sector 2, with 36 Magic


Found myself a clever way to get the picture on death...not sure if y'all would count that, since I basically shut the emulator down and reopened it, but short of recording my progress I don't see a better option to take the picture.  Poor @Dr. Morbis, he's gonna have a bitch of a time here.

Edited by the_wizard_666
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3 hours ago, Sumez said:

Been a few years since I've played the game, but isn't it possible to cmap some respawning enemies to "grind" magic?
I could be remembering it wrong, but better bring it up now in case we need to state rules about it, so it doesn't become an issue later on. 🙂 

I'm guessing that progress outweighs the magic total? That would help encourage playing forward instead.

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11 hours ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

I took my picture early and apparently jinxed myself since I promptly fell in a hole seconds later.

Depending on how far I get, I might not even worry about the magic picture since it's just the tie-breaker.  Progress plus zero magic is okay with me if I can get decently far...

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9 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

Depending on how far I get, I might not even worry about the magic picture since it's just the tie-breaker.  Progress plus zero magic is okay with me if I can get decently far...

That's probably the easiest thing to do. Trying to get a picture while you are playing is really difficult.

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5 hours ago, BeaIank said:

I will kindly ask you all to post the sector of the stage where you died and respawned at at so it can be used to assess progress.

Edited accordingly.  And for anyone who isn't sure of their sectors...


I'm not sure if the white boxes are for a sector or simply the screen, but I'm sure Bea can figure it out from there 🙂

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21 minutes ago, the_wizard_666 said:

Edited accordingly.  And for anyone who isn't sure of their sectors...


I'm not sure if the white boxes are for a sector or simply the screen, but I'm sure Bea can figure it out from there 🙂

I knew I was close to the end of Stage 2 when I took my picture. It looks like I still had one more section before the boss though.

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